Year 2022,
Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 40 - 52, 16.03.2022
Zeki Akyıldız
Ceren Suveren Erdoğan
The global positioning system (GPS) and inertial sensors are a widely used technology in sports performance to evaluate athletes' movement patterns and monitor training loads, both during competition and training. The data obtained from this system can be used to better understand the demands of both competitions and individual training. With the increasing speed of the competitions, technological developments in training science continue with it in order to better prepare the athletes for the conditions micro electromechanical systems, which is used in the world of sports science, is a product of this need. In order for athletes to be prepared for challenging competition conditions, it is very important to be able to observe the stressor factors in the training environment and the competition environment. By using MEMS, sports scientists and trainers can observe extreme training loads in competitions and trainings, and follow their athletes based on more objective data. MEMS allows us to monitor not only excessive training loads but also individual differences in athletes and follow up insufficient training loads. Thanks to the correct observation of the athletes through MEMS, it can achieve optimum performance by protecting them from injuries. MEMS, which has been widely used in recent years to transform the training of athletes into objective data, is of great importance in sports science. The aim of this review is; To research the information in theory about MEMS for sports scientists and coaches and to bring them together with the readers as applicable information.
- Barnes C., Archer DT., Hogg B., Bush M., Bradley, P. (2014). The evolution of physical and technical performance parameters in the English Premier League. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35(13), 1095-1100.
- Zambom-Ferraresi F., García-Cebrián LI., Lera-López F., Iráizoz, B. (2017). Performance evaluation in the UEFA Champions League. Journal of Sports Economics. 18(5), 448-470.
- Lutz J., Memmert D., Raabe D., Dornberger R., Donath, L. (2020). Wearables for integrative performance and tactic analyses: opportunities, challenges, and future directions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(1), 59.
- Bourdon PC., Cardinale M., Murray A., Gastin P., Kellmann M., Varley MC., Cable NT. (2017). Monitoring athlete training loads: consensus statement. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(2), -2161-2170.
- Malone JJ., Lovell R., Varley MC., Coutts AJ. (2017). Unpacking the black box: applications and considerations for using GPS devices in sport. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(2), 2-18.
- Cummins C., Orr R., O’Connor H., West C. (2013). Global positioning systems (GPS) and microtechnology sensors in team sports: a systematic review. Sports Medicine. 43(10), 1025-1042.
- Gabbett TJ., Hulin BT., Blanch P., Whiteley R. (2016). High training workloads alone do not cause sports injuries: how you get there is the real issue. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 50(8), 444-445.
- Gabbett TJ. (2010). The development and application of an injury prediction model for noncontact, soft-tissue injuries in elite collision sport athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 24(10), 2593-2603.
- Hennessy L., Jeffreys I. (2018). The current use of GPS, its potential, and limitations in soccer. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 40(3), 83-94.
- Drew MK., Purdam C. (2016). Time to bin the term ‘overuse’injury: is ‘training load error’a more accurate term?. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 50(22), 1423-1424.
- Akyildiz Z. (2019). Antrenman yükü. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 14(2),152-75.
- Wing C. (2019). Designing pre-season training programs using global positioning systems: a systematic approach. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 41(1), 27-38.
- Chambers R., Gabbett TJ., Cole MH., Beard A. (2015). The use of wearable microsensors to quantify sport-specific movements. Sports Medicine. 45(7), 1065-1081.
- Buchheit M., Gray A., Morin JB. (2015). Assessing stride variables and vertical stiffness with GPS-embedded accelerometers: preliminary insights for the monitoring of neuromuscular fatigue on the field. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 14(4), 698-701.
- Aughey RJ. (2011). Applications of GPS technologies to field sports. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 6(3), 295-310.
- Bajaj R., Ranaweera SL., Agrawal DP. (2002). GPS: location-tracking technology. Computer. 35(4), 92-94.
- Larsson P. (2003). Global positioning system and sport-specific testing. Sports Medicine. 33(15), 1093-1101.
- Portas MD., Harley JA., Barnes CA., Rush CJ. (2010). The validity and reliability of 1-Hz and 5-Hz global positioning systems for linear, multidirectional, and soccer-specific activities. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 5(4), 448-458.
- Scott MT., Scott TJ., Kelly VG. (2016). The validity and reliability of global positioning systems in team sport: a brief review. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 30(5), 1470-1490.
- Conceição MS., Libardi CA., Chacon-Mikahil MPT., Nogueira FRD., Vechin FC., Bonganha V., Bernerdes CF., Madruga VA., Cavaglieri CR. (2014). Inflammatory responses after different velocities of eccentric exercise. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 22(1), 77-84.
- Cormack SJ., Smith RL., Mooney MM., Young WB., O’Brien BJ. (2014). Accelerometer load as a measure of activity profile in different standards of netball match play. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 9(2), 283-291.
- Boyd LJ., Ball K., Aughey RJ. (2011). The reliability of MinimaxX accelerometers for measuring physical activity in Australian football. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 6(3), 311-321.
- Larsson P., Henriksson-Larsén K. (2001). The use of dGPS and simultaneous metabolic measurements during orienteering. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 33(11), 1919-1924.
- Rico-González M., Los Arcos A., Rojas-Valverde D., Clemente FM., Pino-Ortega J. (2020). A survey to assess the quality of the data obtained by radio-frequency technologies and microelectromechanical systems to measure external workload and collective behavior variables in team sports. Sensors. 20(8), 2271.
- Roe G., Halkier M., Beggs C., Till K., Jones B. (2016). The use of accelerometers to quantify collisions and running demands of rugby union match-play. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 16(2), 590-601.
- Barrett S., Midgley A., Lovell R. (2014). PlayerLoad™: reliability, convergent validity, and influence of unit position during treadmill running. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 9(6), 945-952.
- Russell M., Sparkes W., Northeast J., Cook CJ., Love TD., Bracken RM., Kilduff LP. (2016). Changes in acceleration and deceleration capacity throughout professional soccer match-play. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(10), 2839-2844.
- Barrett S., Midgley A., Reeves M., Joel T., Franklin E., Heyworth R., Lovell R. (2016). The within-match patterns of locomotor efficiency during professional soccer match play: implications for injury risk? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 19(10), 810-815.
- Barrett S., Midgley AW., Towlson C., Garrett A., Portas M., Lovell R. (2016). Within-match PlayerLoad™ patterns during a simulated soccer match: potential implications for unit positioning and fatigue management. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 11(1), 135-140.
- Gallo TF., Cormack SJ., Gabbett TJ., Lorenzen CH. (2016). Pre-training perceived wellness impacts training output in Australian football players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(15), 1445-1451.
- Cormack SJ., Mooney MG., Morgan W., McGuigan MR. (2013). Influence of neuromuscular fatigue on accelerometer load in elite Australian football players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 8(4), 373-378.
- Kelly SJ., Murphy AJ., Watsford ML., Austin D., Rennie M. (2015). Reliability and validity of sports accelerometers during static and dynamic testing. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 10(1), 106-111.
- Aguiar M., Gonçalves B., Botelho G., Lemmink K., Sampaio J. (2015). Footballers’ movement behaviour during 2-, 3-, 4-and 5-a-side small-sided games. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33(12), 1259-1266.
- Akyildiz Z., Yildiz M., Clemente FM. (2020). The reliability and accuracy of Polar Team Pro GPS units. Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. 1754337120976660.
- Padulo J., Iuliano E., Brisola G., Iacono AD., Zagatto AM., Lupo C., Cular D. (2019). Validity and reliability of a standalone low-end 50-Hz GNSS receiver during running. Biology of Sport. 36(1), 75-80.
- Beato M., Bartolini D., Ghia G., Zamparo P. (2016). Accuracy of a 10 Hz GPS unit in measuring shuttle velocity performed at different speeds and distances (5–20 M). Journal of Human Kinetics. 54(1), 15-22.
- Nikolaidis PT., Clemente FM., Van der Linden CM., Rosemann T.,Knechtle B. (2018). Validity and reliability of 10-Hz global positioning system to assess in-line movement and change of direction. Frontiers in Physiology. 9, 228.
- Johnston RJ., Watsford ML., Kelly SJ., Pine MJ., Spurrs RW. (2014). Validity and interunit reliability of 10 Hz and 15 Hz GPS units for assessing athlete movement demands. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 28(6), 1649-1655.
- Barrett S. (2017). Monitoring elite soccer players’ external loads using real-time data. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(10), 1285-1287.
- Buchheit M., Simpson, BM. (2017). Player-tracking technology: half-full or half-empty glass. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(Suppl 2), 2-35.
- Weaving D., Whitehead S., Till K., Jones B. (2017). Validity of real-time data generated by a wearable microtechnology device. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 31(10), 2876-2879.
- Sağiroğlu I., Akyildiz Z., Öncen S., Bozdemir M., Çetin, O. (2020). Investigation of real time and post-match data relationships of wearable GPS systems. African Educational Research Journal. 8, 442-448.
- Jennings D., Cormack S., Coutts AJ., Boyd LJ., Aughey, RJ. (2010). Variability of GPS units for measuring distance in team sport movements. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 5(4), 565-569.
- Jennings D., Cormack S., Coutts AJ., Boyd L., Aughey RJ. (2010). The validity and reliability of GPS units for measuring distance in team sport specific running patterns. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 5(3), 328-341.
- Gonçalves BV., Figueira BE., Maçãs V., Sampaio J. (2014). Effect of player position on movement behaviour, physical and physiological performances during an 11-a-side football game. Journal of Sports Sciences. 32(2), 191-199.
- Petersen C., Pyne D., Portus M., Dawson B. (2009). Validity and reliability of GPS units to monitor cricket-specific movement patterns. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 4(3), 381-393.
- Waldron M., Worsfold P., Twist C., Lamb K. (2011). Concurrent validity and test–retest reliability of a global positioning system (GPS) and timing gates to assess sprint performance variables. Journal of Sports Sciences. 29(15), 1613-1619.
- Coutts AJ., Duffield R. (2010). Validity and reliability of GPS devices for measuring movement demands of team sports. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 13(1), 133-135.
Year 2022,
Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 40 - 52, 16.03.2022
Zeki Akyıldız
Ceren Suveren Erdoğan
Global pozisyon sistemi (GPS) ve atalet sensörleri hem müsabaka hem de antrenman sırasında sporcuların hareket modellerini değerlendirmek ve antrenman yüklerini görüntülemek için spor performansında yaygın olarak kullanılan bir teknolojidir. Bu sistemden elde edilen veriler hem müsabakaların hem de bireysel antrenmanların taleplerini daha iyi anlamak için kullanılabilir. Müsabakaların artan yoğun temposuyla birlikte sporcuların şartlara daha da iyi hazırlanabilmesi için antrenman bilimindeki teknolojik gelişmeler de beraberinde devam etmektedir. Spor bilimi dünyasında kullanılan mikro elektromekanik sistemler (MEMS) de bu ihtiyacın bir ürünüdür. Sporcuların zorlu müsabaka şartlarına hazırlanabilmesi için antrenman ortamında ve müsabaka ortamındaki stresör faktörlerinin gözlemlenebilmesi oldukça önemlidir. MEMS kullanarak spor bilimciler ve antrenörler müsabakalarda ve antrenmanlar da oluşan aşırı antrenman yüklerini gözlemleyip, sporcularını daha objektif verilere dayanarak takip edebilmektedir. MEMS sadece aşırı antrenman yüklerinin değil aynı zamanda sporculardaki bireysel farklılıkları da gözlemleyip yetersiz antrenman yüklerinin takibini yapabilmemize de olanak tanımaktadır. MEMS aracılığıyla sporcuların doğru gözlemlenmesi sayesinde sakatlıklardan koruyarak optimum performans elde edebilmektedir. Sporcuların antrenmanlarını objektif verilere dönüştürmek için son yıllarda oldukça popüler olarak kullanılan MEMS spor bilimi açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu derlemenin amacı; spor bilimciler ve antrenörler için MEMS ile ilgili teorideki bilgilerin araştırılıp uygulanabilir bilgiler halinde okuyucularla buluşturulmasıdır.
- Barnes C., Archer DT., Hogg B., Bush M., Bradley, P. (2014). The evolution of physical and technical performance parameters in the English Premier League. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35(13), 1095-1100.
- Zambom-Ferraresi F., García-Cebrián LI., Lera-López F., Iráizoz, B. (2017). Performance evaluation in the UEFA Champions League. Journal of Sports Economics. 18(5), 448-470.
- Lutz J., Memmert D., Raabe D., Dornberger R., Donath, L. (2020). Wearables for integrative performance and tactic analyses: opportunities, challenges, and future directions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(1), 59.
- Bourdon PC., Cardinale M., Murray A., Gastin P., Kellmann M., Varley MC., Cable NT. (2017). Monitoring athlete training loads: consensus statement. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(2), -2161-2170.
- Malone JJ., Lovell R., Varley MC., Coutts AJ. (2017). Unpacking the black box: applications and considerations for using GPS devices in sport. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(2), 2-18.
- Cummins C., Orr R., O’Connor H., West C. (2013). Global positioning systems (GPS) and microtechnology sensors in team sports: a systematic review. Sports Medicine. 43(10), 1025-1042.
- Gabbett TJ., Hulin BT., Blanch P., Whiteley R. (2016). High training workloads alone do not cause sports injuries: how you get there is the real issue. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 50(8), 444-445.
- Gabbett TJ. (2010). The development and application of an injury prediction model for noncontact, soft-tissue injuries in elite collision sport athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 24(10), 2593-2603.
- Hennessy L., Jeffreys I. (2018). The current use of GPS, its potential, and limitations in soccer. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 40(3), 83-94.
- Drew MK., Purdam C. (2016). Time to bin the term ‘overuse’injury: is ‘training load error’a more accurate term?. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 50(22), 1423-1424.
- Akyildiz Z. (2019). Antrenman yükü. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 14(2),152-75.
- Wing C. (2019). Designing pre-season training programs using global positioning systems: a systematic approach. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 41(1), 27-38.
- Chambers R., Gabbett TJ., Cole MH., Beard A. (2015). The use of wearable microsensors to quantify sport-specific movements. Sports Medicine. 45(7), 1065-1081.
- Buchheit M., Gray A., Morin JB. (2015). Assessing stride variables and vertical stiffness with GPS-embedded accelerometers: preliminary insights for the monitoring of neuromuscular fatigue on the field. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 14(4), 698-701.
- Aughey RJ. (2011). Applications of GPS technologies to field sports. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 6(3), 295-310.
- Bajaj R., Ranaweera SL., Agrawal DP. (2002). GPS: location-tracking technology. Computer. 35(4), 92-94.
- Larsson P. (2003). Global positioning system and sport-specific testing. Sports Medicine. 33(15), 1093-1101.
- Portas MD., Harley JA., Barnes CA., Rush CJ. (2010). The validity and reliability of 1-Hz and 5-Hz global positioning systems for linear, multidirectional, and soccer-specific activities. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 5(4), 448-458.
- Scott MT., Scott TJ., Kelly VG. (2016). The validity and reliability of global positioning systems in team sport: a brief review. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 30(5), 1470-1490.
- Conceição MS., Libardi CA., Chacon-Mikahil MPT., Nogueira FRD., Vechin FC., Bonganha V., Bernerdes CF., Madruga VA., Cavaglieri CR. (2014). Inflammatory responses after different velocities of eccentric exercise. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 22(1), 77-84.
- Cormack SJ., Smith RL., Mooney MM., Young WB., O’Brien BJ. (2014). Accelerometer load as a measure of activity profile in different standards of netball match play. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 9(2), 283-291.
- Boyd LJ., Ball K., Aughey RJ. (2011). The reliability of MinimaxX accelerometers for measuring physical activity in Australian football. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 6(3), 311-321.
- Larsson P., Henriksson-Larsén K. (2001). The use of dGPS and simultaneous metabolic measurements during orienteering. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 33(11), 1919-1924.
- Rico-González M., Los Arcos A., Rojas-Valverde D., Clemente FM., Pino-Ortega J. (2020). A survey to assess the quality of the data obtained by radio-frequency technologies and microelectromechanical systems to measure external workload and collective behavior variables in team sports. Sensors. 20(8), 2271.
- Roe G., Halkier M., Beggs C., Till K., Jones B. (2016). The use of accelerometers to quantify collisions and running demands of rugby union match-play. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 16(2), 590-601.
- Barrett S., Midgley A., Lovell R. (2014). PlayerLoad™: reliability, convergent validity, and influence of unit position during treadmill running. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 9(6), 945-952.
- Russell M., Sparkes W., Northeast J., Cook CJ., Love TD., Bracken RM., Kilduff LP. (2016). Changes in acceleration and deceleration capacity throughout professional soccer match-play. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(10), 2839-2844.
- Barrett S., Midgley A., Reeves M., Joel T., Franklin E., Heyworth R., Lovell R. (2016). The within-match patterns of locomotor efficiency during professional soccer match play: implications for injury risk? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 19(10), 810-815.
- Barrett S., Midgley AW., Towlson C., Garrett A., Portas M., Lovell R. (2016). Within-match PlayerLoad™ patterns during a simulated soccer match: potential implications for unit positioning and fatigue management. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 11(1), 135-140.
- Gallo TF., Cormack SJ., Gabbett TJ., Lorenzen CH. (2016). Pre-training perceived wellness impacts training output in Australian football players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(15), 1445-1451.
- Cormack SJ., Mooney MG., Morgan W., McGuigan MR. (2013). Influence of neuromuscular fatigue on accelerometer load in elite Australian football players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 8(4), 373-378.
- Kelly SJ., Murphy AJ., Watsford ML., Austin D., Rennie M. (2015). Reliability and validity of sports accelerometers during static and dynamic testing. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 10(1), 106-111.
- Aguiar M., Gonçalves B., Botelho G., Lemmink K., Sampaio J. (2015). Footballers’ movement behaviour during 2-, 3-, 4-and 5-a-side small-sided games. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33(12), 1259-1266.
- Akyildiz Z., Yildiz M., Clemente FM. (2020). The reliability and accuracy of Polar Team Pro GPS units. Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. 1754337120976660.
- Padulo J., Iuliano E., Brisola G., Iacono AD., Zagatto AM., Lupo C., Cular D. (2019). Validity and reliability of a standalone low-end 50-Hz GNSS receiver during running. Biology of Sport. 36(1), 75-80.
- Beato M., Bartolini D., Ghia G., Zamparo P. (2016). Accuracy of a 10 Hz GPS unit in measuring shuttle velocity performed at different speeds and distances (5–20 M). Journal of Human Kinetics. 54(1), 15-22.
- Nikolaidis PT., Clemente FM., Van der Linden CM., Rosemann T.,Knechtle B. (2018). Validity and reliability of 10-Hz global positioning system to assess in-line movement and change of direction. Frontiers in Physiology. 9, 228.
- Johnston RJ., Watsford ML., Kelly SJ., Pine MJ., Spurrs RW. (2014). Validity and interunit reliability of 10 Hz and 15 Hz GPS units for assessing athlete movement demands. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 28(6), 1649-1655.
- Barrett S. (2017). Monitoring elite soccer players’ external loads using real-time data. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(10), 1285-1287.
- Buchheit M., Simpson, BM. (2017). Player-tracking technology: half-full or half-empty glass. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12(Suppl 2), 2-35.
- Weaving D., Whitehead S., Till K., Jones B. (2017). Validity of real-time data generated by a wearable microtechnology device. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 31(10), 2876-2879.
- Sağiroğlu I., Akyildiz Z., Öncen S., Bozdemir M., Çetin, O. (2020). Investigation of real time and post-match data relationships of wearable GPS systems. African Educational Research Journal. 8, 442-448.
- Jennings D., Cormack S., Coutts AJ., Boyd LJ., Aughey, RJ. (2010). Variability of GPS units for measuring distance in team sport movements. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 5(4), 565-569.
- Jennings D., Cormack S., Coutts AJ., Boyd L., Aughey RJ. (2010). The validity and reliability of GPS units for measuring distance in team sport specific running patterns. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 5(3), 328-341.
- Gonçalves BV., Figueira BE., Maçãs V., Sampaio J. (2014). Effect of player position on movement behaviour, physical and physiological performances during an 11-a-side football game. Journal of Sports Sciences. 32(2), 191-199.
- Petersen C., Pyne D., Portus M., Dawson B. (2009). Validity and reliability of GPS units to monitor cricket-specific movement patterns. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 4(3), 381-393.
- Waldron M., Worsfold P., Twist C., Lamb K. (2011). Concurrent validity and test–retest reliability of a global positioning system (GPS) and timing gates to assess sprint performance variables. Journal of Sports Sciences. 29(15), 1613-1619.
- Coutts AJ., Duffield R. (2010). Validity and reliability of GPS devices for measuring movement demands of team sports. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 13(1), 133-135.