COVID-19 Hastasında Atipik Koku Duyusu Değişimi: Olgu Sunumu
Year 2021,
, 161 - 165, 01.09.2021
Erkut Etçioğlu
Hamza Ali Akgüneş
Abdülkadir Aydın
Taşkın Tokat
COVID-19’a dair tariflenen semptomlar arasında ani koku kaybının görülme sıklığı oldukça yüksektir. Öte yandan, viral enfeksiyonlar nöronal yenilenme ve işlev açısından çarpıcı değişiklikler ortaya çıkarabilir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, epitel hücrelerinin dönüşümünün artışına neden olabildiği gösterilmiştir. 34 yıl önce kung fu yaparken geçirdiği burun travması sonrası anosmi gelişen ve COVID-19 sırasında koku alma duyusunda değişim olan 55 yaşında erkek hasta sunuldu.
- Sharma A, Tiwari S, Deb MK, Marty JL. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2): a global pandemic and treatment strategies. Int J Antimicrob Agents; 2020; 56: 106054.
- Glezer I, Bruni-Cardoso A, Schechtman D, Malnic B. Viral infection and smell loss: The case of COVID-19. J Neurochem 2020; doi:10.1111/jnc.15197.
- ENT UK at The Royal College of Surgeons of England. Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection. Available at: default/files/files/Loss%20of %20sense%20of%20smell%20as%20marker%20of%20COVID.pdf. Accessed February 26, 2021.
- Butowt R, von Bartheld CS. Anosmia in COVID-19: Underlying Mechanisms and Assessment of an Olfactory Route to Brain Infection. Neuroscientist 2020; 1073858420956905.
- Schwob JE, Saha S, Youngentob SL, Jubelt B. Intranasal inoculation with the olfactory bulb line variant of mouse hepatitis virus causes extensive destruction of the olfactory bulb and accelerated turnover of neurons in the olfactory epithelium of mice. Chem Senses 2001;26; 937–952.
- Parma V, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Niv MY, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, et al. More Than Smell-COVID-19 Is Associated with Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis. Chem Senses 2020; 45 609–622.
- Meng X, Deng Y, Dai Z, Meng Z. COVID-19 and anosmia: A review based on up-to-date knowledge. Am J Otolaryngol 2020;41: 102581.
- Schwob JE, Jang W, Holbrook EH, Lin B, Herrick DB, Peterson JN, et al. Stem and progenitor cells of the mammalian olfactory epithelium: Taking poietic license. J Comp Neurol 2017;525: 1034–1054.
- Fletcher RB, Das D, Gadye L, Street KN, Baudhuin A, Wagner A, et al. Deconstructing Olfactory Stem Cell Trajectories at Single-Cell Resolution. Cell Stem Cell 2017;20: 817–830.e8.
- Ruitenberg MJ, Vukovic J, Blomster L, Hall JM, Jung S, Filgueira L, et al. CX3CL1/fractalkine regulates branching and migration of monocyte-derived cells in the mouse olfactory epithelium. J Neuroimmunol 2008;205: 80–85.
- Borders AS, Getchell ML, Etscheidt JT, van Rooijen N, Cohen DA, Getchell TV. Macrophage depletion in the murine olfactory epithelium leads to increased neuronal death and decreased neurogenesis. J Comp Neurol 2007;501: 206–218.
- Challenor S, Tucker D. SARS-CoV-2-induced remission of Hodgkin lymphoma. Br J Haematol 2021;192: 415.
Atypical Change of Smell Sense in a COVID-19 Patient: A Case Report
Year 2021,
, 161 - 165, 01.09.2021
Erkut Etçioğlu
Hamza Ali Akgüneş
Abdülkadir Aydın
Taşkın Tokat
The frequency of sudden loss of smell is quite high among the COVID-19 symptoms described. On the other hand, striking modifications can result due to viral infection in terms of neuronal renewal and function. Viral infections promote increase in the turnover of the epithelium cells. A 55-year-old male patient who suffered from anosmia after a nasal trauma he received while doing kung-fu 34 years ago and whose sense of smell changed during COVID-19 is presented.
- Sharma A, Tiwari S, Deb MK, Marty JL. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2): a global pandemic and treatment strategies. Int J Antimicrob Agents; 2020; 56: 106054.
- Glezer I, Bruni-Cardoso A, Schechtman D, Malnic B. Viral infection and smell loss: The case of COVID-19. J Neurochem 2020; doi:10.1111/jnc.15197.
- ENT UK at The Royal College of Surgeons of England. Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection. Available at: default/files/files/Loss%20of %20sense%20of%20smell%20as%20marker%20of%20COVID.pdf. Accessed February 26, 2021.
- Butowt R, von Bartheld CS. Anosmia in COVID-19: Underlying Mechanisms and Assessment of an Olfactory Route to Brain Infection. Neuroscientist 2020; 1073858420956905.
- Schwob JE, Saha S, Youngentob SL, Jubelt B. Intranasal inoculation with the olfactory bulb line variant of mouse hepatitis virus causes extensive destruction of the olfactory bulb and accelerated turnover of neurons in the olfactory epithelium of mice. Chem Senses 2001;26; 937–952.
- Parma V, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Niv MY, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, et al. More Than Smell-COVID-19 Is Associated with Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis. Chem Senses 2020; 45 609–622.
- Meng X, Deng Y, Dai Z, Meng Z. COVID-19 and anosmia: A review based on up-to-date knowledge. Am J Otolaryngol 2020;41: 102581.
- Schwob JE, Jang W, Holbrook EH, Lin B, Herrick DB, Peterson JN, et al. Stem and progenitor cells of the mammalian olfactory epithelium: Taking poietic license. J Comp Neurol 2017;525: 1034–1054.
- Fletcher RB, Das D, Gadye L, Street KN, Baudhuin A, Wagner A, et al. Deconstructing Olfactory Stem Cell Trajectories at Single-Cell Resolution. Cell Stem Cell 2017;20: 817–830.e8.
- Ruitenberg MJ, Vukovic J, Blomster L, Hall JM, Jung S, Filgueira L, et al. CX3CL1/fractalkine regulates branching and migration of monocyte-derived cells in the mouse olfactory epithelium. J Neuroimmunol 2008;205: 80–85.
- Borders AS, Getchell ML, Etscheidt JT, van Rooijen N, Cohen DA, Getchell TV. Macrophage depletion in the murine olfactory epithelium leads to increased neuronal death and decreased neurogenesis. J Comp Neurol 2007;501: 206–218.
- Challenor S, Tucker D. SARS-CoV-2-induced remission of Hodgkin lymphoma. Br J Haematol 2021;192: 415.