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Liderler ve İsrail’in Arap Devletlerine Yönelik Dış Politikası

Year 2014, Volume: 6 Issue: 11, 51 - 73, 01.12.2014


When the state is considered as a unitary actor in international relations, leaders’ ideas, their perceptions of the world and the motives which affect their decisions are neglected in foreign policy analysis. However, according to political psychology, leaders’ belief systems, psychological conditions and personalities have important effects on foreign policy decisions. This, in turn, requires leaders’ perceptions be taken into account while analyzing Israel’s foreign policy. Troubles of the past, especially during diaspora life and genocide memories still affect leaders. That’s why it is important to examine the effects of these sufferings on leaders and Israel’s foreign policy, especially towards Arab states.


  • Arian, Asher, et al. National Security and Public Opinion in Israel. Boulder: Westview Press, 1988.
  • Arian, Asher. Security Threatened, Surveying Israeli Opinion on Peace and War. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Aronoff, Myron J. “The Origins of Israeli Political Culture.” in Israeli Democracy under Stress, ed. Ehud Sprinzak and Larry Diamond, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1993, 47-63.
  • Aronoff, Yael S. “From Warfare to Withdrawal: The Legacy of Ariel Sharon.” Israel Studies 15:2 (2010): 149-172.
  • Bar-Joseph, Uri. “Towards a Paradigm Shift in Israel’s National Security Concep- tion.” Israel Affairs 6:3-4 (2000): 99-114.
  • Barnett, Michael. “Culture, Strategy and Foreign Policy Change: Israel’s Road to Oslo.” European Journal of International Relations 5:1 (1999): 5-36.
  • Barnett, Michael. “The Israeli Identity and the Peace Process: Re/creating the Un/ thinkable.”, in Identity and the Foreign Policy in the Middle East, ed. Michael Barnett and Shibley Telhami, New York: Cornell University Press, 2002, 58-87.
  • Begin, Menachem. The Revolt Story of the Irgun. New York: Nash Publishing, 19 Ben-Gurion, David. “Broadcast to the Nation, May 15, 1948.” 15 Mayıs 1948, erişim tarihi 19 Kasım 2013,
  • Brecher, Michael. The Foreign Policy System of Israel Setting, Images, Process. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Brecher, Michael. Decisions in Crisis Israel, 1967 and 1973. Berkeley: Univer- sity of California Press, 1980.
  • Brom, Shlomo. “Is the Begin Doctrine Stil a Viable Option for Israel?” in Get- ting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran, ed. Henry Sokolski and Patrick Clawson, Carlisle: Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College, 2005, 133-158, erişim tarihi 15 Kasım 2013, cations/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id =4790
  • Brown, Chris ve Kirsten Ainley. Understanding International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
  • Çevik, Abdülkadir. Politik Psikoloji. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, 2010.
  • Dowty, Alan. “Israeli Foreign Policy and the Jewish Question.” Middle East Re- view of International Affairs 3:1 (March 1999): 1-13.
  • Elizur, Judith. “The Fracturing of the Jewish Self-Image: The End of ‘We Are One’.” in Israel: The First Hundred Years, Volume III Israeli Politics and Society Since 1948 Problems of Collective Identity ed. Efraim Karsh, London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2002, 14-30.
  • Erişen, Elif. “An Introduction to Political Psychology for International Relations Scholars.” Perceptions XVII:3 (Autumn 2012): 9-28.
  • Fierke, Karin. Critical Approaches to International Security. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007.
  • Gazit, Shlomo. Trapped Fools: Thirty Years of Israeli Policy in the Territories. London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2003.
  • Gil, Merom. “Israel’s National Security and the Myth of Exceptionalism.” Politi- cal Science Quarterly 114:3 (Fall 1999): 409-434.
  • Gilpin, Robert G. “The Richness of the Tradition of Political Realism.” Internati- onal Organization 38:2 (Spring 1984): 287-304.
  • Halevi, Yossi K. and Michael B. Oren. “Israel’s Worst Nightmare Israel Cannot Live with a Nuclear Iran.” The New Republic, 30 Ocak 2007, erişim tarihi 26 Ka- sım 2013,
  • Hermann, Margaret G. “Political Psychology as a Perspective in the Study of Po- litics.” in Political Psychology ed. Kristen Renwick Monroe, New Jersey: Law- rence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2002, 43-60.
  • Isacoff, Jonathan B. “Between Militarism and Moderation in Israel: Constructing Security in Historical Perspective.” in Redefining Security in the Middle East, ed. Tami A. Jacoby and Brent E. Sasley, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002, 41-61.
  • Kober, Avi. “Israeli War Objectives into an Era of Negativism.” in Israel’s Nati- onal Security Towards the 21st Century, ed. Uri Bar-Joseph, London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2001, 176-201.
  • Kuklinski, James H. “Introduction: Political Psychology and the Study of Poli- tics.” in Thinking About Political Psychology, ed. James H. Kuklinski, Cambrid- ge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, 1-20.
  • Levy, Jack S. “Political Psychology and Foreign Policy.” in Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, ed. David O. Sears, Leonie Huddy and Robert Jervis, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, 253-284.
  • Lissak, Moshe. “The Civilian Components of Israel’s Security Doctrine: The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in the First Decade.” in Israel: The First Decade of Independence, ed. S. Ilan Troen and Noah Lucas, New York: State University of New York Press, 1995, 575-591.
  • Lustick, Ian S. “Abandoning the Iron Wall: Israel and ‘the Middle Eastern Muck’.” Middle East Policy XV:3 (Fall 2008): 30-56.
  • Mclaurin, Ronald D. et al. Foreign Policy Making in the Middle East: Domestic Influences on Policy in Egypt, Iraq, Israel and Syria. New York: Praeger Publish- ers, 1977.
  • Naor, Arye. “The Security Argument in the Territorial Debate in Israel: Rhetoric and Policy.” Israel Studies 4:2 (Fall 1999): 150-177.
  • Naor, Arye. “Hawks’ Beaks, Doves’ Feathers Likud Prime Ministers Between Ideology and Reality.” Israel Studies 10:3 (Fall 2005): 154-191.
  • Navon, Emmanuel. “From Kippur to Oslo: Israel’s Foreign Policy, 1973-1993.”
  • Israel Affairs 10:3 (Spring 2004): 1-40.
  • Netanyahu, Benjamin. “Address by PM Netanyahu to the UN General Assembly, September 24, 2009,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 24 Eylül 2009, erişim tarihi 25 Kasım 2013, address_pm_netanyahu_un_general_assembly_24-sep-2009.aspx.
  • Peleg, Ilan. “The Zionist Right and Constructivist Realism, Ideological Persis- tence and Tactical Readjustments.” Israel Studies 10:3 (Fall 2005): 127-153.
  • Peleg, Ilan and Paul Scham. “Israeli Neo-Revisionism and American Neocon- servatism: The Unexplored Parallels.” Middle East Journal 61:1 (Winter 2007): 73
  • Peri, Yoram. The Israeli Military and Israel’s Palestinian Policy: From Oslo to the Al Aqsa Intifada. Washington: United States Institute of Peace Peaceworks No.47, November 2002.
  • Reich, Bernard. “Themes in the History of the State of Israel.” American Histori- cal Review 96:5 (December 1991): 1466-1478.
  • Reich, Bernard and David H. Goldberg. Historical Dictionary of Israel. Mary- land: The Scarecrow Press, 2008.
  • Roberts, Samuel. J. Survival or Hegemony: The Foundations of Israeli Foreign Policy. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1973.
  • Rubin, Barry. Israel An Introduction. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012.
  • Sandler, Shmuel. The State of Israel, the Land of Israel The Statist and Ethnon- ational Dimensions of Foreign Policy. London: Greenwood Press, 1993.
  • Segev, Tom. The Seventh Million The Israelis and the Holocaust. New York: Hen- ry Holt and Company Publishers, 1991.
  • Seliktar, Ofira. New Zionism and the Foreign Policy System of Israel. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986.
  • Shlaim, Avi. “The Likud in Power: Historiography of Revisionist Zionism.” Is- rael Studies 1:2 (Fall 1996): 278-293.
  • Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall Israel and the Arab World. New York: Penguin Books, 200 Shlaim, Avi. “Interview with Abba Eban, II March 1976.” Israel Studies 8:1 (Spring 2003): 153-177.
  • Sharon, Ariel. Warrior. New York: Simon and Shuster Paperbacks, 2001.
  • Shavit, Ari, “Profiling Prime Minister Sharon Sharon is Sharon,” Ha’aretz Maga- zine, 12 Nisan 2001, erişim tarihi 24 Kasım 2013, http://www.cephasministry. com/israel_sharon_sharon.html.
  • Sofer, Sasson. Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • Telhami, Shibley and Michael Barnett. “Introduction: Identity and Foreign Policy in the Middle East.” in Identity and the Foreign Policy in the Middle East, ed. Michael Barnett and Shibley Telhami New York: Cornell University Press, 2002, 1
  • Tetlock, Philip E. “Social Psychology and World Politics.” in Handbook of Social Psychology, ed. Susan Fiske, Daniel Gilbert and Gardner Lindzey, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, 866-912.
  • Viotti, Paul R. and Mark V. Kauppi. International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism. New York: Macmillan, 1987.
  • Waxman, Dov. The Pursuit of Peace and the Crisis of Israeli Identity, Defending/ Defining the Nation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Liderler ve İsrail’in Arap Devletlerine Yönelik Dış Politikası

Year 2014, Volume: 6 Issue: 11, 51 - 73, 01.12.2014


Devletin uluslararası ilişkilerde bütüncül bir aktör olduğunun kabul edilmesi dış politika analizinde liderlerin düşünce yapılarının, dış dünyayı algılamalarının ve onları kararlarında motive eden faktörlerin göz ardı edilmesine neden olmaktadır. Ancak, politik psikoloji açısından liderlerin inançları, psikolojik durumları ve kişilikleri devletlerin dış politika kararlarında önemli etkiye sahiptir. Bu durum, İsrail’in dış politikasının analiz edilmesinde liderlerin dünyayı nasıl algıladıklarının dikkate alınmasını gerektirmektedir. Yahudilerin geçmiş yıllarda özellikle diasporada yaşadığı sıkıntılar ve Yahudi soykırımının kötü anıları hayatları boyunca İsrailli liderlerin peşini bırakmamıştır. Bu nedenle, söz konusu acıların liderler üzerinden İsrail dış politikası, en önemlisi de Arap devletlerine yönelik politikasındaki etkilerinin incelenmesi önemli bir konu olmaktadır.


  • Arian, Asher, et al. National Security and Public Opinion in Israel. Boulder: Westview Press, 1988.
  • Arian, Asher. Security Threatened, Surveying Israeli Opinion on Peace and War. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Aronoff, Myron J. “The Origins of Israeli Political Culture.” in Israeli Democracy under Stress, ed. Ehud Sprinzak and Larry Diamond, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1993, 47-63.
  • Aronoff, Yael S. “From Warfare to Withdrawal: The Legacy of Ariel Sharon.” Israel Studies 15:2 (2010): 149-172.
  • Bar-Joseph, Uri. “Towards a Paradigm Shift in Israel’s National Security Concep- tion.” Israel Affairs 6:3-4 (2000): 99-114.
  • Barnett, Michael. “Culture, Strategy and Foreign Policy Change: Israel’s Road to Oslo.” European Journal of International Relations 5:1 (1999): 5-36.
  • Barnett, Michael. “The Israeli Identity and the Peace Process: Re/creating the Un/ thinkable.”, in Identity and the Foreign Policy in the Middle East, ed. Michael Barnett and Shibley Telhami, New York: Cornell University Press, 2002, 58-87.
  • Begin, Menachem. The Revolt Story of the Irgun. New York: Nash Publishing, 19 Ben-Gurion, David. “Broadcast to the Nation, May 15, 1948.” 15 Mayıs 1948, erişim tarihi 19 Kasım 2013,
  • Brecher, Michael. The Foreign Policy System of Israel Setting, Images, Process. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Brecher, Michael. Decisions in Crisis Israel, 1967 and 1973. Berkeley: Univer- sity of California Press, 1980.
  • Brom, Shlomo. “Is the Begin Doctrine Stil a Viable Option for Israel?” in Get- ting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran, ed. Henry Sokolski and Patrick Clawson, Carlisle: Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College, 2005, 133-158, erişim tarihi 15 Kasım 2013, cations/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id =4790
  • Brown, Chris ve Kirsten Ainley. Understanding International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
  • Çevik, Abdülkadir. Politik Psikoloji. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, 2010.
  • Dowty, Alan. “Israeli Foreign Policy and the Jewish Question.” Middle East Re- view of International Affairs 3:1 (March 1999): 1-13.
  • Elizur, Judith. “The Fracturing of the Jewish Self-Image: The End of ‘We Are One’.” in Israel: The First Hundred Years, Volume III Israeli Politics and Society Since 1948 Problems of Collective Identity ed. Efraim Karsh, London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2002, 14-30.
  • Erişen, Elif. “An Introduction to Political Psychology for International Relations Scholars.” Perceptions XVII:3 (Autumn 2012): 9-28.
  • Fierke, Karin. Critical Approaches to International Security. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007.
  • Gazit, Shlomo. Trapped Fools: Thirty Years of Israeli Policy in the Territories. London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2003.
  • Gil, Merom. “Israel’s National Security and the Myth of Exceptionalism.” Politi- cal Science Quarterly 114:3 (Fall 1999): 409-434.
  • Gilpin, Robert G. “The Richness of the Tradition of Political Realism.” Internati- onal Organization 38:2 (Spring 1984): 287-304.
  • Halevi, Yossi K. and Michael B. Oren. “Israel’s Worst Nightmare Israel Cannot Live with a Nuclear Iran.” The New Republic, 30 Ocak 2007, erişim tarihi 26 Ka- sım 2013,
  • Hermann, Margaret G. “Political Psychology as a Perspective in the Study of Po- litics.” in Political Psychology ed. Kristen Renwick Monroe, New Jersey: Law- rence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2002, 43-60.
  • Isacoff, Jonathan B. “Between Militarism and Moderation in Israel: Constructing Security in Historical Perspective.” in Redefining Security in the Middle East, ed. Tami A. Jacoby and Brent E. Sasley, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002, 41-61.
  • Kober, Avi. “Israeli War Objectives into an Era of Negativism.” in Israel’s Nati- onal Security Towards the 21st Century, ed. Uri Bar-Joseph, London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2001, 176-201.
  • Kuklinski, James H. “Introduction: Political Psychology and the Study of Poli- tics.” in Thinking About Political Psychology, ed. James H. Kuklinski, Cambrid- ge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, 1-20.
  • Levy, Jack S. “Political Psychology and Foreign Policy.” in Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, ed. David O. Sears, Leonie Huddy and Robert Jervis, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, 253-284.
  • Lissak, Moshe. “The Civilian Components of Israel’s Security Doctrine: The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in the First Decade.” in Israel: The First Decade of Independence, ed. S. Ilan Troen and Noah Lucas, New York: State University of New York Press, 1995, 575-591.
  • Lustick, Ian S. “Abandoning the Iron Wall: Israel and ‘the Middle Eastern Muck’.” Middle East Policy XV:3 (Fall 2008): 30-56.
  • Mclaurin, Ronald D. et al. Foreign Policy Making in the Middle East: Domestic Influences on Policy in Egypt, Iraq, Israel and Syria. New York: Praeger Publish- ers, 1977.
  • Naor, Arye. “The Security Argument in the Territorial Debate in Israel: Rhetoric and Policy.” Israel Studies 4:2 (Fall 1999): 150-177.
  • Naor, Arye. “Hawks’ Beaks, Doves’ Feathers Likud Prime Ministers Between Ideology and Reality.” Israel Studies 10:3 (Fall 2005): 154-191.
  • Navon, Emmanuel. “From Kippur to Oslo: Israel’s Foreign Policy, 1973-1993.”
  • Israel Affairs 10:3 (Spring 2004): 1-40.
  • Netanyahu, Benjamin. “Address by PM Netanyahu to the UN General Assembly, September 24, 2009,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 24 Eylül 2009, erişim tarihi 25 Kasım 2013, address_pm_netanyahu_un_general_assembly_24-sep-2009.aspx.
  • Peleg, Ilan. “The Zionist Right and Constructivist Realism, Ideological Persis- tence and Tactical Readjustments.” Israel Studies 10:3 (Fall 2005): 127-153.
  • Peleg, Ilan and Paul Scham. “Israeli Neo-Revisionism and American Neocon- servatism: The Unexplored Parallels.” Middle East Journal 61:1 (Winter 2007): 73
  • Peri, Yoram. The Israeli Military and Israel’s Palestinian Policy: From Oslo to the Al Aqsa Intifada. Washington: United States Institute of Peace Peaceworks No.47, November 2002.
  • Reich, Bernard. “Themes in the History of the State of Israel.” American Histori- cal Review 96:5 (December 1991): 1466-1478.
  • Reich, Bernard and David H. Goldberg. Historical Dictionary of Israel. Mary- land: The Scarecrow Press, 2008.
  • Roberts, Samuel. J. Survival or Hegemony: The Foundations of Israeli Foreign Policy. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1973.
  • Rubin, Barry. Israel An Introduction. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012.
  • Sandler, Shmuel. The State of Israel, the Land of Israel The Statist and Ethnon- ational Dimensions of Foreign Policy. London: Greenwood Press, 1993.
  • Segev, Tom. The Seventh Million The Israelis and the Holocaust. New York: Hen- ry Holt and Company Publishers, 1991.
  • Seliktar, Ofira. New Zionism and the Foreign Policy System of Israel. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986.
  • Shlaim, Avi. “The Likud in Power: Historiography of Revisionist Zionism.” Is- rael Studies 1:2 (Fall 1996): 278-293.
  • Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall Israel and the Arab World. New York: Penguin Books, 200 Shlaim, Avi. “Interview with Abba Eban, II March 1976.” Israel Studies 8:1 (Spring 2003): 153-177.
  • Sharon, Ariel. Warrior. New York: Simon and Shuster Paperbacks, 2001.
  • Shavit, Ari, “Profiling Prime Minister Sharon Sharon is Sharon,” Ha’aretz Maga- zine, 12 Nisan 2001, erişim tarihi 24 Kasım 2013, http://www.cephasministry. com/israel_sharon_sharon.html.
  • Sofer, Sasson. Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • Telhami, Shibley and Michael Barnett. “Introduction: Identity and Foreign Policy in the Middle East.” in Identity and the Foreign Policy in the Middle East, ed. Michael Barnett and Shibley Telhami New York: Cornell University Press, 2002, 1
  • Tetlock, Philip E. “Social Psychology and World Politics.” in Handbook of Social Psychology, ed. Susan Fiske, Daniel Gilbert and Gardner Lindzey, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, 866-912.
  • Viotti, Paul R. and Mark V. Kauppi. International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism. New York: Macmillan, 1987.
  • Waxman, Dov. The Pursuit of Peace and the Crisis of Israeli Identity, Defending/ Defining the Nation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A. Murat Ağdemir This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Submission Date November 21, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 6 Issue: 11


APA Ağdemir, A. M. (2014). Liderler ve İsrail’in Arap Devletlerine Yönelik Dış Politikası. Bilge Strateji, 6(11), 51-73.