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Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B/Ni-B-W Dubleks Kaplamanın Korozyon Direncine Etkisinin Analiz Edilmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 911 - 922, 30.12.2020


Bu çalışmada çelik malzemenin yüzeyi, akımsız kaplama yöntemi ile Ni-B/Ni-B-W ile kaplanmış, kaplamaların içyapı ve korozyon direnci incelenmiştir. Ni-B/Ni-B-W kaplaması asidik hipofosfit ve alkalin borohidrid indirgeyici banyolarla akımsız olarak kaplanmıştır. Kimyasal bileşim analizi için EDS yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Tarayıcı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) ile kaplamanın kesit ve yüzey morfolojisi incelenmiştir. SEM analizi sonucu kaplamaların üniform olduğu, yüzeye çok iyi bir adezif bağ ile gözeneksiz bir şekilde bağlandığı ve kaplamaların birbirleriyle uyumlu olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. XRD analizleri sonucu her iki kaplamanın da amorf yapıda olduğu, 450 ºC’de bir saat uygulanan ısıl işlem ile kaplamanın kristalleştiği ve nikel borit (Ni2B ve Ni3B) çökeltilerinin oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Çelik, ısıl işlem görmemiş ve görmüş Ni-B ve Ni-B/Ni-B-W kaplamaların korozif karakterini incelemek için 5% H2SO4 çözeltide daldırma ve Potansiyometrik Polarizasyon deneyleri (%3,5 NaCl sulu çözeltide) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneyler sonucu her iki tür kaplamanın korozyon direncinin kaplanan malzeme olan çelikten daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Isıl işlem görmemiş Ni-B/Ni-B-W kaplamasının korozyon direncinin Ni-B kaplamaya göre daha iyi olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Isıl işlemin uygulanması sonucu her iki kaplamanın da korozyon direnci artmıştır. Ancak Ni-B/Ni-B-W dubleks kaplamasında artış Ni-B kaplamaya göre daha fazladır. Kaplamaya tungstenin eklenmesi ile ısıl işlem sonrası yüzeyde oluşan koruyucu tungsten oksit tabakasından dolayı, kaplamanın korozyon direnci artırmıştır.

Supporting Institution

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışma İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi MYL-36421 Bilimsel Araştırma Proje (BAP) ile desteklenmiştir.


  • Mallory, G. O., Hajdu, J. B. (1990). Electroless Plating: Fundamantals and Applications. American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Florida, 1990.
  • Sahoo, P., Das, S.K. (2011). Tribology of Electroless Nickel Coatings a Review. Material Design, 32, 1760–1775.
  • Riedel, W. Electroless Nickel Plating. (1991). ASM International Metals Park, Ohio, USA.
  • Masoumi, F., Ghasemi, H. R., Ziaei, A. A., Shahriari, D. (2012). Tribological characterization of electroless Ni–10% P coatings at elevated test temperature under dry conditions. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 62, 1063–1070.
  • Bülbül, F. (2011). The Effects of Deposition Parameters on Surface Morphology and Crystallographic Orientation of Electroless Ni-B Coatings. Metallic Materials. 17, 67-75.
  • Das, S.K., Sahoo, P. (2010). Wear Performance Optimization of Electroless Ni-B Coating Using Taguchi Design of Experiments, Tribology in industry, Volume 32.
  • Correa, E., Zuleta, A.A., Guerra, L., Gomez, M.A., Castaño, J.G., Echeverría, F.,, Liu, H., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E. (2013). Tribological behaviour of electroless Ni–B coatings on magnesium and AZ91D alloy. Wear, 305, 115–123
  • Palaniappa, M., Seshadri, S.K. (2008). Friction and wear behavior of electroless Ni–P and Ni–W–P alloy coatings. Wear, 265, 735–740.
  • Yan, Y., Huo, Y., Sun, Z., Xu, Z. (2011). Preparation of Electroless Ni-P Composite Coating and Its Tribological Properties, Advanced Materials Research, 199-200, 696-699.
  • Véronique, V., Abdoul-Fatah, K., Adeline, S., Fabienne, D. (2012). Tribological characterization of electroless nickel-boron coatings, Advanced Materials Research, 409, 808-813.
  • He, M., Hu, W., Zhang, C., Weng, J., Shen, B., Wu, Y. (2012). Effect of Wear Conditions on Tribological Properties of Ni-P Coatings, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 22, 2586–2592.
  • Nava, D., Hernandez, A.M., Manriquez, F., Meas, Y., Borges, R.O., Perez, J.J., Trejo, G. (2013). Effects of Heat Treatment on the Tribological and Corrosion Properties of Electrodeposited Ni-P Alloys, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8, 2670–2681.
  • Narayanan, T.S.N., Baskaran, I., Krishnaveni, K., Parthiban, S. (2006). Deposition of Electroless Ni-P Graded Coatings and Evaluation of Their Corrosion Resistance. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200, 3438-3445.
  • Zhang, W.X., He, J.G., Jiang, Z.H., Jiang, Q., Lian, J.S. (2007). Electroless Ni–P layer with a chromium-free pretreatment on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface Coating Technology, 201, 4594–4600.
  • Hu, X., Jiang, P., Wan, J., Xu, Y. Xiaojun, (2009). Study of corrosion and friction reduction of electroless Ni–P coating with molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles. Journal of Coating Technology Research, 6 (2) 275–281.
  • Anik, M., Körpe, E., Sen, E. (2008). Effect of Coating Bath Composition on the Properties of Electroless Nickel-Boron Films, Surface Coating Technology, 202, 1718–1727.
  • Hamid, Z.A., Hassan, H.B., Attyia, A.M. (2010). Influence of Deposition Temperature and Heat Treatment on the Performance of Electroless Ni– B Films, Surface Coating Technology, 205, 2348–2354.
  • Oraon, B., Majundar, G., Ghjosh, B. (2008). Improving Hardness of Electroless Ni-B Coatings Using Optimized Deposition Conditions and Annealing, Material Design, 29, 1412–1418.
  • Delaunois, F., Lienard, P. (2002). Heat treatments for electroless nickel–boron plating on aluminium alloys. Surface and Coatings Technology, 160, 239-248.
  • Serin, I., Göksenli, A. (2013). Effect of Annealing Temperature on Hardness and Wear Resistance of Electroless Ni-B-Mo Coatings, 1st International Conference on Surface Engineering, 2013 Busan, Korea.
  • Narayanan T., Stephan A., S. Guruskanthan S., Electroless Ni-Co-B Ternary Alloy Deposits: Preparation and Characteristics, Surf. Coat. Technol., , 179, p 56–62.
  • Szczygiel, B., Turkiewicz, A., Serafinczul, J. (2004). Surface morphology and structure of Ni–P, Ni–P–ZrO2, Ni–W–P, Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings deposited by electroless method. Surface Coating Technology, 202, 1904–1910.
  • Kaya, B., Gülmez, T., Demirkol, M. (2008). Preparation and Properties of Electroless Ni-B and Ni-B Nanocomposite Coatings Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008 WCECS 2008, October 22 - 24, San Francisco, USA.
  • Agarwala, R.C., Agarwala, V. (2003). Electroless Alloy/Composite Coatings: A Review. Sadhana, 28, 475-493.
  • Serin, I.S., Göksenli, A., Yüksel, B., Yildiz, R.A. (2015). Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-B-Mo Coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24, 3032–3037.
  • Ziywan, S., Deping, W., Zhimin, D. (2006). Nanocrystalline Ni-B Coating Surface Strengthening Pure Copper. Applied Surface Science, 253, 1051–1054.
  • Zhao, C., Yao, Y. (2014). Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus-Tungsten Carbide Nanocomposite Coatings, Journal of Material Engineering & Performance, 23, 193–197.
  • Sharma, A., Singh, A.K. (2013). Electroless Ni-P and Ni-P-Al2O3 Nanocomposite Coatings and their Corrosion and Wear Resistance, Journal of Material Engineering & Performance, 22, 176–183.
  • Karthikeyan, S., Srinivasan, K.N., Vasudevan, T., John, S., Gopalan, A., Kalaignan, S. (2001). Characterisation of Nickel Phosphorus Silicon Carbide Composite Coatings, Bullettin of Electrochemie., 17, 127–130.
  • Bai, Y., Chou, Y.H., Chao, C.L., Lee, S.J., Ger, M.D. (2008). Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-P/Ni-W-P Double Layer Coatings on 6061 Aluminium Alloy, Journal of Power Source, 183, 174–181.
  • Chen, X., Li, G., Lian, J. (2008). Deposition of electroless Ni-P/Ni-W-P duplex coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society China, 18, 323-328.
  • Zhang, Z.H., Jiang, G.Y., Li, Q., Jiang, J.S. (2008). Electroless Ni-P/Ni-B duplex coatings for improving the hardness and the corrosion resistance of AZ91D magnesium alloy,. Applied Surface Science, 254, 4949–4955.
  • Narayanan, T.S.N., Krishnaveni, K., Seshadri, S.K. (2003). Electroless Ni–P/Ni–B duplex coatings: preparation and evaluation of microhardness, wear and corrosion resistance, Materials Chemistry and Physics 82, 771–779.
  • Novak, M., Vojitech, D., Vitu, T. (2010). Influence of heat treatment on tribological properties of electroless Ni-P and Ni-P-Al2O3 coatings on Al-Si casting alloys. Applied Surface Science, 256, 2956-2960.
  • Contreras, A., Leon, C., Jimenez, O., Sosa, R., Perez, R. (2006). Electrolchemical behior and microstructural characterization of 1026 Ni-B coated steel. Applied Surface Science, 253, 592-599.
  • Steffani, P., Dini, J.W., Groza, J.R., Palazoglu, A. (1997). Electrodeposition and Corrosion Resistance of Ni-B-W Coatings,. Journal of Material Engineering Performance, 6, 413–416.
  • Drovosekov, A., Ivanov, M., Krutskikh, V., Lubnin, E., Polukarov, Y. (2005). Chemically Deposited Ni-W-B Coatings: Composition, Structure, and Properties, Prot. Metals, 41, 55–62.
  • Zhang, W.X., Huang, N., He, J.G., Jiang, Z.H., Jiang, Q., Lian, J.S. (2007). Electroless deposition of Ni–W–P coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Applied Surface Science, 253, 5116–5121.
  • Aydeniz, A.İ., Göksenli, A., Dil G., Muhaffel, F., Calli, Ç., Yüksel, B. (2013). Electroless Ni-B-W Coatings for Improving Hardness, Wear and Corrosion Resistance. Materials and technology, 47, 803–806.
  • Chen, X, Li G, Lian J, (2008). Deposition of Electroless Ni-p/Ni-W-P Dublex Coatings on AZ 91D Magnesium Alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Metarials Society China, 18, 323-328.
  • Drovosekov, A., Ivanov, M., Krutskikh, V., Lubnin, E., Polukarov, Y. (2005). Chemically Deposited Ni-W-B Coatings: Composition, Structure, and Properties. Prot. Metals, 41, 55–62.
  • Song, J.Y., Yu, J. (2002). Residual stress measurements in electroless plated Ni–P films. Thin Solid Films, 415, 167-172.

Analysis of the Effect of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-B/Ni-B-W Dublex Coating

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 911 - 922, 30.12.2020


The present work deals with the formation of Ni-B/Ni-B-W duplex coatings on steel by electroless plating process and evaluation of their microstructure and corrosion resistance. The Ni-B/Ni-B-W duplex coatings were prepared using dual baths (alkaline borohydride- reduced electroless nickel baths) with Ni-B as inner layer. EDS analyses were carried out for chemical composition analyses. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the cross-sectional view of the electroless nickel duplex coatings reveal that the coatings are uniform and the compatibility between the layers is good. Also the surface morphology was analysed to characterize the surface properties. Coatings were characterized using XRD. The study reveals that the Ni-B and Ni-B-W coatings are amorphous in their as-plated condition and upon heat treatment at 450 ºC for 1 h, both Ni-B and Ni-B-W coatings crystallize and produce nickel and nickel borides (Ni2B ve Ni3B) in the respective coatings. Polarization tests (in 3,5% NaCl aqueous solution) and immersion tests (in 5% H2SO4 solutions) were carried out to analyse the corrosion properties. The tests were applied on substrate steel, as-plated and heat treated Ni-B and Ni-B/Ni-B-W coatings and were compared with each other. According to the results, all coatings performed better corrosion resistance (CR) than the substrate steel. As-plated Ni-B/Ni-B-W coatings demonstrated better CR than Ni-B coatings. By applying heat treatment, corrosion characteristics improved in both Ni-B and Ni-B/Ni-B-W coatings but much more improvement was observed by Ni-B/Ni-B-W coatings. Adding tungsten to the coating improved additionally the CR due to the formation of protective tungsten oxide layer.

Project Number



  • Mallory, G. O., Hajdu, J. B. (1990). Electroless Plating: Fundamantals and Applications. American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, Florida, 1990.
  • Sahoo, P., Das, S.K. (2011). Tribology of Electroless Nickel Coatings a Review. Material Design, 32, 1760–1775.
  • Riedel, W. Electroless Nickel Plating. (1991). ASM International Metals Park, Ohio, USA.
  • Masoumi, F., Ghasemi, H. R., Ziaei, A. A., Shahriari, D. (2012). Tribological characterization of electroless Ni–10% P coatings at elevated test temperature under dry conditions. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 62, 1063–1070.
  • Bülbül, F. (2011). The Effects of Deposition Parameters on Surface Morphology and Crystallographic Orientation of Electroless Ni-B Coatings. Metallic Materials. 17, 67-75.
  • Das, S.K., Sahoo, P. (2010). Wear Performance Optimization of Electroless Ni-B Coating Using Taguchi Design of Experiments, Tribology in industry, Volume 32.
  • Correa, E., Zuleta, A.A., Guerra, L., Gomez, M.A., Castaño, J.G., Echeverría, F.,, Liu, H., Skeldon, P., Thompson, G.E. (2013). Tribological behaviour of electroless Ni–B coatings on magnesium and AZ91D alloy. Wear, 305, 115–123
  • Palaniappa, M., Seshadri, S.K. (2008). Friction and wear behavior of electroless Ni–P and Ni–W–P alloy coatings. Wear, 265, 735–740.
  • Yan, Y., Huo, Y., Sun, Z., Xu, Z. (2011). Preparation of Electroless Ni-P Composite Coating and Its Tribological Properties, Advanced Materials Research, 199-200, 696-699.
  • Véronique, V., Abdoul-Fatah, K., Adeline, S., Fabienne, D. (2012). Tribological characterization of electroless nickel-boron coatings, Advanced Materials Research, 409, 808-813.
  • He, M., Hu, W., Zhang, C., Weng, J., Shen, B., Wu, Y. (2012). Effect of Wear Conditions on Tribological Properties of Ni-P Coatings, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 22, 2586–2592.
  • Nava, D., Hernandez, A.M., Manriquez, F., Meas, Y., Borges, R.O., Perez, J.J., Trejo, G. (2013). Effects of Heat Treatment on the Tribological and Corrosion Properties of Electrodeposited Ni-P Alloys, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8, 2670–2681.
  • Narayanan, T.S.N., Baskaran, I., Krishnaveni, K., Parthiban, S. (2006). Deposition of Electroless Ni-P Graded Coatings and Evaluation of Their Corrosion Resistance. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200, 3438-3445.
  • Zhang, W.X., He, J.G., Jiang, Z.H., Jiang, Q., Lian, J.S. (2007). Electroless Ni–P layer with a chromium-free pretreatment on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surface Coating Technology, 201, 4594–4600.
  • Hu, X., Jiang, P., Wan, J., Xu, Y. Xiaojun, (2009). Study of corrosion and friction reduction of electroless Ni–P coating with molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles. Journal of Coating Technology Research, 6 (2) 275–281.
  • Anik, M., Körpe, E., Sen, E. (2008). Effect of Coating Bath Composition on the Properties of Electroless Nickel-Boron Films, Surface Coating Technology, 202, 1718–1727.
  • Hamid, Z.A., Hassan, H.B., Attyia, A.M. (2010). Influence of Deposition Temperature and Heat Treatment on the Performance of Electroless Ni– B Films, Surface Coating Technology, 205, 2348–2354.
  • Oraon, B., Majundar, G., Ghjosh, B. (2008). Improving Hardness of Electroless Ni-B Coatings Using Optimized Deposition Conditions and Annealing, Material Design, 29, 1412–1418.
  • Delaunois, F., Lienard, P. (2002). Heat treatments for electroless nickel–boron plating on aluminium alloys. Surface and Coatings Technology, 160, 239-248.
  • Serin, I., Göksenli, A. (2013). Effect of Annealing Temperature on Hardness and Wear Resistance of Electroless Ni-B-Mo Coatings, 1st International Conference on Surface Engineering, 2013 Busan, Korea.
  • Narayanan T., Stephan A., S. Guruskanthan S., Electroless Ni-Co-B Ternary Alloy Deposits: Preparation and Characteristics, Surf. Coat. Technol., , 179, p 56–62.
  • Szczygiel, B., Turkiewicz, A., Serafinczul, J. (2004). Surface morphology and structure of Ni–P, Ni–P–ZrO2, Ni–W–P, Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings deposited by electroless method. Surface Coating Technology, 202, 1904–1910.
  • Kaya, B., Gülmez, T., Demirkol, M. (2008). Preparation and Properties of Electroless Ni-B and Ni-B Nanocomposite Coatings Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008 WCECS 2008, October 22 - 24, San Francisco, USA.
  • Agarwala, R.C., Agarwala, V. (2003). Electroless Alloy/Composite Coatings: A Review. Sadhana, 28, 475-493.
  • Serin, I.S., Göksenli, A., Yüksel, B., Yildiz, R.A. (2015). Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-B-Mo Coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24, 3032–3037.
  • Ziywan, S., Deping, W., Zhimin, D. (2006). Nanocrystalline Ni-B Coating Surface Strengthening Pure Copper. Applied Surface Science, 253, 1051–1054.
  • Zhao, C., Yao, Y. (2014). Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus-Tungsten Carbide Nanocomposite Coatings, Journal of Material Engineering & Performance, 23, 193–197.
  • Sharma, A., Singh, A.K. (2013). Electroless Ni-P and Ni-P-Al2O3 Nanocomposite Coatings and their Corrosion and Wear Resistance, Journal of Material Engineering & Performance, 22, 176–183.
  • Karthikeyan, S., Srinivasan, K.N., Vasudevan, T., John, S., Gopalan, A., Kalaignan, S. (2001). Characterisation of Nickel Phosphorus Silicon Carbide Composite Coatings, Bullettin of Electrochemie., 17, 127–130.
  • Bai, Y., Chou, Y.H., Chao, C.L., Lee, S.J., Ger, M.D. (2008). Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-P/Ni-W-P Double Layer Coatings on 6061 Aluminium Alloy, Journal of Power Source, 183, 174–181.
  • Chen, X., Li, G., Lian, J. (2008). Deposition of electroless Ni-P/Ni-W-P duplex coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society China, 18, 323-328.
  • Zhang, Z.H., Jiang, G.Y., Li, Q., Jiang, J.S. (2008). Electroless Ni-P/Ni-B duplex coatings for improving the hardness and the corrosion resistance of AZ91D magnesium alloy,. Applied Surface Science, 254, 4949–4955.
  • Narayanan, T.S.N., Krishnaveni, K., Seshadri, S.K. (2003). Electroless Ni–P/Ni–B duplex coatings: preparation and evaluation of microhardness, wear and corrosion resistance, Materials Chemistry and Physics 82, 771–779.
  • Novak, M., Vojitech, D., Vitu, T. (2010). Influence of heat treatment on tribological properties of electroless Ni-P and Ni-P-Al2O3 coatings on Al-Si casting alloys. Applied Surface Science, 256, 2956-2960.
  • Contreras, A., Leon, C., Jimenez, O., Sosa, R., Perez, R. (2006). Electrolchemical behior and microstructural characterization of 1026 Ni-B coated steel. Applied Surface Science, 253, 592-599.
  • Steffani, P., Dini, J.W., Groza, J.R., Palazoglu, A. (1997). Electrodeposition and Corrosion Resistance of Ni-B-W Coatings,. Journal of Material Engineering Performance, 6, 413–416.
  • Drovosekov, A., Ivanov, M., Krutskikh, V., Lubnin, E., Polukarov, Y. (2005). Chemically Deposited Ni-W-B Coatings: Composition, Structure, and Properties, Prot. Metals, 41, 55–62.
  • Zhang, W.X., Huang, N., He, J.G., Jiang, Z.H., Jiang, Q., Lian, J.S. (2007). Electroless deposition of Ni–W–P coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Applied Surface Science, 253, 5116–5121.
  • Aydeniz, A.İ., Göksenli, A., Dil G., Muhaffel, F., Calli, Ç., Yüksel, B. (2013). Electroless Ni-B-W Coatings for Improving Hardness, Wear and Corrosion Resistance. Materials and technology, 47, 803–806.
  • Chen, X, Li G, Lian J, (2008). Deposition of Electroless Ni-p/Ni-W-P Dublex Coatings on AZ 91D Magnesium Alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Metarials Society China, 18, 323-328.
  • Drovosekov, A., Ivanov, M., Krutskikh, V., Lubnin, E., Polukarov, Y. (2005). Chemically Deposited Ni-W-B Coatings: Composition, Structure, and Properties. Prot. Metals, 41, 55–62.
  • Song, J.Y., Yu, J. (2002). Residual stress measurements in electroless plated Ni–P films. Thin Solid Films, 415, 167-172.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Gökçe Dil 0000-0002-2036-4413

Ali Göksenli 0000-0002-1068-8705

Behiye Yüksel This is me 0000-0003-4645-6460

Faiz Muhaffel This is me 0000-0002-9814-7478

Project Number BAP-36421
Publication Date December 30, 2020
Submission Date April 7, 2020
Acceptance Date September 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Dil, G., Göksenli, A., Yüksel, B., Muhaffel, F. (2020). Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B/Ni-B-W Dubleks Kaplamanın Korozyon Direncine Etkisinin Analiz Edilmesi. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 911-922.