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Yıl 1992, Cilt: 114 Sayı: 114, 27 - 50, 01.07.1992



  • Anderson, G.M., 1975, Precipitation of Mississippi Valley Type Ores Econ. Geol , 70, p. 937-942
  • Asutay, H.J. and Turan, M., 1986, Doğu Toroslar-Keban Baskil (Elazığ) dolaylarının jeolojisi: MTA Rep., 8007 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Ami, P., 1937, Keban madeni jeolojisi hakkında muvakkat rapor: MTA Rep., 564 (unpublished), Ankara
  • Balçık, A., 1979, Keban Nallıziyaret Tepe ve Karamağara Dere (Bamaş) cevherleşmesi: MTA Rep , 6675 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • ; Tüfekçi, Ş.; Koyuncu, M. and Ulutürk, Y , 1978, Keban Madeni ve Fırat Ocağı geliştirme raporu: MTA Mineral Exploration Department Rep. 1518, (unpublished), Ankara
  • Canbazoğlu, M., 1986, Etibank-Keban manganezli gümüş cevherinden mangan ve gümüş kazanılması laboratuvar çalışmaları: Etibank Archives No: 1099, 26p., Ankara.
  • Çağlayan, H., 1984, Die Vererzung der Fluorit-Molybdanglanzfuhrenden Blei-Zink-Lagerstatten von Keban-Elazığ im Sudost-Taurus (Turkei): Ph. D. Thesis Univ Vienna
  • Demirocak, Y.; Ertem, M.; Kumru, C. and Ünal, S , 1986, Keban simli kurşun cevherinin zenginleştirme çalışmaları: Etibank Archives No. 1090, 22p., Ankara.
  • Edwards, R. and Atkinson, K., 1986, Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration: Chapman and Hall, London-New York., 466p.
  • Ertunç, A.; Ural, Y.; Baysak, M. and Eser, N., 1972, Keban projesi rezervuar sol sahili muhtemel su kaçak yollarının araştırılması:Etibank Archives No: 85, 48p., Ankara.
  • Fischbach, W., 1900, Keban gümüş madeni hakkında rapor: MTA Rep , 384 (unpublished), Ankara Gawlik, J., 1958, Keban (Elazığ) prospeksiyon raporu: MTA Rep , 3096 (unpublished), Ankara
  • Giordano, T.H. and Barnes, H.L., 1981, Lead transport in Mississippi Valley type ore solutions Econ, Geol , 76, 2200-2211
  • Göktekin, A. and Önal, G., 1986, Keban gümüşlü mangan cevherinin değerlendirilmesine ilişkin teknolojik ön etütler: Etibank Archives No. 1098, 11 p., Ankara
  • Guilbert, J M and Park, C.F., 1986, The geology of ore deposits W H Freeman and Company, New York , 985 p
  • Gustafson, L B. and Williams, N., 1981, Sediment-hosted stratiform deposits of copper, lead and zinc: Skinner, B.J. (ed.): Econ. Geol. Seventy-fifth anniversary volume, p. 139-178, Amsterdam
  • ITU, 1981, Etibank Elazığ-Keban ruhsat sahaları içinde yer alan cevherleşmelerin on değerlendirme raporu: Etibank Archives No. 965, 52p., Ankara.
  • Kineş, T., 1971, The geology and ore mineralization in the Keban area, E Turkey: Ph. D. Thesis, Durkham Univ. 213p., (unpublished), İngiltere.
  • Kipman, E., 1976, Keban'ın jeolojisi ve volkanitlerinin petrolojisi: 92p., (unpublished), Ankara. Kovenko, V., 1941, Keban madeni etüdü hakkında rapor: MTA Rep. 1255 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Köksoy, M., 1972, Keban madeni civarında cevherleşmeyle ilgili elementlerin dağılımları: Etibank Archives No. 983, 88p., Ankara.
  • Kumbasar, I., 1964, Keban bölgesindeki cevherleşmelerin petrografik ve metalojenik etüdü: Ph. D Thesis, ITU, 113p., (unpublished), Istanbul.
  • Large, D.E., 1981, Sediment-hosted submarine exhalative lead-zinc deposits-a review of their geological characteristics and genesis. In: Wolf, K.H. (ed.): Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits, 9, 469-507.
  • Lydon, J.W., 1983, Chemical parameters controlling the origin and deposition of sediment-hosted stratiform lead-zinc deposits: Min. Assoc. Can., Short course, p. 8., 175-245
  • Maucher, A., 1937, Keban maden zuhuratı hakkında mineralojik rapor: MTA Rep 406 (unpublished), Ankara. Oelsner, O., 1938, Keban madeni hakkında rapor: MTA Rep. 279 (unpublished), Ankara. Ohle, E.L., 1959, Some considerations in determining the origin of ore deposits of the Mississippi Valley type: Econ. Geol. 54, 769-789.
  • Özgül, N., 1981, Munzur dağlarının jeolojisi: MTA Rep. 6995 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • and Turşucu, A., 1984, Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic carbonate sequence of the Munzur Mountains (Eastern Taurides) In: Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğlu, M.C. (ed.): Geology of the Taurus Belt, 173-180, Ankara.
  • Öztunalı, Ö., 1985-1989, Etibank-Keban maden sahaları durum tespit raporları: Etibank Archives, 85., Ankara.
  • Pratt, A.D., 1990, The geology, geochemistry and mineralogy of the sedimentary Cafana Zn-Fe-Pb-Ba deposit, SE Turkey: Ph. D. Thesis, Vol: 2, 116p., Copenhagen, Danimarka.
  • Roedder, E., 1976, Fluid inclusion evidence on the genesis of ores in sedimentary and volcanic rocks: In: Wolf, K.H. (ed.): Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits, 2, 67-110. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Sağıroğlu, G., 1952, Keban volfram zuhuratı hakkında rapor: MTA Rep. 1942 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Sangster, D.F., 1983, Mississippi Valley-Type deposits: a geological melange: Program, Int. Conf. on MVT lead-zinc deposits, Univ. of Rolla, Misfeori-Rolla, p. 7-18.
  • Snyder, F.G., 1967, Criteria for origin of stratiform orebodies: Econ. Geol. Mon. 3, 1-13 Sverjensky, D.A., 1984, Oil,field brines as ore-forming solutions: Econ Geol , 79, 23-37
  • Tolun, N., 1955, Elazığ; Keban, Çemişgezek ve Pertek bölgesinin jeolojik etüdü: MTA Rep. 2227 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Vaughan, D.J. and Craig, J.R., 1978, Mineral chemistry of metal sulphides Cambridge University Press, London 493p.
  • Yılmaz, A., 1991, Keban (Elazığ) kurşun-çinko cevherleşmelerinin maden jeolojisi incelenmesi AÜFF Jeo. Müh. Bölümü, Masters Thesis, 134p , (unpublished), Ankara
  • ; Ünsal, A., Savcı, C. and İskit, M., 1983, Keban simlı kurşun işletmesinde yapılan arama çalışmalarına ait ara rapor: Etibank Archives No. 938, 4p., Ankara
  • Ziserman, A., 1969, Geological and mining study of Keban Maden Etibank Archives No 123, 70p . Ankara


Yıl 1992, Cilt: 114 Sayı: 114, 27 - 50, 01.07.1992


Mineralizations at Keban
and its surroundings are generally observed at the contacts of granitoids and epimeta-
morphic rocks, in Nimri formation and in Keban marbles. Lead-zinc mineralizations
in this region are previously interpreted as skarn type occurrences associated with
granitoids. In this study, predominantly carbonate mineralizations in the carbonate
rocks of Nimri formation and sulphide and carbonate ores within the Keban marbles
are investigated. As a result of mineralog- ical, petrographical and geochemical
studies, some significant evidences indicate that the mineralizations are not directly
relat- ed with the skarn type associated with granitoids. According to the limited
data collected during this study, the view that the min- eralizations, present in
Nimri formation and Keban marble, are mobilized with the influence of granitoids
becomes significant. Mineralizations taking place earlier than mobilization are
discussed by exhalative sedimentary (SEDEX) type and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT)
relying on the present data. Some evidence is found for SEDEX type. While primary
occurrences are getting their new positions by means of secondary processes, metallic
contents of primary occurrences are enriched. Mobilizations re- lated with metamorphism
and/or granitoid impact and enrichment processes caused by weathering are out of
the study. The main result of this study is the necessity of new other revitalization
of discussions about the origin of primary occurrences for contribution to science
and economy.


  • Anderson, G.M., 1975, Precipitation of Mississippi Valley Type Ores Econ. Geol , 70, p. 937-942
  • Asutay, H.J. and Turan, M., 1986, Doğu Toroslar-Keban Baskil (Elazığ) dolaylarının jeolojisi: MTA Rep., 8007 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Ami, P., 1937, Keban madeni jeolojisi hakkında muvakkat rapor: MTA Rep., 564 (unpublished), Ankara
  • Balçık, A., 1979, Keban Nallıziyaret Tepe ve Karamağara Dere (Bamaş) cevherleşmesi: MTA Rep , 6675 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • ; Tüfekçi, Ş.; Koyuncu, M. and Ulutürk, Y , 1978, Keban Madeni ve Fırat Ocağı geliştirme raporu: MTA Mineral Exploration Department Rep. 1518, (unpublished), Ankara
  • Canbazoğlu, M., 1986, Etibank-Keban manganezli gümüş cevherinden mangan ve gümüş kazanılması laboratuvar çalışmaları: Etibank Archives No: 1099, 26p., Ankara.
  • Çağlayan, H., 1984, Die Vererzung der Fluorit-Molybdanglanzfuhrenden Blei-Zink-Lagerstatten von Keban-Elazığ im Sudost-Taurus (Turkei): Ph. D. Thesis Univ Vienna
  • Demirocak, Y.; Ertem, M.; Kumru, C. and Ünal, S , 1986, Keban simli kurşun cevherinin zenginleştirme çalışmaları: Etibank Archives No. 1090, 22p., Ankara.
  • Edwards, R. and Atkinson, K., 1986, Ore deposit geology and its influence on mineral exploration: Chapman and Hall, London-New York., 466p.
  • Ertunç, A.; Ural, Y.; Baysak, M. and Eser, N., 1972, Keban projesi rezervuar sol sahili muhtemel su kaçak yollarının araştırılması:Etibank Archives No: 85, 48p., Ankara.
  • Fischbach, W., 1900, Keban gümüş madeni hakkında rapor: MTA Rep , 384 (unpublished), Ankara Gawlik, J., 1958, Keban (Elazığ) prospeksiyon raporu: MTA Rep , 3096 (unpublished), Ankara
  • Giordano, T.H. and Barnes, H.L., 1981, Lead transport in Mississippi Valley type ore solutions Econ, Geol , 76, 2200-2211
  • Göktekin, A. and Önal, G., 1986, Keban gümüşlü mangan cevherinin değerlendirilmesine ilişkin teknolojik ön etütler: Etibank Archives No. 1098, 11 p., Ankara
  • Guilbert, J M and Park, C.F., 1986, The geology of ore deposits W H Freeman and Company, New York , 985 p
  • Gustafson, L B. and Williams, N., 1981, Sediment-hosted stratiform deposits of copper, lead and zinc: Skinner, B.J. (ed.): Econ. Geol. Seventy-fifth anniversary volume, p. 139-178, Amsterdam
  • ITU, 1981, Etibank Elazığ-Keban ruhsat sahaları içinde yer alan cevherleşmelerin on değerlendirme raporu: Etibank Archives No. 965, 52p., Ankara.
  • Kineş, T., 1971, The geology and ore mineralization in the Keban area, E Turkey: Ph. D. Thesis, Durkham Univ. 213p., (unpublished), İngiltere.
  • Kipman, E., 1976, Keban'ın jeolojisi ve volkanitlerinin petrolojisi: 92p., (unpublished), Ankara. Kovenko, V., 1941, Keban madeni etüdü hakkında rapor: MTA Rep. 1255 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Köksoy, M., 1972, Keban madeni civarında cevherleşmeyle ilgili elementlerin dağılımları: Etibank Archives No. 983, 88p., Ankara.
  • Kumbasar, I., 1964, Keban bölgesindeki cevherleşmelerin petrografik ve metalojenik etüdü: Ph. D Thesis, ITU, 113p., (unpublished), Istanbul.
  • Large, D.E., 1981, Sediment-hosted submarine exhalative lead-zinc deposits-a review of their geological characteristics and genesis. In: Wolf, K.H. (ed.): Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits, 9, 469-507.
  • Lydon, J.W., 1983, Chemical parameters controlling the origin and deposition of sediment-hosted stratiform lead-zinc deposits: Min. Assoc. Can., Short course, p. 8., 175-245
  • Maucher, A., 1937, Keban maden zuhuratı hakkında mineralojik rapor: MTA Rep 406 (unpublished), Ankara. Oelsner, O., 1938, Keban madeni hakkında rapor: MTA Rep. 279 (unpublished), Ankara. Ohle, E.L., 1959, Some considerations in determining the origin of ore deposits of the Mississippi Valley type: Econ. Geol. 54, 769-789.
  • Özgül, N., 1981, Munzur dağlarının jeolojisi: MTA Rep. 6995 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • and Turşucu, A., 1984, Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic carbonate sequence of the Munzur Mountains (Eastern Taurides) In: Tekeli, O. and Göncüoğlu, M.C. (ed.): Geology of the Taurus Belt, 173-180, Ankara.
  • Öztunalı, Ö., 1985-1989, Etibank-Keban maden sahaları durum tespit raporları: Etibank Archives, 85., Ankara.
  • Pratt, A.D., 1990, The geology, geochemistry and mineralogy of the sedimentary Cafana Zn-Fe-Pb-Ba deposit, SE Turkey: Ph. D. Thesis, Vol: 2, 116p., Copenhagen, Danimarka.
  • Roedder, E., 1976, Fluid inclusion evidence on the genesis of ores in sedimentary and volcanic rocks: In: Wolf, K.H. (ed.): Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits, 2, 67-110. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Sağıroğlu, G., 1952, Keban volfram zuhuratı hakkında rapor: MTA Rep. 1942 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Sangster, D.F., 1983, Mississippi Valley-Type deposits: a geological melange: Program, Int. Conf. on MVT lead-zinc deposits, Univ. of Rolla, Misfeori-Rolla, p. 7-18.
  • Snyder, F.G., 1967, Criteria for origin of stratiform orebodies: Econ. Geol. Mon. 3, 1-13 Sverjensky, D.A., 1984, Oil,field brines as ore-forming solutions: Econ Geol , 79, 23-37
  • Tolun, N., 1955, Elazığ; Keban, Çemişgezek ve Pertek bölgesinin jeolojik etüdü: MTA Rep. 2227 (unpublished), Ankara.
  • Vaughan, D.J. and Craig, J.R., 1978, Mineral chemistry of metal sulphides Cambridge University Press, London 493p.
  • Yılmaz, A., 1991, Keban (Elazığ) kurşun-çinko cevherleşmelerinin maden jeolojisi incelenmesi AÜFF Jeo. Müh. Bölümü, Masters Thesis, 134p , (unpublished), Ankara
  • ; Ünsal, A., Savcı, C. and İskit, M., 1983, Keban simlı kurşun işletmesinde yapılan arama çalışmalarına ait ara rapor: Etibank Archives No. 938, 4p., Ankara
  • Ziserman, A., 1969, Geological and mining study of Keban Maden Etibank Archives No 123, 70p . Ankara
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Ayhan Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Taner Ünlü

L. Sönmez Sayılı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 114 Sayı: 114

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, A., Ünlü, T., & Sayılı, L. S. (1992). AN APPROACH TO THE ORIGIN OF KEBAN LEAD-ZINC MINERALIZATIONS, ELAZIĞ, TURKEY: A PRELIMINARY STUDY. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 114(114), 27-50.
Chicago Yılmaz, Ayhan, Taner Ünlü, ve L. Sönmez Sayılı. “AN APPROACH TO THE ORIGIN OF KEBAN LEAD-ZINC MINERALIZATIONS, ELAZIĞ, TURKEY: A PRELIMINARY STUDY”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 114, sy. 114 (Temmuz 1992): 27-50.
EndNote Yılmaz A, Ünlü T, Sayılı LS (01 Temmuz 1992) AN APPROACH TO THE ORIGIN OF KEBAN LEAD-ZINC MINERALIZATIONS, ELAZIĞ, TURKEY: A PRELIMINARY STUDY. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 114 114 27–50.
IEEE A. Yılmaz, T. Ünlü, ve L. S. Sayılı, “AN APPROACH TO THE ORIGIN OF KEBAN LEAD-ZINC MINERALIZATIONS, ELAZIĞ, TURKEY: A PRELIMINARY STUDY”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 114, sy. 114, ss. 27–50, 1992.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Ayhan vd. “AN APPROACH TO THE ORIGIN OF KEBAN LEAD-ZINC MINERALIZATIONS, ELAZIĞ, TURKEY: A PRELIMINARY STUDY”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 114/114 (Temmuz 1992), 27-50.
MLA Yılmaz, Ayhan vd. “AN APPROACH TO THE ORIGIN OF KEBAN LEAD-ZINC MINERALIZATIONS, ELAZIĞ, TURKEY: A PRELIMINARY STUDY”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 114, sy. 114, 1992, ss. 27-50.

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