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Pedagojik Formasyon Sertifika Programına Katılan Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmenlik Mesleğini Tercih Nedenleri

Year 2018, , 132 - 146, 28.02.2018


Sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel sebeplerle öğretmen
adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini tercih nedenleri ülkeden ülkeye
farklılık göstermektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı pedagojik formasyon
öğrencilerinin, öğretmenlik mesleğine yönelik tercihlerini etkileyen
faktörleri belirlemektir. Çalışmanın katılımcılarını 2016-2017 eğitim-öğretim
yılı bahar döneminde, pedagojik formasyon sertifika programına katılan öğrenciler
arasından tesadüfi olarak seçilen 230 gönüllü öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Pedagojik
formasyon öğrencilerinin öğretmenliği tercih etmelerine yönelik motivasyon ve
algılama düzeyleri Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) ile tespit edilmiştir.
Elde edilen modelin iyi uyum idenkslerine sahip olduğu görülürken, YEM’e göre öğretmen
adayları çocuklarla/ ergenlerle çalışmak istemeleri ve işin güvenli olması
yönünden daha çok önemserken; öğretmenliğin transfer edilmesi ve aileye ayrılan
zamanın kullanımı yönünden daha az önemsemektedir. Ayrıca öğretmenliği
seçmelerine yönelik daha yüksek memnuniyet algısına sahip oldukları görülürken;
çevrelerindeki görüşlerden daha az etkilendikleri anlaşılmaktadır.


  • Boz, Y. ve Boz, N. (2008). Kimya ve matematik öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen olma nedenleri. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 16(1), 137-144.
  • Carrington, B. (2002). A quintessentially feminine domain? Student teachers' constructions of primary teaching as a career. Educational Studies, 28(3), 287–303.
  • Çepni, S. (2007). Araştırma ve proje çalışmalarına giriş. Trabzon: Celepler Matbaacılık.
  • Çermik, H., Doğan, B., vd. (2010). Sınıf öğretmenliği öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini tercih sebepleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28, 201–212.
  • Eren, A. ve Tezel, K.V. (2010). Factors influencing teaching choice, professional plans about teaching, and future time perspective: A mediational analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(7), 1416–1428.
  • Göçer-Şahin, S. ve Gelbal, S. (2016). Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini seçme nedenlerinin ölçeklenmesi. Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi, 7(2), 443-458.
  • Karasar, N. (1984). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Bilim Yayınları.
  • Kılınç, A., Watt, H.M.G., vd. (2012). Factors Influencing Teaching Choice in Turkey. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 199–226.
  • Malderez, A., Hobson, A.J., vd. (2007). Becoming a student teacher: core features of the experience. European Journal of Teacher Education, 30(3), 225–248.
  • Özsoy, G., Özsoy, S., vd. (2010). Factors affecting pre-service teachers’ choice of teaching as a profession. Elementary Education Online, 9(3), 910-921.
  • Richardson, P.W. ve Watt, H.M.G. (2006). Who chooses teaching and why? Profiling characteristics and motivations across three Australian Universities. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 34(1), 27–56.
  • Topkaya, E.Z. ve Uztosun, M.S. (2012). Choosing teaching as a career: Motivations of pre-service English teachers in Turkey. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 3(1), 126–134.
  • Wang, H.-H. (2004). Why teach science? Graduate science students’ perceived motivations for choosing teaching as a career in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 26(1), 113–128.
  • Watt, H.M.G. ve Richardson, P.W. (2007). Motivational factors influencing teaching as a career choice: Development and validation of the FIT-choice scale. The Journal of Experimental Education, 75(3), 167–202.
  • Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., vd. (2012). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: An international comparison using the FIT-Choice scale. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(6), 791–805.
  • Yazıcı, H. (2009). Öğretmenlik mesleği, motivasyon kaynakları ve temel tutumlar. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 17(1),33-46.
  • Yüce, K., Şahin, E.Y., vd. (2013). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: a perspective of pre-service teachers from a Turkish context. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(3), 295–306.
  • Yong, B.C.S. (1995). Teacher trainees’ motives for entering into a teaching career in Brunei Darussalam. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(3), 275–280.

Reasons of Preservice Teachers Attending the Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program for Choosing Teaching as a Profession

Year 2018, , 132 - 146, 28.02.2018


DOI: Due to social, economic and cultural conditions, preservice teachers’ reasons for choosing the teaching profession differ from country to country. The purpose of the current study is to determine the factors affecting the choices of prospective teachers in the process of preferring the profession of teaching. The participants of the study were 230 voluntary preservice teachers randomly selected from among the students attending the pedagogical formation certificate program in the academic year of 2016-2017. Factors Influencing Teaching Choice scale (FIT-Choice scale) developed by Watt and Richardson (2007) and then adapted in the Turkish context by Kılınç, Watt and Richardson (2012) was used in the research. The correlation between the pedagogical formation students’ motivation and level of perception in relation to their preferring the profession of teaching was investigated by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). It is seen that the obtained model has good fit indices. According to SEM, as a reason for choosing teaching as their profession, while the pedagogical formation students put greater emphasis on desire to work with children/adolescents and secure nature of the profession, they put less emphasis on transferability of teaching (job transferability) and use of the time allocated to the family. Moreover, their satisfaction with their decision to be a teacher seems to be great and it is observed that they have not been affected by the opinions of people around them.


  • Boz, Y. ve Boz, N. (2008). Kimya ve matematik öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen olma nedenleri. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 16(1), 137-144.
  • Carrington, B. (2002). A quintessentially feminine domain? Student teachers' constructions of primary teaching as a career. Educational Studies, 28(3), 287–303.
  • Çepni, S. (2007). Araştırma ve proje çalışmalarına giriş. Trabzon: Celepler Matbaacılık.
  • Çermik, H., Doğan, B., vd. (2010). Sınıf öğretmenliği öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini tercih sebepleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28, 201–212.
  • Eren, A. ve Tezel, K.V. (2010). Factors influencing teaching choice, professional plans about teaching, and future time perspective: A mediational analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(7), 1416–1428.
  • Göçer-Şahin, S. ve Gelbal, S. (2016). Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğini seçme nedenlerinin ölçeklenmesi. Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi, 7(2), 443-458.
  • Karasar, N. (1984). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Bilim Yayınları.
  • Kılınç, A., Watt, H.M.G., vd. (2012). Factors Influencing Teaching Choice in Turkey. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 199–226.
  • Malderez, A., Hobson, A.J., vd. (2007). Becoming a student teacher: core features of the experience. European Journal of Teacher Education, 30(3), 225–248.
  • Özsoy, G., Özsoy, S., vd. (2010). Factors affecting pre-service teachers’ choice of teaching as a profession. Elementary Education Online, 9(3), 910-921.
  • Richardson, P.W. ve Watt, H.M.G. (2006). Who chooses teaching and why? Profiling characteristics and motivations across three Australian Universities. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 34(1), 27–56.
  • Topkaya, E.Z. ve Uztosun, M.S. (2012). Choosing teaching as a career: Motivations of pre-service English teachers in Turkey. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 3(1), 126–134.
  • Wang, H.-H. (2004). Why teach science? Graduate science students’ perceived motivations for choosing teaching as a career in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 26(1), 113–128.
  • Watt, H.M.G. ve Richardson, P.W. (2007). Motivational factors influencing teaching as a career choice: Development and validation of the FIT-choice scale. The Journal of Experimental Education, 75(3), 167–202.
  • Watt, H.M.G., Richardson, P.W., vd. (2012). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: An international comparison using the FIT-Choice scale. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(6), 791–805.
  • Yazıcı, H. (2009). Öğretmenlik mesleği, motivasyon kaynakları ve temel tutumlar. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 17(1),33-46.
  • Yüce, K., Şahin, E.Y., vd. (2013). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: a perspective of pre-service teachers from a Turkish context. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(3), 295–306.
  • Yong, B.C.S. (1995). Teacher trainees’ motives for entering into a teaching career in Brunei Darussalam. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(3), 275–280.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sabahattin Deniz This is me 0000-0001-9595-2917

Uğur Doğan

Nurettin Şahin 0000-0002-1049-6180

Publication Date February 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Deniz, S., Doğan, U., & Şahin, N. (2018). Reasons of Preservice Teachers Attending the Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program for Choosing Teaching as a Profession. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 7(1), 132-146.
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