Research Article
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Year 2018, , 80 - 95, 28.12.2018


hızla gelişmesiyle, akıllı cihazlar daha fonksiyonel ve ayırt edici özelliklere
sahip hale gelmiştir. Özellikle iletişim teknolojisi, her geçen gün daha
yaratıcı yeniliklerle, tüketicilere ürünlerini sunmaktadır. Tüketicileri için akıllı
cihazların ayırt edici özellikleri hakkında bilgilendirmeleri, diğer bir
deyişle marka farkındalığı yaratmaları firmalar için son derece önemlidir.
Ancak marka farkındalığının yaratılması, rekabetin yoğun olarak yaşandığı rekabet
ortamında yeterli değildir. Tüketicilerin zihninde markaya üstünlük katan
algılanan kalite düzeyi arttırılmalı ve olumlu marka bağlılığı yaratılarak

Çalışmanın amacı; akıllı
cihaz alımında algılanan kalite, marka farkındalığı ve marka imajının marka
sadakatini olumlu yönde etkileyip etkilemediğini analiz etmektir. Ayrıca bu
etkinin tüketicilerin cinsiyet, yaş grupları, gelir dağılımı ve öğrenim
düzeyine göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği de incelenmiştir. 


  • Alic, A., Agic, E., Činjarević, M. (2017). The Importance of Store Image and Retail Service Quality in Private Brand Image-Building, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 5(1), 27- 42
  • Ariffin, S., Yusof, J.M., Putit, L., Shah, M.I.A. (2016). Factors Influencing Perceived Quality and Repurchase Intention Towards Green Products, Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 391-396
  • Asshidin, N.H.N., Abidin, N., Borhan, H.B. (2016). Perceived Quality and Emotional Value that Influence Consumer’s Purchase Intention towards American and Local Products, Procedia Economics and Finance 35, 639-643
  • Ataman, B., Ülengin, B. (2003). A Note on the Effect of Brand Image on Sales, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 12(4-5), 237-250
  • Azuizkulov, D. (2013). Country of Origin and Brand Loyalty on Cosmetic Products Among Universiti Utara Malaysia Students, Atlantic Review of Economics 2, 1-39
  • Başanbaş, Ş. (2012). Algılanan Kalite, Tatmin ve Bağlılık İlişkisi Üzerine Otomotiv Yan Sanayiinde Bir Araştırma, Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı 10, 15-39
  • Bennett, R., Hartel, C.E.J., McColl-Kennedy, J.R. (2005). Experience as A Moderator of Involvement and Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty in A Business-to-Business Setting 02-314R, Industrial Marketing Management, 34(1), 97-107
  • Bennett, R., Rundle-Thiele, S. (2002). A Comparison of Attitudinal Loyalty Measurement Approaches, Journal of Brand Management, 9(3), 193-207
  • Bigne, E., Moliner, M.A., Sanchez, J. (2003). Perceived Quality and Satisfaction in Multiservices organisations: The case of Spanish Public Service, The Journal of Services Marketing, 17(4/5), 420-442
  • Brexendorf, T.O., Mühlmeier, S., Tomczak, T., Eisend, M. (2010). The Impact of Sales Encounters on Brand Loyalty, Journal of Business Research, 63(11), 1148-115
  • Chen-Hsun, H., Kuang-Hui, C., Hsin, C., Anastasia, P. (2015). Can Internet Blogs Be Used as An Effective Advertising Tool? The Role of Product Blog Type and Brand Awareness, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 28(3), 346-362
  • Çifci, S., Ekinci, Y., Whyatt, G., Japutra, A., Molinillo, S., Siala, H. (2016). A Cross Validation of Consumer-Based Brand Equity Models: Driving Customer Equity in Retail Brands, Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3740-3747
  • Fruchter, G.E., Jaffe, E.D., Nebenzahl, I.D. (2006). Dynamic Brand-Image-Based Production Location Decisions, Automatica, 42(8), 1371-1380
  • Ha, J., Jang, S.C. (2012). The Effects of Dining Atmospherics on Behavioral Intentions Through Quality Perception, Journal of Services Marketing, 26(3), 204-215
  • Hakala, U., Svensson, J., Vincze, Z. (2012). Consumer-Based Brand Equity and Top-of-Mind Awareness: A Cross-Country Analysis, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21(6), 439-451
  • Hemsley-Brown, J., Alnawas, I. (2016). Service Quality and Brand Loyalty- The Mediation Effect of Brand Passion, Brand Affection and Self-Brand Connection, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(12), 2771-2794
  • Holland, J., Baker, S.M. (2001). Customer Participation in Creating Site Brand Loyalty, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(4), 34-45
  • Hsiang-Ming, L., Ching-Chi, L., Cou-Chen, W. (2011). Brand Image Strategy Affects Brand Equity After M&A, European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8), 1091-1111
  • Kwon, W.S., Englis, B., Mann, M. (2016). Are Third-Party Green–Brown Ratings Believed?: The Role of Prior Brand Loyalty and Environmental Concern, Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 815-822
  • Liu, M.T., Wong, I.A., Tseng, T.H., Chang, A.W.Y., Phau, I. (2017). Applying Consumer-Based Brand Equity in Luxury Hotel Branding, Journal of Business Research 81, 192-202
  • Long-Yi, Y. (2010). The Relationship of Consumer Personality Trait, Brand Personality and Brand Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Toys and Video Games Buyers, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 19(1), 4-17
  • Lu, L.C., Chang, W.P., Chang, H.H. (2014). Consumer Attitudes Toward Blogger’s Sponsored Recommendations and Purchase İntention: The Effect of Sponsorship Type, Product Type, and Brand Awareness, Computers in Human Behavior 34, 258-266
  • Nguyen, T.D., Barrett, N.J., Miller, K.E. (2011). Brand Loyalty in Emerging Markets, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 29(3), 222-232
  • Nikhashemi, S.R., Paim, L., Osman, S., Sidin, S. (2015). The Significant Role of Customer Brand Identification Towards Brand Loyalty Development: An Empirical Study Among Malaysian Hypermarkets Customer, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 207, 182-188
  • Oh, H., Hsu, C.H.C. (2014). Assessing Equivalence of Hotel Brand Equity Measuresin Cross-Cultural Contexts, International Journal of Hospitality Management 36, 156-166
  • Papanagiotou, P., Tzimitra-Kalogianni, I., Melfou, K. (2012). Pork Quality in The Eye of The Greek Consumer, British Food Journal, 114(5), 647-660
  • Riaz, H.A. (2015). Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Buyıng Behavıor in Clothıng Sector: A Comparatıve Study Between Males and Females of Central Punjab (Lahore) and Southern Punjab (Multan), Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(9), 24-35
  • Sanyal, S.N., Datta, S.K. (2011). The Effect of Perceived Quality on Brand Equity: An Empirical Study on Generic Drugs, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(5), 604-625
  • Thakar, H., Patel, V. (2016). A Study on Consumer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty for Cosmetic Products: The Working Woman Perpective, Journal of Management and Research, 6(2), 46-50
  • Wang, Y.H. (2017), Are Investors Willing to Buy Non-award-wining Funds from Awarded Fund Companies?, Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 7(1), 79-86
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 18.01.2018
Year 2018, , 80 - 95, 28.12.2018



  • Alic, A., Agic, E., Činjarević, M. (2017). The Importance of Store Image and Retail Service Quality in Private Brand Image-Building, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 5(1), 27- 42
  • Ariffin, S., Yusof, J.M., Putit, L., Shah, M.I.A. (2016). Factors Influencing Perceived Quality and Repurchase Intention Towards Green Products, Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 391-396
  • Asshidin, N.H.N., Abidin, N., Borhan, H.B. (2016). Perceived Quality and Emotional Value that Influence Consumer’s Purchase Intention towards American and Local Products, Procedia Economics and Finance 35, 639-643
  • Ataman, B., Ülengin, B. (2003). A Note on the Effect of Brand Image on Sales, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 12(4-5), 237-250
  • Azuizkulov, D. (2013). Country of Origin and Brand Loyalty on Cosmetic Products Among Universiti Utara Malaysia Students, Atlantic Review of Economics 2, 1-39
  • Başanbaş, Ş. (2012). Algılanan Kalite, Tatmin ve Bağlılık İlişkisi Üzerine Otomotiv Yan Sanayiinde Bir Araştırma, Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı 10, 15-39
  • Bennett, R., Hartel, C.E.J., McColl-Kennedy, J.R. (2005). Experience as A Moderator of Involvement and Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty in A Business-to-Business Setting 02-314R, Industrial Marketing Management, 34(1), 97-107
  • Bennett, R., Rundle-Thiele, S. (2002). A Comparison of Attitudinal Loyalty Measurement Approaches, Journal of Brand Management, 9(3), 193-207
  • Bigne, E., Moliner, M.A., Sanchez, J. (2003). Perceived Quality and Satisfaction in Multiservices organisations: The case of Spanish Public Service, The Journal of Services Marketing, 17(4/5), 420-442
  • Brexendorf, T.O., Mühlmeier, S., Tomczak, T., Eisend, M. (2010). The Impact of Sales Encounters on Brand Loyalty, Journal of Business Research, 63(11), 1148-115
  • Chen-Hsun, H., Kuang-Hui, C., Hsin, C., Anastasia, P. (2015). Can Internet Blogs Be Used as An Effective Advertising Tool? The Role of Product Blog Type and Brand Awareness, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 28(3), 346-362
  • Çifci, S., Ekinci, Y., Whyatt, G., Japutra, A., Molinillo, S., Siala, H. (2016). A Cross Validation of Consumer-Based Brand Equity Models: Driving Customer Equity in Retail Brands, Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3740-3747
  • Fruchter, G.E., Jaffe, E.D., Nebenzahl, I.D. (2006). Dynamic Brand-Image-Based Production Location Decisions, Automatica, 42(8), 1371-1380
  • Ha, J., Jang, S.C. (2012). The Effects of Dining Atmospherics on Behavioral Intentions Through Quality Perception, Journal of Services Marketing, 26(3), 204-215
  • Hakala, U., Svensson, J., Vincze, Z. (2012). Consumer-Based Brand Equity and Top-of-Mind Awareness: A Cross-Country Analysis, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21(6), 439-451
  • Hemsley-Brown, J., Alnawas, I. (2016). Service Quality and Brand Loyalty- The Mediation Effect of Brand Passion, Brand Affection and Self-Brand Connection, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(12), 2771-2794
  • Holland, J., Baker, S.M. (2001). Customer Participation in Creating Site Brand Loyalty, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(4), 34-45
  • Hsiang-Ming, L., Ching-Chi, L., Cou-Chen, W. (2011). Brand Image Strategy Affects Brand Equity After M&A, European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8), 1091-1111
  • Kwon, W.S., Englis, B., Mann, M. (2016). Are Third-Party Green–Brown Ratings Believed?: The Role of Prior Brand Loyalty and Environmental Concern, Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 815-822
  • Liu, M.T., Wong, I.A., Tseng, T.H., Chang, A.W.Y., Phau, I. (2017). Applying Consumer-Based Brand Equity in Luxury Hotel Branding, Journal of Business Research 81, 192-202
  • Long-Yi, Y. (2010). The Relationship of Consumer Personality Trait, Brand Personality and Brand Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Toys and Video Games Buyers, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 19(1), 4-17
  • Lu, L.C., Chang, W.P., Chang, H.H. (2014). Consumer Attitudes Toward Blogger’s Sponsored Recommendations and Purchase İntention: The Effect of Sponsorship Type, Product Type, and Brand Awareness, Computers in Human Behavior 34, 258-266
  • Nguyen, T.D., Barrett, N.J., Miller, K.E. (2011). Brand Loyalty in Emerging Markets, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 29(3), 222-232
  • Nikhashemi, S.R., Paim, L., Osman, S., Sidin, S. (2015). The Significant Role of Customer Brand Identification Towards Brand Loyalty Development: An Empirical Study Among Malaysian Hypermarkets Customer, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 207, 182-188
  • Oh, H., Hsu, C.H.C. (2014). Assessing Equivalence of Hotel Brand Equity Measuresin Cross-Cultural Contexts, International Journal of Hospitality Management 36, 156-166
  • Papanagiotou, P., Tzimitra-Kalogianni, I., Melfou, K. (2012). Pork Quality in The Eye of The Greek Consumer, British Food Journal, 114(5), 647-660
  • Riaz, H.A. (2015). Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Buyıng Behavıor in Clothıng Sector: A Comparatıve Study Between Males and Females of Central Punjab (Lahore) and Southern Punjab (Multan), Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(9), 24-35
  • Sanyal, S.N., Datta, S.K. (2011). The Effect of Perceived Quality on Brand Equity: An Empirical Study on Generic Drugs, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23(5), 604-625
  • Thakar, H., Patel, V. (2016). A Study on Consumer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty for Cosmetic Products: The Working Woman Perpective, Journal of Management and Research, 6(2), 46-50
  • Wang, Y.H. (2017), Are Investors Willing to Buy Non-award-wining Funds from Awarded Fund Companies?, Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 7(1), 79-86
  •, Erişim Tarihi: 18.01.2018
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review Article

Tuğba Uzunkaya

Cemal Yükselen

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Uzunkaya, T., & Yükselen, C. (2018). AKILLI CİHAZ KULLANICILARININ MARKA SADAKATLERİNİ ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(2), 80-95.


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