Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 154 Issue: 154, 109 - 133, 04.04.2017


Magnesite mineralization of high purity was discovered and described herein for the first time from metamorphosed folded belt from Al-Thanyiah locality in Rub’Al-Khali sector, 360 km east of Sana’a City, northwest Yemen. The magnesite-metamorphic belt, belonging to the Precambrian/Neoproterozoic age? comprises thrust belt, which trends generally N-S direction. Magnesite mineralization was identified in an extended carbonate-metamorphic belt for several tens of kilometers cf. 31 km and occurred in association with 8 stratigraphic units. The thicknesses of pure magnesite bearing units are variable and ranges from 20 to 60 m. associated with dark green chlorite-schist with intersecting huge ultrabasic intrusions. Geochemical, mineralogical and petrographic analysis show that the magnesite concentrations in the stratigraphic units are ranging from 78% up to high purity of 99.6% cf. 35 to 48.9% MgO, with minor dolomite and calcite respectively. Little to rare content of talc and brucite were also recognized. Two thick, productive and high purity magnesite beds, the first is of 40 m thick and the second is 60 m in thickness, which reveals more than 95% MgCO3 and considered to be economic. The suggested origin of the magnesite mineralization is coming from high stress of regional metamorphism associated with ultramafic intrusions cf. amphibolite and harzburgite associated with diagenetic solutions rich in Mg2+, associated with the heat of magma. The alteration of dolomite to magnesite was formed by multiple phases to transform calcite and/or dolomite to magnesite.


  • Allan, J.R., Wiggins, W.D., (1993). Dolomite reservoirs; geochemical techniques for evaluating origin and distribution: AAPG Continuing Education Course Note Series, 36, p. 129.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. (2006). Preliminary Report; Petrography and geochemistry of Al-Thanyiah magnesite-carbonate belt in Ma’rib District, NW Yemen. Geological Survey and Mineral Resource Board, Ministry of Oil, Sana’a, Yemen. 34p.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. (2007). Petrography, geochemistry and technical report of the Carbonate - Magnesite rocks belt in Al-Thanyiah region NE YEMEN, Unpublished Geological Research. Geological Survey and Mineral Resource Board, Ministry of Oil, Sana’a, Yemen. 82p.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. (2008). Geochemistry, mineralogy and industrial evaluation of the first discover of Magnesite – Carbonate belt rocks, in Yemen. 8th conference of Mineral resources in the Arabian Countries, Amman, Jordan. 32p.
  • Beydoun, Z.R., As-Sururi, M., El-Nakhal, H., Al-Ganad, I., Baraba, R., Nani, A., and Al-Awah, M., (1998). International Lexicon of stratigraphy, vol., Asia, Fascicule 3(10b2), Republic of Yemen. IUGS publication No. 34, 245p. Sedimentary cover. Z.geol. Wiss., 26(5/6) 517-529 Berlin.
  • Brasier, D. Martin, Allen, A Phillip, Leather, J. (2011). Chapter 20, The Abu Mahara Group (Ghubrah and Fiq formations), Jabal Akhdar, Oman. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2011; v. 36; p. 251-262
  • Bucher, M., Frey, M., (1994). Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks. Springer-Verlag, p. 318.
  • Davies, G.R., (2004). Hydrothermal (thermobaric) dolomitization: rock fabric and organic petrology support for emplacement under conditions of thermal transients, shear stress, high pore fluid pressure with abrupt pressure transients, hydrofracturing, episodic rapid fluid flow, and instantaneous cementation by saddle dolomite. In: Davies, G.R., Packard, J., McAuley, R. (Eds.), Dolomite Seminar and Core Conference. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, p. 20.
  • Dragastan, O.N. and Richter, D.K. (2011). Stromatolite and calcareous algae of Munder Formation (Tithonian- -Berriasian) From NW Germany. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA ROMANIAE V. 7 (2011), P. 139-168
  • Dulski, P., Morteany, G., (1989). Magnesite formation by CO2 metasomatism during regional metamorphism of the ultrabasic rocks of the Ochsner serpentinite (Zillertaler Alpen, Tyrol, Austria). Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Borntraeger, Berlin- Stuttgart, pp. 95–104.
  • Fabio, T., Adriano, G., Fabio, D., Adelaide, M., Attilio, N., Antonio, T., Franco, R. (2011). Microbialites as primary builders of the Ladinian–Carnian platform in the dolomites; biogeochemical characterization. Geo.Alp, Vol. 8, S. 156–162, 2011.
  • Fabio, F. Mastandrea, A. Adriano, G., Demasi, F. Russo, F., and Riding, R. (2014). Biogeochemical and redox record of mid–late Triassic reef evolution in the Italian Dolomites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 52–66
  • Fabricius, I.L., (2000). Interpretation of burial history and rebound from loading experiments and occurrence of microstylolites in mixed sediments of Caribbean sites 999 and 1001. In: Leckie, R.M., Sigurdsson, H., Acton, G.D., Draper, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results 165: College Station, Texas, Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 177–190.
  • Franz, G., (1989). Stability of magnesite in carbonate–silicate assemblages; a review. Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Borntraeger, Berlin-Stuttgart, pp. 259–268.
  • Geomine Company (1984-1985). Preliminary Report; Industrail rocks and minerals in Ma’rib District. Unpublished repot, geological survey and mineral resources board, 210p.Romaine
  • Herrero, M.J. Martín-Pérez, A. Ana M. Alonso-Zarza, Gil-Peña, I. Meléndez, A. Martín-García, R. (2011). Petrography and geochemistry of the magnesites and dolostones of the Ediacaran Ibor Group (635 to 542 Ma), Western Spain: Evidences of their hydrothermal origin. Sedimentary Geology, 240 (2011) 71-84.
  • IUGS, (2009). International Stratigraphic Chart. International Commision on Stratigraphy.
  • Johannes, W., (1970). Zur entstehung von magnesitvorkommen. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 113, 274–325.
  • Keer, P.F (1975). Optical Mineralogy. 3rd edition, McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, 442p.
  • Kralik, M., Aharon, P., Schroll, E., Zachmann, D., (1989). Carbon and oxygen isotope systematics of magnesites: a review. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 197–224.
  • Kilias, S.P., Pozo, M., Bustillo, M., Stamatakis, M.G., Calvo, J.P., (2006). Origin of the Rubian carbonate-hosted magnesite deposit, Galicia, NW Spain: mineralogical, REE, fluid inclusion and isotope evidence. Mineralium Deposita 41, 713–733.
  • Lugli, S., Torres–Ruiz, J., Garuti, G., Olmedo, F., (2000). Petrography and geochemistry of the Eugui magnesite deposit (Western Pyrenees, Spain): evidence for the development of a peculiar zebra banding by dolomite replacement. Economic Geology 95, 1775–1791.
  • Lugli, S., Morteani, G., Blamart, D., (2002). Petrographic, REE, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of magnesite from the Upper Triassic Burano Evaporites (Secchia Valley, northern Apennines): contributions from sedimentary, hydrothermal and metasomatic sources. Mineral Deposits 37, 480–494.
  • Machel, H.G., Lonnee, J., (2002). Hydrothermal dolomite; a product of poor definition and imagination. Sedimentary Geology 152, 163–171.
  • Melezhik, V.A., Fallick, A.E., Medvedev, P.V., Makarikhin, V.V., (2001). Palaeoproterozoic magnesite: lithological and isotopic evidence for playa/sabkha environments. Sedimentology 48, 379–397.
  • Melezhik, V.A., Fallick, A.E., 2003. δ13C and δ18O variations in primary and secondary carbonate phases: several contrasting examples from Palaeoproterozoic 13C–rich dolostones. Chemical Geology 201, 213–228.
  • Meister, P., Judith A. Mckenzie, J., Bernascon, S. M., and Brack, P. (2013) Dolomite formation in the shallow seas of the Alpine Triassic. Sedimentology (2013) 60, 270–291
  • Möller, P., (1989). Minor and trace elements in magnesite. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Berlin–Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 173–196.
  • Morse, J.V., Mackenzie, F.T., (1990). Geochemistry of sedimentary carbonates. Developments in Sedimentology, 48. Elsevier Scientific Publication Co, New York, p. 696.
  • Moore, C.H., (2001). Carbonate reservoirs: porosity evolution and diagenesis in a sequence stratigraphic framework. Developments in Sedimentology 55, 444.
  • Morad, S., (1998). Carbonate cementation in sandstones: distribution patterns and geochemical evolution. In: Morad, S. (Ed.), Carbonate Cementation in Sandstones: Distribution Patterns and Geochemical Evolution: International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication, 26, pp. 1–26.
  • Morteani, G., Möller, P., Schley, F., (1982). The rare earth element contents and the origin of the sparry magnesite mineralizations of Tux-Lanersbach, Entachen Alm, Spiessnägel, and Hochfilzen, Austria, and the lacustrine magnesite deposits of Aiani-Kozani, Greece, and Bela Stena, Yugoslavia. Economic Geology 77, 617–631.
  • Müller, G., Irion, G., Förstner, U., (1972). Formation and diagenesis of inorganic Ca–Mg carbonates in the lacustrine environment. Naturwissenschaften 59, 158–164.
  • Nash, M. C., Troitzsch, U., Opdyke, B. N., Trafford, J. M., Russell, B. D., and Kline, D. I. (2011). First discovery of dolomite and magnesite in living coralline algae and its geobiological implications. Biogeosciences, 8, 3331–3340, 2011.
  • Prasannakumar, V. Vikas, C. Kumar, S.N. (2002). Constraints on the origin of south indian magnesite deposits. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, n. 50, p. 15-20, 2002.
  • Perri, E. Manzo, E. Maurice E. Tucker, M.E. (2012). Multi-scale study of the role of the biofilm in the formation of minerals and fabrics in calcareous tufa. Sedimentary Geology 263-264 (2012) 16–29.
  • Pierson, J., (1981). The control of cathodoluminescence in dolomite by iron and manganese. Sedimentology 28, 601–610.
  • Pohl, W., (1989). Comparative geology of magnesite deposits and occurrences. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 1–14.
  • Pohl, W., (1990). Genesis of magnesite deposits — models and trends. Geologische Rundchau 79, 291–299.
  • Pueyo, J.J., Inglés, M., (1987). Magnesite formation in recent playa lakes, Los Monegros,Spain. In: Marshall, J.D. (Ed.), Diagenesis of Sedimentary Sequences, Geological Society Special Publication, pp. 119–122.
  • Quemeneur, J.M., (1974). Les gisement de magnesite du Pays Basque: Cadre geoligique et sedimentologique; genese de la magnesite en milieu sédimentaire. Diss. Univ. Paris VI, Unpublished, pp. 210.
  • Schroll, E., (2002). Genesis of magnesite deposits in the view of isotope geochemistry. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, UFPR 50, 59–68.
  • Sibley, D.F., Gregg, J.M., (1987). Classification of dolomite rock textures. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 57, 967–975.
  • Siegl,W., (1984). Reflections on the origin of sparrymagnesite deposits. In:Wauschkuhn, A., Kluth, C., Zimmermann, R.A. (Eds.), Syngenesis and Epigenesis in the Formation of Mineral Deposits. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 177–182.
  • Smith, L.B., Davies, G.R., (2006). Structurally controlled hydrothermal alteration of carbonate reservoirs: introduction. AAPG Bulletin 90, 1635–1640.
  • Souza, R.S., De Ros, L.F., Morad, S., (1995). Dolomite diagenesis and porosity preservation in lithic reservoirs, Carmópolis Member, Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, Northeastern Brazil. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists 79, 725–748.
  • Sibley D. F. and Gregg J. M. 1987: Classification of Dolomite Rock Textures, Jour. Sedim. Petrol., 57, 967-975.
  • Spadafora, A. Perri, E. Judith, A. Mckenzie, J.A.and Vasconcelos, C. G. (2010). Microbial biomineralization processes forming modern Ca:Mg carbonate stromatolites. Sedimentology (2010) 57, 27–40
  • Teedumäe, A., Shogenova, A., and Kallaste, T. (2006). Dolomitization and sedimentary cyclicity of the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian rocks in South Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geol., 2006, 55, 1, 67.87
  • Tucker, M.E., (1982). Precambrian dolomites: petrography and isotopic evidence that they differ from Phanerozoic dolomites. Geology 10, 7–12.
  • Tucker, M.E. (1988): Technique in Sedimentology. – Blackwell scientific publication: 394 p.
  • Tucker, M.E., Wright, P., (1990). Carbonate Sedimentology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, p. 482.
  • Veizer, J., 1989. Strontium isotopes in seawater through time. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 17, 141–167.
  • Wacey, D., Wright, D.T., Boyce, A.J. (2007). A stable isotope study of microbial dolomite formation in the Coorong Region, South Australia. Chemical Geology 244 (2007) 155–174
  • Winkler, H.G.F., (1988). Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, p. 348.
  • Zachmann, D.W., (1989). Mg-carbonate deposits in freshwater environment. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 61–94.
  • Zachmann, D.W., Johannes, W., (1989). Cryptocrystalline magnesite. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 15–28.


Year 2017, Volume: 154 Issue: 154, 109 - 133, 04.04.2017


Magnesite mineralization of high purity was discovered and described herein for the first time from metamorphosed folded belt from Al-Thanyiah locality in Rub’Al-Khali sector, 360 km east of Sana’a City, northwest Yemen. The magnesite-metamorphic belt, belonging to the Precambrian/Neoproterozoic age? comprises thrust belt, which trends generally N-S direction. Magnesite mineralization was identified in an extended carbonate-metamorphic belt for several tens of kilometers cf. 31 km and occurred in association with 8 stratigraphic units. The thicknesses of pure magnesite bearing units are variable and ranges from 20 to 60 m. associated with dark green chlorite-schist with intersecting huge ultrabasic intrusions. Geochemical, mineralogical and petrographic analysis show that the magnesite concentrations in the stratigraphic units are ranging from 78% up to high purity of 99.6% cf. 35 to 48.9% MgO, with minor dolomite and calcite respectively. Little to rare content of talc and brucite were also recognized. Two thick, productive and high purity magnesite beds, the first is of 40 m thick and the second is 60 m in thickness, which reveals more than 95% MgCO3 and considered to be economic. The suggested origin of the magnesite mineralization is coming from high stress of regional metamorphism associated with ultramafic intrusions cf. amphibolite and harzburgite associated with diagenetic solutions rich in Mg2+, associated with the heat of magma. The alteration of dolomite to magnesite was formed by multiple phases to transform calcite and/or dolomite to magnesite.


  • Allan, J.R., Wiggins, W.D., (1993). Dolomite reservoirs; geochemical techniques for evaluating origin and distribution: AAPG Continuing Education Course Note Series, 36, p. 129.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. (2006). Preliminary Report; Petrography and geochemistry of Al-Thanyiah magnesite-carbonate belt in Ma’rib District, NW Yemen. Geological Survey and Mineral Resource Board, Ministry of Oil, Sana’a, Yemen. 34p.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. (2007). Petrography, geochemistry and technical report of the Carbonate - Magnesite rocks belt in Al-Thanyiah region NE YEMEN, Unpublished Geological Research. Geological Survey and Mineral Resource Board, Ministry of Oil, Sana’a, Yemen. 82p.
  • Al-Mashaikie, S. Z. (2008). Geochemistry, mineralogy and industrial evaluation of the first discover of Magnesite – Carbonate belt rocks, in Yemen. 8th conference of Mineral resources in the Arabian Countries, Amman, Jordan. 32p.
  • Beydoun, Z.R., As-Sururi, M., El-Nakhal, H., Al-Ganad, I., Baraba, R., Nani, A., and Al-Awah, M., (1998). International Lexicon of stratigraphy, vol., Asia, Fascicule 3(10b2), Republic of Yemen. IUGS publication No. 34, 245p. Sedimentary cover. Z.geol. Wiss., 26(5/6) 517-529 Berlin.
  • Brasier, D. Martin, Allen, A Phillip, Leather, J. (2011). Chapter 20, The Abu Mahara Group (Ghubrah and Fiq formations), Jabal Akhdar, Oman. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2011; v. 36; p. 251-262
  • Bucher, M., Frey, M., (1994). Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks. Springer-Verlag, p. 318.
  • Davies, G.R., (2004). Hydrothermal (thermobaric) dolomitization: rock fabric and organic petrology support for emplacement under conditions of thermal transients, shear stress, high pore fluid pressure with abrupt pressure transients, hydrofracturing, episodic rapid fluid flow, and instantaneous cementation by saddle dolomite. In: Davies, G.R., Packard, J., McAuley, R. (Eds.), Dolomite Seminar and Core Conference. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, p. 20.
  • Dragastan, O.N. and Richter, D.K. (2011). Stromatolite and calcareous algae of Munder Formation (Tithonian- -Berriasian) From NW Germany. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA ROMANIAE V. 7 (2011), P. 139-168
  • Dulski, P., Morteany, G., (1989). Magnesite formation by CO2 metasomatism during regional metamorphism of the ultrabasic rocks of the Ochsner serpentinite (Zillertaler Alpen, Tyrol, Austria). Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Borntraeger, Berlin- Stuttgart, pp. 95–104.
  • Fabio, T., Adriano, G., Fabio, D., Adelaide, M., Attilio, N., Antonio, T., Franco, R. (2011). Microbialites as primary builders of the Ladinian–Carnian platform in the dolomites; biogeochemical characterization. Geo.Alp, Vol. 8, S. 156–162, 2011.
  • Fabio, F. Mastandrea, A. Adriano, G., Demasi, F. Russo, F., and Riding, R. (2014). Biogeochemical and redox record of mid–late Triassic reef evolution in the Italian Dolomites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 399 (2014) 52–66
  • Fabricius, I.L., (2000). Interpretation of burial history and rebound from loading experiments and occurrence of microstylolites in mixed sediments of Caribbean sites 999 and 1001. In: Leckie, R.M., Sigurdsson, H., Acton, G.D., Draper, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results 165: College Station, Texas, Ocean Drilling Program, pp. 177–190.
  • Franz, G., (1989). Stability of magnesite in carbonate–silicate assemblages; a review. Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Borntraeger, Berlin-Stuttgart, pp. 259–268.
  • Geomine Company (1984-1985). Preliminary Report; Industrail rocks and minerals in Ma’rib District. Unpublished repot, geological survey and mineral resources board, 210p.Romaine
  • Herrero, M.J. Martín-Pérez, A. Ana M. Alonso-Zarza, Gil-Peña, I. Meléndez, A. Martín-García, R. (2011). Petrography and geochemistry of the magnesites and dolostones of the Ediacaran Ibor Group (635 to 542 Ma), Western Spain: Evidences of their hydrothermal origin. Sedimentary Geology, 240 (2011) 71-84.
  • IUGS, (2009). International Stratigraphic Chart. International Commision on Stratigraphy.
  • Johannes, W., (1970). Zur entstehung von magnesitvorkommen. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 113, 274–325.
  • Keer, P.F (1975). Optical Mineralogy. 3rd edition, McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, 442p.
  • Kralik, M., Aharon, P., Schroll, E., Zachmann, D., (1989). Carbon and oxygen isotope systematics of magnesites: a review. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 197–224.
  • Kilias, S.P., Pozo, M., Bustillo, M., Stamatakis, M.G., Calvo, J.P., (2006). Origin of the Rubian carbonate-hosted magnesite deposit, Galicia, NW Spain: mineralogical, REE, fluid inclusion and isotope evidence. Mineralium Deposita 41, 713–733.
  • Lugli, S., Torres–Ruiz, J., Garuti, G., Olmedo, F., (2000). Petrography and geochemistry of the Eugui magnesite deposit (Western Pyrenees, Spain): evidence for the development of a peculiar zebra banding by dolomite replacement. Economic Geology 95, 1775–1791.
  • Lugli, S., Morteani, G., Blamart, D., (2002). Petrographic, REE, fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of magnesite from the Upper Triassic Burano Evaporites (Secchia Valley, northern Apennines): contributions from sedimentary, hydrothermal and metasomatic sources. Mineral Deposits 37, 480–494.
  • Machel, H.G., Lonnee, J., (2002). Hydrothermal dolomite; a product of poor definition and imagination. Sedimentary Geology 152, 163–171.
  • Melezhik, V.A., Fallick, A.E., Medvedev, P.V., Makarikhin, V.V., (2001). Palaeoproterozoic magnesite: lithological and isotopic evidence for playa/sabkha environments. Sedimentology 48, 379–397.
  • Melezhik, V.A., Fallick, A.E., 2003. δ13C and δ18O variations in primary and secondary carbonate phases: several contrasting examples from Palaeoproterozoic 13C–rich dolostones. Chemical Geology 201, 213–228.
  • Meister, P., Judith A. Mckenzie, J., Bernascon, S. M., and Brack, P. (2013) Dolomite formation in the shallow seas of the Alpine Triassic. Sedimentology (2013) 60, 270–291
  • Möller, P., (1989). Minor and trace elements in magnesite. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Berlin–Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 173–196.
  • Morse, J.V., Mackenzie, F.T., (1990). Geochemistry of sedimentary carbonates. Developments in Sedimentology, 48. Elsevier Scientific Publication Co, New York, p. 696.
  • Moore, C.H., (2001). Carbonate reservoirs: porosity evolution and diagenesis in a sequence stratigraphic framework. Developments in Sedimentology 55, 444.
  • Morad, S., (1998). Carbonate cementation in sandstones: distribution patterns and geochemical evolution. In: Morad, S. (Ed.), Carbonate Cementation in Sandstones: Distribution Patterns and Geochemical Evolution: International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication, 26, pp. 1–26.
  • Morteani, G., Möller, P., Schley, F., (1982). The rare earth element contents and the origin of the sparry magnesite mineralizations of Tux-Lanersbach, Entachen Alm, Spiessnägel, and Hochfilzen, Austria, and the lacustrine magnesite deposits of Aiani-Kozani, Greece, and Bela Stena, Yugoslavia. Economic Geology 77, 617–631.
  • Müller, G., Irion, G., Förstner, U., (1972). Formation and diagenesis of inorganic Ca–Mg carbonates in the lacustrine environment. Naturwissenschaften 59, 158–164.
  • Nash, M. C., Troitzsch, U., Opdyke, B. N., Trafford, J. M., Russell, B. D., and Kline, D. I. (2011). First discovery of dolomite and magnesite in living coralline algae and its geobiological implications. Biogeosciences, 8, 3331–3340, 2011.
  • Prasannakumar, V. Vikas, C. Kumar, S.N. (2002). Constraints on the origin of south indian magnesite deposits. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, n. 50, p. 15-20, 2002.
  • Perri, E. Manzo, E. Maurice E. Tucker, M.E. (2012). Multi-scale study of the role of the biofilm in the formation of minerals and fabrics in calcareous tufa. Sedimentary Geology 263-264 (2012) 16–29.
  • Pierson, J., (1981). The control of cathodoluminescence in dolomite by iron and manganese. Sedimentology 28, 601–610.
  • Pohl, W., (1989). Comparative geology of magnesite deposits and occurrences. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 1–14.
  • Pohl, W., (1990). Genesis of magnesite deposits — models and trends. Geologische Rundchau 79, 291–299.
  • Pueyo, J.J., Inglés, M., (1987). Magnesite formation in recent playa lakes, Los Monegros,Spain. In: Marshall, J.D. (Ed.), Diagenesis of Sedimentary Sequences, Geological Society Special Publication, pp. 119–122.
  • Quemeneur, J.M., (1974). Les gisement de magnesite du Pays Basque: Cadre geoligique et sedimentologique; genese de la magnesite en milieu sédimentaire. Diss. Univ. Paris VI, Unpublished, pp. 210.
  • Schroll, E., (2002). Genesis of magnesite deposits in the view of isotope geochemistry. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, UFPR 50, 59–68.
  • Sibley, D.F., Gregg, J.M., (1987). Classification of dolomite rock textures. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 57, 967–975.
  • Siegl,W., (1984). Reflections on the origin of sparrymagnesite deposits. In:Wauschkuhn, A., Kluth, C., Zimmermann, R.A. (Eds.), Syngenesis and Epigenesis in the Formation of Mineral Deposits. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 177–182.
  • Smith, L.B., Davies, G.R., (2006). Structurally controlled hydrothermal alteration of carbonate reservoirs: introduction. AAPG Bulletin 90, 1635–1640.
  • Souza, R.S., De Ros, L.F., Morad, S., (1995). Dolomite diagenesis and porosity preservation in lithic reservoirs, Carmópolis Member, Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, Northeastern Brazil. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists 79, 725–748.
  • Sibley D. F. and Gregg J. M. 1987: Classification of Dolomite Rock Textures, Jour. Sedim. Petrol., 57, 967-975.
  • Spadafora, A. Perri, E. Judith, A. Mckenzie, J.A.and Vasconcelos, C. G. (2010). Microbial biomineralization processes forming modern Ca:Mg carbonate stromatolites. Sedimentology (2010) 57, 27–40
  • Teedumäe, A., Shogenova, A., and Kallaste, T. (2006). Dolomitization and sedimentary cyclicity of the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian rocks in South Estonia. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geol., 2006, 55, 1, 67.87
  • Tucker, M.E., (1982). Precambrian dolomites: petrography and isotopic evidence that they differ from Phanerozoic dolomites. Geology 10, 7–12.
  • Tucker, M.E. (1988): Technique in Sedimentology. – Blackwell scientific publication: 394 p.
  • Tucker, M.E., Wright, P., (1990). Carbonate Sedimentology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, p. 482.
  • Veizer, J., 1989. Strontium isotopes in seawater through time. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 17, 141–167.
  • Wacey, D., Wright, D.T., Boyce, A.J. (2007). A stable isotope study of microbial dolomite formation in the Coorong Region, South Australia. Chemical Geology 244 (2007) 155–174
  • Winkler, H.G.F., (1988). Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, p. 348.
  • Zachmann, D.W., (1989). Mg-carbonate deposits in freshwater environment. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 61–94.
  • Zachmann, D.W., Johannes, W., (1989). Cryptocrystalline magnesite. In: Moller, P. (Ed.), Magnesite, Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 28. Berlin-Stuttgart, Borntraeger, pp. 15–28.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Sa’ad Zeki A.kader Al-mashaıkıe This is me

Publication Date April 4, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 154 Issue: 154


Chicago Al-mashaıkıe, Sa’ad Zeki A.kader. “SEDIMENTOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE FIRST DISCOVER MAGNESITEDOLOMITE BELT IN MA’RIB DISTRICT, SW ARABIAN PENINSULA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 154, no. 154 (April 2017): 109-33.
EndNote Al-mashaıkıe SZA (April 1, 2017) SEDIMENTOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE FIRST DISCOVER MAGNESITEDOLOMITE BELT IN MA’RIB DISTRICT, SW ARABIAN PENINSULA. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 154 154 109–133.
IEEE S. Z. A. Al-mashaıkıe, “SEDIMENTOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE FIRST DISCOVER MAGNESITEDOLOMITE BELT IN MA’RIB DISTRICT, SW ARABIAN PENINSULA”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., vol. 154, no. 154, pp. 109–133, 2017, doi: 10.19111/bmre.82662.
ISNAD Al-mashaıkıe, Sa’ad Zeki A.kader. “SEDIMENTOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE FIRST DISCOVER MAGNESITEDOLOMITE BELT IN MA’RIB DISTRICT, SW ARABIAN PENINSULA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 154/154 (April 2017), 109-133.
MLA Al-mashaıkıe, Sa’ad Zeki A.kader. “SEDIMENTOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE FIRST DISCOVER MAGNESITEDOLOMITE BELT IN MA’RIB DISTRICT, SW ARABIAN PENINSULA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol. 154, no. 154, 2017, pp. 109-33, doi:10.19111/bmre.82662.

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