Review Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 71 - 100, 16.07.2024


The importance of standards in the global economy is increasingly growing, and these standards, applied across various industry sectors, facilitate harmonious interaction between products, thereby ensuring the continuity of economic production. Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), particularly in fields like the telecommunications sector, emerge as mandatory elements that facilitate technological compatibility. The article examines the role of SEPs within global technological standards, as well as the impact of these patents on market actors and the new regulations in the European Union. It specifically points to the need to establish a balance between the protection of intellectual property rights and the establishment of effective competition in the market, which is frequently discussed in the European Union. The licensing of SEPs should be carried out under Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms and this process should be conducted in a highly transparent manner. Furthermore, the article addresses the complexities and issues arising in the SEP licensing process and examines the proposed draft SEP regulation in the European Union as a method of resolution. The review was carried out through literature research and the evaluation of the precedent decisions on SEPs in the European Union, the United States of America and in Türkiye. In this framework, the opportunity to analyse the problems encountered in practice and to evaluate the approach of the academia to these events has been established.


  • Barazza, S. (2014). Licensing standard essential patents, part one: The definition of F/RAND commitments and the determination of royalty rates. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 9(6), 465-481.
  • Becker, W. E., Shapiro, C., & Varian, H. R. (1999). Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. The Journal of Economic Education, 30(2), 189.
  • Bera, R. K. (2015). Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs) and Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatoryy (FRAND) Licensing. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Colangelo, G. (2023). FRAND Determination Under the European SEP Regulation Proposal: Discarding the Huawei Framework? (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4632865).
  • Contreras, J. L., & Layne-Farrar, A. (2017). Non-Discrimination and FRAND Commitments. Içinde J. L. Contreras (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law (1. bs, ss. 186-208). Cambridge University Press.
  • Cotter, T. F. (2013). The Comparative Law and Economics of Standard-Essential Patents and FRAND Royalties (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2318050).
  • de Vries, H. J. (2006). Standards for Business – How companies can profit from participation in international standards setting.
  • Dell Computer Corporation v. FTC Docket C-3658. (2014).
  • Dolmans, M. (2002). Standards For Standards. Fordham International Law Journal, 26(1), 163.
  • European Commission, (2017) Joint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. (2015).
  • Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) licensing terms: Research analysis of a controversial concept. Publications Office.
  • European Commission, (2023). SWD(2023)124—Impact assessment accompanying the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001, European Telecommunications Standards Institute Intellectual Property Rights Policy, 29 Nisan 2024
  • Geradin, D., & Rato, M. (2006). Can Standard-Setting Lead to Exploitative Abuse? A Dissonant View on Patent Hold-Up, Royalty Stacking and the Meaning of FRAND (SSRN Scholarly Paper 946792).
  • Gilbert, R. J. (2011). Deal or No Deal? Licensing Negotiations in Standard-Setting Organizations. Antitrust Law Journal, 77(3), 855-888.
  • Gross, P. G., & Huitema, C. (1994). The Internet Standards Process – Revision 2 (Request for Comments RFC 1602). Internet Engineering Task Force.
  • Layne-Farrar, A., & Wong-Ervin, K. W. (2014). Methodologies for Calculating FRAND Royalty Rates and Damages: An Analysis of Existing Case Law (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2668623).
  • Lerner, J., & Tirole, J. (2013). Standard-Essential Patents (Working Paper 19664). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Memiş, T. (2019). Patentin Standart Olarak Kabul Edilmesi Halinde Ortaya Çıkan Sorunlar. İçinde Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Yıllığı 2016 (ss. 171-189).
  • Pınar, H. (2021). Dijital Ekonomi Hukuku Kapsamında Yeni İş Modellerinin ve Teknolojilerin Ticaret ve Rekabet Hukuku Boyutu (1. bs). Yetkin. Position Paper CEN and CENELEC response to the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on SEPs August 2023. (2023, Ağustos).
  • Qualcomm v. FTC No. 19-16122 (9th Cir. 2020): Hearing on 17-CV-00220-LHK (2019).
  • Rambus Inc. v. JEDEC Solid State Technology Ass’n (2008), 522 F.3d 456
  • Raskovich, A., Ginsburg, D. H., Kobayashi, B. H., Lipsky, A. B., & Yun, J. M. (2023). IP Rights Delayed are IP Rights Denied: The Global Antitrust Institute’s Comment on the European Commission’s 2023 Proposal to Regulate Standard-Essential Patents (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4541680).
  • Sabine. (t.y.). Standards Making Process. ETSI. Geliş tarihi 24 Haziran 2024, gönderen
  • Schmalensee, R. (2009). Standard‐Settıng, Innovatıon Specıalısts And Competıtıon Polıcy *. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(3), 526-552.
  • Siebrasse, N., & Cotter, T. F. (2015). The Value of the Standard (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2636445).
  • Swanson, D. G., & Baumol, W. J. (2005). Reasonable and Nondiscriminatory (Rand) Royalties, Standards Selection, and Control of Market Power. Antitrust Law Journal, 73(1), 1-58.
  • Tyagi, A., & Chopra, S. (2017). Standard Essential Patents (SEP’s)—Issues & Challenges in Developing Economies (SSRN Scholarly Paper 3037327).
  • Verschuur, A. M., Bergsma, S., Rijke, B., & Rietama, B. (2024, Şubat 27). A Critical Analysis of the EC Proposal for SEP Regulation. Kluwer Patent Blog.
  • Waldeck und Pyrmont, W., Straus, J., Adelman, M. J., Brauneis, R., Drexl, J., Nack, R., Adelman, M. J., Brauneis, R., Drexl, J., & Nack, R. (Ed.). (2009). Patents and technological progress in a globalized world: Liber amicorum Joseph Straus. Springer.
  • Wipusanawan, C. (2020). Standard-essential patents and incentives for innovation. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Yeşil, T. (2017). “FRAND” İlkeleri Çerçevesinde Lisanslanan “Standarda Esas Patentler”e Dair Mahkeme Emri Uygulamaları: AB Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Değerlendirme. Rekabet Dergisi, 67, Article 67.

Standarda Esas Patentler ve Avrupa Birliği’nin Tartışmalı Düzenlemesi

Year 2024, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 71 - 100, 16.07.2024


Küresel ekonomide standartların önemi giderek artmakta ve çeşitli endüstri sektörlerinde uygulanan bu standartlar, ürünler arasındaki uyumlu etkileşimi kolaylaştırarak ekonomik üretimin sürekliliğini sağlamaktadır. Standarda esas patentler (SEP), özellikle telekomünikasyon sektörü gibi alanlarda, teknolojik uyumluluğu kolaylaştıran zorunlu unsurlar olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Makalede, SEP’lerin küresel teknolojik standartlar içindeki yerinin yanı sıra, bu patentlerin pazardaki aktörler üzerindeki etkileri ve Avrupa Birliği’nin yeni düzenlemeleri incelenmektedir. Özellikle Avrupa Birliği’nde sıkça gündeme gelen fikri mülkiyet haklarının korunması ve pazardaki etkin rekabetin tesisi arasındaki dengenin kurulması hususuna işaret etmektedir. SEP’lerin lisanslanması, özellikle adil, makul ve ayrımcı olmayan şeklinde ifade edilen FRAND şartları altında gerçekleştirilmeli ve bu süreç oldukça şeffaf bir şekilde yürütülmelidir. Ayrıca makalede SEP’lerin lisanslama sürecindeki karmaşık durum ile doğan sorunları ele almakta ve Avrupa Birliği’nde teklif edilen taslak SEP düzenlemesinin çözüm yöntemi incelenmiştir. İnceleme literatür taramasının gerçekleştirilmesi ve Avrupa Birliği, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ile ülkemizde SEP’lere ilişkin verilen emsal niteliğindeki kararların değerlendirilmesi yöntemleriyle gerçekleştirilmiştir Bu çerçevede uygulamada karşılaşılan sorunların analizi imkânı ile akademinin bu olaylara yaklaşımının değerlendirilmesi fırsatı oluşmuştur.


  • Barazza, S. (2014). Licensing standard essential patents, part one: The definition of F/RAND commitments and the determination of royalty rates. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 9(6), 465-481.
  • Becker, W. E., Shapiro, C., & Varian, H. R. (1999). Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. The Journal of Economic Education, 30(2), 189.
  • Bera, R. K. (2015). Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs) and Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatoryy (FRAND) Licensing. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Colangelo, G. (2023). FRAND Determination Under the European SEP Regulation Proposal: Discarding the Huawei Framework? (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4632865).
  • Contreras, J. L., & Layne-Farrar, A. (2017). Non-Discrimination and FRAND Commitments. Içinde J. L. Contreras (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law (1. bs, ss. 186-208). Cambridge University Press.
  • Cotter, T. F. (2013). The Comparative Law and Economics of Standard-Essential Patents and FRAND Royalties (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2318050).
  • de Vries, H. J. (2006). Standards for Business – How companies can profit from participation in international standards setting.
  • Dell Computer Corporation v. FTC Docket C-3658. (2014).
  • Dolmans, M. (2002). Standards For Standards. Fordham International Law Journal, 26(1), 163.
  • European Commission, (2017) Joint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. (2015).
  • Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) licensing terms: Research analysis of a controversial concept. Publications Office.
  • European Commission, (2023). SWD(2023)124—Impact assessment accompanying the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001, European Telecommunications Standards Institute Intellectual Property Rights Policy, 29 Nisan 2024
  • Geradin, D., & Rato, M. (2006). Can Standard-Setting Lead to Exploitative Abuse? A Dissonant View on Patent Hold-Up, Royalty Stacking and the Meaning of FRAND (SSRN Scholarly Paper 946792).
  • Gilbert, R. J. (2011). Deal or No Deal? Licensing Negotiations in Standard-Setting Organizations. Antitrust Law Journal, 77(3), 855-888.
  • Gross, P. G., & Huitema, C. (1994). The Internet Standards Process – Revision 2 (Request for Comments RFC 1602). Internet Engineering Task Force.
  • Layne-Farrar, A., & Wong-Ervin, K. W. (2014). Methodologies for Calculating FRAND Royalty Rates and Damages: An Analysis of Existing Case Law (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2668623).
  • Lerner, J., & Tirole, J. (2013). Standard-Essential Patents (Working Paper 19664). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Memiş, T. (2019). Patentin Standart Olarak Kabul Edilmesi Halinde Ortaya Çıkan Sorunlar. İçinde Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Yıllığı 2016 (ss. 171-189).
  • Pınar, H. (2021). Dijital Ekonomi Hukuku Kapsamında Yeni İş Modellerinin ve Teknolojilerin Ticaret ve Rekabet Hukuku Boyutu (1. bs). Yetkin. Position Paper CEN and CENELEC response to the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on SEPs August 2023. (2023, Ağustos).
  • Qualcomm v. FTC No. 19-16122 (9th Cir. 2020): Hearing on 17-CV-00220-LHK (2019).
  • Rambus Inc. v. JEDEC Solid State Technology Ass’n (2008), 522 F.3d 456
  • Raskovich, A., Ginsburg, D. H., Kobayashi, B. H., Lipsky, A. B., & Yun, J. M. (2023). IP Rights Delayed are IP Rights Denied: The Global Antitrust Institute’s Comment on the European Commission’s 2023 Proposal to Regulate Standard-Essential Patents (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4541680).
  • Sabine. (t.y.). Standards Making Process. ETSI. Geliş tarihi 24 Haziran 2024, gönderen
  • Schmalensee, R. (2009). Standard‐Settıng, Innovatıon Specıalısts And Competıtıon Polıcy *. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(3), 526-552.
  • Siebrasse, N., & Cotter, T. F. (2015). The Value of the Standard (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2636445).
  • Swanson, D. G., & Baumol, W. J. (2005). Reasonable and Nondiscriminatory (Rand) Royalties, Standards Selection, and Control of Market Power. Antitrust Law Journal, 73(1), 1-58.
  • Tyagi, A., & Chopra, S. (2017). Standard Essential Patents (SEP’s)—Issues & Challenges in Developing Economies (SSRN Scholarly Paper 3037327).
  • Verschuur, A. M., Bergsma, S., Rijke, B., & Rietama, B. (2024, Şubat 27). A Critical Analysis of the EC Proposal for SEP Regulation. Kluwer Patent Blog.
  • Waldeck und Pyrmont, W., Straus, J., Adelman, M. J., Brauneis, R., Drexl, J., Nack, R., Adelman, M. J., Brauneis, R., Drexl, J., & Nack, R. (Ed.). (2009). Patents and technological progress in a globalized world: Liber amicorum Joseph Straus. Springer.
  • Wipusanawan, C. (2020). Standard-essential patents and incentives for innovation. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Yeşil, T. (2017). “FRAND” İlkeleri Çerçevesinde Lisanslanan “Standarda Esas Patentler”e Dair Mahkeme Emri Uygulamaları: AB Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Değerlendirme. Rekabet Dergisi, 67, Article 67.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Information and Technology Law
Journal Section İnceleme Makalesi

Muhammet Burak Ozcelik 0000-0002-8430-3361

Publication Date July 16, 2024
Submission Date May 10, 2024
Acceptance Date July 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Ozcelik, M. B. (2024). Standarda Esas Patentler ve Avrupa Birliği’nin Tartışmalı Düzenlemesi. Bilgi Teknolojileri Ve İletişim Dergisi, 2(1), 71-100.