Research Article
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Comparison of Friction and Wear Performance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Poly-Ether-Ether-Ketone Composite against Different Materials

Year 2024, , 285 - 293, 29.11.2024


Machine elements working in different sectors such as electricity/electronics and machinery are selected in a way that is suitable for a certain purpose and meets the necessary conditions. In some parts of the machines, bearing elements such as gears, rollers, bushings and bearings made of plastic and/or plastic-based composite materials are used. Different loads act on these machine elements depending on the conditions used. Sometimes they work in contact with machine elements made of different materials. As a result of contact operation, wear occurs in material pairs. This causes the life of the machine elements to decrease. In this study, tribological performances of polyetheretherketone (PEEK-30CF) composite reinforced with 30% carbon fiber (CF) by weight, which is classified as high-performance engineering plastic, were investigated. Tribological tests were carried out at room temperature and dry sliding conditions using a pin-on-disk device. The experiments were carried out under three different loads (20 N, 40 N and 60 N) and at a sliding speed of 1,0 m/s. Stainless steel and 20% short glass fiber (GF) reinforced polyetherimide, 40% glass fiber reinforced polyphenylene sulfide and 20% long glass fiber reinforced polyester composite materials were used as counter disc materials. As a result of the experiments, the coefficient of friction and specific wear rate of 30% GF reinforced PEEK composite were determined. In addition, wear surface microstructure examinations of the experimental materials were carried out using an optical microscope. As a result of the experiments, the coefficient of friction values of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK composite generally decreased in different counter disk materials depending on the applied load. However, the wear rate varied. The lowest wear rate of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK composite was obtained with stainless steel disc.


  • Kharat, A., Talekar, S., Jadhav, S., More, S., & Shelke, R. (2019). Investigation of tribological behavior of peek composite with glass fiber. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6(2), 214-216.
  • Fangfang, L., Ying, H., Xiaochen, H., Xiyu, H., & Dong, J. (2018). Thermal, mechanical, and tribological properties of short carbon fibers/PEEK composites. High Performance Polymers, 30(6), 657–666
  • Shuai, Y., Shichao, M., Hongbo, Z., Haoji, W., Zhongjiang, Z., Chunshen, W., Tianyi, S., & Bin, L. (2023). Carbon fiber cannot always reduce the wear of PEEK for orthopedic implants under DPPC lubrication. Friction, 11(3), 395–409.
  • Nunez, E. E., Gheisari, R., & Polycarpou, A. A. (2019). Tribology review of blended bulk polymers and their coatings for high-load bearing applications. Tribology International, 129, 92–111.
  • Tharajak, J., Palathai, T., & Sombatsompop, N. (2017). Recommendations for h-BN loading and service temperature to achieve low friction coefficient and wear rate for thermal-sprayed PEEK coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 321, 477-483.
  • Zhang, G., Wetzel, B., & Wang, Q. (2015). Tribological behavior of PEEK-based materials under mixed and boundary lubrication conditions. Tribology International, 88, 153–161.
  • Kanad, V., Abhijeet, D., & Atul, K. (2020). A review on tribological behavior of polymer composite impregnated with carbon fillers. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2311, 070030.
  • Wang, B., Shundong, Y., Jian, M., Yaohui, W., Mengjia, L., & Xiping, Li. (2021). Effect of basalt fiber on tribological and mechanical properties of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) composites. Composite Structures, 266, 113847.
  • Zalaznik, M., Kalin, M., Novak, S., & Jakša, G. (2016). Effect of the type, size and concentration of solid lubricants on the tribological properties of the polymer PEEK. Wear, 364-365, 31-39.
  • Dong, W. T., Nie, S. L., & Zhang, A. Q. (2013). Tribological behavior of PEEK filled with CF/PTFE/graphite sliding against stainless steel surface under water lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology, 227(10), 1129–1137.
  • Alois, K. S., Nicholas, E., Sebastian, K., Yuxiao, Z., & Leyu, L. (2023). Performance and mechanisms of different tribological thermoplasticcomposites in sliding contact with steel. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 36(2), 642–656.
  • Zhang, G. & Schlarb, A. K. (2009). Correlation of the tribological behaviors with the mechanical properties of poly-etherether-ketones (PEEKs) with different molecular weights and their fiber filled composites. Wear, 266, 337–344.
  • Garzon-Hernandez, S., Garcia-Gonzalez, D., & Arias, A. (2018). Multi-impact mechanical behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 202, 241–52.
  • Sumer, M., Unal, H., & Mimaroglu, A. (2008). Evaluation of tribological behaviour of PEEK and glass fibre reinforced PEEK composite under dry sliding and water lubricated conditions. Wear, 265(7-8), 1061–1065.
  • Dong, K., Liu, L., Huang, X., & Xiao, X. (2020). 3D printing of continuous fiber reinforced diamond cellular structural composites and tensile properties. Composite Structure, 250, 112610.
  • Davim, J. P., & Cardoso, R. (2009). Effect of the reinforcement (carbon or glass fibres) on friction and wear behaviour of the PEEK against steel surface at long dry sliding. Wear, 266(7-8), 795–799.
  • Kosmachev, P. V., Alexenko, V. O., & Panin, S. V. (2020). The Effect of component combining method on mechanical and tribological properties of carbon-fiber reinforced PEEK-based composites. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2310, 020160.
  • Ganesh, K. G., & Dhamejani, Dr. C.L. (2016). Investigation of tribological behaviour of PEEK composite with glass fiber filled under harsh operating condition. IJARIIE, 2(1), 271-279.
  • Theiler, G., & Gradt, T. (2018). Friction and wear behaviour of polymers in liquid hydrogen. Cryogenics, 93, 1-6.
  • Wang, Q., Zheng, F., & Wang, T. (2016). Tribological properties of polymers pı, PTFE and PEEK at cryogenic temperature in vacuum. Cryogenics, 75, 19-25.
  • Lin, L., & Schlarb, A. K. (2019). Recycled carbon fibers as reinforcements for hybrid PEEK composites with excellent friction and wear performance. Wear, 432-433, 202928.
  • Leyu, L., & Alois, K. S. (2016). Effect of the varied load conditions on the tribological performance and the thermal characteristics of PEEK-based hybrid composites. Tribology International, 101, 218–225.
  • Jain, V. K., & Bahadur, S. (1978). Material transfer in polymer-polymer sliding. Wear, 46 (1), 177-188.
  • Unal H., Mimaroglu A., Özel A., (2017). Friction and wear performance of glass fiber reinforced poly-ether-ether-ketone composite against different polymer counterparts. MOJ Polymer Science, 1(5), 188‒190.
  • Demir, Z. (2013). Tribological performance of polymer composites used in electrical engineering applications. Bulletin of Materials Science, 36(2), 341-344.
  • Jia, B. B., Tong-Sheng, L., Xu-Jun, L., & Pei-Hong, C. (2007). Tribological behaviors of several polymer–polymer sliding combinations under dry friction and oil-lubricated conditions. Wear, 262, 1353–1359.
  • Nylaplas Engineering (2024). Mitsubishi Chemical Group Datasheets.
  • Yingshuang, S., Xian, W., Yifan, L., Zilong, J., Zhaoyang, W., Zhenhua, J., & Haibo, Z. (2019). Preparation of PEEK/MWCNTs composites with excellent mechanical and tribological properties. High Performance Polymers, 31(1), 43–50
  • En-Zhong, L., Bin-Shi, X., Hai-Dou, W., & Wei-Ling, G. (2013). The tribological behavior of glass fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone composite under dry sliding and water lubrication. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 32(5), 318–329.
  • Zhang, G., Rasheva, Z., & Schlarb, A. K. (2010). Friction and wear variations of short carbon fiber (SCF)/PTFE/graphite (10 vol%) filled PEEK: effects of fiber orientation and nominal contact pressure. Wear, 268, 893–899.
  • Laux, K., & Schwartz, C. (2013). Effects of contact pressure, molecular weight, and supplier on the wear behavior and transfer film of polyetheretherketone (PEEK). Wear, 297, 919-925.
  • Zhang, Z., Breidt, C., Chang, L., & Friedrich, K. (2004). Wear of PEEK composites related to their mechanical performances. Tribology International, 37(3), 271–277.
  • Lihe, G., Huimin, Q., Ga, Z., Tingmei, W., & Qihua, W. (2017). Distinct tribological mechanisms of various oxide nanoparticles added in PEEK composite reinforced with carbon fibers. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 97, 19-30
  • Rasheva, Z., Zhang, G., & Burkhart, T. (2010). A correlation between the tribological and mechanical properties of short carbon fibers reinforced PEEK materials with different fiber orientations. Tribology International, 43, 1430-1437.
  • Molazemhosseini, A., Tourani, H., Khavandi, A., & Eftekhari Yekta, B. (2013). Tribological performance of PEEK based hybrid composites reinforced with short carbon fibers and nano-silica. Wear, 303, 397-404.
  • Chairman, C. A., & Kumaresh Babu, S. P. (2013). Mechanical and abrasive wear behavior of glass and basalt fabric-reinforced epoxy composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,130(1), 120–130.
  • Bahadur, S., (2000). The development of transfer layers and their role in polymer tribology. Wear, 245, 92-99.
  • Yichun, X., Akihiko, Y., Noriyuki, H., Norihisa, H., Guoxin, X., & Dan, (2022). G. Analysis of temperature and heat partitioning coefficient during friction between polymer and steel. Tribology International, 171, 107561.

Karbon Elyaf Takviyeli PoliEterEterKeton Kompozitin Farklı Malzemelere Karşı Sürtünme ve Aşınma Performanslarının Karşılaştırılması

Year 2024, , 285 - 293, 29.11.2024


Elektrik/elektronik ve makine gibi farklı sektörlerde çalışan makine elemanları belli amaca uygun ve gerekli şartları sağlayacak şekilde seçilir. Makinaların bazı aksamlarında plastik ve/veya plastik esaslı kompozit malzemelerden üretilen dişliler, makara, burç ve rulman gibi yataklama elemanları kullanılmaktadır. Bu makine elemanlarına kullanılan şartlara bağlı olarak farklı yükler etki etmektedir. Bazen de farklı malzemelerden imal edilmiş makine elemanları ile temaslı olarak çalışmaktadır. Temaslı çalışma neticesinde malzeme çiftlerinde aşınma meydana gelmektedir. Bu ise makine elemanlarının ömrünün azalmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yüksek performanslı mühendislik plastiği sınıfında yer alan ağırlık olarak %30 oranında karbon elyaf (KE) takviyeli polietereterketon (PEEK/30KET) kompozitinin tribolojik performansları araştırılmıştır. Tribolojik deneyler disk üzerinde pim cihazı kullanılarak oda sıcaklığında ve kuru kayma şartlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneyler üç farklı yük (20 N, 40 N ve 60 N) altında ve 1,0 m/s kayma hızında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Karşı disk malzeme olarak paslanmaz çelik ile %20 kısa cam elyaf (CE) takviyeli polieterimid, %40 cam elyaf takviyeli polifenilen sülfit ve %20 uzun cam elyaf (UCE) takviyeli polyester kompozit malzemeleri kullanılmıştır. Deneyler sonucunda %30 oranında KE takviyeli PEEK kompozitinin spesifik aşınma oranı ve sürtünme katsayısı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca aşınmış yüzeylerin mikroyapı incelemeleri optik mikroskop kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneyler sonucunda uygulanan yüke bağlı olarak karbon elyaf takviyeli PEEK kompozitin farklı karşı disk malzemelerde genellikle sürtünme katsayısı değerleri azalmıştır. Ancak aşınma hızı farklılık göstermiştir. En düşük aşınma oranı PEEK/30KET kompozit/paslanmaz çelik disk çiftinin çalışmasında elde edilmiştir.


  • Kharat, A., Talekar, S., Jadhav, S., More, S., & Shelke, R. (2019). Investigation of tribological behavior of peek composite with glass fiber. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6(2), 214-216.
  • Fangfang, L., Ying, H., Xiaochen, H., Xiyu, H., & Dong, J. (2018). Thermal, mechanical, and tribological properties of short carbon fibers/PEEK composites. High Performance Polymers, 30(6), 657–666
  • Shuai, Y., Shichao, M., Hongbo, Z., Haoji, W., Zhongjiang, Z., Chunshen, W., Tianyi, S., & Bin, L. (2023). Carbon fiber cannot always reduce the wear of PEEK for orthopedic implants under DPPC lubrication. Friction, 11(3), 395–409.
  • Nunez, E. E., Gheisari, R., & Polycarpou, A. A. (2019). Tribology review of blended bulk polymers and their coatings for high-load bearing applications. Tribology International, 129, 92–111.
  • Tharajak, J., Palathai, T., & Sombatsompop, N. (2017). Recommendations for h-BN loading and service temperature to achieve low friction coefficient and wear rate for thermal-sprayed PEEK coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 321, 477-483.
  • Zhang, G., Wetzel, B., & Wang, Q. (2015). Tribological behavior of PEEK-based materials under mixed and boundary lubrication conditions. Tribology International, 88, 153–161.
  • Kanad, V., Abhijeet, D., & Atul, K. (2020). A review on tribological behavior of polymer composite impregnated with carbon fillers. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2311, 070030.
  • Wang, B., Shundong, Y., Jian, M., Yaohui, W., Mengjia, L., & Xiping, Li. (2021). Effect of basalt fiber on tribological and mechanical properties of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) composites. Composite Structures, 266, 113847.
  • Zalaznik, M., Kalin, M., Novak, S., & Jakša, G. (2016). Effect of the type, size and concentration of solid lubricants on the tribological properties of the polymer PEEK. Wear, 364-365, 31-39.
  • Dong, W. T., Nie, S. L., & Zhang, A. Q. (2013). Tribological behavior of PEEK filled with CF/PTFE/graphite sliding against stainless steel surface under water lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology, 227(10), 1129–1137.
  • Alois, K. S., Nicholas, E., Sebastian, K., Yuxiao, Z., & Leyu, L. (2023). Performance and mechanisms of different tribological thermoplasticcomposites in sliding contact with steel. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 36(2), 642–656.
  • Zhang, G. & Schlarb, A. K. (2009). Correlation of the tribological behaviors with the mechanical properties of poly-etherether-ketones (PEEKs) with different molecular weights and their fiber filled composites. Wear, 266, 337–344.
  • Garzon-Hernandez, S., Garcia-Gonzalez, D., & Arias, A. (2018). Multi-impact mechanical behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 202, 241–52.
  • Sumer, M., Unal, H., & Mimaroglu, A. (2008). Evaluation of tribological behaviour of PEEK and glass fibre reinforced PEEK composite under dry sliding and water lubricated conditions. Wear, 265(7-8), 1061–1065.
  • Dong, K., Liu, L., Huang, X., & Xiao, X. (2020). 3D printing of continuous fiber reinforced diamond cellular structural composites and tensile properties. Composite Structure, 250, 112610.
  • Davim, J. P., & Cardoso, R. (2009). Effect of the reinforcement (carbon or glass fibres) on friction and wear behaviour of the PEEK against steel surface at long dry sliding. Wear, 266(7-8), 795–799.
  • Kosmachev, P. V., Alexenko, V. O., & Panin, S. V. (2020). The Effect of component combining method on mechanical and tribological properties of carbon-fiber reinforced PEEK-based composites. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2310, 020160.
  • Ganesh, K. G., & Dhamejani, Dr. C.L. (2016). Investigation of tribological behaviour of PEEK composite with glass fiber filled under harsh operating condition. IJARIIE, 2(1), 271-279.
  • Theiler, G., & Gradt, T. (2018). Friction and wear behaviour of polymers in liquid hydrogen. Cryogenics, 93, 1-6.
  • Wang, Q., Zheng, F., & Wang, T. (2016). Tribological properties of polymers pı, PTFE and PEEK at cryogenic temperature in vacuum. Cryogenics, 75, 19-25.
  • Lin, L., & Schlarb, A. K. (2019). Recycled carbon fibers as reinforcements for hybrid PEEK composites with excellent friction and wear performance. Wear, 432-433, 202928.
  • Leyu, L., & Alois, K. S. (2016). Effect of the varied load conditions on the tribological performance and the thermal characteristics of PEEK-based hybrid composites. Tribology International, 101, 218–225.
  • Jain, V. K., & Bahadur, S. (1978). Material transfer in polymer-polymer sliding. Wear, 46 (1), 177-188.
  • Unal H., Mimaroglu A., Özel A., (2017). Friction and wear performance of glass fiber reinforced poly-ether-ether-ketone composite against different polymer counterparts. MOJ Polymer Science, 1(5), 188‒190.
  • Demir, Z. (2013). Tribological performance of polymer composites used in electrical engineering applications. Bulletin of Materials Science, 36(2), 341-344.
  • Jia, B. B., Tong-Sheng, L., Xu-Jun, L., & Pei-Hong, C. (2007). Tribological behaviors of several polymer–polymer sliding combinations under dry friction and oil-lubricated conditions. Wear, 262, 1353–1359.
  • Nylaplas Engineering (2024). Mitsubishi Chemical Group Datasheets.
  • Yingshuang, S., Xian, W., Yifan, L., Zilong, J., Zhaoyang, W., Zhenhua, J., & Haibo, Z. (2019). Preparation of PEEK/MWCNTs composites with excellent mechanical and tribological properties. High Performance Polymers, 31(1), 43–50
  • En-Zhong, L., Bin-Shi, X., Hai-Dou, W., & Wei-Ling, G. (2013). The tribological behavior of glass fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone composite under dry sliding and water lubrication. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 32(5), 318–329.
  • Zhang, G., Rasheva, Z., & Schlarb, A. K. (2010). Friction and wear variations of short carbon fiber (SCF)/PTFE/graphite (10 vol%) filled PEEK: effects of fiber orientation and nominal contact pressure. Wear, 268, 893–899.
  • Laux, K., & Schwartz, C. (2013). Effects of contact pressure, molecular weight, and supplier on the wear behavior and transfer film of polyetheretherketone (PEEK). Wear, 297, 919-925.
  • Zhang, Z., Breidt, C., Chang, L., & Friedrich, K. (2004). Wear of PEEK composites related to their mechanical performances. Tribology International, 37(3), 271–277.
  • Lihe, G., Huimin, Q., Ga, Z., Tingmei, W., & Qihua, W. (2017). Distinct tribological mechanisms of various oxide nanoparticles added in PEEK composite reinforced with carbon fibers. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 97, 19-30
  • Rasheva, Z., Zhang, G., & Burkhart, T. (2010). A correlation between the tribological and mechanical properties of short carbon fibers reinforced PEEK materials with different fiber orientations. Tribology International, 43, 1430-1437.
  • Molazemhosseini, A., Tourani, H., Khavandi, A., & Eftekhari Yekta, B. (2013). Tribological performance of PEEK based hybrid composites reinforced with short carbon fibers and nano-silica. Wear, 303, 397-404.
  • Chairman, C. A., & Kumaresh Babu, S. P. (2013). Mechanical and abrasive wear behavior of glass and basalt fabric-reinforced epoxy composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,130(1), 120–130.
  • Bahadur, S., (2000). The development of transfer layers and their role in polymer tribology. Wear, 245, 92-99.
  • Yichun, X., Akihiko, Y., Noriyuki, H., Norihisa, H., Guoxin, X., & Dan, (2022). G. Analysis of temperature and heat partitioning coefficient during friction between polymer and steel. Tribology International, 171, 107561.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hüseyin Ünal 0000-0003-0521-6647

Salih Hakan Yetgin 0000-0002-6068-9204

Publication Date November 29, 2024
Submission Date May 8, 2023
Acceptance Date December 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Ünal, H., & Yetgin, S. H. (2024). Karbon Elyaf Takviyeli PoliEterEterKeton Kompozitin Farklı Malzemelere Karşı Sürtünme ve Aşınma Performanslarının Karşılaştırılması. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 285-293.