Research Article
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Optimizing Foam Properties of Egg White Powder-Based Foam System by Response Surface Methodology

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 217 - 224


Foam is a thermodynamically unstable multiphase system consisting of a continuous liquid and discontinuous air phases. Therefore, the interfaces between the air and water phases need to be stabilized by surfactant components. For this purpose, egg white proteins are the most widely used interfacial agent in the food sector; however, the foaming properties of egg white powders produced for technological purposes are negatively affected by thermal treatment. Thus, in this study, the impact of process variables such as saponin extract (0.05-0.15%), guar gum (0.1-0.4%), and mixing time (3-9 min) on foaming capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) was investigated using response surface methodology via Box-Behnken design to enhance the foaming characteristics of protein powders. The analysis of variance results demonstrated that all process parameters had a highly significant effect on the quadratic FC model. However, it was found that the effect of guar gum on the FS model was dominant (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the results showed that increasing saponin content and mixing time, as well as guar gum and mixing time resulted in increased values of FC and FS, respectively. Moreover, Design Expert 13.0 was used as a statistical tool to perform multi-response optimization of both responses via the desirability function approach. The findings indicated that the optimal combination for maximizing responses was at 0.15% saponin content, 0.37% guar gum, and 9 min of mixing time.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Campbell GM, Estelle M. 1999. Creation and characterisation of aerated food products. Trends Food Sci, 10(9): 283-96.
  • Chang C, Yali X, Mingcheng S, Yujie S, Xin L, Junhua L, Yanjun Y. 2020. Effect of dry-heat and guar gum on properties of egg white powder: analysis of forming capacity and baking performance. Food Hydrocoll, 99: 105333.
  • Chauhan GS, Cui W, Eskin NAM. 1999. Effect of saponin on the surface properties of quinoa proteins. Int J Food Prop, 2(1): 13-22.
  • Chiu JE, Chau SW, Shih WL. 2022. Multi-response optimization of IC wire bonding for large probe marks by the RSM and desirability function approach. Int J Adv Manuf Tech, 123(7-8): 2719-31.
  • Çelik I, Yusuf Y, Fatma I, Özlem Ü. 2007. Effect of soapwort extract on physical and sensory properties of sponge cakes and rheological properties of sponge cake batters. Food Chem, 101(3): 907-11.
  • Dang X, Maged A, Tao L, Salah TAM. 2024. Single and multi-response optimization of scroll machining parameters by the Taguchi method. Int J Precis Eng Manuf, 25(8): 1601-14.
  • Derringer G, Suich R. 1980. Simultaneous optimization of several response variables. J Qual Technol, 12(4): 214-219.
  • Dickinson E. 2003. Hydrocolloids at interfaces and the influence on the properties of dispersed systems. Food Hydrocoll, 17(1): 25-39.
  • Dickinson E. 2011. Mixed biopolymers at interfaces: competitive adsorption and multilayer structures. Food Hydrocoll, 25(8): 1966-83.
  • Farid E, Sabah M, Hassan S, Sherif E, Eman T. 2023. Effect of soy protein isolate concentration and whipping time on physicochemical and functional properties of strawberry powder. J Food Meas Charact, 17(4): 3815-26.
  • Güldane M. 2023. Optimizing foam quality characteristics of model food using Taguchi-based fuzzy logic method. J Food Process Eng, 46(8): e14384.
  • Hamdani AM, Idrees AW, Naseer AB, Raushid AS. 2018. Effect of guar gum conjugation on functional, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of egg white lysozyme. Food Chem, 240: 1201-9.
  • Indrawati L, Zebin W, Ganesan N, Juan G. 2008. Effect of processing parameters on foam formation using a continuous system with a mechanical whipper. J Food Eng, 88(1): 65-74.
  • Kezwon A, Kamil W. 2014. Interaction of quillaja bark saponins with food-relevant proteins. Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 209: 185-95.
  • Kumar H, Alakesh M, Rajesh K. 2018. Modeling and desirability approach-based multi-response optimization of WEDM parameters in machining of aluminum metal matrix composite. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng, 40(9): 1-19.
  • Li H, Lijie C, Hongniao C, Ray KLS, Kequan Y. 2024. Environmental factors affecting accelerated carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates using response surface methodology. J Clean Prod, 474: 143599.
  • Li J, Jinjing S, Cuihua C, Luping G, Yujie S, Jiali Z, Yanjun Y. 2023. Influence of selected gums on the foaming properties of egg white powders: kinetics of foam formation and baking performance. Food Hydrocoll, 139: 108529.
  • Liszka-Skoczylas M, Anna P, Daniel Z. 2014. The effect of hydrocolloids on producing stable foams based on the whey protein concentrate (WPC). J Food Eng, 129: 1-11.
  • Malghan RL, Karthik MCR, Arun KS, Shrikantha SR, D’Souza RJ. 2017. Application of particle swarm optimization and response surface methodology for machining parameters optimization of aluminium matrix composites in milling operation. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng, 39(9): 3541-53.
  • Ptaszek P, Daniel Z, Joanna K, Kacper K, Wojciech R, Wiktor B. 2014. The physical and linear viscoelastic properties of fresh wet foams based on egg white proteins and selected hydrocolloids. Food Biophys, 9(1): 76-87.
  • Rawat N, Parvez A, Aman KB, Serges BLN, Tushar A, Raj KS, Neeraj A. 2024. Valorization of used cooking oil into bio-based surfactant: modeling and optimization using response surface methodology. Biomass Convers Biorefinery, 5: 1-14.
  • Sadahira M S, Maria I R, Mahmood A, Brent S M, Flavia M N. 2018. Influence of pH on foaming and rheological properties of aerated high sugar system with egg white protein and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. LWT, 89: 350-57.
  • Tan, M. C., N. L. Chin, Y. A. Yusof, F. S. Taip, J. Abdullah. 2015. Characterisation of improved foam aeration and rheological properties of ultrasonically treated whey protein suspension. Int Dairy J, 43: 7-14.
  • Tang, T. Wu, S. Tang, S. Xiao, N. Wu, L. Tu, Y. Xu, M. 2022. Effect of modified egg white powder on the properties of angel cakes. J Food Eng, 326: 111012.
  • Wang Z, Sha Z, Bongkosh V. 2015. Foaming properties of whey protein isolate and λ-carrageenan mixed systems. J Food Sci, 80(8): N1893-1902.
  • Wojciechowski K, Aleksandra K, Joanna L, Kuba M. 2014. Effect of β-casein on surface activity of quillaja bark saponin at fluid/fluid interfaces. Food Hydrocoll, 34: 208-16.

Optimizing Foam Properties of Egg White Powder-Based Foam System by Response Surface Methodology

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 217 - 224


Foam is a thermodynamically unstable multiphase system consisting of a continuous liquid and discontinuous air phases. Therefore, the interfaces between the air and water phases need to be stabilized by surfactant components. For this purpose, egg white proteins are the most widely used interfacial agent in the food sector; however, the foaming properties of egg white powders produced for technological purposes are negatively affected by thermal treatment. Thus, in this study, the impact of process variables such as saponin extract (0.05-0.15%), guar gum (0.1-0.4%), and mixing time (3-9 min) on foaming capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) was investigated using response surface methodology via Box-Behnken design to enhance the foaming characteristics of protein powders. The analysis of variance results demonstrated that all process parameters had a highly significant effect on the quadratic FC model. However, it was found that the effect of guar gum on the FS model was dominant (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the results showed that increasing saponin content and mixing time, as well as guar gum and mixing time resulted in increased values of FC and FS, respectively. Moreover, Design Expert 13.0 was used as a statistical tool to perform multi-response optimization of both responses via the desirability function approach. The findings indicated that the optimal combination for maximizing responses was at 0.15% saponin content, 0.37% guar gum, and 9 min of mixing time.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Campbell GM, Estelle M. 1999. Creation and characterisation of aerated food products. Trends Food Sci, 10(9): 283-96.
  • Chang C, Yali X, Mingcheng S, Yujie S, Xin L, Junhua L, Yanjun Y. 2020. Effect of dry-heat and guar gum on properties of egg white powder: analysis of forming capacity and baking performance. Food Hydrocoll, 99: 105333.
  • Chauhan GS, Cui W, Eskin NAM. 1999. Effect of saponin on the surface properties of quinoa proteins. Int J Food Prop, 2(1): 13-22.
  • Chiu JE, Chau SW, Shih WL. 2022. Multi-response optimization of IC wire bonding for large probe marks by the RSM and desirability function approach. Int J Adv Manuf Tech, 123(7-8): 2719-31.
  • Çelik I, Yusuf Y, Fatma I, Özlem Ü. 2007. Effect of soapwort extract on physical and sensory properties of sponge cakes and rheological properties of sponge cake batters. Food Chem, 101(3): 907-11.
  • Dang X, Maged A, Tao L, Salah TAM. 2024. Single and multi-response optimization of scroll machining parameters by the Taguchi method. Int J Precis Eng Manuf, 25(8): 1601-14.
  • Derringer G, Suich R. 1980. Simultaneous optimization of several response variables. J Qual Technol, 12(4): 214-219.
  • Dickinson E. 2003. Hydrocolloids at interfaces and the influence on the properties of dispersed systems. Food Hydrocoll, 17(1): 25-39.
  • Dickinson E. 2011. Mixed biopolymers at interfaces: competitive adsorption and multilayer structures. Food Hydrocoll, 25(8): 1966-83.
  • Farid E, Sabah M, Hassan S, Sherif E, Eman T. 2023. Effect of soy protein isolate concentration and whipping time on physicochemical and functional properties of strawberry powder. J Food Meas Charact, 17(4): 3815-26.
  • Güldane M. 2023. Optimizing foam quality characteristics of model food using Taguchi-based fuzzy logic method. J Food Process Eng, 46(8): e14384.
  • Hamdani AM, Idrees AW, Naseer AB, Raushid AS. 2018. Effect of guar gum conjugation on functional, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of egg white lysozyme. Food Chem, 240: 1201-9.
  • Indrawati L, Zebin W, Ganesan N, Juan G. 2008. Effect of processing parameters on foam formation using a continuous system with a mechanical whipper. J Food Eng, 88(1): 65-74.
  • Kezwon A, Kamil W. 2014. Interaction of quillaja bark saponins with food-relevant proteins. Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 209: 185-95.
  • Kumar H, Alakesh M, Rajesh K. 2018. Modeling and desirability approach-based multi-response optimization of WEDM parameters in machining of aluminum metal matrix composite. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng, 40(9): 1-19.
  • Li H, Lijie C, Hongniao C, Ray KLS, Kequan Y. 2024. Environmental factors affecting accelerated carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates using response surface methodology. J Clean Prod, 474: 143599.
  • Li J, Jinjing S, Cuihua C, Luping G, Yujie S, Jiali Z, Yanjun Y. 2023. Influence of selected gums on the foaming properties of egg white powders: kinetics of foam formation and baking performance. Food Hydrocoll, 139: 108529.
  • Liszka-Skoczylas M, Anna P, Daniel Z. 2014. The effect of hydrocolloids on producing stable foams based on the whey protein concentrate (WPC). J Food Eng, 129: 1-11.
  • Malghan RL, Karthik MCR, Arun KS, Shrikantha SR, D’Souza RJ. 2017. Application of particle swarm optimization and response surface methodology for machining parameters optimization of aluminium matrix composites in milling operation. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng, 39(9): 3541-53.
  • Ptaszek P, Daniel Z, Joanna K, Kacper K, Wojciech R, Wiktor B. 2014. The physical and linear viscoelastic properties of fresh wet foams based on egg white proteins and selected hydrocolloids. Food Biophys, 9(1): 76-87.
  • Rawat N, Parvez A, Aman KB, Serges BLN, Tushar A, Raj KS, Neeraj A. 2024. Valorization of used cooking oil into bio-based surfactant: modeling and optimization using response surface methodology. Biomass Convers Biorefinery, 5: 1-14.
  • Sadahira M S, Maria I R, Mahmood A, Brent S M, Flavia M N. 2018. Influence of pH on foaming and rheological properties of aerated high sugar system with egg white protein and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. LWT, 89: 350-57.
  • Tan, M. C., N. L. Chin, Y. A. Yusof, F. S. Taip, J. Abdullah. 2015. Characterisation of improved foam aeration and rheological properties of ultrasonically treated whey protein suspension. Int Dairy J, 43: 7-14.
  • Tang, T. Wu, S. Tang, S. Xiao, N. Wu, L. Tu, Y. Xu, M. 2022. Effect of modified egg white powder on the properties of angel cakes. J Food Eng, 326: 111012.
  • Wang Z, Sha Z, Bongkosh V. 2015. Foaming properties of whey protein isolate and λ-carrageenan mixed systems. J Food Sci, 80(8): N1893-1902.
  • Wojciechowski K, Aleksandra K, Joanna L, Kuba M. 2014. Effect of β-casein on surface activity of quillaja bark saponin at fluid/fluid interfaces. Food Hydrocoll, 34: 208-16.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Güldane 0000-0001-7321-0496

Publication Date
Submission Date January 6, 2025
Acceptance Date February 26, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Güldane, M. (n.d.). Optimizing Foam Properties of Egg White Powder-Based Foam System by Response Surface Methodology. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 8(2), 217-224.
