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Yıl 2015, , 47 - 106, 19.12.2015



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Yıl 2015, , 47 - 106, 19.12.2015


The Aegean region (Western Anatolia, Aegean Sea and Greece) is one of the areas of the earth under the effect of extensional tectonics and includes the typical features of core complexes in this type of region. The Menderes Massif in Western Anatolia was exhumed initially as an asymmetric core complex in the Early Miocene due to extension beginning in the Oligocene and then the central Menderes Massif was further exhumed as a symmetric core complex. This article discusses the exhumation mechanisms of the Menderes Massif and development of surrounding sedimentary basins in light of new findings. The proposed model successfully explains, the location of the Oligocene Kale basin, different movement directions of the Lycian nappes in northern and southern parts of the Datça-Kale Main Breakaway Fault and the top-to- the NNE directed shearing dominantlyobservedinthewholeMenderesMassif.


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Toplam 242 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Gürol Seyitoğlu

Veysel Işık Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Seyitoğlu, Gürol, ve Veysel Işık. “LATE CENOZOIC EXTENSIONAL TECTONICS IN WESTERN ANATOLIA: EXHUMATION OF THE MENDERES CORE COMPLEX AND FORMATION OF RELATED BASINS”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 151, sy. 151 (Aralık 2015): 47-106.
ISNAD Seyitoğlu, Gürol - Işık, Veysel. “LATE CENOZOIC EXTENSIONAL TECTONICS IN WESTERN ANATOLIA: EXHUMATION OF THE MENDERES CORE COMPLEX AND FORMATION OF RELATED BASINS”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 151/151 (Aralık 2015), 47-106.
MLA Seyitoğlu, Gürol ve Veysel Işık. “LATE CENOZOIC EXTENSIONAL TECTONICS IN WESTERN ANATOLIA: EXHUMATION OF THE MENDERES CORE COMPLEX AND FORMATION OF RELATED BASINS”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 151, sy. 151, 2015, ss. 47-106, doi:10.19111/bmre.49951.

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