
• The short name of the journal is BSEU-FHSJ (Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Journal of Faculty of Health Sciences).

• BSEU-FHSJ is published electronically three times a year: January, May and September. Apart from these issues, Special Issues can also be published with the decision of the Publication and Advisory Board.

• BSEU-FHSJ accepts studies written in Turkish and English.

• Make sure that the work you upload to the DergiPark system complies with the writing rules and article template

• In our journal, current clinical and experimental original articles and reviews and multidisciplinary studies can be published in the field of health sciences. 

Last Update Time: 12/7/24, 9:51:25 PM

Qualified studies in the following fields can be published in the BSEU-FHSJ;

Health management, nursing, social work, midwifery, child development, occupational therapy, orthotics and prosthesis,
speech and language therapy, audiology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, nutrition and dietetics, other multidisciplinary studies.

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