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Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey

Yıl 1990, Cilt: 111 Sayı: 111, 65 - 74, 01.04.1990


Investigated area is located in the Gördes submassif of the Menderes massif, the metamorphic basement consists of the following lithologic in ascending order: Sillimanite-garnet gneiss. sillimanite-garnet-kyanitc schist. sillimanite-staurolite-garnet-kyanite schist, staurolite-garnet schist and garnet mica schist. Kyanite-andalusite pegmatoids which occur within the kyanite-bearing schists were formed in the course of the last major metamorphism giving the final stage to the Menderes massif. The metamorphic basement is overlain by the allochthonous units which are relicts of the Lycian nappes which caused the last major metamorphism during the Eocene-Oligocene time in Menderes massif. The age of the apatite crystals obtained from the pegmatoids arc determined by the fission-track method. The cooling age of the apatite crystals ranging from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene is in good agreement with the field observations in the study area and geological evidence relating to the Menderes massif. 


  • Akdeniz, N. and Konak, N., 1979, Menderes Masifinin Simav dolayındaki kaya birimlerinin ve metabazik, metaultrabazik kayaların konumlan: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 22, 175-183.
  • ; and Armağan, E., 1980, Akhisar (Manisa) güneydoğusundaki Alt Mesozoik kaya birimleri: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 2, 77-90.
  • Akkök, R.; Satır, M. and Şengör, C, 1984, Menderes masifinde tektonik olayların zamanlaması ve sonuçları: Ketin Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri, 93-94.
  • Andriessen, P.A.M.; Boelrijik, N.A.I.M.; Hebeda, E.H.; Priem, H.N.A.; Verdurmen, E.A. Th and Verschure, R.H., 1979, Dating the events of metamorphism and granitic magmatism in the Alpine Orogen of Naxos (Cryclades, Greece): Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 09, 215- 225.
  • Bertognolli, R.; Mark, E.; Bertel, E.; Pahl, M. and Mark, T.D., J981, Determination of paleotemperatures of apatite with the fission-track method: Nucl. Tracks., 5, 175-180.
  • Brinkmann, R., 1966, Geolcktonische glienderung von Westanatolien: N. Jb. Geol. Pal. Mh. 603-608.
  • Brinkmann, R., 1967, Die Sudflanke des Menderes-Massive bei Milas, Bodrum und Ören: Scien. Rep. Fac. Scien. Ege Univ. 43,12 p.
  • Candan, O., 1988, Demirci-Borlu arasında kalan yörenin (Menderes masifi kuzey-kanadı) petrografisi, petrolojisi ve mineralojisi: Doktora tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. (unpublished).
  • and Dora, O.Ö., 1984, Ahmetler-Üşümüş (Manisa) dolayında Menderes masifi metamorfitlerinin jeolojik incelemesi ve distenli pegmatoidlerin oluşumu: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 27, 45-58.
  • Çağlayan, A.; Öztürk, M.; Öztürk, Z.; Sav, H. and Akat, U., 1980, Menderes masifi güneyine ait bulgular ve yapısal yorum: Jeoloji Mühendisliği,10,7-19.
  • De Wet, WJ. and Turkstra, J., 1968, Determination of Uranium-235 / Uranium-238 rations by activation analysis utilizing high resolution d-spectrometry: J. Radional. Chem, 1,379-387.
  • Dürr, S., 1975, Über Alter und geotektonische Stellung des Menderes-Kristallins / SW-Anatolian und seine equivalente in der Mitteren Aegaeis: Marburg / Lahn, 1975, Federal Republic of Germany (These).
  • ; Altherr, R.; Kellers, S.; Okrusch, M. and Seidel, E., 1978, The Median Aegean Crystalline belt, stratigraphy, sutructure, metamorphism, magmatism: I.U.C.G. Sci. Rep. 38,455-477.
  • Fleischer, R.L.; Price, P.B. and Walker, R.M., 1975, Nuclear tracks in solids: Univ. California Press, Berkely. 1-605.
  • Gutnic, M.; Monod, O.; Poisson, A. and Dumont, F., 1979, G6ologie des Taurides Occidentales (Turquie): Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 58,109.
  • Hanna, G.C.; Westcott, C.H; Lemmel, H.D.; Leonard, B.R.; Story. JJ. and Attree, P.M., 1968, Revision of values for the 2200 m/s neutral constants for four fissile nuclides: At. Energ. Rev. 7, 3-29.
  • Kaaden, G.V.D. and Metz, K., 1954, Datça-Muğla-Dalaman Çayı (GB Anadolu) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 5, 1-2.
  • Koark, H J.; Mark, T.D.; Pahl, M.; Purtscheller, F. and Vartaian, R., 1978, Precambrian fission-track ages of sphene from the Caledonides of Mount Areskutan, Sweden: Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Uppsala, 7,103-108.
  • Mark, E.; Pahl, M.; Purtscheller, F. and Mark, T.D., 1973, Thermische Ausheilung von Uran-Spatispuren in Apatiten. Alterskorrekturen und Beitrage zur geothermon chronologie: Techermals. Mineral. Petr. Mitt., 20,131-154.
  • ; ; and , 1974, Comparative determination of uranium content by the fission-track method and by delayed neutrons: Acta. Phys. Austr. 40,261-271.
  • ; and Mark, T.D., 1982, Solid state nuclear track detectors: Eds. P.H. Fowler and V.M., Clapham, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 389-394.
  • Mark, T.D.; Vartanian, R.; Purtscheller, F. and Pahl, M., 1981 a, Fission-track amealing and application to the dating of Austrian sphene: Acta. Puhs Austria, 53,45-59.
  • ; Pahl, M. and Vartanian, R., 1981 b, Fission-track annealing and fission-track age/temperature relationship in sphene: Nuclear Tecnology, 52,295-305.
  • Önay, T., 1949, Über die Schmirgelgesteine SW-Anatoliens: Schw. Min. Petr. Mitt. Bd. 29, 359-491.
  • Phillipson, A., 1911, Reisen und Forschungen in Westlishen Kleinasien: Pet. Mitt. Erg. Heft. 167-187, Gotha.
  • Schuiling, R., 1962, Türkiye'nin güneybatısındaki Menderes Migmatit kompleksinin petrolojisi, yaşı ve yapısı hakkında: MTA Bull., 58,71- 84.
  • Şengör, C; Satır, M. and Akkök, R., 1984, Timing of tectonic events in the Menderes Massif, Western Turkey: Implications for tectonic evolution and evidence for Pan-African basement in Turkey: Tectonics, 3, 7,693-707.
  • Spadavewhia, A. and Hahn, B., 1967, DieRotationskammer und einige Anwen dungen: Helv. Phys. Acta, 40, 1063-1079.
Yıl 1990, Cilt: 111 Sayı: 111, 65 - 74, 01.04.1990



  • Akdeniz, N. and Konak, N., 1979, Menderes Masifinin Simav dolayındaki kaya birimlerinin ve metabazik, metaultrabazik kayaların konumlan: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 22, 175-183.
  • ; and Armağan, E., 1980, Akhisar (Manisa) güneydoğusundaki Alt Mesozoik kaya birimleri: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 2, 77-90.
  • Akkök, R.; Satır, M. and Şengör, C, 1984, Menderes masifinde tektonik olayların zamanlaması ve sonuçları: Ketin Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri, 93-94.
  • Andriessen, P.A.M.; Boelrijik, N.A.I.M.; Hebeda, E.H.; Priem, H.N.A.; Verdurmen, E.A. Th and Verschure, R.H., 1979, Dating the events of metamorphism and granitic magmatism in the Alpine Orogen of Naxos (Cryclades, Greece): Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 09, 215- 225.
  • Bertognolli, R.; Mark, E.; Bertel, E.; Pahl, M. and Mark, T.D., J981, Determination of paleotemperatures of apatite with the fission-track method: Nucl. Tracks., 5, 175-180.
  • Brinkmann, R., 1966, Geolcktonische glienderung von Westanatolien: N. Jb. Geol. Pal. Mh. 603-608.
  • Brinkmann, R., 1967, Die Sudflanke des Menderes-Massive bei Milas, Bodrum und Ören: Scien. Rep. Fac. Scien. Ege Univ. 43,12 p.
  • Candan, O., 1988, Demirci-Borlu arasında kalan yörenin (Menderes masifi kuzey-kanadı) petrografisi, petrolojisi ve mineralojisi: Doktora tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. (unpublished).
  • and Dora, O.Ö., 1984, Ahmetler-Üşümüş (Manisa) dolayında Menderes masifi metamorfitlerinin jeolojik incelemesi ve distenli pegmatoidlerin oluşumu: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 27, 45-58.
  • Çağlayan, A.; Öztürk, M.; Öztürk, Z.; Sav, H. and Akat, U., 1980, Menderes masifi güneyine ait bulgular ve yapısal yorum: Jeoloji Mühendisliği,10,7-19.
  • De Wet, WJ. and Turkstra, J., 1968, Determination of Uranium-235 / Uranium-238 rations by activation analysis utilizing high resolution d-spectrometry: J. Radional. Chem, 1,379-387.
  • Dürr, S., 1975, Über Alter und geotektonische Stellung des Menderes-Kristallins / SW-Anatolian und seine equivalente in der Mitteren Aegaeis: Marburg / Lahn, 1975, Federal Republic of Germany (These).
  • ; Altherr, R.; Kellers, S.; Okrusch, M. and Seidel, E., 1978, The Median Aegean Crystalline belt, stratigraphy, sutructure, metamorphism, magmatism: I.U.C.G. Sci. Rep. 38,455-477.
  • Fleischer, R.L.; Price, P.B. and Walker, R.M., 1975, Nuclear tracks in solids: Univ. California Press, Berkely. 1-605.
  • Gutnic, M.; Monod, O.; Poisson, A. and Dumont, F., 1979, G6ologie des Taurides Occidentales (Turquie): Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 58,109.
  • Hanna, G.C.; Westcott, C.H; Lemmel, H.D.; Leonard, B.R.; Story. JJ. and Attree, P.M., 1968, Revision of values for the 2200 m/s neutral constants for four fissile nuclides: At. Energ. Rev. 7, 3-29.
  • Kaaden, G.V.D. and Metz, K., 1954, Datça-Muğla-Dalaman Çayı (GB Anadolu) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 5, 1-2.
  • Koark, H J.; Mark, T.D.; Pahl, M.; Purtscheller, F. and Vartaian, R., 1978, Precambrian fission-track ages of sphene from the Caledonides of Mount Areskutan, Sweden: Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Uppsala, 7,103-108.
  • Mark, E.; Pahl, M.; Purtscheller, F. and Mark, T.D., 1973, Thermische Ausheilung von Uran-Spatispuren in Apatiten. Alterskorrekturen und Beitrage zur geothermon chronologie: Techermals. Mineral. Petr. Mitt., 20,131-154.
  • ; ; and , 1974, Comparative determination of uranium content by the fission-track method and by delayed neutrons: Acta. Phys. Austr. 40,261-271.
  • ; and Mark, T.D., 1982, Solid state nuclear track detectors: Eds. P.H. Fowler and V.M., Clapham, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 389-394.
  • Mark, T.D.; Vartanian, R.; Purtscheller, F. and Pahl, M., 1981 a, Fission-track amealing and application to the dating of Austrian sphene: Acta. Puhs Austria, 53,45-59.
  • ; Pahl, M. and Vartanian, R., 1981 b, Fission-track annealing and fission-track age/temperature relationship in sphene: Nuclear Tecnology, 52,295-305.
  • Önay, T., 1949, Über die Schmirgelgesteine SW-Anatoliens: Schw. Min. Petr. Mitt. Bd. 29, 359-491.
  • Phillipson, A., 1911, Reisen und Forschungen in Westlishen Kleinasien: Pet. Mitt. Erg. Heft. 167-187, Gotha.
  • Schuiling, R., 1962, Türkiye'nin güneybatısındaki Menderes Migmatit kompleksinin petrolojisi, yaşı ve yapısı hakkında: MTA Bull., 58,71- 84.
  • Şengör, C; Satır, M. and Akkök, R., 1984, Timing of tectonic events in the Menderes Massif, Western Turkey: Implications for tectonic evolution and evidence for Pan-African basement in Turkey: Tectonics, 3, 7,693-707.
  • Spadavewhia, A. and Hahn, B., 1967, DieRotationskammer und einige Anwen dungen: Helv. Phys. Acta, 40, 1063-1079.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Osman Candan Bu kişi benim

Cahit Helvacı Bu kişi benim

G. Böhler Bu kişi benim

G. Walder Bu kişi benim

T.d. Mark Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 1990
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1990 Cilt: 111 Sayı: 111

Kaynak Göster

APA Candan, O., Helvacı, C., Böhler, G., Walder, G., vd. (1990). Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 111(111), 65-74.
AMA Candan O, Helvacı C, Böhler G, Walder G, Mark T. Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Nisan 1990;111(111):65-74.
Chicago Candan, Osman, Cahit Helvacı, G. Böhler, G. Walder, ve T.d. Mark. “Metamorphism and Fission-Track Age Determination of Apatite Crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 111, sy. 111 (Nisan 1990): 65-74.
EndNote Candan O, Helvacı C, Böhler G, Walder G, Mark T (01 Nisan 1990) Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 111 111 65–74.
IEEE O. Candan, C. Helvacı, G. Böhler, G. Walder, ve T. Mark, “Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 111, sy. 111, ss. 65–74, 1990.
ISNAD Candan, Osman vd. “Metamorphism and Fission-Track Age Determination of Apatite Crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 111/111 (Nisan 1990), 65-74.
JAMA Candan O, Helvacı C, Böhler G, Walder G, Mark T. Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 1990;111:65–74.
MLA Candan, Osman vd. “Metamorphism and Fission-Track Age Determination of Apatite Crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 111, sy. 111, 1990, ss. 65-74.
Vancouver Candan O, Helvacı C, Böhler G, Walder G, Mark T. Metamorphism and fission-track age determination of apatite crystals from Demirci-Borlu Region, Submassif of the Menderes Massif-Western Turkey. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 1990;111(111):65-74.

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