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Rumex acetosella L. (Kuzukulağı)’nın In vitro Antiradikal, Antimikrobiyal, Antikanser ve Fitokimyasal Özellikleri

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 683 - 692, 31.12.2022


Polygonaceae familyasında yer alan R. acetosella, çok yıllık otsu bir bitkidir ve Türkiye’de halk arasında sebze olarak tüketilmektedir. Bu çalışmada R. acetosella toprak üst kısımlarının etanol, su ve metanol ekstraktlarının antimikrobiyal (Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus bakterileri ve Candida albicansmaya-mantarına karşı), antiradikal (DPPH, ABTS ve OH radikallerine karşı), antikanser (insan prostat kanseri (PC-3), insan kolon kanseri (HCT-116), insan yumurtalık kanseri (A2780) ve insan göğüs kanseri (MCF-7) hücre serilerine karşı) ve fitokimyasal özellikleri (yağda çözünen vitaminler, yağ asitleri, flavonoitler, fitosteroller, fenolik asitler, toplam fenolik bileşik, toplam flavonoit ve toplam proantosiyanidinler) incelenmiştir. Sonuçlarımıza göre R. acetosella ekstraktlarının ABTS, DPPH ve OH radikali yok etme testlerinde BHT’den daha yüksek aktiviteye sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu bitkinin yüksek antimikrobiyal aktiviteye ve fitokimyasal içeriğe sahip olduğu, PC-3 insan prostat kanseri hücrelerine karşı etkili antikanser aktivite gösterdiği anlaşılmıştır. Aynı zamanda sunulan çalışma, R. acetosella ekstraktlarının in vitro antikanser aktivitesi ile ilgili ilk çalışma olma özelliği taşımaktadır.

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Project Number



Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK tarafından 115Z056 numaralı proje ile desteklenmiştir.


  • [Abushita, A.A., Hebshi, E.A., Daood, H.G. & Biacs, P.A. (1997). Determination of antioxidation vitamins in tomatoes. Food Chemistry, 60, 207-212.
  • Meyer, A.S., Heinonen, M. & Frankel, E.N. (1998). Antioxidant interactions of catechin, cyanidin, caffeic acid, quercetin, and ellagic acidon human LDL oxidation. Food Chemistry, 61, 71-75.
  • Nakagawa, K., Ninomiya, M., Okubo, T., Aoi, N., Nuneja, L.R., Kim, M., Yamanaka, K. & Miyazava, T. (1999). Tea catechin supplementation increases antioxidant capacity and prevents phospolilpid, hydroperoxidation in plasma in human. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 3967-3973.
  • Miyake, Y., Murakami, A., Sugiyama, Y., Isobe, M., Koshimuzu, K. & Ohigashi, H. (1999). Identification of coumarin from lemon fruit (Citrus limon) as inhibitors of in vitro tumor promotion and superoxide and nitric oxide generation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 3151-3157.
  • Modi, C., Mody, S., Patel, H., Dudhatra, G., Kumar, A. & Awale, M. (2012). Herbal antibacterials: a review. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 1, 52-61.
  • Lemkebthomas, L., Williams, D.A., Roche, V.F. & William, Z.S. (2008). Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry. 6th edition.
  • Hilal, Z., Michael, S., Ben, A.E. & Bashar, S. (2012). Greco-Arab and Islamic herbal-derived anticancer modalities: from tradition to molecular mechanisms. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, Article ID 349040, 13 pages.
  • Kahraman, S. (2009). Labada (Rumex cristatus DC)’nin antioksidan aktivitesi. Doktora Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Kuruüzüm, A. (1996). Bazı Rumex L. türlerinin kemotaksonomik açıdan karşılaştırılmaları ve sitotoksik etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kuruüzüm, A. (1999). Rumex patentia L. üzerinde fitokimyasal araştırmalar ve biyolojik aktivite çalışmaları. Doktora Tezi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Alpinar, K., Ozyurek, M., Kolak, U., Guclu, K., Aras, C., Altun, M., Celik, S.E., Berker, K.I., Bektasoglu, B. & Apak, R. (2009). Antioxidant capacities of some food plants wildly grown in Ayvalik of Turkey. Food Science and Technology Research, 15, 59-64.
  • Özen, T. (2010). Antioxidant activity of wild edible plants in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Grasas Y Aceites, 61, 86-94.
  • Pereira, C., Barros, L., Carvalho, A.M. & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2011). Nutritional composition and bioactive properties of commonly consumed wild greens: Potential sources for new trends in modern diets. Food Research International, 44, 2634-2640.
  • Ahmed, D., Mughal, Q. M., Younas, S. & Ikram, M. (2013). Study of phenolic content and urease and alpha-amylase inhibitory activities of methanolic extract of Rumex acetosella roots and its sub-fractions in different solvents. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26, 553-559.
  • Isbilir, S.S. & Sagiroglu, A. (2013). Total phenolic content, antiradical and antioxidant activities of wild and cultivated Rumex acetosella L. extracts. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 29, 219-226.
  • Wegiera, M., Kosikowska, U., Malm, A. & Smolarz, H.D. (2011). Antimicrobial activity of the extracts from fruits of Rumex L. species. Central European Journal of Biology, 6, 1036-1043.
  • Brand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M.E. & Berset, C. (1995). Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 28, 25-30.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231-1237.
  • Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M.C. & Aruoma, O. (1987). The deoxyribose method: a simple test tube assay for determination of rate constants for reactions of hydroxyl radicals. Analytical Biochemistry, 165, 215-219.
  • Slinkard, K. & Singleton, V.L. (1977). Total phenol analysis-automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28, 49-55.
  • Kim, D.O., Chun, O.K., Kim, Y.J., Moon, H.Y. & Lee, C.Y. (2003). Quantification of polyphenolics and their antioxidant capacity in fresh plums. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 6509-6515.
  • Amaeze, O.U., Ayoola, G.A., Sofidiya, M.O., Adepoju-Bello, A.A., Adegoke, A.O. & Coker, H.A.B. (2011). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Tetracarpidium conophorum (Mull. Arg) Hutch & Dalziel leaves. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Article ID976701, 7 pages.
  • Zu, Y.G., Li, C.Y., Fu, Y.J. & Zhao, C.J. (2006). Simultaneous determination of catechin, rutin, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin in the extract of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaf by RP-HPLC with DAD. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 41, 714-719.
  • Christie, W.W. (1992). Gas chromatography and lipids. The Oil Press, Glasgow.
  • Sanchez-Machado, D.I., Lopez-Hernandez, J. & Paseiro-Losado, P. (2002). High performance liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-tocopherol in macroalgae. Journal of Chromatography A, 976, 277-284.
  • López-Cervantes, J., Sánchez-Machado, D.I. & Ríos-Vázquez, N.J. (2006). High performance liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous quantification of retinol, α-tocopherol, and cholesterol in shrimp waste hydrolysate. Journal of Chromatography A, 1105, 135-139.
  • Collins, C.M. &Lyne, P.M. (1989). Microbiological methods. Buttermorths-Heinemann, London, England.
  • Mosmann, T. (1983). Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival: Application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays. Journal of Immunological Methods, 65, 55-63.
  • Denizot, F. & Lang, R. (1986). Rapid colorimetric assay for cell growth and survival. Modifications to the tetrazolium dye procedure giving improved sensitivity and reliability. Journal of Immunological Methods, 89, 271-277.
  • Samancioglu, A., Sat, I.G., Yildirim, E., Ercisli, S., Jurikova, T. & Mlcek, J. (2016). Total phenolic and vitamin C content and antiradical activity evaluation of traditionally consumed wild edible vegetables from Turkey. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 15, 208-213.
  • Sarikurkcu, C., Targan, S., Ozer, M.S. & Tepe, B. (2017). Fatty acid composition, enzyme inhibitory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extracts of selected wild edible plants consumed as vegetables in the Aegean Region of Turkey. International Journal of Food Properties, 20, 560-572.
  • Akgunlu, S.B., Sekeroglu, N., Koca-Caliskan, U., Ozkutlu, F., Ozcelik, B., Kulak, M. & Gezici, S. (2016). Research on selected wild edible vegetables: Mineral content and antimicrobial potentials. Annals of Phytomedicine, 5, 50-57.
  • Orbán-Gyapai, O., Liktor-Busa, E., Kúsz, N., Stefkó D., Urbán, E., Hohmann, J., Vasas, A. (2017).Antibacterial screening of Rumex species native to the Carpathian Basin and bioactivity-guided isolation of compounds from Rumexaquaticus.Fitoterapia, 118, 101-106.
  • Ansaripour, S., Safaei, N., Bagheri, N. (2020). Antibacterial effects of hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of two medicinal plants in comparison with popular antibiotics: An in vitro study.Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences,22, e97873.
  • Ottenweller, J., Putt, K., Blumenthal, E.J., Dhawale, S., Dhawale, S.W. (2004). Inhibition of prostate cancer-cell proliferation by Essiac. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10 ,687-691.
  • Wegiera, M., Smolarz, H.D., Bogucka-Kocka, A. (2012). Rumex L. species induce apoptosisin1301,EOL-1andH-9celllines.Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, 69, 487-499.
  • Lajter, I., Zupkó, I., Molnár, J., Jakab, G., Balogh, L., Vasas, A., Hohmann, J. (2013). Antiproliferative activity of Polygonaceae species from the Carpathian Basin against human cancer cell lines. Phytotherapy Research, 27, 77-85.
  • Tamokou, J.D., Chouna, J.R., Fischer-Fodor, E., Chereches, G., Barbos, O., Damian, G., Benedec, D., Duma, M., Efouet, A.P.N., Wabo, H.K., Kulate, J.R., Mot, A., Silaghi-Dumitrescu, R. (2013). Anticancer and antimicrobial activities of some antioxidant-rich Cameroonian medicinal plants. PlosOne, 8, 1-14.

In vitro Antiradical, Antimicrobial, Anticancer, and Phytochemical Properties of Rumex acetosella L. (Sorrel)

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 683 - 692, 31.12.2022


R. acetosella is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Polygonaceae family and is consumed as a vegetable among the people in Turkey. In this study, antimicrobial (Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and Candida albicans yeast-fungi), antiradical (against to DPPH, ABTS and OH radicals), anticancer (against to human prostate cancer (PC-3), human colon cancer (HCT-116), human ovarian cancer (A2780) and human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell lines) and phytochemical properties (lipid-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, phytosterols, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoid, and total proanthocyanidins) of ethanol, water and methanol extracts of R. acetosella aerial parts were investigated. According to our results, it was determined that R. acetosella extracts have higher activity than the BHT in scavenging tests of ABTS, DPPH and OH radicals. It has also been understood that this plant has high antimicrobial activity and phytochemical content and effective anticancer activities against to PC-3 human prostate cancer cell lines. Also the presented study is the first study on the in vitro anticancer activity of R. acetosella extracts.

Project Number



  • [Abushita, A.A., Hebshi, E.A., Daood, H.G. & Biacs, P.A. (1997). Determination of antioxidation vitamins in tomatoes. Food Chemistry, 60, 207-212.
  • Meyer, A.S., Heinonen, M. & Frankel, E.N. (1998). Antioxidant interactions of catechin, cyanidin, caffeic acid, quercetin, and ellagic acidon human LDL oxidation. Food Chemistry, 61, 71-75.
  • Nakagawa, K., Ninomiya, M., Okubo, T., Aoi, N., Nuneja, L.R., Kim, M., Yamanaka, K. & Miyazava, T. (1999). Tea catechin supplementation increases antioxidant capacity and prevents phospolilpid, hydroperoxidation in plasma in human. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 3967-3973.
  • Miyake, Y., Murakami, A., Sugiyama, Y., Isobe, M., Koshimuzu, K. & Ohigashi, H. (1999). Identification of coumarin from lemon fruit (Citrus limon) as inhibitors of in vitro tumor promotion and superoxide and nitric oxide generation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47, 3151-3157.
  • Modi, C., Mody, S., Patel, H., Dudhatra, G., Kumar, A. & Awale, M. (2012). Herbal antibacterials: a review. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 1, 52-61.
  • Lemkebthomas, L., Williams, D.A., Roche, V.F. & William, Z.S. (2008). Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry. 6th edition.
  • Hilal, Z., Michael, S., Ben, A.E. & Bashar, S. (2012). Greco-Arab and Islamic herbal-derived anticancer modalities: from tradition to molecular mechanisms. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, Article ID 349040, 13 pages.
  • Kahraman, S. (2009). Labada (Rumex cristatus DC)’nin antioksidan aktivitesi. Doktora Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Kuruüzüm, A. (1996). Bazı Rumex L. türlerinin kemotaksonomik açıdan karşılaştırılmaları ve sitotoksik etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Kuruüzüm, A. (1999). Rumex patentia L. üzerinde fitokimyasal araştırmalar ve biyolojik aktivite çalışmaları. Doktora Tezi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Alpinar, K., Ozyurek, M., Kolak, U., Guclu, K., Aras, C., Altun, M., Celik, S.E., Berker, K.I., Bektasoglu, B. & Apak, R. (2009). Antioxidant capacities of some food plants wildly grown in Ayvalik of Turkey. Food Science and Technology Research, 15, 59-64.
  • Özen, T. (2010). Antioxidant activity of wild edible plants in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Grasas Y Aceites, 61, 86-94.
  • Pereira, C., Barros, L., Carvalho, A.M. & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2011). Nutritional composition and bioactive properties of commonly consumed wild greens: Potential sources for new trends in modern diets. Food Research International, 44, 2634-2640.
  • Ahmed, D., Mughal, Q. M., Younas, S. & Ikram, M. (2013). Study of phenolic content and urease and alpha-amylase inhibitory activities of methanolic extract of Rumex acetosella roots and its sub-fractions in different solvents. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26, 553-559.
  • Isbilir, S.S. & Sagiroglu, A. (2013). Total phenolic content, antiradical and antioxidant activities of wild and cultivated Rumex acetosella L. extracts. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 29, 219-226.
  • Wegiera, M., Kosikowska, U., Malm, A. & Smolarz, H.D. (2011). Antimicrobial activity of the extracts from fruits of Rumex L. species. Central European Journal of Biology, 6, 1036-1043.
  • Brand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M.E. & Berset, C. (1995). Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 28, 25-30.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231-1237.
  • Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J.M.C. & Aruoma, O. (1987). The deoxyribose method: a simple test tube assay for determination of rate constants for reactions of hydroxyl radicals. Analytical Biochemistry, 165, 215-219.
  • Slinkard, K. & Singleton, V.L. (1977). Total phenol analysis-automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28, 49-55.
  • Kim, D.O., Chun, O.K., Kim, Y.J., Moon, H.Y. & Lee, C.Y. (2003). Quantification of polyphenolics and their antioxidant capacity in fresh plums. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 6509-6515.
  • Amaeze, O.U., Ayoola, G.A., Sofidiya, M.O., Adepoju-Bello, A.A., Adegoke, A.O. & Coker, H.A.B. (2011). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Tetracarpidium conophorum (Mull. Arg) Hutch & Dalziel leaves. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Article ID976701, 7 pages.
  • Zu, Y.G., Li, C.Y., Fu, Y.J. & Zhao, C.J. (2006). Simultaneous determination of catechin, rutin, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin in the extract of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaf by RP-HPLC with DAD. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 41, 714-719.
  • Christie, W.W. (1992). Gas chromatography and lipids. The Oil Press, Glasgow.
  • Sanchez-Machado, D.I., Lopez-Hernandez, J. & Paseiro-Losado, P. (2002). High performance liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-tocopherol in macroalgae. Journal of Chromatography A, 976, 277-284.
  • López-Cervantes, J., Sánchez-Machado, D.I. & Ríos-Vázquez, N.J. (2006). High performance liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous quantification of retinol, α-tocopherol, and cholesterol in shrimp waste hydrolysate. Journal of Chromatography A, 1105, 135-139.
  • Collins, C.M. &Lyne, P.M. (1989). Microbiological methods. Buttermorths-Heinemann, London, England.
  • Mosmann, T. (1983). Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival: Application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays. Journal of Immunological Methods, 65, 55-63.
  • Denizot, F. & Lang, R. (1986). Rapid colorimetric assay for cell growth and survival. Modifications to the tetrazolium dye procedure giving improved sensitivity and reliability. Journal of Immunological Methods, 89, 271-277.
  • Samancioglu, A., Sat, I.G., Yildirim, E., Ercisli, S., Jurikova, T. & Mlcek, J. (2016). Total phenolic and vitamin C content and antiradical activity evaluation of traditionally consumed wild edible vegetables from Turkey. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 15, 208-213.
  • Sarikurkcu, C., Targan, S., Ozer, M.S. & Tepe, B. (2017). Fatty acid composition, enzyme inhibitory, and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extracts of selected wild edible plants consumed as vegetables in the Aegean Region of Turkey. International Journal of Food Properties, 20, 560-572.
  • Akgunlu, S.B., Sekeroglu, N., Koca-Caliskan, U., Ozkutlu, F., Ozcelik, B., Kulak, M. & Gezici, S. (2016). Research on selected wild edible vegetables: Mineral content and antimicrobial potentials. Annals of Phytomedicine, 5, 50-57.
  • Orbán-Gyapai, O., Liktor-Busa, E., Kúsz, N., Stefkó D., Urbán, E., Hohmann, J., Vasas, A. (2017).Antibacterial screening of Rumex species native to the Carpathian Basin and bioactivity-guided isolation of compounds from Rumexaquaticus.Fitoterapia, 118, 101-106.
  • Ansaripour, S., Safaei, N., Bagheri, N. (2020). Antibacterial effects of hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts of two medicinal plants in comparison with popular antibiotics: An in vitro study.Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences,22, e97873.
  • Ottenweller, J., Putt, K., Blumenthal, E.J., Dhawale, S., Dhawale, S.W. (2004). Inhibition of prostate cancer-cell proliferation by Essiac. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10 ,687-691.
  • Wegiera, M., Smolarz, H.D., Bogucka-Kocka, A. (2012). Rumex L. species induce apoptosisin1301,EOL-1andH-9celllines.Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, 69, 487-499.
  • Lajter, I., Zupkó, I., Molnár, J., Jakab, G., Balogh, L., Vasas, A., Hohmann, J. (2013). Antiproliferative activity of Polygonaceae species from the Carpathian Basin against human cancer cell lines. Phytotherapy Research, 27, 77-85.
  • Tamokou, J.D., Chouna, J.R., Fischer-Fodor, E., Chereches, G., Barbos, O., Damian, G., Benedec, D., Duma, M., Efouet, A.P.N., Wabo, H.K., Kulate, J.R., Mot, A., Silaghi-Dumitrescu, R. (2013). Anticancer and antimicrobial activities of some antioxidant-rich Cameroonian medicinal plants. PlosOne, 8, 1-14.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Fatma Keser 0000-0001-6870-0546

Mustafa Karatepe 0000-0001-6358-5913

Serhat Keser 0000-0002-9678-1053

Suat Tekin 0000-0002-2757-1802

İsmail Türkoğlu 0000-0001-7454-7605

Omer Kaygılı 0000-0002-2321-1455

Ersin Demir 0000-0002-7676-5953

Prof. Dr. Ökkeş Yılmaz 0000-0002-8276-4498

Süleyman Sandal 0000-0002-8916-3329

Sevda Kırbağ 0000-0002-4337-8236

Project Number 115Z056
Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date September 13, 2021
Acceptance Date September 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Keser, F., Karatepe, M., Keser, S., Tekin, S., et al. (2022). Rumex acetosella L. (Kuzukulağı)’nın In vitro Antiradikal, Antimikrobiyal, Antikanser ve Fitokimyasal Özellikleri. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 683-692. https://doi.org/10.35193/bseufbd.994208