Year 2016,
2016 Özel Sayı, 554 - 560, 01.12.2016
Mehmet Eymen Eryılmaz
Esen Kara
Duygu Acar Erdur
Ebru Aydoğan
Olcay Bektaş
Gülcan Petriçli
Bu çalışma örgüt ölçeği, yaşı ve ilgili örgütün bir yönetim tekniğini benimseme/benimsememe kararı değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiyi, Türkiye’deki yükseköğretim kurumları bağlamında incelemektedir. Dolayısıyla, çalışmanın verisi Türkiye’deki yükseköğretim kurumlarından toplanmıştır (n=123). Lojistik regresyon analizinin bulguları örgüt ölçeğinin (idari çalışan sayısı olarak) yeni bir yönetim tekniği benimseme/benimsememe kararının belirleyicisi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
- Aydın, Z.B., Tüzüntürk, S. ve Eryılmaz, M.E. (2008). The effect of multiple performance criteria usage on the just in time production and total quality management ımplementation levels: findings from Turkey. METU Studies in Development, 35(2), 225-247.
- Batra, R. ve Pall, A.S. (2015). Adoption and assessment of hospital information systems: a study of hospitals in Jalandhar. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 11(3), 205-208.
- Eryılmaz, M. ve Eryılmaz, F. (2011). Ekonomik krizlerin retoriksel stratejilere etkisi: tky örneği. Başkent Üniversitesi Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(1-2), 35-78.
- Eryılmaz, M.E., Kara, E., Aydoğan, E., Bektaş, O. ve Acar Erdur, D. (2016). Quality management in the Turkish higher education institutions: preliminary findings. Elsevier Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229, 60-69.
- Hannan, M.T. ve Freeman, J. (1977). The population ecology of organizations. The American Journal of Sociology, 82(5), 929-964.
- Hannan, M.T. ve Freeman, J. (1984). Structural ineartia and organizational change. American Sociological Review, 49, 149-164.
- Kimberly, J.R. ve Evanisko, M.J. (1981). Organizational innovation: the influence of individual organizational and contextual factors on hospital adoption of technological and administrative innovation. Academy of Management Journal, 24(4), 689-713.
- Knudsen, H.K., Roman, P.M., Ducharme, L.J. ve Johnson, J.A. (2005). Organizational predictors of pharmacological innovation adoption: the case of disulfiram. The Journal of Drug Issues, 559-574.
- Özen, Ş., (2002). Toplam kalite yönetiminin Türkiye’de yeniden kurgulanması: koşul bağımlı türdeşleşme tezinin bir testi. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 35(1), 105-142.
- Özen, Ş. ve Berkman, Ü. (2007). Cross-national reconstruction of managerial practices: tqm in Turkey. Organization Studies, (28), 825-851.
- Raffaelli, R. ve Glynn, M.A. (2014). Turnkey or tailored? relational pluralism, institutional complexity, and the organizational adoption of more or less customized practices. Academy of Management Journal, 57(2), 541-562.
Year 2016,
2016 Özel Sayı, 554 - 560, 01.12.2016
Mehmet Eymen Eryılmaz
Esen Kara
Duygu Acar Erdur
Ebru Aydoğan
Olcay Bektaş
Gülcan Petriçli
This study examines the relationships among variables such as organizational size, age and the decision on adoption/not adoption of a new management technique in the context of the Turkish higher education institutions. Therefore, the data was collected from the Turkish higher educations institutions (n=123). According to the findings, logistic regression analysis indicated that organizational size (in terms of number of administrative staff) is a predictor of the decision on adoption/not adoption of a new management technique
- Aydın, Z.B., Tüzüntürk, S. ve Eryılmaz, M.E. (2008). The effect of multiple performance criteria usage on the just in time production and total quality management ımplementation levels: findings from Turkey. METU Studies in Development, 35(2), 225-247.
- Batra, R. ve Pall, A.S. (2015). Adoption and assessment of hospital information systems: a study of hospitals in Jalandhar. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 11(3), 205-208.
- Eryılmaz, M. ve Eryılmaz, F. (2011). Ekonomik krizlerin retoriksel stratejilere etkisi: tky örneği. Başkent Üniversitesi Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(1-2), 35-78.
- Eryılmaz, M.E., Kara, E., Aydoğan, E., Bektaş, O. ve Acar Erdur, D. (2016). Quality management in the Turkish higher education institutions: preliminary findings. Elsevier Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229, 60-69.
- Hannan, M.T. ve Freeman, J. (1977). The population ecology of organizations. The American Journal of Sociology, 82(5), 929-964.
- Hannan, M.T. ve Freeman, J. (1984). Structural ineartia and organizational change. American Sociological Review, 49, 149-164.
- Kimberly, J.R. ve Evanisko, M.J. (1981). Organizational innovation: the influence of individual organizational and contextual factors on hospital adoption of technological and administrative innovation. Academy of Management Journal, 24(4), 689-713.
- Knudsen, H.K., Roman, P.M., Ducharme, L.J. ve Johnson, J.A. (2005). Organizational predictors of pharmacological innovation adoption: the case of disulfiram. The Journal of Drug Issues, 559-574.
- Özen, Ş., (2002). Toplam kalite yönetiminin Türkiye’de yeniden kurgulanması: koşul bağımlı türdeşleşme tezinin bir testi. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 35(1), 105-142.
- Özen, Ş. ve Berkman, Ü. (2007). Cross-national reconstruction of managerial practices: tqm in Turkey. Organization Studies, (28), 825-851.
- Raffaelli, R. ve Glynn, M.A. (2014). Turnkey or tailored? relational pluralism, institutional complexity, and the organizational adoption of more or less customized practices. Academy of Management Journal, 57(2), 541-562.