Writing Rules

Deleting author names

Efforts are being made to ensure an independent evaluation of applications, writers, and referee identities are not reported to each other. For this purpose, the authors who send files to the system should pay attention to the following points regarding the texts and files.

Authors should delete the names in the text and the places where the institutions are located. Page footnotes etc. including side texts.

While Microsoft documents are being saved, your personal information is also saved into the file information. The personal information must not be found in the document's properties, must be deleted. The document must be saved in a way that does not contain any personal information and then must be upload to the system.

File> Save As> Tools> Security> Delete personal information by deleting> Save.

In PDF files, the author name must be deleted by selecting document properties in the Adobe Acrobat main menu.


In principle, it should be arranged with the APA 6th edition.


In principle, it should be arranged with the APA 6th edition.

Yours own control

Your article will be evaluated by at least two referees according to the report. Initially evaluate your article content by yourselves according to the following priorities.

Reviewer Evaluation Report

Very Good



Convenience to the journal


Research design

The convenience of writing rules


Probability of citing

Contribution to business life


Free area





The most important cause or causes for results










The article may be more suitable for another journal/other journals. The possible journal(s) is (are)


Submission checklist

During the submission period, the authors must check that their application is in line with all the items listed below, and any submission which does not comply with this prerogative will be returned to the authors.

1. The author names deleted in the text, as footnotes, and on side notes.

2. The submitted article has not been published previously or has been submitted to be evaluated by another journal.

3. The text file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.

4. The text is single-line, 12-font, highlighted in italics (except URL addresses) instead of underlining, and all figures, pictures, and tables are placed in the text as appropriate. Send quality copies of the images as an attachment for printing. If the size of the submitted file is too large, ULAKBİM Journal Systems (UJS) may not be able to take it. In such cases, you can divide the text and send the other sections as additional files.

5. Please check your article is compatible with current TURKISH JOURNALS INDEX (TR Index) JOURNAL EVALUATION CRITERIA for 2018 (http://cabim.ulakbim.gov.tr/tr-dizin-english-home-pages/turkish-journal-index-tr-index-journal-evaluation-criteria/ ).