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Year 2023, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 65 - 78, 23.03.2023


Human beings need to act for different purposes in certain parts of their life and meet this need through daily work or planned-programmed activities. The individual's knowing why should participate in which activities and how to do these activities, the need for self-confidence to be able to act in situations with different difficulties and having the motivation to participate in these activities has revealed the concept of physical literacy. Physical literacy is the individual's having the necessary knowledge, motivation, physical competence and confidence to participate in different forms of movement and gaining the habit of participating in these activities for life. Physical literacy, by targeting cognitive and affective development as well as physical development, cares about individual differences and adopts that each individual is on their own physical literacy journey. The aim of the study is to contribute to the better understanding and dissemination of the concept of physical literacy in our country by giving detailed information about the definition, foundations and importance of the concept of physical literacy. The study is a traditional review, and it was searched with the keywords "Fiziksel Okuryazarlık", "Physical Literacy" from the studies conducted in Google Academic and Semantic Scholar databases between 2010-2021, and studies that did not meet the criteria were excluded and 53 studies were included in the study. In our study, information is given about the general structure of physical literacy, its characteristics in different age periods, the duties of parents, teachers and the environment in children's physical literacy adventures, the relationship between physical literacy and physical activity, the importance of physical literacy in the world and its relationship with physical education and sports lessons.


  • Dudley DA. (2015). A conceptual model of observed physical literacy. The Physical Educator. 72(5), 236-260.
  • Physical and Health Education Canada. (2010). What is the relationship between Physical Education and Physical Literacy?. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Whitehead ME. (2013). Stages in physical literacy journey. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 52–56.
  • Way R., Trono C., Mitchell D., Laing T., Vahi M., Meadows C., Lau, A. (2016). Sport for life: Long-term athlete development resource paper. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Whitehead ME. (2010). Physical literacy: Throughout the lifecourse. UK. Routledge.
  • Sport New Zealand. (2015). Physical literacy approach. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • McKean M. (2013). Physical literacy in children - The underpinning competencies? Sports Medicine & Doping Studies. 3, 2.
  • Maude P. (2013). Growing physical literacy in the young child. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 109-114.
  • Higgs C., Balyi I., Way R., Cardinal C., Norris S., Bluechardt M. (2008). Developing physical literacy: A guide for parents of children ages 0 to 12. Sport for Life. The National Benefits Hub Research That Supports Recreation.
  • Gruhn W. (2002). Phases and stages in early music learning. A longitudinal study on the development of young children’s musical potential. Music Education Research. 4(1), 51-71.
  • Association for Physical Education. (2013). Primary school physical literacy framework. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Government of British Columbia. (2019). British Columbia’s new curriculum.
  • Higgs C., Cairney J., Jurbala P., Dudley D., Way R., Mitchell D. (2019). Developing physical literacy-Building a new normal for all Canadians. Sport for Life Society. Canada.
  • Newport A. (2013). Helping young Children in the early years to foster a lifelong love of being physically active. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 115-121.
  • Choi SM., Sum RKW., Wallhead T., Sit CHP., Ha ASC., Shy DY., Wei FM. (2020). Preservice physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and teaching efficacy. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 40(1), 146-156.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2010). Global recommendations on physical activity for health. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Giblin S., Collins DJ., Button C., MacNamara A. (2017). Practical precursors to reconsidering objective for physical activity in physical education. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 51(21), 1572-1572.
  • Tremblay MS., Carson V., Chaput JP., Connor Gorber S., Dinh T., Duggan M., Zehr L. (2016). Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines for children and youth: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 41(6), 311-327.
  • Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement. (2015). [Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022].
  • SHAPE America (Society of Health and Physical Educators). (2014). National standards & grade level outcomes for K-12 physical education. Human Kinetics: Canada.
  • Edwards LC., Bryant AS., Keegan RJ., Morgan K., Jones AM. (2017). Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: a systematic review. Sports Medicine. 47(1), 113-126.
  • Almond L. (2013). What is the value of physical literacy and why is physical literacy valuable? International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 35-41.
  • Lundvall S. (2015). Physical literacy in the field of physical education. A challenge and a possibility. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 4(2), 113-118.
  • Corbin CB., Kulinna PH., Sibley BA. (2020). A dozen reasons for including conceptual physical education in quality secondary school programs. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 91(3), 40-49.
  • Rainer P., Davies J. (2013). Physical literacy in Wales–The role of physical education. Journal of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 289-298.
  • Coaching Ireland. (2012). Coaching strategy for Ireland 2008 – 2012. University Limerick: Ireland.
  • Lundvall S., Tidén A. (2013). Assessing embodied knowledge in Swedish PEH: The influence of physical literacy International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 326-336.
  • Tonna L. (2013). Physical literacy: the maltese perspective. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 337-343.
  • Pot N., Van Hilvoorde I. (2013). A critical consideration of the use of physical literacy in the Netherlands. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 313-320.
  • Sum RKW., Wallhead T., Ha ASC., Sit CHP. (2018). Effects of physical education continuing professional development on teachers’ physical literacy and self-efficacy and students’ learning outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research. 88, 1-8.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2015). Quality physical education (QPE): Guidelines for policy makers. France.
  • Hardman K. (2011). Physical education, movement and physical literacy in the 21st century: pupils’ competencies, attitudes and behaviours, 6th FIEP European congress. 15-25, Poreč, Croatia.
  • Silverman S., Mercier K. (2015). Teaching for physical literacy: Implications to instructional design and PETE. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 4(2), 150-155.
  • Sport New Zealand. (2015). Physical Literacy Approach. [Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022].
  • Munusturlar S., Yıldızer G. (2020). Beden eğitimi öğretmenleri için algılanan beden okuryazarlığı ölçeği’nin faktör yapısının Türkiye örneklemine yönelik sınanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 35(1), 200-209.
  • International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA). (2017). Definition of physical literacy. [Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022].
  • Whitehead ME. (2001). The concept of physical literacy. European Journal of Physical Education. 6(2), 127–138.
  • Rasberry CN., Lee SM., Robin L., Laris BA., Russell LA., Coyle KK., Nihiser, AJ. (2011). The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance: a systematic review of the literature. Preventive Medicine. 52, 10-20.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2018). Talim Terbiye Kurulu haftalık ders çizelgeleri. [Erişim tarihi: 24.04.2022].
  • Longmuir PE., Tremblay MS. (2016). Top 10 research questions related to physical literacy. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 87(1), 28-35.
  • Taşmektepligil Y., Yılmaz Ç., İmamoğlu O., Kılcıgil E. (2006). İlköğretim okullarında beden eğitimi ders hedeflerinin gerçekleşme düzeyi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi,.4(4), 139-147.
  • The Aspen Institute. (2015). Physical literacy: a global environmental scan. [Erişim tarihi. 04.08.2022].


Year 2023, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 65 - 78, 23.03.2023


İnsanoğlu hayatının belirli bölümlerinde farklı amaçlarla hareket etme gereksinimi duymakta ve gündelik işler ya da planlı-programlı aktiviteler aracılığıyla bu gereksinimini karşılamaktadır. Bireyin hangi aktivitelere neden katılması gerektiğini ve bu aktiviteleri nasıl yapacağını bilmesi, kendi hareket kabiliyetinin farkında olarak karşılaşacağı farklı zorluklardaki durumlarda hareket edebilmek için özgüvene ihtiyaç duyması ve tüm bu aktivitelere katılma motivasyonuna sahip olması fiziksel okuryazarlık kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Fiziksel okuryazarlık, bireyin farklı hareket formlarına katılmak için gerekli bilgiye, motivasyona, fiziksel yeterlik ile güvene sahip olması ve bu aktivitelere yaşam boyu katılma alışkanlığı kazanmasıdır. Fiziksel okuryazarlık fiziksel gelişimin yanında bilişsel ve duyuşsal gelişimi de hedefleyerek bireysel farkları göz önüne alır ve her bireyin kendi fiziksel okuryazarlık yolculuğunda olduğunu benimser. Çalışmanın amacı, fiziksel okuryazarlık kavramının tanımı, sahip olduğu temeller ve önemi ile ilgili detaylı bilgi vererek bu kavramın ülkemizde de daha iyi anlaşılmasına ve yaygınlaşmasına katkı sağlamaktır. Çalışma geleneksel derleme türü olup Google Akademik ve Semantic Scholar veritabanlarında 2010-2021 yılları arasında yapılan çalışmalardan “Fiziksel Okuryazarlık”, “Physical Literacy” anahtar kelimeleri ile tarama yapılmış ve inceleme sonucunda kriterlere uymayan çalışmalar çıkartılarak 53 adet çalışma derlemeye dâhil edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda fiziksel okuryazarlığın genel yapısı, farklı yaş dönemlerindeki özellikleri, çocukların fiziksel okuryazarlık serüvenlerinde anne-babalara, öğretmenlere ve çevreye düşen görevler, fiziksel okuryazarlık ile fiziksel aktivite ilişkisi, dünyada fiziksel okuryazarlığın önemi ve beden eğitimi ve spor dersi ile ilişkisi hakkında bilgi verilmektedir.


  • Dudley DA. (2015). A conceptual model of observed physical literacy. The Physical Educator. 72(5), 236-260.
  • Physical and Health Education Canada. (2010). What is the relationship between Physical Education and Physical Literacy?. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Whitehead ME. (2013). Stages in physical literacy journey. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 52–56.
  • Way R., Trono C., Mitchell D., Laing T., Vahi M., Meadows C., Lau, A. (2016). Sport for life: Long-term athlete development resource paper. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Whitehead ME. (2010). Physical literacy: Throughout the lifecourse. UK. Routledge.
  • Sport New Zealand. (2015). Physical literacy approach. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • McKean M. (2013). Physical literacy in children - The underpinning competencies? Sports Medicine & Doping Studies. 3, 2.
  • Maude P. (2013). Growing physical literacy in the young child. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 109-114.
  • Higgs C., Balyi I., Way R., Cardinal C., Norris S., Bluechardt M. (2008). Developing physical literacy: A guide for parents of children ages 0 to 12. Sport for Life. The National Benefits Hub Research That Supports Recreation.
  • Gruhn W. (2002). Phases and stages in early music learning. A longitudinal study on the development of young children’s musical potential. Music Education Research. 4(1), 51-71.
  • Association for Physical Education. (2013). Primary school physical literacy framework. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Government of British Columbia. (2019). British Columbia’s new curriculum.
  • Higgs C., Cairney J., Jurbala P., Dudley D., Way R., Mitchell D. (2019). Developing physical literacy-Building a new normal for all Canadians. Sport for Life Society. Canada.
  • Newport A. (2013). Helping young Children in the early years to foster a lifelong love of being physically active. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 115-121.
  • Choi SM., Sum RKW., Wallhead T., Sit CHP., Ha ASC., Shy DY., Wei FM. (2020). Preservice physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and teaching efficacy. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 40(1), 146-156.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2010). Global recommendations on physical activity for health. [Erişim tarihi: 04.08.2022].
  • Giblin S., Collins DJ., Button C., MacNamara A. (2017). Practical precursors to reconsidering objective for physical activity in physical education. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 51(21), 1572-1572.
  • Tremblay MS., Carson V., Chaput JP., Connor Gorber S., Dinh T., Duggan M., Zehr L. (2016). Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines for children and youth: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 41(6), 311-327.
  • Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement. (2015). [Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022].
  • SHAPE America (Society of Health and Physical Educators). (2014). National standards & grade level outcomes for K-12 physical education. Human Kinetics: Canada.
  • Edwards LC., Bryant AS., Keegan RJ., Morgan K., Jones AM. (2017). Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: a systematic review. Sports Medicine. 47(1), 113-126.
  • Almond L. (2013). What is the value of physical literacy and why is physical literacy valuable? International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 35-41.
  • Lundvall S. (2015). Physical literacy in the field of physical education. A challenge and a possibility. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 4(2), 113-118.
  • Corbin CB., Kulinna PH., Sibley BA. (2020). A dozen reasons for including conceptual physical education in quality secondary school programs. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 91(3), 40-49.
  • Rainer P., Davies J. (2013). Physical literacy in Wales–The role of physical education. Journal of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 289-298.
  • Coaching Ireland. (2012). Coaching strategy for Ireland 2008 – 2012. University Limerick: Ireland.
  • Lundvall S., Tidén A. (2013). Assessing embodied knowledge in Swedish PEH: The influence of physical literacy International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 326-336.
  • Tonna L. (2013). Physical literacy: the maltese perspective. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 337-343.
  • Pot N., Van Hilvoorde I. (2013). A critical consideration of the use of physical literacy in the Netherlands. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. 65, 313-320.
  • Sum RKW., Wallhead T., Ha ASC., Sit CHP. (2018). Effects of physical education continuing professional development on teachers’ physical literacy and self-efficacy and students’ learning outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research. 88, 1-8.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2015). Quality physical education (QPE): Guidelines for policy makers. France.
  • Hardman K. (2011). Physical education, movement and physical literacy in the 21st century: pupils’ competencies, attitudes and behaviours, 6th FIEP European congress. 15-25, Poreč, Croatia.
  • Silverman S., Mercier K. (2015). Teaching for physical literacy: Implications to instructional design and PETE. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 4(2), 150-155.
  • Sport New Zealand. (2015). Physical Literacy Approach. [Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022].
  • Munusturlar S., Yıldızer G. (2020). Beden eğitimi öğretmenleri için algılanan beden okuryazarlığı ölçeği’nin faktör yapısının Türkiye örneklemine yönelik sınanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 35(1), 200-209.
  • International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA). (2017). Definition of physical literacy. [Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022].
  • Whitehead ME. (2001). The concept of physical literacy. European Journal of Physical Education. 6(2), 127–138.
  • Rasberry CN., Lee SM., Robin L., Laris BA., Russell LA., Coyle KK., Nihiser, AJ. (2011). The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance: a systematic review of the literature. Preventive Medicine. 52, 10-20.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2018). Talim Terbiye Kurulu haftalık ders çizelgeleri. [Erişim tarihi: 24.04.2022].
  • Longmuir PE., Tremblay MS. (2016). Top 10 research questions related to physical literacy. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 87(1), 28-35.
  • Taşmektepligil Y., Yılmaz Ç., İmamoğlu O., Kılcıgil E. (2006). İlköğretim okullarında beden eğitimi ders hedeflerinin gerçekleşme düzeyi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi,.4(4), 139-147.
  • The Aspen Institute. (2015). Physical literacy: a global environmental scan. [Erişim tarihi. 04.08.2022].
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Derleme

Hasan Hüseyin Aslan 0000-0002-3617-8164

Hüseyin Ünlü 0000-0002-3079-4417

Publication Date March 23, 2023
Submission Date September 30, 2022
Acceptance Date March 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Aslan, H. H., & Ünlü, H. (2023). FİZİKSEL OKURYAZARLIĞIN TANIMI TEMELLERİ VE ÖNEMİ. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(1), 65-78.