Geological and geochemical characteristics of Cünür volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization (Kastamonu, Turkey)
Yıl 2021,
, 77 - 96, 19.08.2021
Kurtuluş Günay
Çangaldağ Metamorphic Complex (CMC) in Central Pontides is an accretionary complex consistingof Jurassic units. Mafic, felsic metavolcanics, metamorphic equivalents of deep marine sediments and mafic meta - lava/sill intercalations are the most distinct units of the complex. Cünür Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) mineralization is associated with metavolcanic units of CMC. Metavolcanic
units in the mineralization area contain volcanic rocks with compositions ranging from sub - alkali basalt to andesite and dacite (50.3 - 74.6 % SiO2). For 0.1 % Cu cut - off grade, 3,372,000 tons (t) of mineral resource with 0.28 % Cu, 0.50 % Zn and 0.19 ppm Au has been estimated. Ore paragenesis of the Cünür mineralization predominantly consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, and lesser amounts of magnetite. The main ore textures are massive, semi - massive, disseminated, brecciated and fracture fillings. Pyrite - chalcopyrite grading and preserved silicified clasts within the massive ore indicate that mineralization has developed in relation to replacement processes. The most significant grade intercepts reported for the mineralization are 9 %, 9 %, 0.3 %, 3300 ppb and 79 ppm for Cu, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag, espectively. Cünür mineralization has similarities to bimodal - mafic (Noranda type) Cu - Zn dominated VMS deposits.
This study was carried out within the scope of the "Kastamonu Province and Surrounding Polimetal Mine Searches" project numbered 2011/202032- 13-05-01, under the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Mineral Research and Exploration Department. I would like to thank Mr. Cahit Dönmez, Head of Mineral Research and Exploration Department, whose confidence I feel in the execution and management of the project at every stage. I would like to thank Assoc. Dr. Vural Oyan, project advisor, for his scientific contributions at every stage of the project.
I would like to thank Prof Dr. Halim Mutlu, who contributed to the development of this article with his criticism and editing, Technical Editor Oğuz Altun and Associate Editor Dr. Hafize Akıllı.
"I would like to thank Geology Engineer Cüneyt Baran, Geology Engineer Kenan Coşkun, Geology Engineer Buğra Çavdar, Dr. Serdar Keskin, Geology Engineer Şenol Şahin and Geology Engineer Aysun Sözcü, who has made great efforts and contributions in the field studies, and Geology Engineer Yusuf Mehmet Erdem who made the reserve calculations. There is a great team behind all the work carried out in MTA. Thank you wholeheartedly to this great team,whose name is too many to write".
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