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Yıl 1985, Cilt: 103-104 Sayı: 103-104, 1 - 15, 01.08.1985


In the modern
convergent plate margins geological and geophysical evidences imply that
maximum horizontal stresses (sHmax) over the overriding plate are transmitted
from plate boundry to the backarc 
region.  This causes compressive regime in the plate
boundry and extensive regime in the backarc or inner part of overriding plate. Depending
on the age and properties of downgoing plate and relative motion of the overriding
  maximum compressive stresses (s)
are transmitted as s2 (sl> s2> s3) in the consuming direction or parallel
  to  the
arc from trench zone to backarc region. Though strike slip motions are dominant
in the arc, they are associated to extensional and compressional regions. Geological
data from Eastern Pontides,
  especially  southern 
part of arc  seem  to  show  that  tecto-
nics is predominantly extensional and several
short  lived  compressional 
phases  break  up 
this  extentional  regime during 
Mesozoic  same  as 
in  the  Agean and Japan  arcs.  First  extensional 
regime  started  in   Lias   or  Pre-Lias  and  ended
in Malm-Late Lower Cretaceous.
  In  this  period  many  ensialic  intra-arcbasins  to 
the  north  and 
ensimatic  backarc basins with axial
through sea floor spreading (Malm-Lower Cretaceous ophiolite) to
south  had  been developed (Mariana type subduction).
Short lived compressional phase between Late Lower Cretaceous and Early Upper Cretaceous
detracted these
  basins  (Chilean type 
subduction).  Under  a 
new  extensional  regime 
Eastern  Pontian  are  and  backarc rifted again and new axial sea floor spreading
occurred to the
  south  to form Upper 
Cretaceous  ophiolites.  The 
formation of Krukko type polymetalic ore deposits  along 
the Black  Sea  coast  correspond  to 
this  stage  (intra-arc 
rifting).  Intra- arc and backarc
basins closed again by following compressive stresses between Late Upper
and  Early Eocene. Except for sea floor  spreading 
polyphase  rifting  should 
have  been  in 
the  same  way 
during Cenozoic  time. In addition
to diverse folding axes and
  opposite  direction thrusting may  imply that strike slip motion  may be  
associated  to compressional and extensional
regime in Eastern Pontides. As a result except very short lived
stresses southern part of Pontides is the extensional region or
extensive stresses increase from
north  to  south. 
Such  a  result indicates that southern part of Pontides
was the backarc region and it is in favor of
southward  subduction during  Meso- zoic and Cenozoic time.


  • Adamia, SH. A.; Lordkipanidze, M.B. and Zakariadze, G.S., 1977, Evolution of active continental margin as exemplified by the Alpine history of the Caucasus: Tectonophysics, 40, 183-199.
  • Akyürek, B.; Bilginer, E.; Akbaş, B.; Hepşen, N.; Pehlivan, Ş.; Sunu, O.; Soysal ,Y.; Dağer, Z.; Çatal, E.; Sözeri, B.; Yıldırım, H. and Hakyemez, Y., 1984, The main geological features of Ankara-Elmadağ-Kalecik region: JMO Bull.,20, 31-46 (in Turkish).
  • Altun, Y., 1977, Geology of Çayeli-Madenköy copper-zinc deposit and problems related to mineralization: MTA Bull., 89, 9-22 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Aydın, A. and Nur, A., 1982, Evolution of pull-apart basins and their scale: Tectonics, 1,91-107.
  • Bektaş, O., 1981, The geological features of North Anatolian Fault Zone in Erzincan-Tanyeri district and local ophiolite problems: Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences 32, 196 p. (in Turkish).
  • , 1982, The paleotectonic setting of trondjhemites associated to Tanyeri (Erzincan) ophiolite complex and their origins: Karadeniz University, Earth Sciences Bull., 2, 39-51 (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • , 1983, (I) type granitic rocks in the eastern Northern Pontid magmatic arc and their geotectonic setting: Geo. Soc. of Turkey, 37 th Scientific and Technical Congress, Abstracts, 49-50 (in Turkish).
  • 1984, The shoshonitic volcanism of Upper Cretaceous age in Eastern Pontides and its geotectonic importance: Karadeniz University, Earth Sciences Bull., 3, 1-2, 53-62 (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • ; Pelin, S. and Korkmaz, S., 1984, Mantle uprising in Eastern Pontid back-arc basin and the concept of polygenetic ophiolite: Geo. Soc. of Turkey, 38th Scientific and Technical Congress, İhsan Ketin Symposium (in Turkish).
  • Cochran, J.R., 1983, A model for development of Red-Sea: Am. Assoc. of Petr. Geol. Bull., 67, 41-69.
  • Desheng, L., 1984, Geological evolution of petroliferous basins on continental shelf of China: Am. Assoc. of Petr. Geol. Bull., 68, 993-1003.
  • Dewey, J.F.; Pitman W.C.; Ryan, W.B.F. and Bonnin, J., 1973, Plate tectonics and evolution of Alpine system: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 84, 3137-3180.
  • Eğin, D. and Hirst, D.M., 1979, Tectonic and magmatic evolution of volcanic rocks from the northern Harşit area, NE Turkey: Geocome-I, Min. Res. and Expl. Inst., Geo. Soc. of Turkey, 56-94.
  • Engelder, T. and Geiser, P., 1980, On the use of regional joint sets as trajectories of paleostress fields during the development of the Appalachian Plateau New York: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 86, 6319-6342.
  • Eren, M., 1983, Geology of the area between Gümüşhane and Kale and microfacies analysis of the region: Master Thesis, Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 197 p. (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Forsyth, D.W., 1975, Fault plane solutions and tectonics of the South Atlantic and Scotia Sea: Jour. Geophys. Res., 80, 1429-1443.
  • Frisch, W., 1979, Tectonic progradarion and plate tectonic evolution of Alps: Tectonophysics, 60, 121-139.
  • Fukao, Y. and Yamaoka, K., 1983, Stress estimate for the highest mountain system in Japan: Tectonics, 2, 453-473.
  • Gattinger, T., 1962, Explanation text of geological map of Turkey, Trabzon (1:500 000): MTA Publ., Ankara-Turkey.
  • Gedikoğlu, A.; Pelin, S. and Özsayar, T., 1979, The main lines of geotectonic development of East Pontids in the Mesozoic era: Geocome-I, Min. Res. and Exp. Inst., Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 551-581, Ankara-Turkey.
  • Görür, N.; Şengör, A.M.C.; Akkök, R. and Yılmaz, Y., 1983, Sedimentological evidence related to the northern part of Neo-Tethys in Pontides: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 26, 11-21 (in Turkish).
  • Hacıalioğlu, T., 1983, The geology and microfacies analysis of the area between Kale and Vavuk Dağı (Gümüşhane): Master Thesis, Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 121p. (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Isacks, B.L. and Barazangi, M., 1977, Geometry of Benioff zones lateral segmentation and downward bending of the subducted litosphere in Island arc, Deep Sea Trenchs and Back-arc basins: Maurice Ewing Ser., 1, 99-114.
  • Kellogg, J.N. and Bonini, W.E., 1982, Subduction of the Caribbean plate and basement uplifts in the overriding South American Plate: Tectonics, 1, 251-277.
  • Ketin, İ., 1:500 000 scaled geological map of Turkey, Sinop: MTA Publ., Ankara-Turkey.
  • Kronberg, P., 1969, Bruchtektonik im Ostpontischen Gebirge (NO-Turkei): Geol. Runds., 59, 257-265.
  • Le Blanc, M., 1981, The late Proterozoic ophiolites of Bau Azzer (Morocco): Evidence for Pan-African plate tectonics: In: A. Kroner (ed), Precambrianplate tectonics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 435-451.
  • McKenzie, D.P., 1978, Some remarks on the development of the sedimentary basins: Earth Planetary Sci. Letters, 40, 25-32.
  • Mercier, J.L., 1981, Extensional compressional tectonics associated with the Agean arc: Comparison with the Andean Cordillera of south Peru-North Bolivia: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 300, 337-357.
  • Miller, H., 1984, Orogenic development of Argentinian Chilean Andes during the Paleozoic: J. Geol. Soc. London, 141, 885-892.
  • Moores, E.M.; Robinson, P.T.; Malpas, J. and Yenophonotos, C., 1984, Model for the origin of the Troodos massif, Cyprus, and other mideast ophiolites: Geology, 12, 500-503.
  • Mukhopadhyay, M., 1984, Seismotectonics of subduction and back-arc rifting under the Andaman Sea: Tectonophysics,108, 229-239.
  • Nakamura, K. and Uyeda, S., 1980, Stress gradient in arc/back-arc regions and plate subduction: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 85, 6419-6428.
  • Nebert, K., 1961, Geology of the region comprising Kelkit and Kızılırmak valleys (N Anatolia): MTA Bull., 57, 1-49 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Öztürk, A., 1980, Tectonics of Ladik-Destek region: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 2-3, 1, 31-39 (in Turkish).
  • Pelin, S., 1977, The geological investigation for petroleum possibilities in the southeastern Alucra (Giresun): Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 13 (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Saner, S., 1930, The explanation of the formation of Eastern Pontides and adjacent basins by using plate tectonics concept, NW Turkey: MTA Bull., 93/94, 1-20 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Schultze-Westrum, H.H., 1961, The geological profile of Aksu stream near Giresun: MTA Publ., 57, 63-71 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Seymen İ., 1975, The tectonic characteristic of North Anatolian Fault Zone in Kelkit valley region: Istanbul Tech. Univ., Mining Department, 192 p (in Turkish), Istanbul-Turkey.
  • Silver, E.A.; Reed, D.; McCaffrey, R. and Joyodiwiryo, Y., 1983, Back-arc thrusting in the Eastern Sunda arc, Indonesia: A Consequence of arc-continent collision: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 88, 7429-7448.
  • Şengör, A.M.C.; Yılmaz, Y. and Ketin, İ., 1980, Remnants of a pre-Late Jurassic ocean in Northern Turkey: Fragments of a Permian Triassic Paleo-Tethys: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 91, 599-609.
  • Terlemez, I. and Yılmaz, A., 1979, The stratigraphy of the area between Ünye, Ordu, Koyulhisar and Reşadiye: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 23/2, 179-193 (in Turkish).
  • Terzioğlu, M.N., 1984, The petrology and geochemistry of Bayırköy volcanics of Eocene age in the south of Ordu: Karadeniz University, Eng. and Arch. Faculty, Bulletin of Earth Sciences, 1, 44-57 (in Turkish),Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Tokel, S., 1981, Magmatic emplacements and geochemistry in Plate Tectonics: Examples from Turkey: Yeryuvarı ve İnsan, 6/3-4, 53-65 (in Turkish).
  • Trumpy, R., 1981, Alpine paleography-a reappraisal: Paper presented at the Mountain building symposium, Zurich, July, 1981, 14-18.
  • Turan, M., 1978, The geology of east of Şiran (Gümüşhane): Master Thesis, Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 57 p (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Turcotte, D.Z., 1983, Mechanism of crustal deformation: The Geological Society, Thirty-Sixth William Smith Lecture,701-717.
  • Turkish-Japanese Team, 1974, Report on geological survey of Trabzon Area, Northeastern Turkey Phase I: MTA Rep., (unpublished), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Uyeda, S., 1983, Comparative subductology: Episodes, 2, 19-24.
  • and Kanamori, H., 1979, Back-arc opening and the mode of subduction; Jour, of Geophys. Res., 84, 1049-1061.
  • Ünalan, G. and Yüksel, V., 1978, An example of ancient grabens: Haymana-Polatlı basin: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 21, 159-165 (in Turkish).
  • Vink, G.E.; Morgan, W.J. and Zhao, W.L., 1984, Preferential rifting of continents: A source of displaced Terranes Jour, of Geophys. Res., 89, 10072-10077.
  • Wilson, J.T., 1968, Static or mobile earth: The current scientific revolution: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., 112, 309-320.
  • Yamakawa, N. and Takashashi, M., 1977 Stress field in focal regions with reference to the Matsumoto earthquake swarm: Pap. Meteorol. Geophys., 28, 125-138,
  • Yıldız, B., 1984, The relation of various structures to the Cu, Pb, Zn mineralization in Eastern Black Sea Region recognized by photogeplogical means: MTA Bull., 89/100, 92-98 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Winterer, E.L. and Bosellini, A., 1981, Subsidence and sedimentation on Jurassic passive continental margin Southern Alps, Italy: Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull., 65, 394-421.
  • Zoback, M.L. and Zoback, M., 1980, State of stress in Conterminous United States: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 86,6113-6157.
  • Zwart, H.J. and Dornsiepen, V.F., 1978, The tectonic framework of Central and Western Europe: Geol. Mijnbouw, 57, 627-654.
Yıl 1985, Cilt: 103-104 Sayı: 103-104, 1 - 15, 01.08.1985



  • Adamia, SH. A.; Lordkipanidze, M.B. and Zakariadze, G.S., 1977, Evolution of active continental margin as exemplified by the Alpine history of the Caucasus: Tectonophysics, 40, 183-199.
  • Akyürek, B.; Bilginer, E.; Akbaş, B.; Hepşen, N.; Pehlivan, Ş.; Sunu, O.; Soysal ,Y.; Dağer, Z.; Çatal, E.; Sözeri, B.; Yıldırım, H. and Hakyemez, Y., 1984, The main geological features of Ankara-Elmadağ-Kalecik region: JMO Bull.,20, 31-46 (in Turkish).
  • Altun, Y., 1977, Geology of Çayeli-Madenköy copper-zinc deposit and problems related to mineralization: MTA Bull., 89, 9-22 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Aydın, A. and Nur, A., 1982, Evolution of pull-apart basins and their scale: Tectonics, 1,91-107.
  • Bektaş, O., 1981, The geological features of North Anatolian Fault Zone in Erzincan-Tanyeri district and local ophiolite problems: Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences 32, 196 p. (in Turkish).
  • , 1982, The paleotectonic setting of trondjhemites associated to Tanyeri (Erzincan) ophiolite complex and their origins: Karadeniz University, Earth Sciences Bull., 2, 39-51 (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • , 1983, (I) type granitic rocks in the eastern Northern Pontid magmatic arc and their geotectonic setting: Geo. Soc. of Turkey, 37 th Scientific and Technical Congress, Abstracts, 49-50 (in Turkish).
  • 1984, The shoshonitic volcanism of Upper Cretaceous age in Eastern Pontides and its geotectonic importance: Karadeniz University, Earth Sciences Bull., 3, 1-2, 53-62 (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • ; Pelin, S. and Korkmaz, S., 1984, Mantle uprising in Eastern Pontid back-arc basin and the concept of polygenetic ophiolite: Geo. Soc. of Turkey, 38th Scientific and Technical Congress, İhsan Ketin Symposium (in Turkish).
  • Cochran, J.R., 1983, A model for development of Red-Sea: Am. Assoc. of Petr. Geol. Bull., 67, 41-69.
  • Desheng, L., 1984, Geological evolution of petroliferous basins on continental shelf of China: Am. Assoc. of Petr. Geol. Bull., 68, 993-1003.
  • Dewey, J.F.; Pitman W.C.; Ryan, W.B.F. and Bonnin, J., 1973, Plate tectonics and evolution of Alpine system: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 84, 3137-3180.
  • Eğin, D. and Hirst, D.M., 1979, Tectonic and magmatic evolution of volcanic rocks from the northern Harşit area, NE Turkey: Geocome-I, Min. Res. and Expl. Inst., Geo. Soc. of Turkey, 56-94.
  • Engelder, T. and Geiser, P., 1980, On the use of regional joint sets as trajectories of paleostress fields during the development of the Appalachian Plateau New York: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 86, 6319-6342.
  • Eren, M., 1983, Geology of the area between Gümüşhane and Kale and microfacies analysis of the region: Master Thesis, Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 197 p. (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Forsyth, D.W., 1975, Fault plane solutions and tectonics of the South Atlantic and Scotia Sea: Jour. Geophys. Res., 80, 1429-1443.
  • Frisch, W., 1979, Tectonic progradarion and plate tectonic evolution of Alps: Tectonophysics, 60, 121-139.
  • Fukao, Y. and Yamaoka, K., 1983, Stress estimate for the highest mountain system in Japan: Tectonics, 2, 453-473.
  • Gattinger, T., 1962, Explanation text of geological map of Turkey, Trabzon (1:500 000): MTA Publ., Ankara-Turkey.
  • Gedikoğlu, A.; Pelin, S. and Özsayar, T., 1979, The main lines of geotectonic development of East Pontids in the Mesozoic era: Geocome-I, Min. Res. and Exp. Inst., Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 551-581, Ankara-Turkey.
  • Görür, N.; Şengör, A.M.C.; Akkök, R. and Yılmaz, Y., 1983, Sedimentological evidence related to the northern part of Neo-Tethys in Pontides: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 26, 11-21 (in Turkish).
  • Hacıalioğlu, T., 1983, The geology and microfacies analysis of the area between Kale and Vavuk Dağı (Gümüşhane): Master Thesis, Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 121p. (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Isacks, B.L. and Barazangi, M., 1977, Geometry of Benioff zones lateral segmentation and downward bending of the subducted litosphere in Island arc, Deep Sea Trenchs and Back-arc basins: Maurice Ewing Ser., 1, 99-114.
  • Kellogg, J.N. and Bonini, W.E., 1982, Subduction of the Caribbean plate and basement uplifts in the overriding South American Plate: Tectonics, 1, 251-277.
  • Ketin, İ., 1:500 000 scaled geological map of Turkey, Sinop: MTA Publ., Ankara-Turkey.
  • Kronberg, P., 1969, Bruchtektonik im Ostpontischen Gebirge (NO-Turkei): Geol. Runds., 59, 257-265.
  • Le Blanc, M., 1981, The late Proterozoic ophiolites of Bau Azzer (Morocco): Evidence for Pan-African plate tectonics: In: A. Kroner (ed), Precambrianplate tectonics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 435-451.
  • McKenzie, D.P., 1978, Some remarks on the development of the sedimentary basins: Earth Planetary Sci. Letters, 40, 25-32.
  • Mercier, J.L., 1981, Extensional compressional tectonics associated with the Agean arc: Comparison with the Andean Cordillera of south Peru-North Bolivia: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 300, 337-357.
  • Miller, H., 1984, Orogenic development of Argentinian Chilean Andes during the Paleozoic: J. Geol. Soc. London, 141, 885-892.
  • Moores, E.M.; Robinson, P.T.; Malpas, J. and Yenophonotos, C., 1984, Model for the origin of the Troodos massif, Cyprus, and other mideast ophiolites: Geology, 12, 500-503.
  • Mukhopadhyay, M., 1984, Seismotectonics of subduction and back-arc rifting under the Andaman Sea: Tectonophysics,108, 229-239.
  • Nakamura, K. and Uyeda, S., 1980, Stress gradient in arc/back-arc regions and plate subduction: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 85, 6419-6428.
  • Nebert, K., 1961, Geology of the region comprising Kelkit and Kızılırmak valleys (N Anatolia): MTA Bull., 57, 1-49 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Öztürk, A., 1980, Tectonics of Ladik-Destek region: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 2-3, 1, 31-39 (in Turkish).
  • Pelin, S., 1977, The geological investigation for petroleum possibilities in the southeastern Alucra (Giresun): Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 13 (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Saner, S., 1930, The explanation of the formation of Eastern Pontides and adjacent basins by using plate tectonics concept, NW Turkey: MTA Bull., 93/94, 1-20 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Schultze-Westrum, H.H., 1961, The geological profile of Aksu stream near Giresun: MTA Publ., 57, 63-71 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Seymen İ., 1975, The tectonic characteristic of North Anatolian Fault Zone in Kelkit valley region: Istanbul Tech. Univ., Mining Department, 192 p (in Turkish), Istanbul-Turkey.
  • Silver, E.A.; Reed, D.; McCaffrey, R. and Joyodiwiryo, Y., 1983, Back-arc thrusting in the Eastern Sunda arc, Indonesia: A Consequence of arc-continent collision: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 88, 7429-7448.
  • Şengör, A.M.C.; Yılmaz, Y. and Ketin, İ., 1980, Remnants of a pre-Late Jurassic ocean in Northern Turkey: Fragments of a Permian Triassic Paleo-Tethys: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 91, 599-609.
  • Terlemez, I. and Yılmaz, A., 1979, The stratigraphy of the area between Ünye, Ordu, Koyulhisar and Reşadiye: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 23/2, 179-193 (in Turkish).
  • Terzioğlu, M.N., 1984, The petrology and geochemistry of Bayırköy volcanics of Eocene age in the south of Ordu: Karadeniz University, Eng. and Arch. Faculty, Bulletin of Earth Sciences, 1, 44-57 (in Turkish),Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Tokel, S., 1981, Magmatic emplacements and geochemistry in Plate Tectonics: Examples from Turkey: Yeryuvarı ve İnsan, 6/3-4, 53-65 (in Turkish).
  • Trumpy, R., 1981, Alpine paleography-a reappraisal: Paper presented at the Mountain building symposium, Zurich, July, 1981, 14-18.
  • Turan, M., 1978, The geology of east of Şiran (Gümüşhane): Master Thesis, Karadeniz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 57 p (in Turkish), Trabzon-Turkey.
  • Turcotte, D.Z., 1983, Mechanism of crustal deformation: The Geological Society, Thirty-Sixth William Smith Lecture,701-717.
  • Turkish-Japanese Team, 1974, Report on geological survey of Trabzon Area, Northeastern Turkey Phase I: MTA Rep., (unpublished), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Uyeda, S., 1983, Comparative subductology: Episodes, 2, 19-24.
  • and Kanamori, H., 1979, Back-arc opening and the mode of subduction; Jour, of Geophys. Res., 84, 1049-1061.
  • Ünalan, G. and Yüksel, V., 1978, An example of ancient grabens: Haymana-Polatlı basin: Bull, of Geol. Soc. of Turkey, 21, 159-165 (in Turkish).
  • Vink, G.E.; Morgan, W.J. and Zhao, W.L., 1984, Preferential rifting of continents: A source of displaced Terranes Jour, of Geophys. Res., 89, 10072-10077.
  • Wilson, J.T., 1968, Static or mobile earth: The current scientific revolution: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., 112, 309-320.
  • Yamakawa, N. and Takashashi, M., 1977 Stress field in focal regions with reference to the Matsumoto earthquake swarm: Pap. Meteorol. Geophys., 28, 125-138,
  • Yıldız, B., 1984, The relation of various structures to the Cu, Pb, Zn mineralization in Eastern Black Sea Region recognized by photogeplogical means: MTA Bull., 89/100, 92-98 (in Turkish), Ankara-Turkey.
  • Winterer, E.L. and Bosellini, A., 1981, Subsidence and sedimentation on Jurassic passive continental margin Southern Alps, Italy: Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull., 65, 394-421.
  • Zoback, M.L. and Zoback, M., 1980, State of stress in Conterminous United States: Jour, of Geophys. Res., 86,6113-6157.
  • Zwart, H.J. and Dornsiepen, V.F., 1978, The tectonic framework of Central and Western Europe: Geol. Mijnbouw, 57, 627-654.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Osman Bektaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 1985
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1985 Cilt: 103-104 Sayı: 103-104

Kaynak Göster

APA Bektaş, O. (1985). PALEOSTRESS TRAJECTORIES AND POLYPHASE RIFTING IN ARC-BACKARC OF EASTERNPONTIDES. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 103-104(103-104), 1-15.
Chicago Bektaş, Osman. “PALEOSTRESS TRAJECTORIES AND POLYPHASE RIFTING IN ARC-BACKARC OF EASTERNPONTIDES”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 103-104, sy. 103-104 (Ağustos 1985): 1-15.
EndNote Bektaş O (01 Ağustos 1985) PALEOSTRESS TRAJECTORIES AND POLYPHASE RIFTING IN ARC-BACKARC OF EASTERNPONTIDES. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 103-104 103-104 1–15.
ISNAD Bektaş, Osman. “PALEOSTRESS TRAJECTORIES AND POLYPHASE RIFTING IN ARC-BACKARC OF EASTERNPONTIDES”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 103-104/103-104 (Ağustos 1985), 1-15.
MLA Bektaş, Osman. “PALEOSTRESS TRAJECTORIES AND POLYPHASE RIFTING IN ARC-BACKARC OF EASTERNPONTIDES”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 103-104, sy. 103-104, 1985, ss. 1-15.

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