Research Article
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Investigation of the Relationship Between the Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Determination Levels of Pre-Service Teachers who Received and did not Receive Art Training

Year 2020, , 709 - 720, 05.10.2020


This research aimed to investigate the relationship between the problem-solving skills and assertiveness levels of students, who received and did not receive art education in faculty of education, and whether these two variables differ according to the gender, grade differences, and attended school. The study group included the education departments of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Faculty of Education in 2018-2019. The purposeful sampling method was used in this research which was conducted to reveal the relationship between the problem-solving skills and assertiveness levels of students who received and did not receive art education in faculty of education, and whether these two variables differ according to the gender, grade differences, and attended school, is suitable to the relational survey model. As a result of the research, it was found that there was significant difference regarding the gender and grade variable. However, it was realized that there was a significant difference in the interpersonal problem-solving scores between some departments.


  • Acar, V. N., Arıcıoğlu A., Gültekin F. ve Gençtanırım D. (2008). Investigation of the Security Levels of University Students. Hacettepe University Jaurnal Of Education Faculty, 35(35), 342-350.
  • Çelik, O. (2016). Investıgation of Psyhological Well-BeingPerceived Social Competence and Security in Teacher Candidates. (PublicationNum: 450013). Published Master Dissertation, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Institute Of Social Sciences, Erzincan, Turkey.
  • Çeşit C., Ece S.A. ve Kafadar H. (2012). Investigation of Problem SolvingSkillsand Self-EsteemLevels of High School Students whith and without Art Education (Bolu ProvinceExample). International Online Journal of EducationalSciences,4(3), 706-726.
  • Didin E. (2016).Investigation of the Humo Styles and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills of Adolescents Who Receive Art Education and Those WhoHave Not. (Publication Num:417244). Published Master Dissertation, AnkaraUniversty, Health Sciences Intitute, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Gökbuzoğlu, B. (2008). Examining the Relationship Between Adolescents Aggression Levelsand Problem Solving Skills. (Publication Num:219948). Published Master Dissertation. Marmara UniversityInstıtute of EducationSciences, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Karamehmetoğlu, M. (2017). Investigation of the Role of EmotinalIntelligenceLevels of Physical Education Teachers in Determining Professional Self-Efficacy and Problem Solving Skills. (Publication Num:469599). Published Master Dissertation. MarmaraUniversity Instıtute of Education Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Mercin, L. Alakuş, A.O. (2007). Necessity of Art EducationforIndividualandSociety. D.Ü.Ziya Gökalp Jaurnal Of EducationFaculty,9(-), 14-20. Alakus.pdf
  • Metin, M. (2014). Reliabilty Levels and Attachment Styles of Nursing Students. (PublicationNum:369936). Published Master Dissertation. Haliç Universty, HealthSciencesIntitute. İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Nacar F. S. (2010). Examination of Classroom Teachers Communication and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills. (Publication Num:286038).Published Master Dissertation. ÇukurovaUniversity, Institute Of SocialSciences, Adana,Turkey.
  • Nacar, F. S. & Tümkaya S. (2011). Examining the Communication and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills of Classroom Teachers. Elementary Education Online,10(2), 493-511.
  • Otacıoğlu, S. G. (2008). Comparison of Music Education Students Level of Problem Solving, Selfs Confidence and İnstrument Success. Selçuk University, Ahmet Kelesoglu Jaurnal of Educational Sciences, 26, 143 -154.
  • Tan, S. (2006). Investigation of Stress CopingStyles in Adolescents in Terms of Assertiveness Level and Some Variables. (PublicationNum: 187621) Published Master Dissertation. Gazi University Instıtute of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
  • Terzi, Ş. (2003). Interpersonal Problem Solving Skill Perceptions of Sixth Grade Students. Gazi University Education Sciences Department, TurkishJaurnal of Educational Sciences, 1(2),0-0.
  • Topal H. (2011). Investigation of there lationship BetweenFaculty of Education Students Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills and Orientations and Non-FunctionalAttitudes. (PublicationNum: 299907). Published Master Dissertation. ÇukurovaUniversity, Institute Of SocialSciences, Adana, Turkey.
  • Yılmaz E. (2015). PoliceInterpersonal Problem Solving Skills, Anger and Anger Expression Styles. (Publication Num:394824). Published Master Dissertation. Hacettepe UniverstyInstitute of Education Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Zengin, Ö. (2017). Investigation of Reliability Characteristics of University Students According toTheir Use of Media Tools. (Publication Num: 451239). Published Master Dissertation. Atatürk Universty Institute of Education Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey.

Sanat Eğitimi Alan ve Almayan Öğretmen Adaylarının Kişilerarası Problem Çözme Becerileri ve Kendini Belirleme Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Year 2020, , 709 - 720, 05.10.2020


Bu araştırmada, Eğitim Fakültesin’de sanat eğitimi alan ve almayan öğrencilerin, kişilerarası problem çözme becerileri ve kendini belirleme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi, bu iki değişkenin cinsiyet, sınıf farkları, okunan bölüme göre değişip değişmediğini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunu, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesinde 2018-2019 yıllarında öğrenim görmekte olan bölümler oluşturmaktadır. Belirlemede amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sanat eğitimi alan ve almayan öğrencilerin kişilerarası problem çözme becerileri ve kendini belirleme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi, bu iki değişkenin cinsiyet, sınıf farkları, okunan bölüme göre değişip değişmediğini ortaya koymak üzere yapılan bu çalışma ilişkisel tarama modeline uygundur. Cinsiyet ve sınıf değişkenine ilişkin anlamlı bir farkın olmadığı görülmüştür. Bölüm değişkenine göre ise, bazı bölümler arasında kişilerarası problem çözme puanlarında anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştır.


  • Acar, V. N., Arıcıoğlu A., Gültekin F. ve Gençtanırım D. (2008). Investigation of the Security Levels of University Students. Hacettepe University Jaurnal Of Education Faculty, 35(35), 342-350.
  • Çelik, O. (2016). Investıgation of Psyhological Well-BeingPerceived Social Competence and Security in Teacher Candidates. (PublicationNum: 450013). Published Master Dissertation, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Institute Of Social Sciences, Erzincan, Turkey.
  • Çeşit C., Ece S.A. ve Kafadar H. (2012). Investigation of Problem SolvingSkillsand Self-EsteemLevels of High School Students whith and without Art Education (Bolu ProvinceExample). International Online Journal of EducationalSciences,4(3), 706-726.
  • Didin E. (2016).Investigation of the Humo Styles and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills of Adolescents Who Receive Art Education and Those WhoHave Not. (Publication Num:417244). Published Master Dissertation, AnkaraUniversty, Health Sciences Intitute, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Gökbuzoğlu, B. (2008). Examining the Relationship Between Adolescents Aggression Levelsand Problem Solving Skills. (Publication Num:219948). Published Master Dissertation. Marmara UniversityInstıtute of EducationSciences, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Karamehmetoğlu, M. (2017). Investigation of the Role of EmotinalIntelligenceLevels of Physical Education Teachers in Determining Professional Self-Efficacy and Problem Solving Skills. (Publication Num:469599). Published Master Dissertation. MarmaraUniversity Instıtute of Education Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Mercin, L. Alakuş, A.O. (2007). Necessity of Art EducationforIndividualandSociety. D.Ü.Ziya Gökalp Jaurnal Of EducationFaculty,9(-), 14-20. Alakus.pdf
  • Metin, M. (2014). Reliabilty Levels and Attachment Styles of Nursing Students. (PublicationNum:369936). Published Master Dissertation. Haliç Universty, HealthSciencesIntitute. İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Nacar F. S. (2010). Examination of Classroom Teachers Communication and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills. (Publication Num:286038).Published Master Dissertation. ÇukurovaUniversity, Institute Of SocialSciences, Adana,Turkey.
  • Nacar, F. S. & Tümkaya S. (2011). Examining the Communication and Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills of Classroom Teachers. Elementary Education Online,10(2), 493-511.
  • Otacıoğlu, S. G. (2008). Comparison of Music Education Students Level of Problem Solving, Selfs Confidence and İnstrument Success. Selçuk University, Ahmet Kelesoglu Jaurnal of Educational Sciences, 26, 143 -154.
  • Tan, S. (2006). Investigation of Stress CopingStyles in Adolescents in Terms of Assertiveness Level and Some Variables. (PublicationNum: 187621) Published Master Dissertation. Gazi University Instıtute of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
  • Terzi, Ş. (2003). Interpersonal Problem Solving Skill Perceptions of Sixth Grade Students. Gazi University Education Sciences Department, TurkishJaurnal of Educational Sciences, 1(2),0-0.
  • Topal H. (2011). Investigation of there lationship BetweenFaculty of Education Students Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills and Orientations and Non-FunctionalAttitudes. (PublicationNum: 299907). Published Master Dissertation. ÇukurovaUniversity, Institute Of SocialSciences, Adana, Turkey.
  • Yılmaz E. (2015). PoliceInterpersonal Problem Solving Skills, Anger and Anger Expression Styles. (Publication Num:394824). Published Master Dissertation. Hacettepe UniverstyInstitute of Education Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Zengin, Ö. (2017). Investigation of Reliability Characteristics of University Students According toTheir Use of Media Tools. (Publication Num: 451239). Published Master Dissertation. Atatürk Universty Institute of Education Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Articles

Aşkın Ceren Erez 0000-0001-7914-2893

Orhan Taskesen 0000-0002-8945-3676

Publication Date October 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Erez, A. C., & Taskesen, O. (2020). Investigation of the Relationship Between the Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Determination Levels of Pre-Service Teachers who Received and did not Receive Art Training. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 9(3), 709-720.
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