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Yıl 2015, , 247 - 258, 19.12.2015


Biga Peninsula has many varied and interesting medical geologic problems, as well as being rich in natural geological resources. Mainly these problems are natural radioactivity, mineral dust, metal/mineral contamination in drinking water, acid rock/mine drainage, and problems related to geothermal and drinking water. With this view exposure to asbestos was surveyed and the results of this survey were evaluated by earth scientists and medical doctors. This inter-disciplinary study was done in Dumanlı village (Çanakkale-Turkey) in the Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey. Studies have been carried out in earth sciences and the health sciences simultaneously. The asbestiform minerals around Dumanlı village are contained in sheared serpentinites which occur as tectonic slices and lenses within Çamlıca metamorphics. These tectonic slices and lenses are bounded by strike-slip faults and probably obtained their final tectonic positions in a transpressional regime during late Cretaceous- early Eocene time. Asbestiform minerals occur within stretching-shear zones in the strike- slip system. Petrographic and mineralogic indications show that the asbestiform minerals are clinochrysotile, lizardite, antigorite and actinolite. In parallel with earth science studies; verbal autopsy, pulmonary function tests and radiological examination studies were car- ried out. A significant correlation between asbestos exposure and radiographic pathology was identified in the region and it was understood that the duration of exposure in these ca- ses varies from 23-80 years.


  • Adamson, I. Y. R., Bowden, D. H. 1987. Response of mouse lungto crocidolite asbestos: II. Pulmonary fibrosis after long fibres, The Journal of Pathology, 152, 109–117.
  • Atabey, E. 2007. Aksaray-Nevşehir Arası Eriyonit Minerali İçeren Volkanik Tüflerin Dağılımı ve Akciğer Kan- seri (Mezotelyoma) İlişkisi. 60 Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, 289-292.
  • Atabey, E. 2008. Doğal radyasyon kaynakları: Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ve Geyikli örneği. Uluslararası Katılımlı Tıbbi Jeoloji Kitabı, 85-88. YMGV Yayını ISBN:978-975-7946-33-5, Ankara.
  • Atabey, E. 2009. Türkiye’de asbest, eriyonit, kuvars ve diğer mineral tozları ve etkileri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Yerbilimleri ve Kültür Serisi-6, 188s.
  • Atabey, E. 2013. Türkiye’de Doğal Radyasyon Kaynakları ve Tıbbi Jeolojik Etkileri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Yerbilimleri ve Kültür Serisi-10, 158s.
  • Baba, A., Save, D., Sülün S., Gündüz, O., Bozcu, M., Gür- dal, G., Özcan, H. 2008. Çan Kömür Havzasındaki Madencilik Faaliyetlerinin Tıbbı Jeoloji Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, TÜBİTAK, ÇAYDAG-106Y041.
  • Baba, A., Gündüz, O. 2010. Effect of alteration zones on water quality: A Case Study from Biga Peninsula, Turkey. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58, 3, 499-513.
  • Bakar, C., Baba, A., Karaman, H. I. O., Şengünalp, F. 2009a. The neurotoxic effect of high aluminum le- vels in drinking water in Kirazlı area (Çanakkale, Turkey), 12th World Congress on Public Health, 27 April- 1 May 2009, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Bakar, C., Karaman, H. I. O., Baba, A., Şengünalp, F. 2009b. Vitamin B12 levels and neurological findings in three villages in Çanakkale region, Turkey, 12th World Congress on Public Health, 27 April- 1May 2009, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Bakar, C., Karaman, H. I. O., Baba, A., Şengünalp, F. 2010. Effect of high Aluminium concentration in water resources on human health, Case Study: Biga Pe- ninsula, Northwest Part of Turkey. Archives of En- vironmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58, 4, 935-944.
  • Barış, Y. I., Artvinli, M., Şahin A. A. 1979. Environmental mesothelioma in Turkey, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 330, 423-432.
  • Barış, Y. I., Simanato, I., Artvinli, M., Pooley, F., Saracci, R., Skidmoore J., Wagner, C. 1987. Epidemiologi- cal and environmental evidence of health effect of exposure to erionite fibers: a four-year study in the Cappadocian region of Turkey. International Journal of Cancer, 39:10-17.
  • Berman, D. W., Crump, K. S., Chatfield, E. J., Davis, J. M. G., Jones, A.D. 1995. The sizes, shapes, and mine- ralogy of asbestos structures that induce lung tu- mors or mesothelioma in AF/HAN rats following inhalation. Risk Analysis, 15, 181-195.
  • Browne, K. 1994. Asbestos-related disorders. In: Parkes WR, editor. Occupational lung disorders. 3rd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 411–504.
  • Bundschuh, J., Maity, J. P., Nath, B., Baba, A., Gündüz, O., Kulp, T.R., Jean, J.S., Kar, S., Tseng, Y., Bhattac- harya, P., Chen C.Y. 2013. Naturally occurring ar- senic in terrestrial geothermal systems of western Anatolia, Turkey: potential role in contamination of freshwater resources. Journal of Hazardous Mate- rials, 262, 951-959.
  • Carthew P., Hill, R. J., Edwards R.E., Lee P. N. 1992. In- trapleural administration of fibers induces mesothe- lioma in rats in the same relative order of hazards as occurs in man after exposure. Human and Expe- rimental Toxicology, 11, 530-534.
  • Chretien, J., Bignon, J., Hirsch, A. 1985. The Pleure in He- alth and Disease. Dekker, New York.
  • Churg, A. 1988. Chrysotile, tremolite, and malignant mesot- helioma in man. Chest, 93, 621-628.
  • Cooke, W.E. 1924. Fibrosis of the lungs due to the inhalati- on of asbestos dust. British Medical Journal, 2,147.
  • Craighead, J. E., Abraham, J. L., Churg, A., Green, F. H., Kleinerman, J., Pratt, P. C., Seemayer, T. A., Vall- yathan, V., Weill, H. 1982. The pathology of asbes- tos-associated diseases of the lungs and pleural ca- vities: diagnostic criteria and proposed grading schema. Report of the Pneumoconiosis Committee of the College of American Pathologists and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and He- alth. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medi- cine, 06, 541–596.
  • Davis, J., Jones, M. A. 1988. Comparison of the pathogeni- city oflong and short fibres of chrysotile asbestos in rats. British Journal of Experimental Pathology.
  • Davis, J. M. G., Addison, J., Bolton, R. E., Donaldson, K., Jones, A. D., Smith, T. 1986. The pathogenicity of long vs. short fibre samples of amosite asbestos ad- ministered to rats by inhalation and intraperitoneal injection. British Journal of Experimental Patho- logy, 67, 415–430.
  • Derbyshire, E. 2005. Natural Aerosolic Mineral Dusts and Human Health. Essentials of Medical Geology Im- pacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health, Edt. in chef O. Selinus, Chapter 18, 462-469.
  • Doğan, M. 2002. Environmental pulmonary health problems related to mineral dusts: Examples from central Anatolia, Turkey, Environmental Geology, 41, 571-578.
  • Doğan, M., Emri, S. 2000. Environmental health problems related to mineral dust in Ankara and Eskişehir, Turkey. Yerbilimleri, 22, 149-161.
  • Donaldson, K., Brown, G. M., Brown, D. M., Bolton, R. E., Davis, J.M.G. 1989. Inflammation generating potential of long and short fibre amosite asbestos samples. British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 46, 271–276.
  • Dufresne, A., Harrigan, M., Masse, S., Begin, R. 1995. Fi- bers in lung tissues of mesothelioma cases among miners and millers of the township of asbestos, Quebec. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 27, 581-592.
  • Duru, M., Pehlivan, Ş., Şentürk, Y., Yavaş, F., Kar, H. 2004. New results on the lithostratigraphy of the Kazdağ Massif in northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, 177–186.
  • Duru, M., Pehlivan, Ş., Okay, A. İ., Şentürk, Y., Kar, H. 2012. Biga Yarımadası’nın Tersiyer Öncesi Jeolo- jisi. In: Biga Yarımadası’nın genel ve Ekonomik Jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, özel yayın Serisi No.28, s.7-74.
  • Elmas, A., Yiğitbaş, E. 2001. Ophiolite emplacement by strike-slip tectonics between the Pontide Zone and the Sakarya Zone in northwestern Anatolia, Tur- key. International Journal of Earth Science-Geolo- gische Rundschau, 90, 257-269.
  • Elmas, A., Yiğitbaş, E. 2005. Comment on “Tectonic evolution of the Intra-Pontide sutur zone in the Armutlu Peninsula, NW Turkey” by Robertson and Ustaö- mer, Tectonophysics, 405, 213-221.
  • Elmas, A., Yılmaz, İ., Yiğitbaş, E., Ullrich, T. 2011. A Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous metamorphic core complex, Strandja Massif, NW Turkey. Internatio- nal Journal of Earth Science-Geologische Runds- chau, 100, 1251-1263.
  • Emri, S., Demir, A.U. 2004. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in Turkey, 2000-2002, Lung Cancer,45, 17-20.
  • Fossen, H. 2011. Structural Geology. Cambridge University Press, 463p.
  • Henderson, D. W., Rodelsperger, K., Woitowitz, H.J., Le- igh, J. 2004. After Helsinki: a multidisciplinary re- view of the relationship between asbestos exposure and lung cancer, with emphasis on studies publispublished during 1997-2004. Pathology, 36, 6, 517-550.
  • İrkeç, T. 1990. Asbest. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Serisi, No:31, Ankara.
  • Karakoca, Y., Emri, S., Cangir, A.K., Barış, Y.I. 1997. En- vironmental pleural plaques due to asbestos and fibrous zeolite exposure in Turkey. Indoor Built Environment, 6 100-105.
  • Lanphear, B. P., Buncher, C. R. 1992. Latent period for ma- lignant mesothelioma of occupational origin. Jour- nal of Occupational Medicine, 34, 718-721.
  • Lemaire, I. 1985. An assessment of the fibrogenic potential of veryshort 4-T30 chrysotile by intratracheal ins- tillation in rats. Environmental Research, 36,314–326.
  • MGM. 2014a. lim_siniflandirmalari.pdf
  • MGM. 2014b. bilir-enerji.aspx?s= ruzgaratlasi
  • Mossman, B. T., Hansen, K., Marsh, J., Brew, M. E., Hills, S., Bergeron, M., Petruska, J. 1989. Mechanisms of fiber-induced superoxide (O2) release from alveo- lar macrophages (AM) and induction of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the lungs of rats inhaling cro- cidolite. In Bignon, J. Peto, J. and Saracci, R. (eds). Mineral Fibres in the NonOccupational Environ- ment. I.A.R.C. Publication No. 90, Lyon, France,81–97.
  • Newhouse, M. L., Thompson, H. 1965. Mesothelioma of pleural and peritoneum following exposure to as- bestos in the London area. British Journal of Indus- trial Medicine, 22, pp. 261-268.
  • Niklinski, J., Niklinska, W., Chyczewska, E., Laudanski, J., Naumnik, W., Chyczewski, L., Pluygers, E. 2004. The epidemiology of asbestos-related diseases. Lung Cancer, 45, 7-15.
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  • Okay, A. I., Bozkurt, E., Satır, M., Yiğitbaş, E., Crowley, Q.G., Shang, C.K. 2008. Defining the southern margin of Avalonia in the Pontides: geochronological data from the Late Proterozoic and Ordovician granitoids from NW Turkey. Tectonophysics, 461, 252-264.
  • Örgün, Y., Altınsoy, N., Şahin, S. Y., Güngör, Y., Gültekin, A.H., Karahan, G., Karacık, Z. 2007. Natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in rocks and beach sands from Ezine region (Çanakkale), Western Anatolia, Turkey. Applied Radiation Isotope, 65, 739-747.
  • Örgün, Y., Altınsoy, N., Şahin, S. Y., Ataksoy, B., Çelebi, N. 2008. A Study Of Indoor Radon Levels In Rural Dwellıngs Of Ezine (Çanakkale, Turkey) Usıng So- lid-State Nuclear Track Detectors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 131, 379-384.
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Yıl 2015, , 247 - 258, 19.12.2015



  • Adamson, I. Y. R., Bowden, D. H. 1987. Response of mouse lungto crocidolite asbestos: II. Pulmonary fibrosis after long fibres, The Journal of Pathology, 152, 109–117.
  • Atabey, E. 2007. Aksaray-Nevşehir Arası Eriyonit Minerali İçeren Volkanik Tüflerin Dağılımı ve Akciğer Kan- seri (Mezotelyoma) İlişkisi. 60 Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, 289-292.
  • Atabey, E. 2008. Doğal radyasyon kaynakları: Çanakkale ili Ayvacık ve Geyikli örneği. Uluslararası Katılımlı Tıbbi Jeoloji Kitabı, 85-88. YMGV Yayını ISBN:978-975-7946-33-5, Ankara.
  • Atabey, E. 2009. Türkiye’de asbest, eriyonit, kuvars ve diğer mineral tozları ve etkileri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Yerbilimleri ve Kültür Serisi-6, 188s.
  • Atabey, E. 2013. Türkiye’de Doğal Radyasyon Kaynakları ve Tıbbi Jeolojik Etkileri. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Yerbilimleri ve Kültür Serisi-10, 158s.
  • Baba, A., Save, D., Sülün S., Gündüz, O., Bozcu, M., Gür- dal, G., Özcan, H. 2008. Çan Kömür Havzasındaki Madencilik Faaliyetlerinin Tıbbı Jeoloji Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, TÜBİTAK, ÇAYDAG-106Y041.
  • Baba, A., Gündüz, O. 2010. Effect of alteration zones on water quality: A Case Study from Biga Peninsula, Turkey. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58, 3, 499-513.
  • Bakar, C., Baba, A., Karaman, H. I. O., Şengünalp, F. 2009a. The neurotoxic effect of high aluminum le- vels in drinking water in Kirazlı area (Çanakkale, Turkey), 12th World Congress on Public Health, 27 April- 1 May 2009, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Bakar, C., Karaman, H. I. O., Baba, A., Şengünalp, F. 2009b. Vitamin B12 levels and neurological findings in three villages in Çanakkale region, Turkey, 12th World Congress on Public Health, 27 April- 1May 2009, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Bakar, C., Karaman, H. I. O., Baba, A., Şengünalp, F. 2010. Effect of high Aluminium concentration in water resources on human health, Case Study: Biga Pe- ninsula, Northwest Part of Turkey. Archives of En- vironmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58, 4, 935-944.
  • Barış, Y. I., Artvinli, M., Şahin A. A. 1979. Environmental mesothelioma in Turkey, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 330, 423-432.
  • Barış, Y. I., Simanato, I., Artvinli, M., Pooley, F., Saracci, R., Skidmoore J., Wagner, C. 1987. Epidemiologi- cal and environmental evidence of health effect of exposure to erionite fibers: a four-year study in the Cappadocian region of Turkey. International Journal of Cancer, 39:10-17.
  • Berman, D. W., Crump, K. S., Chatfield, E. J., Davis, J. M. G., Jones, A.D. 1995. The sizes, shapes, and mine- ralogy of asbestos structures that induce lung tu- mors or mesothelioma in AF/HAN rats following inhalation. Risk Analysis, 15, 181-195.
  • Browne, K. 1994. Asbestos-related disorders. In: Parkes WR, editor. Occupational lung disorders. 3rd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 411–504.
  • Bundschuh, J., Maity, J. P., Nath, B., Baba, A., Gündüz, O., Kulp, T.R., Jean, J.S., Kar, S., Tseng, Y., Bhattac- harya, P., Chen C.Y. 2013. Naturally occurring ar- senic in terrestrial geothermal systems of western Anatolia, Turkey: potential role in contamination of freshwater resources. Journal of Hazardous Mate- rials, 262, 951-959.
  • Carthew P., Hill, R. J., Edwards R.E., Lee P. N. 1992. In- trapleural administration of fibers induces mesothe- lioma in rats in the same relative order of hazards as occurs in man after exposure. Human and Expe- rimental Toxicology, 11, 530-534.
  • Chretien, J., Bignon, J., Hirsch, A. 1985. The Pleure in He- alth and Disease. Dekker, New York.
  • Churg, A. 1988. Chrysotile, tremolite, and malignant mesot- helioma in man. Chest, 93, 621-628.
  • Cooke, W.E. 1924. Fibrosis of the lungs due to the inhalati- on of asbestos dust. British Medical Journal, 2,147.
  • Craighead, J. E., Abraham, J. L., Churg, A., Green, F. H., Kleinerman, J., Pratt, P. C., Seemayer, T. A., Vall- yathan, V., Weill, H. 1982. The pathology of asbes- tos-associated diseases of the lungs and pleural ca- vities: diagnostic criteria and proposed grading schema. Report of the Pneumoconiosis Committee of the College of American Pathologists and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and He- alth. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medi- cine, 06, 541–596.
  • Davis, J., Jones, M. A. 1988. Comparison of the pathogeni- city oflong and short fibres of chrysotile asbestos in rats. British Journal of Experimental Pathology.
  • Davis, J. M. G., Addison, J., Bolton, R. E., Donaldson, K., Jones, A. D., Smith, T. 1986. The pathogenicity of long vs. short fibre samples of amosite asbestos ad- ministered to rats by inhalation and intraperitoneal injection. British Journal of Experimental Patho- logy, 67, 415–430.
  • Derbyshire, E. 2005. Natural Aerosolic Mineral Dusts and Human Health. Essentials of Medical Geology Im- pacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health, Edt. in chef O. Selinus, Chapter 18, 462-469.
  • Doğan, M. 2002. Environmental pulmonary health problems related to mineral dusts: Examples from central Anatolia, Turkey, Environmental Geology, 41, 571-578.
  • Doğan, M., Emri, S. 2000. Environmental health problems related to mineral dust in Ankara and Eskişehir, Turkey. Yerbilimleri, 22, 149-161.
  • Donaldson, K., Brown, G. M., Brown, D. M., Bolton, R. E., Davis, J.M.G. 1989. Inflammation generating potential of long and short fibre amosite asbestos samples. British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 46, 271–276.
  • Dufresne, A., Harrigan, M., Masse, S., Begin, R. 1995. Fi- bers in lung tissues of mesothelioma cases among miners and millers of the township of asbestos, Quebec. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 27, 581-592.
  • Duru, M., Pehlivan, Ş., Şentürk, Y., Yavaş, F., Kar, H. 2004. New results on the lithostratigraphy of the Kazdağ Massif in northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, 177–186.
  • Duru, M., Pehlivan, Ş., Okay, A. İ., Şentürk, Y., Kar, H. 2012. Biga Yarımadası’nın Tersiyer Öncesi Jeolo- jisi. In: Biga Yarımadası’nın genel ve Ekonomik Jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, özel yayın Serisi No.28, s.7-74.
  • Elmas, A., Yiğitbaş, E. 2001. Ophiolite emplacement by strike-slip tectonics between the Pontide Zone and the Sakarya Zone in northwestern Anatolia, Tur- key. International Journal of Earth Science-Geolo- gische Rundschau, 90, 257-269.
  • Elmas, A., Yiğitbaş, E. 2005. Comment on “Tectonic evolution of the Intra-Pontide sutur zone in the Armutlu Peninsula, NW Turkey” by Robertson and Ustaö- mer, Tectonophysics, 405, 213-221.
  • Elmas, A., Yılmaz, İ., Yiğitbaş, E., Ullrich, T. 2011. A Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous metamorphic core complex, Strandja Massif, NW Turkey. Internatio- nal Journal of Earth Science-Geologische Runds- chau, 100, 1251-1263.
  • Emri, S., Demir, A.U. 2004. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in Turkey, 2000-2002, Lung Cancer,45, 17-20.
  • Fossen, H. 2011. Structural Geology. Cambridge University Press, 463p.
  • Henderson, D. W., Rodelsperger, K., Woitowitz, H.J., Le- igh, J. 2004. After Helsinki: a multidisciplinary re- view of the relationship between asbestos exposure and lung cancer, with emphasis on studies publispublished during 1997-2004. Pathology, 36, 6, 517-550.
  • İrkeç, T. 1990. Asbest. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Serisi, No:31, Ankara.
  • Karakoca, Y., Emri, S., Cangir, A.K., Barış, Y.I. 1997. En- vironmental pleural plaques due to asbestos and fibrous zeolite exposure in Turkey. Indoor Built Environment, 6 100-105.
  • Lanphear, B. P., Buncher, C. R. 1992. Latent period for ma- lignant mesothelioma of occupational origin. Jour- nal of Occupational Medicine, 34, 718-721.
  • Lemaire, I. 1985. An assessment of the fibrogenic potential of veryshort 4-T30 chrysotile by intratracheal ins- tillation in rats. Environmental Research, 36,314–326.
  • MGM. 2014a. lim_siniflandirmalari.pdf
  • MGM. 2014b. bilir-enerji.aspx?s= ruzgaratlasi
  • Mossman, B. T., Hansen, K., Marsh, J., Brew, M. E., Hills, S., Bergeron, M., Petruska, J. 1989. Mechanisms of fiber-induced superoxide (O2) release from alveo- lar macrophages (AM) and induction of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the lungs of rats inhaling cro- cidolite. In Bignon, J. Peto, J. and Saracci, R. (eds). Mineral Fibres in the NonOccupational Environ- ment. I.A.R.C. Publication No. 90, Lyon, France,81–97.
  • Newhouse, M. L., Thompson, H. 1965. Mesothelioma of pleural and peritoneum following exposure to as- bestos in the London area. British Journal of Indus- trial Medicine, 22, pp. 261-268.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Erdinç Yiğitbaş

Arzu Mirici Bu kişi benim

Uğur Gönlügür

Coşkun Bakar

İsmail Tunç

Fırat Şengün

Özgür Işıkoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Yiğitbaş, E., Mirici, A., Gönlügür, U., Bakar, C., vd. (2015). EVALUATION OF ASBESTOS EXPOSURE IN DUMANLI VILLAGE (ÇANAKKALE-TURKEY) FROM A MEDICAL GEOLOGY VIEWPOINT: AN INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDY. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 151(151), 247-258.
AMA Yiğitbaş E, Mirici A, Gönlügür U, Bakar C, Tunç İ, Şengün F, Işıkoğlu Ö. EVALUATION OF ASBESTOS EXPOSURE IN DUMANLI VILLAGE (ÇANAKKALE-TURKEY) FROM A MEDICAL GEOLOGY VIEWPOINT: AN INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDY. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Aralık 2015;151(151):247-258. doi:10.19111/bmre.58363
Chicago Yiğitbaş, Erdinç, Arzu Mirici, Uğur Gönlügür, Coşkun Bakar, İsmail Tunç, Fırat Şengün, ve Özgür Işıkoğlu. “EVALUATION OF ASBESTOS EXPOSURE IN DUMANLI VILLAGE (ÇANAKKALE-TURKEY) FROM A MEDICAL GEOLOGY VIEWPOINT: AN INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDY”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 151, sy. 151 (Aralık 2015): 247-58.
EndNote Yiğitbaş E, Mirici A, Gönlügür U, Bakar C, Tunç İ, Şengün F, Işıkoğlu Ö (01 Aralık 2015) EVALUATION OF ASBESTOS EXPOSURE IN DUMANLI VILLAGE (ÇANAKKALE-TURKEY) FROM A MEDICAL GEOLOGY VIEWPOINT: AN INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDY. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 151 151 247–258.
IEEE E. Yiğitbaş, A. Mirici, U. Gönlügür, C. Bakar, İ. Tunç, F. Şengün, ve Ö. Işıkoğlu, “EVALUATION OF ASBESTOS EXPOSURE IN DUMANLI VILLAGE (ÇANAKKALE-TURKEY) FROM A MEDICAL GEOLOGY VIEWPOINT: AN INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDY”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 151, sy. 151, ss. 247–258, 2015, doi: 10.19111/bmre.58363.
MLA Yiğitbaş, Erdinç vd. “EVALUATION OF ASBESTOS EXPOSURE IN DUMANLI VILLAGE (ÇANAKKALE-TURKEY) FROM A MEDICAL GEOLOGY VIEWPOINT: AN INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDY”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 151, sy. 151, 2015, ss. 247-58, doi:10.19111/bmre.58363.

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