Research Article
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The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period

Year 2023, , 534 - 542, 15.10.2023


The main purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between individuals' cyberchondria levels and their life satisfaction during the pandemic process. At the same time, it is aimed to determine whether there is a statistical difference between cyberchondria and life satisfaction and demographic characteristics of individuals. Sociodemographic information form, Cyberchondria Severity Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale were used as data collection tools. Within the scope of the research, 416 participants were reached. Structural equation modeling, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis H Test and Miller Method were used in the analysis of the data. During the pandemic period, there is a significant difference between life satisfaction, compulsion and doctor confidence scores and gender. There is a statistically significant difference between life satisfaction and age. There is a statistical difference between life satisfaction, compulsion and trust in doctor and marital status. There is a significant difference between education level and life satisfaction, compulsion, trust in doctor and cyberchondria. There is statistically significant difference between life satisfaction and trust in doctor and ıncome level. There is a significant difference between physical activity and presence of chronic disease and life satisfaction. As a result, there are statistically significant differences between demographic variables and life satisfaction and cyberchondria and its sub-dimensions. There is also a low level of relationship between life satisfaction and cyberchondria.

Project Number



  • Akhtar M, Fatima T. 2020. Exploring cyberchondria and worry about health among individuals with no diagnosed medical condition. J Pak Med Assoc, 70(1): 90-95.
  • Altındiş S, İnci MB, Aslan FG, Altın M. 2018. Üniversite çalışanlarında siberkondria düzeyleri ve ilişkili faktörlerin incelenmesi. Sakarya Tıp Derg, 8(2): 359-370.
  • Atkinson NL, Saperstein SL, Pleis J. 2009. Using the internet for health-related activities: findings from a national probability sample. J Med Internet Res, 11(1): e4.
  • Bagarić B, Jokić-Begić N. 2019. Cyberchondria–Health Anxiety Related to Internet Searching. Socijalna psihijatrija, 47(1): 28-50.
  • Barke A, Bleichhardt G, Rief W, Doering BK. 2016. The cyberchondria severity scale (CSS): German validation and development of a short form. Int J Behav Med, 23(5): 595-605.
  • Başoğlu MA. 2019. Edirne il merkezinde 15-49 yaş grubu kadınların siberkondrinin sürekli kaygı ve psikolojik iyi oluş ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. Tıpta Uzmanlık, Trakya Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Aile Hekimliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Edirne, Türkiye, pp: 130.
  • Calder PC. 2021. Nutrition and immunity: lessons for COVID-19. Eur J Clin Nutr, 11: 1309-1318.
  • Cihangir B, Çakır MA. 2019. Çocuk sahibi olan evli çiftlerin yaşam doyumları ve evlilik uyumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi (Isparta ili örneği). Uluslararası Sos Araş Derg, 12(62): 1013-1021.
  • Dağlı A, Baysal N. 2016. Yaşam doyumu ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. E-Sos Bil Derg, 15(59): 1250-1262.
  • Deniz S. 2020. Bireylerin e-sağlık okuryazarlığı ve siberkondri düzeylerinin incelenmesi. İnsan ve İnsan, 7(24): 84-96.
  • Diener E, Emmons RA, Larsen RJ, Griffin S. 1985. The satisfaction with life scale. J Pers Assess, 49(1): 71-75.
  • Doğanyiğit PB, Keçeligil HT. 2022. Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde bireylerin sağlık kaygılarının siberkondri üzerindeki etkisi. Celal Bayar Üniv Sağlık Bil Enst Derg, 9(3): 355-362.
  • Doherty-Torstrick ER, Walton KE, Fallon BA. 2016. Cyberchondria: parsing health anxiety from online behavior. Psychosomatics, 57(4): 390-400.
  • Doraiswamy S, Abraham A, Mamtani R, Cheema S. 2020. Use of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic: scoping review. J Med Internet Res, 22(12): e24087.
  • Erdem R, Pirinçci E. 2003. Sağlık hizmetleirnde kullanım ve kullanımı etkileyen faktörler. J Exp Clin Med, 20(1): 39-46.
  • Ertaş H, Kıraç R, Demir RN. 2019. Dijital okuryazarlık ve e-sağlık okuryazarlığı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. 3. Internationan 13. National Congress On Health And Hospital Administration, October 10-12, 2019, Sakarya, Türkiye, pp: 557-570.
  • Garfin DR, Silver RC, Holman EA. 2020. The novel coronavirus (COVID-2019) outbreak: Amplification of public health consequences by media exposure. Health Psychol, 39(5): 355-357.
  • Güzel S, Özer Z. 2021. Cyberchondria levels and affecting factors in heart patients. Turk J Card Nur, 12(27): 36-46.
  • Hair JrJF, Anderson RE, Tatham RL, Black WC. 1998. Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, New York, US, pp: 816.
  • Işık ÖG, Koçak Ö. 2014. İletişim fakültesi öğrencilerinin yaşam doyumlarının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Selçuk İletişim, 8(3): 281-300.
  • Jukic-Begic N, Lauri KA, Mikac U. 2020. Cyberchondria in the age of COVID-19. PLoS ONE, 15(12): e0243704.
  • Kudo H, Izumo Y, Kodama H, Watanabe M, Hatakeyama R, Fukuoka Y, Sasaki H. 2007. Life satisfaction in older people. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 7(1): 15-20.
  • Laato S, Islam AN, Islam MN, Whelan E. 2020. What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Eur J Inf Syst, 29(3): 288-305.
  • Lin Y, Xiao H, Lan X, Wen S, Bao S. 2020. Living arrangements and life satisfaction: mediation by social support and meaning in life. BMC Geriatr, 20(1): 136.
  • Maftei A, Holman AC. 2020. Cyberchondria during the coronavirus pandemic: The effects of neuroticism and optimism. Front Psychol, 30(11): 567345.
  • Mahamid FA, Berte DZ, Bdier D. 2022. Problematic internet use and its association with sleep disturbance and life satisfaction among Palestinians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curr Psychol, 41(11): 8167-8174.
  • Mathes BM, Norr AM, Allan NP, Albanese BJ, Schmidt NB. 2018. Cyberchondria: Overlap with health anxiety and unique relations with impairment, quality of life, and service utilization. Psychiatry Res. 261: 204-211.
  • McElroy E, Shevlin M. 2014. The development and initial validation of the cyberchondria severity scale (CSS). J Anxiety Disord, 28(2): 259-265.
  • Meule A, Voderholzer U. 2020. Life satisfaction in persons with mental disorders. Qual Life Res, 29(11): 3043-3052.
  • Ngoo YT, Tey NP, Tan EC. 2015. Determinants of life satisfaction in Asia. Soc Indic Res, 124: 141-156.
  • Nunnally JC. 1978. Psychometric theory. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, US, pp: 701.
  • Önder H. 2018. Nonparametric statistical methods used in biological experiments. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 1-6.
  • Papi S, Cheraghi M. 2021. Multiple factors associated with life satisfaction in older adults. Menopause Review/Przegląd Menopauzalny, 20(1): 69-75.
  • Şantaş F. 2017. Yoksulluğun sağlık statüsü ve sağlık hizmetleri kullanımı ile ilişkisi. Iğdır Üniv Sos Bil Derg, (13): 545-591.
  • Schermelleh EK, Moosbrugger H. 2003. Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. MPR-online, 8(2): 23-74.
  • Şenol A. 2022. Pandemi sürecinde sağlık kaygısının boylamsal incelenmesi ve yaşam doyumu ile ilişkisi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 24(3): 124-1138.
  • Sönmez Benli S, Yıldırım A. 2017. Hemşirelerde yaşam doyumu ve ölüme karşı tutum arasındaki ilişki. Gümüşhane Üniv Sağlık Bil Derg, 6(4): 167-179.
  • Tambağ H. 2015. Yaşlılarda sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ve yaşam doyumu. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Tıp Derg, 4(16): 23-31.
  • Taşlıyan M, Hırlak B, Güler B, Gündoğdu E. 2018. İnternet bağımlılığı, yaşam doyumu ve bazı demografik değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniv İİBF Derg, 2(2): 166-179.
  • Taylor S, Asmundson GJG. 2004. Treating health anxiety: a cognitive-behavioral approach. Guilford Press, New York, US, pp: 299.
  • Turkiewicz KL. 2012. The impact of cyberchondria on doctor-patient communication. Doctoral Dissertation, Milwaukee: The University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, US, pp: 112.
  • Ural Uslan Y. 2016. Kamu çalışanlarının iş doyumu, yaşam doyumu ve tükenmişlik düzeylerinin bazı sosyo-demografik unsurlara göre değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası İnsan Bil Derg, 13(2): 3354-3372.
  • Uzun SU, Zencir M. 2018. Reliability and validity study of the Turkish version of cyberchondria severity scale. Curr Psychol, 40: 65-71.
  • Uzun SU. 2016. Pamukkale üniversitesi çalışanlarında siberkondri düzeyi ve etkileyen etmenler. Master thesis, Pamukkale University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health, Denizli, Türkiye, pp: 109.
  • Wang SQ, Ying J, Zhang ML, Shi Y, Li Y, Xing ZJ, Sun J. 2018. Health‐related life satisfaction and its influencing factors: A cross‐sectional study in China. Jpn J Nurs Sci, 15(4): 285-297.
  • Yılmaz Y, Bahadır E, Erdoğan A. 2021. Investigation of the relationships between cybercondria, anxiety sensitivity, somatosensory amplification, and intolerance to uncertainty. J Clin Psychiatry, 24(4): 450-458.

The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period

Year 2023, , 534 - 542, 15.10.2023


The main purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between individuals' cyberchondria levels and their life satisfaction during the pandemic process. At the same time, it is aimed to determine whether there is a statistical difference between cyberchondria and life satisfaction and demographic characteristics of individuals. Sociodemographic information form, Cyberchondria Severity Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale were used as data collection tools. Within the scope of the research, 416 participants were reached. Structural equation modeling, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis H Test and Miller Method were used in the analysis of the data. During the pandemic period, there is a significant difference between life satisfaction, compulsion and doctor confidence scores and gender. There is a statistically significant difference between life satisfaction and age. There is a statistical difference between life satisfaction, compulsion and trust in doctor and marital status. There is a significant difference between education level and life satisfaction, compulsion, trust in doctor and cyberchondria. There is statistically significant difference between life satisfaction and trust in doctor and ıncome level. There is a significant difference between physical activity and presence of chronic disease and life satisfaction. As a result, there are statistically significant differences between demographic variables and life satisfaction and cyberchondria and its sub-dimensions. There is also a low level of relationship between life satisfaction and cyberchondria.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Akhtar M, Fatima T. 2020. Exploring cyberchondria and worry about health among individuals with no diagnosed medical condition. J Pak Med Assoc, 70(1): 90-95.
  • Altındiş S, İnci MB, Aslan FG, Altın M. 2018. Üniversite çalışanlarında siberkondria düzeyleri ve ilişkili faktörlerin incelenmesi. Sakarya Tıp Derg, 8(2): 359-370.
  • Atkinson NL, Saperstein SL, Pleis J. 2009. Using the internet for health-related activities: findings from a national probability sample. J Med Internet Res, 11(1): e4.
  • Bagarić B, Jokić-Begić N. 2019. Cyberchondria–Health Anxiety Related to Internet Searching. Socijalna psihijatrija, 47(1): 28-50.
  • Barke A, Bleichhardt G, Rief W, Doering BK. 2016. The cyberchondria severity scale (CSS): German validation and development of a short form. Int J Behav Med, 23(5): 595-605.
  • Başoğlu MA. 2019. Edirne il merkezinde 15-49 yaş grubu kadınların siberkondrinin sürekli kaygı ve psikolojik iyi oluş ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. Tıpta Uzmanlık, Trakya Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Aile Hekimliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Edirne, Türkiye, pp: 130.
  • Calder PC. 2021. Nutrition and immunity: lessons for COVID-19. Eur J Clin Nutr, 11: 1309-1318.
  • Cihangir B, Çakır MA. 2019. Çocuk sahibi olan evli çiftlerin yaşam doyumları ve evlilik uyumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi (Isparta ili örneği). Uluslararası Sos Araş Derg, 12(62): 1013-1021.
  • Dağlı A, Baysal N. 2016. Yaşam doyumu ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. E-Sos Bil Derg, 15(59): 1250-1262.
  • Deniz S. 2020. Bireylerin e-sağlık okuryazarlığı ve siberkondri düzeylerinin incelenmesi. İnsan ve İnsan, 7(24): 84-96.
  • Diener E, Emmons RA, Larsen RJ, Griffin S. 1985. The satisfaction with life scale. J Pers Assess, 49(1): 71-75.
  • Doğanyiğit PB, Keçeligil HT. 2022. Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde bireylerin sağlık kaygılarının siberkondri üzerindeki etkisi. Celal Bayar Üniv Sağlık Bil Enst Derg, 9(3): 355-362.
  • Doherty-Torstrick ER, Walton KE, Fallon BA. 2016. Cyberchondria: parsing health anxiety from online behavior. Psychosomatics, 57(4): 390-400.
  • Doraiswamy S, Abraham A, Mamtani R, Cheema S. 2020. Use of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic: scoping review. J Med Internet Res, 22(12): e24087.
  • Erdem R, Pirinçci E. 2003. Sağlık hizmetleirnde kullanım ve kullanımı etkileyen faktörler. J Exp Clin Med, 20(1): 39-46.
  • Ertaş H, Kıraç R, Demir RN. 2019. Dijital okuryazarlık ve e-sağlık okuryazarlığı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. 3. Internationan 13. National Congress On Health And Hospital Administration, October 10-12, 2019, Sakarya, Türkiye, pp: 557-570.
  • Garfin DR, Silver RC, Holman EA. 2020. The novel coronavirus (COVID-2019) outbreak: Amplification of public health consequences by media exposure. Health Psychol, 39(5): 355-357.
  • Güzel S, Özer Z. 2021. Cyberchondria levels and affecting factors in heart patients. Turk J Card Nur, 12(27): 36-46.
  • Hair JrJF, Anderson RE, Tatham RL, Black WC. 1998. Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, New York, US, pp: 816.
  • Işık ÖG, Koçak Ö. 2014. İletişim fakültesi öğrencilerinin yaşam doyumlarının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Selçuk İletişim, 8(3): 281-300.
  • Jukic-Begic N, Lauri KA, Mikac U. 2020. Cyberchondria in the age of COVID-19. PLoS ONE, 15(12): e0243704.
  • Kudo H, Izumo Y, Kodama H, Watanabe M, Hatakeyama R, Fukuoka Y, Sasaki H. 2007. Life satisfaction in older people. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 7(1): 15-20.
  • Laato S, Islam AN, Islam MN, Whelan E. 2020. What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Eur J Inf Syst, 29(3): 288-305.
  • Lin Y, Xiao H, Lan X, Wen S, Bao S. 2020. Living arrangements and life satisfaction: mediation by social support and meaning in life. BMC Geriatr, 20(1): 136.
  • Maftei A, Holman AC. 2020. Cyberchondria during the coronavirus pandemic: The effects of neuroticism and optimism. Front Psychol, 30(11): 567345.
  • Mahamid FA, Berte DZ, Bdier D. 2022. Problematic internet use and its association with sleep disturbance and life satisfaction among Palestinians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curr Psychol, 41(11): 8167-8174.
  • Mathes BM, Norr AM, Allan NP, Albanese BJ, Schmidt NB. 2018. Cyberchondria: Overlap with health anxiety and unique relations with impairment, quality of life, and service utilization. Psychiatry Res. 261: 204-211.
  • McElroy E, Shevlin M. 2014. The development and initial validation of the cyberchondria severity scale (CSS). J Anxiety Disord, 28(2): 259-265.
  • Meule A, Voderholzer U. 2020. Life satisfaction in persons with mental disorders. Qual Life Res, 29(11): 3043-3052.
  • Ngoo YT, Tey NP, Tan EC. 2015. Determinants of life satisfaction in Asia. Soc Indic Res, 124: 141-156.
  • Nunnally JC. 1978. Psychometric theory. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, US, pp: 701.
  • Önder H. 2018. Nonparametric statistical methods used in biological experiments. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 1-6.
  • Papi S, Cheraghi M. 2021. Multiple factors associated with life satisfaction in older adults. Menopause Review/Przegląd Menopauzalny, 20(1): 69-75.
  • Şantaş F. 2017. Yoksulluğun sağlık statüsü ve sağlık hizmetleri kullanımı ile ilişkisi. Iğdır Üniv Sos Bil Derg, (13): 545-591.
  • Schermelleh EK, Moosbrugger H. 2003. Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. MPR-online, 8(2): 23-74.
  • Şenol A. 2022. Pandemi sürecinde sağlık kaygısının boylamsal incelenmesi ve yaşam doyumu ile ilişkisi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 24(3): 124-1138.
  • Sönmez Benli S, Yıldırım A. 2017. Hemşirelerde yaşam doyumu ve ölüme karşı tutum arasındaki ilişki. Gümüşhane Üniv Sağlık Bil Derg, 6(4): 167-179.
  • Tambağ H. 2015. Yaşlılarda sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ve yaşam doyumu. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Tıp Derg, 4(16): 23-31.
  • Taşlıyan M, Hırlak B, Güler B, Gündoğdu E. 2018. İnternet bağımlılığı, yaşam doyumu ve bazı demografik değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniv İİBF Derg, 2(2): 166-179.
  • Taylor S, Asmundson GJG. 2004. Treating health anxiety: a cognitive-behavioral approach. Guilford Press, New York, US, pp: 299.
  • Turkiewicz KL. 2012. The impact of cyberchondria on doctor-patient communication. Doctoral Dissertation, Milwaukee: The University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, US, pp: 112.
  • Ural Uslan Y. 2016. Kamu çalışanlarının iş doyumu, yaşam doyumu ve tükenmişlik düzeylerinin bazı sosyo-demografik unsurlara göre değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası İnsan Bil Derg, 13(2): 3354-3372.
  • Uzun SU, Zencir M. 2018. Reliability and validity study of the Turkish version of cyberchondria severity scale. Curr Psychol, 40: 65-71.
  • Uzun SU. 2016. Pamukkale üniversitesi çalışanlarında siberkondri düzeyi ve etkileyen etmenler. Master thesis, Pamukkale University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health, Denizli, Türkiye, pp: 109.
  • Wang SQ, Ying J, Zhang ML, Shi Y, Li Y, Xing ZJ, Sun J. 2018. Health‐related life satisfaction and its influencing factors: A cross‐sectional study in China. Jpn J Nurs Sci, 15(4): 285-297.
  • Yılmaz Y, Bahadır E, Erdoğan A. 2021. Investigation of the relationships between cybercondria, anxiety sensitivity, somatosensory amplification, and intolerance to uncertainty. J Clin Psychiatry, 24(4): 450-458.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Taner Tunç 0000-0002-5548-8475

Hasan Fehmi Demirci 0000-0001-5223-8318

Murat Şahin 0000-0002-9025-1860

Project Number Yoktur
Early Pub Date June 24, 2023
Publication Date October 15, 2023
Submission Date February 13, 2023
Acceptance Date June 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tunç, T., Demirci, H. F., & Şahin, M. (2023). The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 6(4), 534-542.
AMA Tunç T, Demirci HF, Şahin M. The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period. BSJ Health Sci. October 2023;6(4):534-542. doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1250641
Chicago Tunç, Taner, Hasan Fehmi Demirci, and Murat Şahin. “The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 6, no. 4 (October 2023): 534-42.
EndNote Tunç T, Demirci HF, Şahin M (October 1, 2023) The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 6 4 534–542.
IEEE T. Tunç, H. F. Demirci, and M. Şahin, “The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period”, BSJ Health Sci., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 534–542, 2023, doi: 10.19127/bshealthscience.1250641.
ISNAD Tunç, Taner et al. “The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 6/4 (October 2023), 534-542.
JAMA Tunç T, Demirci HF, Şahin M. The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period. BSJ Health Sci. 2023;6:534–542.
MLA Tunç, Taner et al. “The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, vol. 6, no. 4, 2023, pp. 534-42, doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1250641.
Vancouver Tunç T, Demirci HF, Şahin M. The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Cyberchondria in the Pandemic Period. BSJ Health Sci. 2023;6(4):534-42.