Research Article
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Polianilin Kaplı Prinç Kabuğunun Atrazin Giderimi Üzerine Etkinliği

Year 2022, , 138 - 147, 31.12.2022


Literatürde pestisitler için en çok çalışılan uzaklaştırma işlemlerinden biri adsorpsiyondur. Adsorpsiyon prosesi, kesikli proseslerle birçok kirleticinin giderilmesinde çok yüksek arıtma verimleri sağlasa da, tüketilen adsorbanın maliyeti prosesin kullanılabilirliğini sınırlayan en önemli faktördür. Son yıllarda bilim adamları, proses maliyetlerini azaltmak için kompozit adsorbanlara odaklanmışlardır. Bu çalışmada, pirinç kabuğu (RH) (çok ucuz bir doğal üründür) ve polianilin (PANI; yüksek maliyetli ve yüksek arıtma verimi sağlar) kompoziti üretilmiş ve atrazin gideriminde adsorban olarak potansiyeli araştırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında atrazin giderimi üzerine uygulama süresi (0-480 dk), başlangıç pH (3.5-9.5), başlangıç atrazin konsantrasyonu (2-25 mg/L) ve PANI/RH miktarının (0-1.6 g) etkileri incelenmiştir. Atrazin (25 mg/L) için optimum arıtma verimi 120 dakika, 5.4 pH ve 1.g/50 ml adsorban dozunda % 58.3 olarak bulunmuş ve bu durumda adsorpsiyon kapasiteleri (qt) 0.58 mg/g olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, başlangıç atrazin konsantrasyonu 2'den 25 mg/L'ye yükseltildiğinde, giderim verimlerinin % 81.1'den % 60.4'e düştüğü, ancak adsorpsiyon kapasitelerinin (qt) 0.067'den 0.629 mg/g'ye yükseldiği belirlenmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi


Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesine desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederim.


  • [1] S. Wu, H. He, X. Li et al., "Insights into atrazine degradation by persulfate activation using composite of nanoscale zero-valent iron and graphene : Performances and mechanisms," vol. 341, pp. 126–136, 2018.
  • [2] H. He, Y. Liu, S. You et al., "A Review on Recent Treatment Technology for Herbicide Atrazine in Contaminated Environment," 2019.
  • [3] V. Camel, A. Bermond, "Review Paper the Use of Ozone and Associated Oxidation," Water Res vol. 32, pp. 3208–3222, 1998.
  • [4] Ma J, Graham NJD (2000) Degradation of atrazine by manganese-catalysed ozonation - Influence of radical scavengers. Water Res 34:3822–3828.
  • [5] Acero JL, Stemmler K, Von Gunten U (2000) Degradation kinetics of atrazine and its degradation products with ozone and OH radicals: A predictive tool for drinking water treatment. Environ Sci Technol 34:591– 597.
  • [6] Sun X, Liu H, Zhang Y, et al (2011) Effects of Cu(II) and humic acid on atrazine photodegradation. J Environ Sci 23:773–777.
  • [7] Beltrán FJ, Ovejero G, Acedo B (1993) Oxidation of atrazine in water by ultraviolet radiation combined with hydrogen peroxide. Water Res 27:1013–1021.
  • [8] Chan KH, Chu W (2003) Modeling the reaction kinetics of Fenton’s process on the removal of atrazine. Chemosphere 51:305–311.
  • [9] Malpass GRP, Salazar-Banda GR, Miwa DW, et al (2013) Comparing atrazine and cyanuric acid electrooxidation on mixed oxide and boron-doped diamond electrodes. Environ Technol (United Kingdom) 34:1043–1051.
  • [10] Balci B, Oturan N, Cherrier R, Oturan MA (2009) Degradation of atrazine in aqueous medium by electrocatalytically generated hydroxyl radicals. A kinetic and mechanistic study. Water Res 43:1924–1934.
  • [11] Borràs N, Oliver R, Arias C, Brillas E (2010) Degradation of atrazine by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes using a boron-doped diamond anode. J Phys Chem A 114:6613–6621.
  • [12] Oturan N, Brillas E, Oturan MA (2012) Unprecedented total mineralization of atrazine and cyanuric acid by anodic oxidation and electro-Fenton with a boron-doped diamond anode. Environ Chem Lett 10:165–170.
  • [13] Gotsi M, Kalogerakis N, Psillakis E, et al (2005) Electrochemical oxidation of olive oil mill wastewaters. Water Res 39:4177–4187.
  • [14] Chatzisymeon E, Xekoukoulotakis NP, Coz A, et al (2006) Electrochemical treatment of textile dyes and dyehouse effluents. J Hazard Mater 137:998–1007.
  • [15] View of Exploration of the Optimum Rice Husk Biochar for Atrazine and 2,4-D Removal_ Different Pyrolysis and Modification Conditions.pdf
  • [16] Diaye ADN, Boudokhane C, Kankou M, Dhaouadi H (2019) Potential of rice husk ash in atrazine removal. 7540:.
  • [17] Luconi J, Sbizzaro M, do Nascimento CT, Sampaio SC, dos Reis RR (2022) Adsorption of Atrazine in Rice Husk Biochars : A Phenomenological Model Applied to Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies. Engenharia Agricola 42(1).
  • [18] Khan MA, Dar AM, Arsalan M (2016) Fabrication and Characterization of Polyaniline Based NanoComposite with Their Physico-Chemical and Environmental Applications. J Polym Environ 1–11.
  • [19] Taghipour Kolaei Z, Tanzifi M, Yousefi A, Eisazadeh H (2012) Removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by using polyaniline/polystyrene nanocomposite. J Vinyl Addit Technol 18:52–56.
  • [20] Configuration ED (2017) Morphological and Structural Analysis of Polyaniline and Poly ( o -anisidine ) Layers Generated in a DC Glow Discharge Plasma by Using an Oblique Angle Electrode Deposition Configuration.
  • [21] Kim Y, Shinde VV, Jeong D, Choi Y, Jung S (2019) Solubility Enhancement of Atrazine by Complexation with Cclosophoraose Isolated from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii TA-1. Polymers 11(3):474. doi: 10.3390/polym11030474.
  • [22] Purwaningsih H, Ervianto Y, Pratiwi VM, Susanti D (2019) Effect of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Template of Mesoporous Silica MCM-41 from Rice Husk by Sol-Gel Method Effect of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Template of Mesoporous Silica MCM-41 from Rice Husk by Sol-Gel Method.
  • [23] Kondawar SB, Deshpande MD, Agrawal SP Transport Properties of Conductive Polyaniline Nanocomposites Based on Carbon Nanotubes. 2:32–36.
  • [24] Mansour MSS, Ossman MEE, Farag HA a. (2011) Removal of Cd (II) ion from waste water by adsorption onto polyaniline coated on sawdust. Desalination 272:301–305.
  • [25] Romita R, Rizzi V, Semeraro P, et al (2019) Operational parameters affecting the atrazine removal from water by using cyclodextrin based polymers as efficient adsorbents for cleaner technologies. Environ Technol Innov 16:100454.
  • [26] Fu J, Chen Z, Wang M, et al (2015) Adsorption of methylene blue by a high-efficiency adsorbent (polydopamine microspheres): Kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamics and mechanism analysis. Chem Eng J 259:53–61.
  • [27] Olusegun SJ, de Sousa Lima LF, Mohallem NDS (2018) Enhancement of adsorption capacity of clay through spray drying and surface modification process for wastewater treatment. Chem Eng J 334:1719–1728.

The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent

Year 2022, , 138 - 147, 31.12.2022


In this study, a composite of rice husk (RH) modified with polyaniline (PANI) was produced and its potential as an adsorbent in removal of atrazine was investigated.
Within the scope of the study, the effects of contact time (0-480 min), initial pH (3.5-
9.5), initial atrazine concentration (2-25 mg/L), and PANI/RH amount (0-1.6 g) on
treatment efficiency were examined. The optimum treatment efficiency for atrazine
(25 mg/L) was found as 58.3% under 120 min., 5.4 of pH, and 1.0 g/50 ml of
adsorbent dosage, and at this condition, adsorption capacities (qt) was calculated as
0.58 mg/g. Furthermore, when the initial atrazine concentration was raised from 2 to
25 mg/L, the removal efficiencies decreased from 81.1 to 60.4 %, but the adsorption
capacities (qt) increased from 0.067 to 0.629 mg/g. In addition, the efficiency of the
adsorption process was evaluated by applying Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm
models. Among the performed isotherm models, Freundlich isotherm provided the
best correlation for atrazine and the Freundlich constant related to the sorption
capacity was calculated as 2.02 mg/g at an initial pH of 5.4 for the 2.0-25 mg/L
atrazine at 25 oC. Raw-PANI/RH and used-PANI/RH composites were characterized
with FTIR, XRD, and SEM analysis.


  • [1] S. Wu, H. He, X. Li et al., "Insights into atrazine degradation by persulfate activation using composite of nanoscale zero-valent iron and graphene : Performances and mechanisms," vol. 341, pp. 126–136, 2018.
  • [2] H. He, Y. Liu, S. You et al., "A Review on Recent Treatment Technology for Herbicide Atrazine in Contaminated Environment," 2019.
  • [3] V. Camel, A. Bermond, "Review Paper the Use of Ozone and Associated Oxidation," Water Res vol. 32, pp. 3208–3222, 1998.
  • [4] Ma J, Graham NJD (2000) Degradation of atrazine by manganese-catalysed ozonation - Influence of radical scavengers. Water Res 34:3822–3828.
  • [5] Acero JL, Stemmler K, Von Gunten U (2000) Degradation kinetics of atrazine and its degradation products with ozone and OH radicals: A predictive tool for drinking water treatment. Environ Sci Technol 34:591– 597.
  • [6] Sun X, Liu H, Zhang Y, et al (2011) Effects of Cu(II) and humic acid on atrazine photodegradation. J Environ Sci 23:773–777.
  • [7] Beltrán FJ, Ovejero G, Acedo B (1993) Oxidation of atrazine in water by ultraviolet radiation combined with hydrogen peroxide. Water Res 27:1013–1021.
  • [8] Chan KH, Chu W (2003) Modeling the reaction kinetics of Fenton’s process on the removal of atrazine. Chemosphere 51:305–311.
  • [9] Malpass GRP, Salazar-Banda GR, Miwa DW, et al (2013) Comparing atrazine and cyanuric acid electrooxidation on mixed oxide and boron-doped diamond electrodes. Environ Technol (United Kingdom) 34:1043–1051.
  • [10] Balci B, Oturan N, Cherrier R, Oturan MA (2009) Degradation of atrazine in aqueous medium by electrocatalytically generated hydroxyl radicals. A kinetic and mechanistic study. Water Res 43:1924–1934.
  • [11] Borràs N, Oliver R, Arias C, Brillas E (2010) Degradation of atrazine by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes using a boron-doped diamond anode. J Phys Chem A 114:6613–6621.
  • [12] Oturan N, Brillas E, Oturan MA (2012) Unprecedented total mineralization of atrazine and cyanuric acid by anodic oxidation and electro-Fenton with a boron-doped diamond anode. Environ Chem Lett 10:165–170.
  • [13] Gotsi M, Kalogerakis N, Psillakis E, et al (2005) Electrochemical oxidation of olive oil mill wastewaters. Water Res 39:4177–4187.
  • [14] Chatzisymeon E, Xekoukoulotakis NP, Coz A, et al (2006) Electrochemical treatment of textile dyes and dyehouse effluents. J Hazard Mater 137:998–1007.
  • [15] View of Exploration of the Optimum Rice Husk Biochar for Atrazine and 2,4-D Removal_ Different Pyrolysis and Modification Conditions.pdf
  • [16] Diaye ADN, Boudokhane C, Kankou M, Dhaouadi H (2019) Potential of rice husk ash in atrazine removal. 7540:.
  • [17] Luconi J, Sbizzaro M, do Nascimento CT, Sampaio SC, dos Reis RR (2022) Adsorption of Atrazine in Rice Husk Biochars : A Phenomenological Model Applied to Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies. Engenharia Agricola 42(1).
  • [18] Khan MA, Dar AM, Arsalan M (2016) Fabrication and Characterization of Polyaniline Based NanoComposite with Their Physico-Chemical and Environmental Applications. J Polym Environ 1–11.
  • [19] Taghipour Kolaei Z, Tanzifi M, Yousefi A, Eisazadeh H (2012) Removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by using polyaniline/polystyrene nanocomposite. J Vinyl Addit Technol 18:52–56.
  • [20] Configuration ED (2017) Morphological and Structural Analysis of Polyaniline and Poly ( o -anisidine ) Layers Generated in a DC Glow Discharge Plasma by Using an Oblique Angle Electrode Deposition Configuration.
  • [21] Kim Y, Shinde VV, Jeong D, Choi Y, Jung S (2019) Solubility Enhancement of Atrazine by Complexation with Cclosophoraose Isolated from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii TA-1. Polymers 11(3):474. doi: 10.3390/polym11030474.
  • [22] Purwaningsih H, Ervianto Y, Pratiwi VM, Susanti D (2019) Effect of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Template of Mesoporous Silica MCM-41 from Rice Husk by Sol-Gel Method Effect of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Template of Mesoporous Silica MCM-41 from Rice Husk by Sol-Gel Method.
  • [23] Kondawar SB, Deshpande MD, Agrawal SP Transport Properties of Conductive Polyaniline Nanocomposites Based on Carbon Nanotubes. 2:32–36.
  • [24] Mansour MSS, Ossman MEE, Farag HA a. (2011) Removal of Cd (II) ion from waste water by adsorption onto polyaniline coated on sawdust. Desalination 272:301–305.
  • [25] Romita R, Rizzi V, Semeraro P, et al (2019) Operational parameters affecting the atrazine removal from water by using cyclodextrin based polymers as efficient adsorbents for cleaner technologies. Environ Technol Innov 16:100454.
  • [26] Fu J, Chen Z, Wang M, et al (2015) Adsorption of methylene blue by a high-efficiency adsorbent (polydopamine microspheres): Kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamics and mechanism analysis. Chem Eng J 259:53–61.
  • [27] Olusegun SJ, de Sousa Lima LF, Mohallem NDS (2018) Enhancement of adsorption capacity of clay through spray drying and surface modification process for wastewater treatment. Chem Eng J 334:1719–1728.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Nevin Atalay Gengeç 0000-0003-0993-4398

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Atalay Gengeç, N. (2022). The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 138-147.
AMA Atalay Gengeç N. The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2022;5(2):138-147. doi:10.55117/bufbd.1005047
Chicago Atalay Gengeç, Nevin. “The Atrazine Removal With the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk As a Cheap Adsorbent”. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 5, no. 2 (December 2022): 138-47.
EndNote Atalay Gengeç N (December 1, 2022) The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 5 2 138–147.
IEEE N. Atalay Gengeç, “The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent”, Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 138–147, 2022, doi: 10.55117/bufbd.1005047.
ISNAD Atalay Gengeç, Nevin. “The Atrazine Removal With the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk As a Cheap Adsorbent”. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 5/2 (December 2022), 138-147.
JAMA Atalay Gengeç N. The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;5:138–147.
MLA Atalay Gengeç, Nevin. “The Atrazine Removal With the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk As a Cheap Adsorbent”. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, 2022, pp. 138-47, doi:10.55117/bufbd.1005047.
Vancouver Atalay Gengeç N. The Atrazine Removal with the Polyaniline Coated Rice Husk as a Cheap Adsorbent. Bayburt Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;5(2):138-47.

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