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Çocuklarda Genel Anestezi Altında Diş Tedavileri Sonrası Veli Memnuniyeti

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 100 - 105, 29.08.2019


Amaç:Bu çalışmada, çocukları genel anestezi altında diş çürüğü nedeniyle tedavi gören ebeveynlerin memnuniyet düzeylerinin araştırılması ve memnuniyet düzeylerini etkileyen tedavi öncesi faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. 

Yöntem:Çalışmaya genel anestezi altında nazal entübasyonla dental tedavileri yapılan dental fobi/anksiyete, sistemik hastalık ve fiziksel/ mental engele sahip 230 çocuk dahil edildi. 13 sorudan oluşan anketteki sorular hasta ebeveynleri ile telefonla konuşularak yöneltildi (genel anesteziden en az bir ay sonra) ve cevaplar aynı pedodontist tarafından kaydedildi. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi için ki-kare, T testi ve Spearman korelasyon testleri yapıldı.

Bulgular:Bu çalışmaya dahil edilen hastalar, yaşları 1.5 ile 18 arasında (ortalama yaş: 6.4 ±2.7 yaş) değişen 139 erkek ve 91 kız çocuğundan oluşuyordu. Genel anestezi altında tedavi edilen hastaların sistemik durum dağılımları; 58 mental engelli, 150 sağlıklı ( dental korku/ anksiyete) ve 23 sistemik hastalıklı şeklindeydi. Ebeveyn memnuniyeti ile genel anestezi altında yapılan tedavilerin zorluk derecesi ve genel anestezi hakkında velilerin başlangıç bilgi düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılık tespit edildi. Ebeveynlerin büyük bir çoğunluğu çocuklarının genel anestezi altında tedavi edilmesinden memnundu: %68,3 çok memnun ve %30,3 orta derecede memnun. Ayrıca, çocukların başarısız tedavi deneyimi ile genel anestezi için bekleme süresi ve memnuniyet durumu arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı korelasyon tespit edildi. 

Sonuç:Çocuklarda GA altında diş bakımı konusunda ebeveyn memnuniyeti düzeyi yüksekti. Ebeveynler tarafından bildirildiği gibi, GA kullanımının en önemli yan etkisi diş korkusudur. Çocuklarda, bu korku her zaman doğru bir şekilde teşhis edilmeli ve önlenmelidir. Genel anestezi altında diş tedavileri, ancak kesinlikle gerekli olduğunda yapılmalıdır.


  • 1. Ratnayake N, Ekanayake L. Prevalence and impact of oral pain in 8-year-old children in Sri Lanka. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2005;15(2):105-112.
  • 2. Miller J, Vaughan-Williams E, Furlong R, Harrison L. Dental caries and children's weights. Journal of epidemiology and community health. 1982;36(1):49-52.
  • 3. Thomas CW, Primosch RE. Changes in incremental weight and well-being of children with rampant caries following complete dental rehabilitation. Pediatric dentistry. 2002;24(2):109-113.
  • 4. Chellappah NK, Vignehsa H, Milgrom P, Lam LG. Prevalence of dental anxiety and fear in children in Singapore. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. 1990;18(5):269-271.
  • 5. Klaassen MA, Veerkamp JS, Aartman IH, Hoogstraten J. Stressful situations for toddlers: indications for dental anxiety? ASDC journal of dentistry for children. 2002;69(3):306-309, 235.
  • 6. Nunn JH, Davidson G, Gordon PH, Storrs J. A retrospective review of a service to provide comprehensive dental care under general anesthesia. Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry. 1995;15(3):97-101.
  • 7. Sari ME, Ozmen B, Koyuturk AE, Tokay U. A retrospective comparison of dental treatment under general anesthesia on children with and without mental disabilities. Nigerian journal of clinical practice. 2014;17(3):361-365.
  • 8. Jankauskiene B, Narbutaite J. Changes in oral health-related quality of life among children following dental treatment under general anaesthesia. A systematic review. Stomatologija. 2010;12(2):60-64.
  • 9. Lee JY, Vann WF, Jr., Roberts MW. A cost analysis of treating pediatric dental patients using general anesthesia versus conscious sedation. Anesthesia progress. 2001;48(3):82-88.
  • 10. Alcaino E, Kilpatrick NM, Smith ED. Utilization of day stay general anaesthesia for the provision of dental treatment to children in New South Wales, Australia. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2000;10(3):206-212.
  • 11. Jamjoom MM, al-Malik MI, Holt RD, el-Nassry A. Dental treatment under general anaesthesia at a hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2001;11(2):110-116.
  • 12. Holt RD, Rule DC, Davenport ES, Fung DE. The use of general anaesthesia for tooth extraction in children in London: a multi-centre study. British Dental Journal. 1992;173:333.
  • 13. Rayner JA. The first dental visit: a UK viewpoint. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2003;13(4):269-269.
  • 14. Acs G, Pretzer S, Foley M, Ng MW. Perceived outcomes and parental satisfaction following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia. Pediatric dentistry. 2001;23(5):419-423.
  • 15. Chao Z, Gui Jin H, Cong Y. The effect of general anesthesia for ambulatory dental treatment on children in Chongqing, Southwest China. Paediatric anaesthesia. 2017;27(1):98-105.
  • 16. Zambouri A. Preoperative evaluation and preparation for anesthesia and surgery. Hippokratia. 2007;11(1):13-21.
  • 17. Savanheimo N, Vehkalahti MM, Pihakari A, Numminen M. Reasons for and parental satisfaction with children's dental care under general anaesthesia. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2005;15(6):448-454.
  • 18. El Batawi HY, Panigrahi P, Awad MA. Perceived outcomes and satisfaction of Saudi parents and their children following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia: A 2-year follow-up. Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry. 2014;4(Suppl 3):S153-160.
  • 19. Cunnion DT, Spiro A, 3rd, Jones JA, et al. Pediatric oral health-related quality of life improvement after treatment of early childhood caries: a prospective multisite study. Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill). 2010;77(1):4-11.
  • 20. Gift HC, Reisine ST, Larach DC. The social impact of dental problems and visits. American journal of public health. 1992;82(12):1663-1668.
  • 21. Hollister MC, Weintraub JA. The association of oral status with systemic health, quality of life, and economic productivity. Journal of dental education. 1993;57(12):901-912.
  • 22. Reisine ST. Dental health and public policy: the social impact of dental disease. American journal of public health. 1985;75(1):27-30.
  • 23. Low W, Tan S, Schwartz S. The effect of severe caries on the quality of life in young children. Pediatric dentistry. 1999;21(6):325-326.
  • 24. Feldens CA, Dos Santos Dullius AI, Kramer PF, Scapini A, Busato AL, Vargas-Ferreira F. Impact of malocclusion and dentofacial anomalies on the prevalence and severity of dental caries among adolescents. The Angle orthodontist. 2015;85(6):1027-1034.
  • 25. Guideline on behavior guidance for the pediatric dental patient. Pediatric dentistry. 2008;30(7 Suppl):125-133.
  • 26. Jankauskiene B, Virtanen JI, Kubilius R, Narbutaite J. Oral health-related quality of life after dental general anaesthesia treatment among children: a follow-up study. BMC oral health. 2014;14:81.
  • 27. Luong N. Assessment of Parental Satisfaction with Dental Treatment Under General Anaesthesia in Paediatric Dentistry 2010.
  • 28. Ready MA, Barenie JT, Hanes CM, Myers DR. Parental attitudes concerning children's hospitalization and general anesthesia for dental care. The Journal of pedodontics. 1988;13(1):38-43.
  • 29. White H, Lee JY, Vann Jr WF. Parental evaluation of quality of life measures following pediatric dental treatment using general anesthesia. Anesthesia progress. 2003;50(3):105.
  • 30. El Batawi HY, Panigrahi P, Awad MA. Perceived outcomes and satisfaction of Saudi parents and their children following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia: A 2-year follow-up. Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry. 2014;4(Suppl 3):S153.

Parenteral Satisfaction After Dental Rehabilitation Under General Anesthesia in Children

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 100 - 105, 29.08.2019


Objectives:The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfaction levels of parents whose children had been treated under general anesthesia for dental treatment, and to determine pre-treatment factors affecting satisfaction levels. 

Methods:A total of 230 children treated under general anesthesia with nasal intubation due to dental phobia/ anxiety, systemic disease or physical/ mental disabilities were included in the study. There were 13 questions in the questionnaire and the data were collected from the parents on the phone (minimum a month after general anesthesia) and the answers were recorded by the same pediatric dentist. For statistical analysis of the data, Chi square, T test and Spearman correlation tests were performed.

Results:Patients sample was composed of 139 male and 91 female children with ages ranging from 1,5 to 18 years (mean age: 6.4 ±2.7 year). The distribution of the patients treated under general anesthesia had various systemic conditions; 58 children had mental disabilities, 150 were healthy (with dental phobia / anxiety) and 23 had systemic disorders. There was significant difference between parental satisfaction and difficulty of dental treatment under general anesthesia, prior information about dental treatment under general anesthesia, most of the parents were satisfied with their children’s treatment under GA: 68.3% were very satisfied,and 30.3 % moderately satisfied. In addition, positive significant correlation was found between the number of unsuccessful clinical treatment experience of children and waiting periods / satisfaction status of general anesthesia.

Conclusion:The level of parental satisfaction about dental care under GA in children was high. As reported by parents, dental fear was the most important reason of GA use is dental treatment. In children, this fear should always be correctly diagnosed and prevented. Dental treatments under general anesthesia should be resorted to only when absolutely necessary.


  • 1. Ratnayake N, Ekanayake L. Prevalence and impact of oral pain in 8-year-old children in Sri Lanka. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2005;15(2):105-112.
  • 2. Miller J, Vaughan-Williams E, Furlong R, Harrison L. Dental caries and children's weights. Journal of epidemiology and community health. 1982;36(1):49-52.
  • 3. Thomas CW, Primosch RE. Changes in incremental weight and well-being of children with rampant caries following complete dental rehabilitation. Pediatric dentistry. 2002;24(2):109-113.
  • 4. Chellappah NK, Vignehsa H, Milgrom P, Lam LG. Prevalence of dental anxiety and fear in children in Singapore. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. 1990;18(5):269-271.
  • 5. Klaassen MA, Veerkamp JS, Aartman IH, Hoogstraten J. Stressful situations for toddlers: indications for dental anxiety? ASDC journal of dentistry for children. 2002;69(3):306-309, 235.
  • 6. Nunn JH, Davidson G, Gordon PH, Storrs J. A retrospective review of a service to provide comprehensive dental care under general anesthesia. Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry. 1995;15(3):97-101.
  • 7. Sari ME, Ozmen B, Koyuturk AE, Tokay U. A retrospective comparison of dental treatment under general anesthesia on children with and without mental disabilities. Nigerian journal of clinical practice. 2014;17(3):361-365.
  • 8. Jankauskiene B, Narbutaite J. Changes in oral health-related quality of life among children following dental treatment under general anaesthesia. A systematic review. Stomatologija. 2010;12(2):60-64.
  • 9. Lee JY, Vann WF, Jr., Roberts MW. A cost analysis of treating pediatric dental patients using general anesthesia versus conscious sedation. Anesthesia progress. 2001;48(3):82-88.
  • 10. Alcaino E, Kilpatrick NM, Smith ED. Utilization of day stay general anaesthesia for the provision of dental treatment to children in New South Wales, Australia. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2000;10(3):206-212.
  • 11. Jamjoom MM, al-Malik MI, Holt RD, el-Nassry A. Dental treatment under general anaesthesia at a hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2001;11(2):110-116.
  • 12. Holt RD, Rule DC, Davenport ES, Fung DE. The use of general anaesthesia for tooth extraction in children in London: a multi-centre study. British Dental Journal. 1992;173:333.
  • 13. Rayner JA. The first dental visit: a UK viewpoint. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2003;13(4):269-269.
  • 14. Acs G, Pretzer S, Foley M, Ng MW. Perceived outcomes and parental satisfaction following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia. Pediatric dentistry. 2001;23(5):419-423.
  • 15. Chao Z, Gui Jin H, Cong Y. The effect of general anesthesia for ambulatory dental treatment on children in Chongqing, Southwest China. Paediatric anaesthesia. 2017;27(1):98-105.
  • 16. Zambouri A. Preoperative evaluation and preparation for anesthesia and surgery. Hippokratia. 2007;11(1):13-21.
  • 17. Savanheimo N, Vehkalahti MM, Pihakari A, Numminen M. Reasons for and parental satisfaction with children's dental care under general anaesthesia. International journal of paediatric dentistry. 2005;15(6):448-454.
  • 18. El Batawi HY, Panigrahi P, Awad MA. Perceived outcomes and satisfaction of Saudi parents and their children following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia: A 2-year follow-up. Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry. 2014;4(Suppl 3):S153-160.
  • 19. Cunnion DT, Spiro A, 3rd, Jones JA, et al. Pediatric oral health-related quality of life improvement after treatment of early childhood caries: a prospective multisite study. Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill). 2010;77(1):4-11.
  • 20. Gift HC, Reisine ST, Larach DC. The social impact of dental problems and visits. American journal of public health. 1992;82(12):1663-1668.
  • 21. Hollister MC, Weintraub JA. The association of oral status with systemic health, quality of life, and economic productivity. Journal of dental education. 1993;57(12):901-912.
  • 22. Reisine ST. Dental health and public policy: the social impact of dental disease. American journal of public health. 1985;75(1):27-30.
  • 23. Low W, Tan S, Schwartz S. The effect of severe caries on the quality of life in young children. Pediatric dentistry. 1999;21(6):325-326.
  • 24. Feldens CA, Dos Santos Dullius AI, Kramer PF, Scapini A, Busato AL, Vargas-Ferreira F. Impact of malocclusion and dentofacial anomalies on the prevalence and severity of dental caries among adolescents. The Angle orthodontist. 2015;85(6):1027-1034.
  • 25. Guideline on behavior guidance for the pediatric dental patient. Pediatric dentistry. 2008;30(7 Suppl):125-133.
  • 26. Jankauskiene B, Virtanen JI, Kubilius R, Narbutaite J. Oral health-related quality of life after dental general anaesthesia treatment among children: a follow-up study. BMC oral health. 2014;14:81.
  • 27. Luong N. Assessment of Parental Satisfaction with Dental Treatment Under General Anaesthesia in Paediatric Dentistry 2010.
  • 28. Ready MA, Barenie JT, Hanes CM, Myers DR. Parental attitudes concerning children's hospitalization and general anesthesia for dental care. The Journal of pedodontics. 1988;13(1):38-43.
  • 29. White H, Lee JY, Vann Jr WF. Parental evaluation of quality of life measures following pediatric dental treatment using general anesthesia. Anesthesia progress. 2003;50(3):105.
  • 30. El Batawi HY, Panigrahi P, Awad MA. Perceived outcomes and satisfaction of Saudi parents and their children following dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia: A 2-year follow-up. Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry. 2014;4(Suppl 3):S153.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research Article

Ebru Delikan 0000-0003-1624-3392

Seçil Çalışkan

Sena Kizilaslan This is me 0000-0003-3067-3452

Publication Date August 29, 2019
Acceptance Date August 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


AMA Delikan E, Çalışkan S, Kizilaslan S. Parenteral Satisfaction After Dental Rehabilitation Under General Anesthesia in Children. J Biotechnol and Strategic Health Res. August 2019;3(2):100-105. doi:10.34084/bshr.594238

Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research