Clay mineralogy and paleoclimatic properties of the Neogene Deposits in Sinanpaşa Basin (Afyon-Western Anatolia)
Yıl 2021,
, 93 - 117, 15.04.2021
Elif Akıska
Zehra Karakaş
The Sinanpaşa basin, one of the Neogene basins formed in the extensional tectonic regime in Western Anatolia, is located on the eastern margin of Western Anatolia basins containing different types of evaporites, lignite, uranium and clay minerals. Miocene sequence was initiated with alluvial fan- fluvial units and followed by lacustrine sediments. River floodplains and lakeshore marshes locally contain economic coal levels. Since middle-late Miocene, the products of Afyon volcanism were deposited into a subaerial or a subaqueous environment alternating with lake sediments. Dominant clay minerals are illite and smectite within the sediments coexistence with the volcanics. These minerals were accompanied by chlorite, kaolinite, and zeolite in some samples. Feldspar, dolomite, thenardite, and gypsum are locally observed too. Sepiolite mineral enrichments are also noteworthy in shallow-coastal lacustrine environments where organic matter is abundant. Clay minerals are mostly detritic and developed due to the weathering of volcaniclastics and sedimentary rocks in temperate/humid climatic conditions. In particular, smectite and kaolinite minerals were formed in situ/authigenic under subaqueous conditions due to the acidic/basic character of tuffs. As a result, different clay mineral types have been developed due to the mineralogical composition of source rocks, climatic factors (humid/semi-humid, arid), paleotopography, depositional environment and diagenetic factors.
Destekleyen Kurum
Ankara University Scientific Research Project Office
This manuscript consists of a part of the PhD thesis and the post-doctoral study of the first author. The authors are grateful to Baki E. Varol, who made a great contribution both during the field studies and in the formation of the manuscript. In addition, we would like to thank Cahit Helvacı, who made significant contributions during the field studies, and Erkan Aydar, who made valuable contributions in the classification of pyroclastic units. The authors also express their gratitude to Walter Prochaska, who shared both his valuable perspective and laboratory facilities (University of Leoben, SEM-EDX Lab.) during the first author's post-doctoral study. In addition, the authors would like to thank the reviewers (Hüseyin Yalçın and an anonymous reviewer) who have contributed to the final version of the manuscript by sharing their valuable views. This study was supported by project no. 06B343006 of the Ankara University Scientific Research Project Office.
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Yıl 2021,
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Elif Akıska
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