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Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey

Yıl 2021, , 63 - 75, 19.08.2021


Zebra dolomites and carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits of Maden village is located in the shelf type carbonate rocks of the Bolkar Mountains. The Zebra dolomite (ZD) locally form and there is no evidence for relation between dolomitization and mineralization. Maden village ZD is characterized by parallel light and dark bands that have similar mineralogy and chemistry by petrographic and SEM + EDX investigation. The δ13C (V - PDB) composition of the Zebra dolomite from 2.59‰ to 2.72‰ and the δ18O (V - PDB) values of the Zebra dolomite from -11.39 ‰ to -14.88 ‰. These isotopic values show that the source of oxygen and carbon was derived from marine carbonates and freshwater carbonates. Fluid inclusion studies on Zebra dolomite show homogenization temperatures of 80 °C - 180 °C. Based on petrographic, isotope values and fluid inclusion study, we can say that the dolomitization occurred during the late diagentic conditions prior mineralization.


This study is a part of TUBİTAK Project No:112Y144, was supported by Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK). We acknowledge this fun gratefully.The autors also thanks to Dr. Ebru Kavukcu for fluid inclusions study, Ufuk Kibar for SEM + EDX study, Prof. Dr. Halim Mutlu and the anonymous referee for their constructive and very helpful comments.


  • Alan, I., Sahin, Ş., Keskin, H., Altun, I., Bakırhan, B., Balcı, V., Böke, N., Saçlı, L., Pehlivan, Ş., Kop, A., Haniçili, N., Çelik, Ö. F. 2007. The geodynamic evolution of the intermediate Taurus Zone: Ereğli (Konya) - Ulukışla (Niğde) - Karsantı (Adana)- Namrun (İçel) surroundings. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Rapor No: 11006, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Arne, D., Kissin, S. 1989, The significance of diagenetic crystallization rhythmites at the Nanisivik Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, Baffin Island, Canada. Mineralium Deposita 24, 230-232.
  • Atabey, E., Göncüoğlu, M. C., Turhan, N. 1990. 1 / 100000 scale Turkish Geological Map, 33, J19.
  • Aydal, D., Polat, O., Uslu, A., Uslu, İ. 2008. Locating of the ore bearing Zebra dolomites by using landsat 7 etm + and quickbird satellite data in Hınzır Mountain, Kayseri, Turkey. Third International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, January 2008, Aswan, 217-226.
  • Beales, F. W., Hardy, J. W. 1980. Criteria for the recognition of diverse dolomite types with emphasis on the study of host rocks for Mississippi Valley - type ore deposits. Society of Sedimentary Geology Special Publication 28, 197-214.
  • Bethke C.M., Marshak, S. 1990. Brine migration across North America - the plate tectonics of groundwater. Annual Review Earth and Planetary Sciences 18, 287-315.
  • Blumenthal, M. 1956. Geology of northern edge and west extension of Bolkar Mountains regions. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) Publication Special Publication Series 7, 1-53.
  • Bray, T. D. 1983. Stratabound zinc - lead deposits in the Monte Cristo Limestone, Goodsprings, Nevada. Master Thesis, Dartmouth College, 235, Hanover.
  • Bouabdellah, M., Sangster, D. F., Leach, D. L., Brown, A.C., Johnson, C., Emsbo, P. 2012. Genesis of the touissit - bou beker Mississippi valley - type district (Morocco - Algeris) and its relationship to the Africa - Europe Collission. Economic Geology 107, 117-146.
  • Clark, I. D., Fritz, P. 1997. Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, New York, 328.
  • Clark, M., Robertson, A. H. F. 2002. The role of the Early Tertiary Ulukisla Basin, Southern Turkey, in suturing of the Mesozoic Tethys ocean. Journal of the Geological Society of London 159, 637-690.
  • Criss, R. E. 1999. Principles of Stable Isotope Distribution. Oxford University Press, New York, 264.
  • Davies, G. R., Smith Jr, L. B. 2006. Structurally controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoir facies: an overview. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 90, 1641-1690.
  • Demirtaşlı, E., Turhan, N., Bilgin, A. Z., Selim, M. 1984. Geology of the Bolkar Mountains, in Tekeli, O., and Göncüoğlu, M. C., eds., Geology of the Taurus Belt. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Mineral Research and Exploration Institue of Turkey (MTA), Ankara, Turkey, 125- 141.
  • Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L. 1997. Counterclockwise PTt trajectory from the metamorphic sole of a Neo- Tethyan ophiolite (Turkey). Tectonophysics 280, 295-301. doi: 10.1076/50040-1951(97)00038-3
  • Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L. 2000. Cenozoic crustal evolution in central Anatolia: extension, magmatism and landscape development. Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean, September 1998, Nicosia, Cyprus, 183-192.
  • Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L., Tekeli, O. 1999b. Links between tectonic processes and landscape morphology in an Alpine Collision Zone, south - Central Turkey. Annals of Geomorphology 118, 147-164.
  • Diehl, S. F., Hofstra, A. H., Koenig, A. E., Emsbo, P., Christiansen, W., Johnson, C. 2010. Hydrothermal Zebra Dolomite in the Great Basin, Nevada - attributes and relation to Paleozoic stratigraphy, Tectonics, and ore deposits. Geosphere 6(5), 663- 690.
  • Fontboté, L. 1981. Strata - bound Zn - Pb - F - Ba - deposits in carbonate rocks: new aspects of paleogeographic location, facies factors and diagenetic evolution: (with a comparison of occurences from the Triassic of southern Spain, the Triassic / Liassic of central Perú and other localities). PhD thesis, University of Heidelberg, 192.
  • Fontbote, L. 1993. Self - organization fabrics in carbonate- hosted ore deposits: the example of diagenetic crystallization rhythmites (DCRs), In Hach- Ali, P. F., Torres - Ruiz, J., and Gervilla, F., eds., Current research in geology applied to ore deposits. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Meeting, Granada, Spain, 11-14.
  • Fontbote, L., Amstutz, G. C. 1983. Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. (Ed H.G. Schneider), Springer, Heidelberg, 347–358.
  • Friedman, G. M. 1987. Deep - Burial Diagesis: its implications for vertical movements of the crust, uplift of the lithosphere and isostatic unroofing - a review. Sedimentary Geology 50, 67-94.
  • Garfunkel, Z. 1998. Constraints on the origin and history of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. Tectonophysics 298, 5-35.
  • Garven, G. 1985. The role of regional fluid flow in the genesis of the Pine Point deposit, Western Canada sedimentary basin. Ecoomic Geology 80, 307-324.
  • Gomez Rivas, E., Corbella, M., Martin - Martin, J. D., Stafford, S. L., Teixel, A., Bons, P. D., Griera, A., Cardellach, E. 2014. Reactivity of dolomitizing fluids and Mg source evaluation of fault controlled dolomitization at yhe Benicassim outcrop analogue (Maestrat basin, E Spain). Marine and Petroleum Geology 55, 26-42.
  • Görür, N., Tüysüz, O., Şengör, A. M. C. 1998. Tectonic evolution of the Central Anatolian Basins. International Geology Review 40, 831-850.
  • Hiemstra, E. J., Goldstein, R. H. 2015. Repeated injection of hydrothermal fluids into down dip carbonates: a diagenetic and stratigraphic mechanism for localization of reservoir porosity, Indian Basin Field, New Mexico, USA. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 406, 141-177.
  • Iannace, A., Gasparrini, M., Gabellone, T., Mazzoli, S. 2012. Late dolomitization in basinal limestones of the southern Apennines Fold and Thrust Belt (Italy). Oil and Gas Science and Technology 67 (1), 59-75.
  • Johnson, A. W., Shelton, K. L., Gregg, J. M., Somerville, I. D., Wright, W. R., Magy, Z. R. 2009. Regional studies of dolomites and their included fluids: Recognizing multiple chemically distinct fluids during the complex diagenetic history of Lower Carboniferous (Mississipian) rocks of the Irish Zn - Pb ore field. Mineralogy and Petrology 96, 1-18. Kadıoğlu, Y., Dilek, Y. 2010. Structure and geochemistry of the adakitik Horoz granitoid, Bolkar Mountains, south - central Turkey, and its tectonomagmatic evolution. Intertational Geology Review 52, 505-535.
  • Kahya, A., Kuşcu, E., Cengiz, O., Yıldız, M. 2019. S and Pb Isotope Geochemistry of the carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Neuses Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen (Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry) 196, 67-88.
  • Keith, M. L., Weber, J. N. 1964. Isotopic composition and environmental classification of selected limestones and fossils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 28, 1787-1816.
  • Koptagel, O., Ulusoy, U., Fallick, A. E. 2007. Sulfur and lead isotope investigations of the carbonate - hosted Pb - Zn deposits in the Yahyalı Region, Kayseri, Southern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 16(1), 57-76.
  • Konari, M. B., Rastad, E. 2018. Nature and origin of dolomitization associated with sulphide mineralization: new insights from the Tappehsorkh Zn - Pb (- Ag - Ba) deposit, Irankuh Mining District. Iranian Geological Journal 53, 1-21.
  • Leach, D. L., MacQuar, J. C., Lagneau, V., Leventhal, J., Emsbo, P., Preemo, W. 2006. Precipitation of lead - zinc ores in the Mississippi Valley type deposit at Treves, Cevennes region of southern France. Geofluids 6, 24-44.
  • Levin, P., Amstutz, G. C. 1976. Kristallisation und bewegung in erzrhythmiten am beispiel Triassic - Jurassischer lagerstaten in Ostperu. Munstersche Forschungen Zur Geologie und Palaontologie 38(39) , 111-128.
  • Machel, H. G. 2004. Concepts and models of dolomitization: a critical reappraisal. In: the geometry and petrogenesis of dolomite hydrocarbon reservoirs, Braithwaith, C. J., Rizzi, G., Darke, G. (eds). Geological Society, Special Publications 235, 7-63.
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  • Mattes, B. W., Mountjoy, E. W. 1980. Burial dolomitization of the Upper Devonian Miette buildup, Jasper National Park, Alberta. In: D.H. Zenger, J.B. Dunham and R.L. Ethington. (Editors), Society of Sedimentary Geology, 28.
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  • Morrow, D. W. 2014. Zebra and boxwork fabrics in hydrothermal dolomites of northern Canada: indicators for dilational fracturing, dissolution or in situ replacement. Sedimentology 61, 915-951.
  • Montanez, I. P. 1994. Late diagenetic dolomitization of Lower Ordovician, upper Knox carbonates: a record of the hydrodynamic evolution of the southern appalachian basin. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 78 (8), 1210-1239.
  • Nielsen, P., Swennen, R., Muchez, Ph., Keppens, E. 1998. Origin of dinantian Zebra dolomites south of the Brabant - Wales Massif, Belgium. Sedimentology 45, 727-743.
  • Oktay, F. Y. 1982. Stratigraphy and geological history of the Ulukışla and its surroundings. Bulletin of the Turkish Geological Society 25, 13-23.
  • Özgül, N. 1976. Some geological aspect of the Taurus orogenic belt (Turkey). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey 19, 65-78.
  • Özgül, N. l984. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Central Taurides, in Tekeli, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, 77-90.
  • Şişman, N., Şenocak, H. 1981. Geology and ore deposits around Bolkar Mountains. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) Publications, Report No: 1790, Ankara.
  • Sass-Gustkiewicz, M., Dżułyński, S., Ridge, J. D. 1982. The emplacement of zinc - lead sulfide ores in the Upper Silesian District: a contribution to the understanding of Mississippi valley - type deposits.Economic Geology 77, 392-412.
  • Swennen, R., Ferket, H., Benchilla, L., Roure, F., Ellam, R. 2003. Fluid flow and diagenesis in carbonate dominated Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts: petrographic inferences from field studies of Late - Diagenetic fabrics from Albania, Belgium, Canada, Mexico and Pakistan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78-79, 481- 485.
  • Tompkins, L. A., Rayner, M. J., Groves, D. I., Roche, M. T. 1994. Evaporites; in situ sulfur source for rhythmically banded ore in the Cadjebut Mississippi valley - type Zn - Pb depoist, Western Australia. Economic Geology 89, 467-492.
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  • Wallace, M. W., Both, R. A., Ruano, S. M., Hach-Ali, P.F., Lees, T. 1994. Zebra textures from carbonate - hosted sulfide deposits: sheet cavity networks produced by fracture and solution enlargement. Economic Geology 89, 1183-1191.
  • Wallace, M. W., Hood, A. V. S. 2018. Zebra textures: fracture networks produced by the force of crystallization during replacement reactions. Sedimentary Geology 368, 58-56.
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Yıl 2021, , 63 - 75, 19.08.2021



  • Alan, I., Sahin, Ş., Keskin, H., Altun, I., Bakırhan, B., Balcı, V., Böke, N., Saçlı, L., Pehlivan, Ş., Kop, A., Haniçili, N., Çelik, Ö. F. 2007. The geodynamic evolution of the intermediate Taurus Zone: Ereğli (Konya) - Ulukışla (Niğde) - Karsantı (Adana)- Namrun (İçel) surroundings. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Rapor No: 11006, Ankara (unpublished).
  • Arne, D., Kissin, S. 1989, The significance of diagenetic crystallization rhythmites at the Nanisivik Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, Baffin Island, Canada. Mineralium Deposita 24, 230-232.
  • Atabey, E., Göncüoğlu, M. C., Turhan, N. 1990. 1 / 100000 scale Turkish Geological Map, 33, J19.
  • Aydal, D., Polat, O., Uslu, A., Uslu, İ. 2008. Locating of the ore bearing Zebra dolomites by using landsat 7 etm + and quickbird satellite data in Hınzır Mountain, Kayseri, Turkey. Third International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, January 2008, Aswan, 217-226.
  • Beales, F. W., Hardy, J. W. 1980. Criteria for the recognition of diverse dolomite types with emphasis on the study of host rocks for Mississippi Valley - type ore deposits. Society of Sedimentary Geology Special Publication 28, 197-214.
  • Bethke C.M., Marshak, S. 1990. Brine migration across North America - the plate tectonics of groundwater. Annual Review Earth and Planetary Sciences 18, 287-315.
  • Blumenthal, M. 1956. Geology of northern edge and west extension of Bolkar Mountains regions. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) Publication Special Publication Series 7, 1-53.
  • Bray, T. D. 1983. Stratabound zinc - lead deposits in the Monte Cristo Limestone, Goodsprings, Nevada. Master Thesis, Dartmouth College, 235, Hanover.
  • Bouabdellah, M., Sangster, D. F., Leach, D. L., Brown, A.C., Johnson, C., Emsbo, P. 2012. Genesis of the touissit - bou beker Mississippi valley - type district (Morocco - Algeris) and its relationship to the Africa - Europe Collission. Economic Geology 107, 117-146.
  • Clark, I. D., Fritz, P. 1997. Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, New York, 328.
  • Clark, M., Robertson, A. H. F. 2002. The role of the Early Tertiary Ulukisla Basin, Southern Turkey, in suturing of the Mesozoic Tethys ocean. Journal of the Geological Society of London 159, 637-690.
  • Criss, R. E. 1999. Principles of Stable Isotope Distribution. Oxford University Press, New York, 264.
  • Davies, G. R., Smith Jr, L. B. 2006. Structurally controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoir facies: an overview. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 90, 1641-1690.
  • Demirtaşlı, E., Turhan, N., Bilgin, A. Z., Selim, M. 1984. Geology of the Bolkar Mountains, in Tekeli, O., and Göncüoğlu, M. C., eds., Geology of the Taurus Belt. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Mineral Research and Exploration Institue of Turkey (MTA), Ankara, Turkey, 125- 141.
  • Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L. 1997. Counterclockwise PTt trajectory from the metamorphic sole of a Neo- Tethyan ophiolite (Turkey). Tectonophysics 280, 295-301. doi: 10.1076/50040-1951(97)00038-3
  • Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L. 2000. Cenozoic crustal evolution in central Anatolia: extension, magmatism and landscape development. Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean, September 1998, Nicosia, Cyprus, 183-192.
  • Dilek, Y., Whitney, D. L., Tekeli, O. 1999b. Links between tectonic processes and landscape morphology in an Alpine Collision Zone, south - Central Turkey. Annals of Geomorphology 118, 147-164.
  • Diehl, S. F., Hofstra, A. H., Koenig, A. E., Emsbo, P., Christiansen, W., Johnson, C. 2010. Hydrothermal Zebra Dolomite in the Great Basin, Nevada - attributes and relation to Paleozoic stratigraphy, Tectonics, and ore deposits. Geosphere 6(5), 663- 690.
  • Fontboté, L. 1981. Strata - bound Zn - Pb - F - Ba - deposits in carbonate rocks: new aspects of paleogeographic location, facies factors and diagenetic evolution: (with a comparison of occurences from the Triassic of southern Spain, the Triassic / Liassic of central Perú and other localities). PhD thesis, University of Heidelberg, 192.
  • Fontbote, L. 1993. Self - organization fabrics in carbonate- hosted ore deposits: the example of diagenetic crystallization rhythmites (DCRs), In Hach- Ali, P. F., Torres - Ruiz, J., and Gervilla, F., eds., Current research in geology applied to ore deposits. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Meeting, Granada, Spain, 11-14.
  • Fontbote, L., Amstutz, G. C. 1983. Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe. (Ed H.G. Schneider), Springer, Heidelberg, 347–358.
  • Friedman, G. M. 1987. Deep - Burial Diagesis: its implications for vertical movements of the crust, uplift of the lithosphere and isostatic unroofing - a review. Sedimentary Geology 50, 67-94.
  • Garfunkel, Z. 1998. Constraints on the origin and history of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. Tectonophysics 298, 5-35.
  • Garven, G. 1985. The role of regional fluid flow in the genesis of the Pine Point deposit, Western Canada sedimentary basin. Ecoomic Geology 80, 307-324.
  • Gomez Rivas, E., Corbella, M., Martin - Martin, J. D., Stafford, S. L., Teixel, A., Bons, P. D., Griera, A., Cardellach, E. 2014. Reactivity of dolomitizing fluids and Mg source evaluation of fault controlled dolomitization at yhe Benicassim outcrop analogue (Maestrat basin, E Spain). Marine and Petroleum Geology 55, 26-42.
  • Görür, N., Tüysüz, O., Şengör, A. M. C. 1998. Tectonic evolution of the Central Anatolian Basins. International Geology Review 40, 831-850.
  • Hiemstra, E. J., Goldstein, R. H. 2015. Repeated injection of hydrothermal fluids into down dip carbonates: a diagenetic and stratigraphic mechanism for localization of reservoir porosity, Indian Basin Field, New Mexico, USA. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 406, 141-177.
  • Iannace, A., Gasparrini, M., Gabellone, T., Mazzoli, S. 2012. Late dolomitization in basinal limestones of the southern Apennines Fold and Thrust Belt (Italy). Oil and Gas Science and Technology 67 (1), 59-75.
  • Johnson, A. W., Shelton, K. L., Gregg, J. M., Somerville, I. D., Wright, W. R., Magy, Z. R. 2009. Regional studies of dolomites and their included fluids: Recognizing multiple chemically distinct fluids during the complex diagenetic history of Lower Carboniferous (Mississipian) rocks of the Irish Zn - Pb ore field. Mineralogy and Petrology 96, 1-18. Kadıoğlu, Y., Dilek, Y. 2010. Structure and geochemistry of the adakitik Horoz granitoid, Bolkar Mountains, south - central Turkey, and its tectonomagmatic evolution. Intertational Geology Review 52, 505-535.
  • Kahya, A., Kuşcu, E., Cengiz, O., Yıldız, M. 2019. S and Pb Isotope Geochemistry of the carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Neuses Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen (Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry) 196, 67-88.
  • Keith, M. L., Weber, J. N. 1964. Isotopic composition and environmental classification of selected limestones and fossils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 28, 1787-1816.
  • Koptagel, O., Ulusoy, U., Fallick, A. E. 2007. Sulfur and lead isotope investigations of the carbonate - hosted Pb - Zn deposits in the Yahyalı Region, Kayseri, Southern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 16(1), 57-76.
  • Konari, M. B., Rastad, E. 2018. Nature and origin of dolomitization associated with sulphide mineralization: new insights from the Tappehsorkh Zn - Pb (- Ag - Ba) deposit, Irankuh Mining District. Iranian Geological Journal 53, 1-21.
  • Leach, D. L., MacQuar, J. C., Lagneau, V., Leventhal, J., Emsbo, P., Preemo, W. 2006. Precipitation of lead - zinc ores in the Mississippi Valley type deposit at Treves, Cevennes region of southern France. Geofluids 6, 24-44.
  • Levin, P., Amstutz, G. C. 1976. Kristallisation und bewegung in erzrhythmiten am beispiel Triassic - Jurassischer lagerstaten in Ostperu. Munstersche Forschungen Zur Geologie und Palaontologie 38(39) , 111-128.
  • Machel, H. G. 2004. Concepts and models of dolomitization: a critical reappraisal. In: the geometry and petrogenesis of dolomite hydrocarbon reservoirs, Braithwaith, C. J., Rizzi, G., Darke, G. (eds). Geological Society, Special Publications 235, 7-63.
  • Matthews, A., Katz, A. 1977. Oxygen isotope fractionation during the dolomitization of calcium carbonate. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acra 41, 1431-1438.
  • Mattes, B. W., Mountjoy, E. W. 1980. Burial dolomitization of the Upper Devonian Miette buildup, Jasper National Park, Alberta. In: D.H. Zenger, J.B. Dunham and R.L. Ethington. (Editors), Society of Sedimentary Geology, 28.
  • Morrow, D. 1998. Regional subsurface dolomitization: models and constraints. Geoscience Canada 25 (2), 57-70.
  • Morrow, D. W. 1990. Dolomite - part: the chemistry of dolomitization and dolomite precipitation. In diagenesis, Mcllreath, I.A., Morrow, D.W. (eds), St. John’s (NL), Geoscience Canada, Reprint Series 4, 113-124.
  • Morrow, D. W. 2014. Zebra and boxwork fabrics in hydrothermal dolomites of northern Canada: indicators for dilational fracturing, dissolution or in situ replacement. Sedimentology 61, 915-951.
  • Montanez, I. P. 1994. Late diagenetic dolomitization of Lower Ordovician, upper Knox carbonates: a record of the hydrodynamic evolution of the southern appalachian basin. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 78 (8), 1210-1239.
  • Nielsen, P., Swennen, R., Muchez, Ph., Keppens, E. 1998. Origin of dinantian Zebra dolomites south of the Brabant - Wales Massif, Belgium. Sedimentology 45, 727-743.
  • Oktay, F. Y. 1982. Stratigraphy and geological history of the Ulukışla and its surroundings. Bulletin of the Turkish Geological Society 25, 13-23.
  • Özgül, N. 1976. Some geological aspect of the Taurus orogenic belt (Turkey). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey 19, 65-78.
  • Özgül, N. l984. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Central Taurides, in Tekeli, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, 77-90.
  • Şişman, N., Şenocak, H. 1981. Geology and ore deposits around Bolkar Mountains. Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) Publications, Report No: 1790, Ankara.
  • Sass-Gustkiewicz, M., Dżułyński, S., Ridge, J. D. 1982. The emplacement of zinc - lead sulfide ores in the Upper Silesian District: a contribution to the understanding of Mississippi valley - type deposits.Economic Geology 77, 392-412.
  • Swennen, R., Ferket, H., Benchilla, L., Roure, F., Ellam, R. 2003. Fluid flow and diagenesis in carbonate dominated Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts: petrographic inferences from field studies of Late - Diagenetic fabrics from Albania, Belgium, Canada, Mexico and Pakistan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78-79, 481- 485.
  • Tompkins, L. A., Rayner, M. J., Groves, D. I., Roche, M. T. 1994. Evaporites; in situ sulfur source for rhythmically banded ore in the Cadjebut Mississippi valley - type Zn - Pb depoist, Western Australia. Economic Geology 89, 467-492.
  • Tucker, M. E., Wright, V. P. 1992. Carbonate Sedimantology. Blackwell Oxford, 482.
  • Wallace, M. W., Both, R. A., Ruano, S. M., Hach-Ali, P.F., Lees, T. 1994. Zebra textures from carbonate - hosted sulfide deposits: sheet cavity networks produced by fracture and solution enlargement. Economic Geology 89, 1183-1191.
  • Wallace, M. W., Hood, A. V. S. 2018. Zebra textures: fracture networks produced by the force of crystallization during replacement reactions. Sedimentary Geology 368, 58-56.
  • Wang, G., Li, P., Hao, F., Zou, H., Yu, X. 2015. Dolomitization process and its implications for porosity development in dolostones: a case study from the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, Jiannan area, Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Enginnering 131, 184-199.
  • Wilkinson, J. J. 2003. On diagenesis, dolomitization and mineralization in the Irish Zn - Pb ore field. Mineralium Deposita 38, 968-983.
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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Asuman Kahya Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1691-3387

Ercan Kuşcu Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3317-0391

Firdevs İrem Yenice Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1825-6824

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Kahya, A., Kuşcu, E., & Yenice, F. İ. (2021). Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 165(165), 63-75.
AMA Kahya A, Kuşcu E, Yenice Fİ. Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Ağustos 2021;165(165):63-75. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.877977
Chicago Kahya, Asuman, Ercan Kuşcu, ve Firdevs İrem Yenice. “Genesis of the Zebra Dolomites and Relation to Carbonate - Hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb Deposits in the Maden Village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 165, sy. 165 (Ağustos 2021): 63-75.
EndNote Kahya A, Kuşcu E, Yenice Fİ (01 Ağustos 2021) Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 165 165 63–75.
IEEE A. Kahya, E. Kuşcu, ve F. İ. Yenice, “Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 165, sy. 165, ss. 63–75, 2021, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.877977.
ISNAD Kahya, Asuman vd. “Genesis of the Zebra Dolomites and Relation to Carbonate - Hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb Deposits in the Maden Village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 165/165 (Ağustos 2021), 63-75.
JAMA Kahya A, Kuşcu E, Yenice Fİ. Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2021;165:63–75.
MLA Kahya, Asuman vd. “Genesis of the Zebra Dolomites and Relation to Carbonate - Hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb Deposits in the Maden Village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 165, sy. 165, 2021, ss. 63-75, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.877977.
Vancouver Kahya A, Kuşcu E, Yenice Fİ. Genesis of the Zebra dolomites and relation to carbonate - hosted Au - Ag - Zn ± Pb deposits in the Maden village (Ulukışla - Niğde), Central Taurides, South Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2021;165(165):63-75.

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