Research Article
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The Relationship Between Students' Problem Solving Skills, Self-Esteem And Statistics Attitudes

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 117 - 125, 01.07.2021


Statistics is a distinctive science based on mathematics. Measurement, evaluation and interpretation of both numerical and verbal based concepts can be done with statistics. For this reason, every branch of science makes use of statistical science and many departments teach statistics courses. In this study, Ondokuz Mayıs University students ' attitudes towards the statistics course were affected by their self-esteem and problem-solving abilities. 1034 students, 501 of whom were women and 533 of whom were men, participated in the study in various departments of Ondokuz Mayıs University. A 3-scale questionnaire with statistical attitude scale (ITO), Rosenberg self-esteem scale (BSÖ), Problem solving inventory (PCE) and demographic information was used as a data collection tool. A statistically significant structural model has been proposed with the data obtained.


  • Baloğlu M, Koçak R, Zelhart PF. 2007. The relationship between statistics anxiety and attitudes toward statistics. Ankara Univ J Faculty of Educ Sci, 40(2): 23-39.
  • Bentler PM. 1990. Comparative fit ındexes in structural models. Psychometrika Psychological Bull, 107(2): 238-246.
  • Bollen KA. 1989. Structural equations with latent variables. John Wiley, New York, USA, s: 528.
  • Byrne BM. 1994. Structural equation modeling with eqs and eqs/windows: basic concepts, aplications, and programing (First edition). Sage Publications, California, USA, s: 304.
  • Burton GM, Russell D. 1979. Getting comfortable with mathematics. The Elementary School J, 79(3): 129-135.
  • Cohen J. 1988. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, USA.
  • DeVaney TA. 2010. Anxiety and attitude of graduate students in on-campus vs online statistics courses. J Stat Educ, 18(1): DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2010.11889472.
  • Jöreskog KG, Sörbom D. 2002. The student edition of LISREL 8.53 for windows. Scientific Software International, Chicago, USA.
  • Kline RB. 2005. Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (Second edition). The Gulford Press, New York, USA, s: 366.
  • Köklü N. 1994. İstatistiksel sınav kaygısının kestirilmesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 18(91): 35-44.
  • Macher D, Paechter M, Papousek I, Ruggeri K, Freudenthaler HH, Arendasy M. 2013. Statistics anxiety, state anxiety during an examination, and academic achievement. British J Educ Psych, 83(4): 535-549.
  • Mulaik SA, James LR, Van Alstine J, Bennett N, Lind S, Stilwell CD. 1989. Evaluation of goodness-of-fit indices for structural equation models. Psychological Bull, 105(3): 430-445.
  • Onwuegbuzie AJ. 2000. Statistics anxiety and the role of self-perceptions. J Educ Res, 93(5): 323-330.
  • Raykov T, Marcoulides GA. 2006. A first course in structural equation modeling, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, USA, s: 238.
  • Reisinger Y, Turner L. 1999. Structural equation modeling with LISREL: application in tourism. Tourism Manag, 20(1): 71-88.
  • Richardson FC, Suinn RM. 1972. The mathematics anxiety rating scale: psychometric data. J Counseling Psych, 19(6): 551.
  • Richardson FC, Woolfolk RL. 1980. Mathematics anxiety. Test anxiety: Theory, research and application, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, USA, s: 288.
  • Roberts DM, Bilderbac EW. 1980. Reliability and validity of a statistics attitude survey. Educ and Psychol Measur, 40(1): 235-238.
  • Roberts DM, Saxe JE. 1982. Validity of a statistics attitude survey: a follow-up study. . Educ and Psychol Measur, 42(3): 907-912.
  • Schermelleh EK, Moosbrugger H. 2003. Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychol Res Online, 8(2): 23-74.
  • Sesé A, Jiménez R, Montaño J, Palmer A. 2015. Can attitudes toward statistics and statistics anxiety explain students’ performance?. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 20(2): 285-304.
  • Smith JB. 1981. Math anxiety and the student of the ‘80s. ERIC Document Reproduction (Service No. ED200296), Middleton, Connecticut, USA.
  • Timm HN. 2002. Applied multivariate analysis. Springer Verlag, New York, USA, s: 720.
  • Tomer A. 2003. A short history of structural equation models, structural equation modeling: applications in ecological and evolutionary biology B. Pugesek (Editor), Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, s: 121.
  • Tunç T, Komitoğlu F., Bekiryazıcı Z. 2014. A psychometric scale for determining university students attitudes towards the statistics courses they take statistical attitude scale SAS. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Soc Edu Stud, 6(1): 15-24.
  • Waters LK, Martelli T, Zakrajsek T, Popovich PM. 1989. Measuring attitudes toward statistics in an introductory course on statistics. Psychol Reports, 64(1): 113-114.
  • Wise SL. 1985. The development and validation of a scale measuring attitudes toward statistics. Educ and Psychol Measur, 45(2): 401-405.
  • Vanhoof S, Kuppens S, Sotos AEC, Verschaffel L, Onghena P. 2011. Measuring statistics attitudes: structure of the survey of attitudes toward statistics (SATS-36). Statistics Educ Res J, 10(1): 35-51.
  • Yener H. 2007. Personel performansına etki eden faktörlerin yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) ile incelenmesi ve bir uygulama. Doktora Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, Türkiye, s: 223.

Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 117 - 125, 01.07.2021


İstatistik, matematik temelli özgün bir bilim dalıdır. İstatistik ile hem sayısal hem de sözel temelli kavramlara ölçme, değerlendirme ve yorumlama yapılabilmektedir. Bu nedenle her bilim dalı istatistik biliminden faydalanmakta ve birçok anabilim dalında istatistik dersi okutulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi öğrencilerinin istatistik dersine karşı olan tutumlarının benlik saygısı ve problem çözme yeteneklerinden nasıl etkilendiği incelenmiştir. Araştırmaya Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi’nin çeşitli bölümlerimde öğrenim görmekte olan 501’i kadın 533’ü erkek olmak üzere 1034 öğrenci katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak İstatistik Tutum Ölçeği (İTÖ), Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği (BSÖ), Problem Çözme Envanteri (PÇE) ile demografik bilgilerin yer aldığı 3 ölçekli bir anket formu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerle istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir yapısal model önerilmiştir.


  • Baloğlu M, Koçak R, Zelhart PF. 2007. The relationship between statistics anxiety and attitudes toward statistics. Ankara Univ J Faculty of Educ Sci, 40(2): 23-39.
  • Bentler PM. 1990. Comparative fit ındexes in structural models. Psychometrika Psychological Bull, 107(2): 238-246.
  • Bollen KA. 1989. Structural equations with latent variables. John Wiley, New York, USA, s: 528.
  • Byrne BM. 1994. Structural equation modeling with eqs and eqs/windows: basic concepts, aplications, and programing (First edition). Sage Publications, California, USA, s: 304.
  • Burton GM, Russell D. 1979. Getting comfortable with mathematics. The Elementary School J, 79(3): 129-135.
  • Cohen J. 1988. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, USA.
  • DeVaney TA. 2010. Anxiety and attitude of graduate students in on-campus vs online statistics courses. J Stat Educ, 18(1): DOI: 10.1080/10691898.2010.11889472.
  • Jöreskog KG, Sörbom D. 2002. The student edition of LISREL 8.53 for windows. Scientific Software International, Chicago, USA.
  • Kline RB. 2005. Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (Second edition). The Gulford Press, New York, USA, s: 366.
  • Köklü N. 1994. İstatistiksel sınav kaygısının kestirilmesi. Eğitim ve Bilim, 18(91): 35-44.
  • Macher D, Paechter M, Papousek I, Ruggeri K, Freudenthaler HH, Arendasy M. 2013. Statistics anxiety, state anxiety during an examination, and academic achievement. British J Educ Psych, 83(4): 535-549.
  • Mulaik SA, James LR, Van Alstine J, Bennett N, Lind S, Stilwell CD. 1989. Evaluation of goodness-of-fit indices for structural equation models. Psychological Bull, 105(3): 430-445.
  • Onwuegbuzie AJ. 2000. Statistics anxiety and the role of self-perceptions. J Educ Res, 93(5): 323-330.
  • Raykov T, Marcoulides GA. 2006. A first course in structural equation modeling, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, USA, s: 238.
  • Reisinger Y, Turner L. 1999. Structural equation modeling with LISREL: application in tourism. Tourism Manag, 20(1): 71-88.
  • Richardson FC, Suinn RM. 1972. The mathematics anxiety rating scale: psychometric data. J Counseling Psych, 19(6): 551.
  • Richardson FC, Woolfolk RL. 1980. Mathematics anxiety. Test anxiety: Theory, research and application, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, USA, s: 288.
  • Roberts DM, Bilderbac EW. 1980. Reliability and validity of a statistics attitude survey. Educ and Psychol Measur, 40(1): 235-238.
  • Roberts DM, Saxe JE. 1982. Validity of a statistics attitude survey: a follow-up study. . Educ and Psychol Measur, 42(3): 907-912.
  • Schermelleh EK, Moosbrugger H. 2003. Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychol Res Online, 8(2): 23-74.
  • Sesé A, Jiménez R, Montaño J, Palmer A. 2015. Can attitudes toward statistics and statistics anxiety explain students’ performance?. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 20(2): 285-304.
  • Smith JB. 1981. Math anxiety and the student of the ‘80s. ERIC Document Reproduction (Service No. ED200296), Middleton, Connecticut, USA.
  • Timm HN. 2002. Applied multivariate analysis. Springer Verlag, New York, USA, s: 720.
  • Tomer A. 2003. A short history of structural equation models, structural equation modeling: applications in ecological and evolutionary biology B. Pugesek (Editor), Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, s: 121.
  • Tunç T, Komitoğlu F., Bekiryazıcı Z. 2014. A psychometric scale for determining university students attitudes towards the statistics courses they take statistical attitude scale SAS. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Soc Edu Stud, 6(1): 15-24.
  • Waters LK, Martelli T, Zakrajsek T, Popovich PM. 1989. Measuring attitudes toward statistics in an introductory course on statistics. Psychol Reports, 64(1): 113-114.
  • Wise SL. 1985. The development and validation of a scale measuring attitudes toward statistics. Educ and Psychol Measur, 45(2): 401-405.
  • Vanhoof S, Kuppens S, Sotos AEC, Verschaffel L, Onghena P. 2011. Measuring statistics attitudes: structure of the survey of attitudes toward statistics (SATS-36). Statistics Educ Res J, 10(1): 35-51.
  • Yener H. 2007. Personel performansına etki eden faktörlerin yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) ile incelenmesi ve bir uygulama. Doktora Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, Türkiye, s: 223.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Taner Tunç 0000-0002-5548-8475

Funda Yumuk 0000-0002-7027-5320

Erdinç Kolay 0000-0001-7436-3152

Publication Date July 1, 2021
Submission Date June 7, 2021
Acceptance Date June 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Tunç, T., Yumuk, F., & Kolay, E. (2021). Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 4(3), 117-125.
AMA Tunç T, Yumuk F, Kolay E. Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi. BSJ Eng. Sci. July 2021;4(3):117-125. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.949036
Chicago Tunç, Taner, Funda Yumuk, and Erdinç Kolay. “Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı Ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 4, no. 3 (July 2021): 117-25.
EndNote Tunç T, Yumuk F, Kolay E (July 1, 2021) Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 4 3 117–125.
IEEE T. Tunç, F. Yumuk, and E. Kolay, “Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi”, BSJ Eng. Sci., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 117–125, 2021, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.949036.
ISNAD Tunç, Taner et al. “Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı Ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 4/3 (July 2021), 117-125.
JAMA Tunç T, Yumuk F, Kolay E. Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2021;4:117–125.
MLA Tunç, Taner et al. “Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı Ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, vol. 4, no. 3, 2021, pp. 117-25, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.949036.
Vancouver Tunç T, Yumuk F, Kolay E. Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerisi Benlik Saygısı ve İstatistik Tutumu İlişkisi. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2021;4(3):117-25.
