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Year 1959, Volume: 53 Issue: 53, - , 01.06.1959



  • 1 — ARNOLD, C. A. (1950) : Megaspores from the Michigan Coal Basin. Contr. Mus. Paleont. Univ., Mich., Vol. V, No. 5, pp. 59-111.
  • 2 — ARTÜZ, S. (1957) : Die Sporae dispersae der Turkischen Steinkohle von Zonguldak-Gebiet (mit besonderer Beachtung der neuen Arten und Genera), Sdrie B. Tome XXII, Fasc. 4, Istanbul.
  • 3 — BENN1E, I. and KIDSTON, R. (1886): On the Occurrence of Spores in the Carboniferous Formation of Scotland. Proc. Royal. Phys. Soc. Edinb, Vol. IX.
  • 4 — BONET, M. C. y DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1956) : Megasporas Carboniferas de la Camocha. Intiluto de invesligaciones Geologicas Lucas Mallada, Madrid.
  • 5 — BHARDWAJ, C. D. (1957) : The Palynological investigations of the Saar Coals. Paleontographica, Abt. B, Vol. 101, Liefg. 5-6, pp. 73-125, Stuttgart.
  • 6 — BlLGUTAY, U. (1959) : The Permian Calcareous Algae from southeastern Anatolia. M. T. A. Bull. No. 52, pp. 48-59, Ankara.
  • 7 — Chaloner, W. G. (1951) : On Spencerisporites, gen. nov., and S. karczcwskit (Zerndt), the isolated spores of Spencerites insignis Scott. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. T. IV, Ser. 12, pp 861-873. London.
  • 8 (1952) : On Lepidocarbon Waltoni, sp. n. from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., T. V, Ser. 12, page 572-582, 1 pl., London.
  • 9 — (1953) : A new species of Lepidostrobus containing unusual Spores. Geol. Mag. pp. 90, 97-11, pl. 2.
  • 10 (1954) : Mississipian Megaspores from Michigan and adjacent states. Contr, Mas. Paleont, Univ. Mich., Vol. XII, No. 3, pp. 23-35.
  • 11 (1954) : Notes on the Spores of two British Carboniferous Lycopedes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 7. 8191, 10 Figs, London:
  • 12 — DTJKSTRA, S. J. and P. H. Van VIERSSEN TRIP. (1946) : Eine monographische Bearbeitung der karbonischen Megasporen Med. Geol. Sticht. Ser. C-III 1, pp. 1-101, Maastricht.
  • 13 — DIJKSTRA. S J. (1949) : Megaspores and some other small fossils from the Aachenian (Senonian) in South Limburg, Netherlands. Med. Geol. Sticht. Nw. Ser., Vol. III, pp. 19-33. Maastricht.
  • 14 (1949) : La signification stratigraphique des Spores. Soc. Geol. de Belgique. T. L XXII, fascicule special.
  • 15 (1950) : Carboniferous Megaspores in Tertiary and Quaternary Deposits of S. E. England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. III, pp. 865-887:
  • 16 — (1951) : Wealden Megaspores and their stratigraphical value. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser., Vol. V, pp. 7-21, Maastricht.
  • 17 (1952a) : Megaspores of the Turkish Carboniferous and their stratigraphical value. Int. Geol. Congr. Report XVIII th Session, part. X Proc. of Sect. J. pp. 11-17.
  • 18 (1952b) ,: New Carboniferous Megaspores from Turkey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. V, pp. 102-104.
  • 19 — (1952 c) : The stratigraphical value of Megaspores. 3. Congr. Strat. Geol. Carb., Heerlen, pp. 163-168.
  • 20 — (1955) : The Megaspores of the Westphalian D and C. Med, Geol, Sticht. Nw. Ser. 8, pp. 5-11.
  • 21 — DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1955) : La correlation des veines de charbon paries Megaspores. Publ. Ass. Etud. Paleont., Brux., No. 21, Hors Ser. Vol. VIII, pp. 107-119.
  • 22 (1955) : Megaspores carboniferas espanolas y su empleo en la correlacion estratigrafica (With English summary). Estudios Geol., No. 27, 28, Vol. XI, pp. 277-354, Madrid.
  • 23 (1956) : Some Brezilian Megaspores, Lower Permian in age, and their comparison with Lower Gondwana Spores from India. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser., Vol. IX, pp. 6, Maastricht.
  • 24 (1956) : Lower Carboniferous Megaspores. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser., Vol 10, pp. 5- 18.
  • 25 — DIJKSTRA, S. J. and PIERART, P. (1957) : Lower Carboniferous Megaspores from the Moscow Basin. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser, Vol. XI, pp. 5-19.
  • 26 — İBRAHİM, A. G. (1933) : Sporenformen des Agirhorizontes des Ruhr-Reviers. Dissertation Berlin 1932, 46 S, 8 Tafeln. Konrad Triltsch, Würzburg.
  • 27 — KALIBOVA, M. (1951) : Megaspores of the Radnice Coal Measure Zone of the KladnoRakovnik Goal Basin. Geol. Surv. Czechoslovakia, 18 (Pal.), 21-83, Tafeln 5-8, Prag.
  • 28 — POTONIE, R., und KREMP, G. (1955) : Die Sporae dwpersae des Ruhrkarbons.-Teil I und II Sonder. Abdruck aus Palaeontographica, Bd. 98 und 99, Abt. B, Hannover.
  • 29 — PIERART, P. (1956) : Quelques megaspores continues dans les charbons stephaniens des bassins de Blanzy et de Decazeville.
  • 30 — SCHOPF, J. (1936) : Spores characteristic of Illinois coal No. 6. Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 28, No. 2, 173-176, Urbana.
  • 31 — (1938) : Spores from the Herrin (No. 6) Coal bed in Illinois. Report of Invest. No. 50 of the Geol. Surv. of Illinois. 25, 8 pis. Urbana.
  • 32 — STACK, E. UND ZERNDT, J (1931) : Die Sporen in dem Flamm-, Gastflamm - und Gaskohlen des Ruhrkarbons. Glückauf, 67, 1118-1124, Essen.
  • 33 — WICHER, C. A. (1931) ; Über Abortiverscheinungen bei fossilen Sporen und ihre phylogenetische Bcdeutung. Arb Inst. Paldobot Petrogr. Brennst. 5,87-96, Preuss Geol L. — A. Berlin.
  • 34 — ZERNDT, J. (1930) : Petrograficzne badania weglia z Podladu «Izabella» W Trzebini. Przegladu Gorniczo-Putniczaga Dabrow Goru Humiezego, 1-4, 5 Taleln.
  • 35 — (1932) : Megasporen aus den Zwickauer und Lugau-Ölsnitzer Karbon. Jahresber. Berg und Hüttenwesen in Sachsen, 9-16,4 Tafeln, Freiberg.
  • 36 — (1934) : Les Megaspores du bassin houiller Polonais I. Bull, de l'Acad. Pol. des Sci. et des Lettres Trav. Geol., 1-56,32 Tafeln. Krakau.
  • 37 — (1937) : Les Megaspores du bassin houiller Polonais. II. Bull, de l'Acad. Pol. des Sci. et des Lettres 1-78,241-2 78, Krakau.
  • 38 — (1938) : Die Eignung von Megasporen als Leitfossilien. II. Carbon-Congr. Heerlen, 1935, Compte Rendu 3, 1711-1732, Maastricht.
  • 39 — (1939) : Sprawozdanie z baden Megaspore. Przycznki do Geologii, Polski, 1-4.
  • 40 — (1940) : Megasporen de; Saarkarbons. Palaeontographica 84, Abt. B, 133-150. Tafeln 9-13, Stuttgart.
  • 41 — YAHŞIMAN, K. and ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1958) : The Sporological investigation and correlation of the coal seams in the Gallery E. K. 1. Amasra (Tarlaağzı). M. T. A. Bull. No. 51, p. 42, Ankara (in Turkish)
  • 42 — YAHŞIMAN, K. (1956) : About the stratigraphical age of the Azdavay coals. M. T. A. Bull. No. 48, p. 140 (in Turkish)

The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values

Year 1959, Volume: 53 Issue: 53, - , 01.06.1959


In this paper the content of the Megaspores in the paleophytogenetic material
has been investigated. The available material for this study consists of samples obtained
from the borings carried out by the M.T.A. Institute in the Amasra and Zonguldak Carboniferous
Basin. The samples chosen are collected from the coal seams at different galleries. As a result
of this sporological study, 13 new Megaspore species have been found, described and stratigraphically


  • 1 — ARNOLD, C. A. (1950) : Megaspores from the Michigan Coal Basin. Contr. Mus. Paleont. Univ., Mich., Vol. V, No. 5, pp. 59-111.
  • 2 — ARTÜZ, S. (1957) : Die Sporae dispersae der Turkischen Steinkohle von Zonguldak-Gebiet (mit besonderer Beachtung der neuen Arten und Genera), Sdrie B. Tome XXII, Fasc. 4, Istanbul.
  • 3 — BENN1E, I. and KIDSTON, R. (1886): On the Occurrence of Spores in the Carboniferous Formation of Scotland. Proc. Royal. Phys. Soc. Edinb, Vol. IX.
  • 4 — BONET, M. C. y DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1956) : Megasporas Carboniferas de la Camocha. Intiluto de invesligaciones Geologicas Lucas Mallada, Madrid.
  • 5 — BHARDWAJ, C. D. (1957) : The Palynological investigations of the Saar Coals. Paleontographica, Abt. B, Vol. 101, Liefg. 5-6, pp. 73-125, Stuttgart.
  • 6 — BlLGUTAY, U. (1959) : The Permian Calcareous Algae from southeastern Anatolia. M. T. A. Bull. No. 52, pp. 48-59, Ankara.
  • 7 — Chaloner, W. G. (1951) : On Spencerisporites, gen. nov., and S. karczcwskit (Zerndt), the isolated spores of Spencerites insignis Scott. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. T. IV, Ser. 12, pp 861-873. London.
  • 8 (1952) : On Lepidocarbon Waltoni, sp. n. from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., T. V, Ser. 12, page 572-582, 1 pl., London.
  • 9 — (1953) : A new species of Lepidostrobus containing unusual Spores. Geol. Mag. pp. 90, 97-11, pl. 2.
  • 10 (1954) : Mississipian Megaspores from Michigan and adjacent states. Contr, Mas. Paleont, Univ. Mich., Vol. XII, No. 3, pp. 23-35.
  • 11 (1954) : Notes on the Spores of two British Carboniferous Lycopedes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 7. 8191, 10 Figs, London:
  • 12 — DTJKSTRA, S. J. and P. H. Van VIERSSEN TRIP. (1946) : Eine monographische Bearbeitung der karbonischen Megasporen Med. Geol. Sticht. Ser. C-III 1, pp. 1-101, Maastricht.
  • 13 — DIJKSTRA. S J. (1949) : Megaspores and some other small fossils from the Aachenian (Senonian) in South Limburg, Netherlands. Med. Geol. Sticht. Nw. Ser., Vol. III, pp. 19-33. Maastricht.
  • 14 (1949) : La signification stratigraphique des Spores. Soc. Geol. de Belgique. T. L XXII, fascicule special.
  • 15 (1950) : Carboniferous Megaspores in Tertiary and Quaternary Deposits of S. E. England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. III, pp. 865-887:
  • 16 — (1951) : Wealden Megaspores and their stratigraphical value. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser., Vol. V, pp. 7-21, Maastricht.
  • 17 (1952a) : Megaspores of the Turkish Carboniferous and their stratigraphical value. Int. Geol. Congr. Report XVIII th Session, part. X Proc. of Sect. J. pp. 11-17.
  • 18 (1952b) ,: New Carboniferous Megaspores from Turkey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. V, pp. 102-104.
  • 19 — (1952 c) : The stratigraphical value of Megaspores. 3. Congr. Strat. Geol. Carb., Heerlen, pp. 163-168.
  • 20 — (1955) : The Megaspores of the Westphalian D and C. Med, Geol, Sticht. Nw. Ser. 8, pp. 5-11.
  • 21 — DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1955) : La correlation des veines de charbon paries Megaspores. Publ. Ass. Etud. Paleont., Brux., No. 21, Hors Ser. Vol. VIII, pp. 107-119.
  • 22 (1955) : Megaspores carboniferas espanolas y su empleo en la correlacion estratigrafica (With English summary). Estudios Geol., No. 27, 28, Vol. XI, pp. 277-354, Madrid.
  • 23 (1956) : Some Brezilian Megaspores, Lower Permian in age, and their comparison with Lower Gondwana Spores from India. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser., Vol. IX, pp. 6, Maastricht.
  • 24 (1956) : Lower Carboniferous Megaspores. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser., Vol 10, pp. 5- 18.
  • 25 — DIJKSTRA, S. J. and PIERART, P. (1957) : Lower Carboniferous Megaspores from the Moscow Basin. Med. Geol. Sticht., Nw. Ser, Vol. XI, pp. 5-19.
  • 26 — İBRAHİM, A. G. (1933) : Sporenformen des Agirhorizontes des Ruhr-Reviers. Dissertation Berlin 1932, 46 S, 8 Tafeln. Konrad Triltsch, Würzburg.
  • 27 — KALIBOVA, M. (1951) : Megaspores of the Radnice Coal Measure Zone of the KladnoRakovnik Goal Basin. Geol. Surv. Czechoslovakia, 18 (Pal.), 21-83, Tafeln 5-8, Prag.
  • 28 — POTONIE, R., und KREMP, G. (1955) : Die Sporae dwpersae des Ruhrkarbons.-Teil I und II Sonder. Abdruck aus Palaeontographica, Bd. 98 und 99, Abt. B, Hannover.
  • 29 — PIERART, P. (1956) : Quelques megaspores continues dans les charbons stephaniens des bassins de Blanzy et de Decazeville.
  • 30 — SCHOPF, J. (1936) : Spores characteristic of Illinois coal No. 6. Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 28, No. 2, 173-176, Urbana.
  • 31 — (1938) : Spores from the Herrin (No. 6) Coal bed in Illinois. Report of Invest. No. 50 of the Geol. Surv. of Illinois. 25, 8 pis. Urbana.
  • 32 — STACK, E. UND ZERNDT, J (1931) : Die Sporen in dem Flamm-, Gastflamm - und Gaskohlen des Ruhrkarbons. Glückauf, 67, 1118-1124, Essen.
  • 33 — WICHER, C. A. (1931) ; Über Abortiverscheinungen bei fossilen Sporen und ihre phylogenetische Bcdeutung. Arb Inst. Paldobot Petrogr. Brennst. 5,87-96, Preuss Geol L. — A. Berlin.
  • 34 — ZERNDT, J. (1930) : Petrograficzne badania weglia z Podladu «Izabella» W Trzebini. Przegladu Gorniczo-Putniczaga Dabrow Goru Humiezego, 1-4, 5 Taleln.
  • 35 — (1932) : Megasporen aus den Zwickauer und Lugau-Ölsnitzer Karbon. Jahresber. Berg und Hüttenwesen in Sachsen, 9-16,4 Tafeln, Freiberg.
  • 36 — (1934) : Les Megaspores du bassin houiller Polonais I. Bull, de l'Acad. Pol. des Sci. et des Lettres Trav. Geol., 1-56,32 Tafeln. Krakau.
  • 37 — (1937) : Les Megaspores du bassin houiller Polonais. II. Bull, de l'Acad. Pol. des Sci. et des Lettres 1-78,241-2 78, Krakau.
  • 38 — (1938) : Die Eignung von Megasporen als Leitfossilien. II. Carbon-Congr. Heerlen, 1935, Compte Rendu 3, 1711-1732, Maastricht.
  • 39 — (1939) : Sprawozdanie z baden Megaspore. Przycznki do Geologii, Polski, 1-4.
  • 40 — (1940) : Megasporen de; Saarkarbons. Palaeontographica 84, Abt. B, 133-150. Tafeln 9-13, Stuttgart.
  • 41 — YAHŞIMAN, K. and ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1958) : The Sporological investigation and correlation of the coal seams in the Gallery E. K. 1. Amasra (Tarlaağzı). M. T. A. Bull. No. 51, p. 42, Ankara (in Turkish)
  • 42 — YAHŞIMAN, K. (1956) : About the stratigraphical age of the Azdavay coals. M. T. A. Bull. No. 48, p. 140 (in Turkish)
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Yaşar Ergönül This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1959
Published in Issue Year 1959 Volume: 53 Issue: 53


APA Ergönül, Y. (1959). The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 53(53).
AMA Ergönül Y. The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. June 1959;53(53).
Chicago Ergönül, Yaşar. “The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 53, no. 53 (June 1959).
EndNote Ergönül Y (June 1, 1959) The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 53 53
IEEE Y. Ergönül, “The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., vol. 53, no. 53, 1959.
ISNAD Ergönül, Yaşar. “The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 53/53 (June 1959).
JAMA Ergönül Y. The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 1959;53.
MLA Ergönül, Yaşar. “The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol. 53, no. 53, 1959.
Vancouver Ergönül Y. The Carboniferous Megaspores From the Zonguldak And Amasra Coal Basin and Their Stratigraphical Values. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 1959;53(53).

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