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Yıl 1999, Cilt: 121 Sayı: 121, 1 - 18, 01.02.1999


In the southern coastal zone of
the Sea of Marmara (northwestern Turkey), two important rivers. Kocasu and
Gönen, debouch into the sea, with a distance of less than 80 km from each
other. The discharge and transport of appreciable amounts of sediment load are
due to the prevailing semi-arid climate with wet-winter seasons. The
sedimentary input of Kocasu and Gönen rivers have produced two quite
morphologically different delta systems. The Gönen river delta is lobate and
fluvialdominated with sediment accumulation having a progradation of 5.5 km and
subaerial plain of 28 km2 totally. The meandering distributary channels and a
number of small lagoonal lakes are the main elements of the delta plain. The
input of sediment is abundantly bedload and has resulted in the development of
a triangular delta plain, with a slight shifting towards the east. A steplike
scarp at 6 m altitude divides the plain into two parts. Two drillings of DSl at
apex of the delta show that overall deltaic sequence is 65 m thick, however
delta plain sediments are generally 6 m thick. The Kocasu delta is
characterized as a highly mud-dominated delta, a specimen of a destructive,
curvi-linear delta type. It is a wave-dominated river delta with a 3.5 km of
progradation and a subaerial plain of 48 km2 . The present Kocasu delta has
only one straight, major channel. The extensive lateral growth of the delta is
provided by wave actions, mostly created by northeasterly winter winds. Fluvial
sediments on the delta plain are limited extent. Consequently, actual fluvial
sedimentation on the delta plain is low and, two lagoonal lakes, swamps,
cheniers, dunes and a long sandy beach are the basic morphological elements of
delta plain. A step-like morphology at 4 m altitude, similar to that of Gönen
river delta, separates the delta plain to a relatively older and a younger
formations. Total thickness of the deltaic sediment body is estimated to be
55-60 m by graphic correlations. Both deltas abound in active right lateral
strikeslip faults and their depositional areas were limited by bedrocks on the
seashore. Limitation is very typical and sharp in the Kocasu delta due to the
presence of fault scarps on the Palaeozoic metamorphics. Geomorphology of
drainage areas shows that the modern Kocasu and Gönen river deltas are
synchronique deposits and they must have began to develop in early Holocene.
The step-like morphology on delta plains may indicate a global sea-level fall
to the present level, most probably since the last climatic optimum. Later,
local sea-level changes in Kocasu area took place, creating long cheniers in
swamp sediments by the activity of the faults on the sea shore. The present-day
sea-level has been seen at still-stand period for the last millenia.


  • Akbulut, A.O. and Algan. I.M., 1985, Kocasu Çayı ağız kesiminde denizalti depolarmin bazı sedimantolojik özellikleri. İst. Üniv. Deniz Bil. ve Cogr. Enst. Bült., 2, 145-154.
  • Ardel, A., 1957, Marmara Denizi'nin tesekkülü ve tekamülü. Türk Cografya Dergisi, 17, 1-14
  • , 1968, Turkiye Kıyılarının teşekkül ve tekamülüne toplu bir bakış, Türk Cografya Dergisi, 24/25, 1-6
  • Barka, A.A. and Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988, Strike-slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on earthquake activity. Tectonics, 7, 663-684.
  • Beşiktepe, T.T., 1991, Some aspects of the circulation and dynamics of the Sea of Marmara, Ph.D. Thesis, Inst. Marine Sciences. METU, 195 pp., İçel.
  • Coleman, J.M. and Roberts, H.H., 1988, Deltaic coastal wetlands. In: Coastal Lowlands Geology and Geotechnology (ed. by W.J.M. Van der Linden, S.A.P.L. Cloeting, J.P.K. Kaasschieter, J. Vanderberghe, W.J.E. Van der Graaf and J.A.M Van der Gun) Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1-24, Dordrecht.
  • El Sohby, M.A., Mazen, S.O., Abou-Shook, M. and Bahr, M.A., 1989, Coastal development of Nile Delta. In: Coastal Lowlands Geology and Geotechnology (ed. by W.J.M. Van der Linden, S.A.P.L. Cloeting, J.P.K, Kaasschieter, J.P.K, J. Vanderberghe, W.J.E. Van der Graaf and J.A.M. Van der Gun). Kluwer Acad. Pub., 175-180, Dordrecht Elektrik İşleri Etüd İdaresi (EİE), 1993 Türkiye akarsularında sediment gözlemleri ve Sediment taşınım miktarları. EİE Genel Müdürlüğü, Yayl. no. 93-59.Ankara
  • ,1996, 1992 Su Yılı Akım Değerleri, EİE Genel Müdürlüğü Yayl No: 95-25, Ankara
  • Elliot, T., 1978, Deltas. In: Sedimentary Environments and Facies (ed. by H.G. Reading) Elsevier, 97-142, New york
  • Emre, 6., Kazancı, N., Erkal, T., Karabıyıkoğlu M. and Kuşçu, L, 1997a, Ulubat ve Manyas Gollerinin Oluşumu ve Yerleşim Tarihçesi. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG 426/G Raporu (Koord: N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara, 116-134
  • , , , Görmüş, S., Görür, N., Kuşçu, L, Karabıyıkoğlu, M. and Keçer, M., 1997b, Ulubat ve Manyas göllerinin oluşumu ve Güney Marmara'nın Kuvaterner evrimi. Marmara Deniz Araştırmaları Workshop-Ill (2-3 Haz. 1997). TÜBİTAK-MTA-ÜNİVERSİTE Ulusal Deniz Araştırmaları Programı (Koor. N. Görür), Genişletilmiş Bildiri Özetleri, 23-27, Ankara.
  • , Erkal, T., Tchepalyga, A., Kazancı, N., Keçer. M. and Ünay, E., 1998, Doğu Marmara'nın Neojen-Kuvaterner'deki Evrimi. MTA Bull., 120, 233-258.
  • Ergin, M., Saydam, C., Baştürk, S., Erdem, E. and Yörük. R., 1991, Heavy metal concentration in surface sediments from the two coastal inlets (Golden Horn Estuary and İzmit Bay) of the northeastern Sea of Marmara. Chem. Geology, 91, 269-285.
  • , Bodur, M.N., Yıldız M., Ediger, D., Ediger, V., Yemencioğlu, S. and Eryılmaz-Yücesoy, F., 1994, Sedimantation rates in the Sea of Marmara; a comparison of results based on organic carbonprimary productivity and 210 Pb dating. Continental Shelf Research, 14, 1371-1387.
  • , Kazancı N., Varol B., İleri Ö. and Karadenizli L..1996, Late Quaternary depositional enviroments on the southern Marmara shelf. Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, 2, 83-92.
  • Erinç, S., 1957, Karacabey Boğazı, İst. Üniv. Coğr. Enst. Derg., 8, 95-99.
  • Erkal, T. and Emre, Ö., 1997, Nilüfer Çayı (Bursa) Drenajının Kuruluşu ve Evrimi: Tektonizma-Drenaj İlişkileri Marmara Denizi'nin oluşumu ve Neojen- Kuvaterner'deki evrimi. Güney marmara bölgesinin Neojen ve Kuvaterner evrimi. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG 426/G Raporu (Koord: N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara 1-22.
  • Erol, O., 1969, Çanakkale Boğazı çevresinin jeomorfolojisi hakkında on not. Coğr. Araşt. Derg., 2, 53-71.
  • , 1991, Türkiye kıyılarında terkedilmiş tarihi limanlar ve bir gevre sorunu olarak kıyı çizgisi değişimlerinin önemi. İ.Ü. Deniz Bil. ve Coğr. Enst. Bült., 8, 1-44.
  • Galloway, W.E., 1975, Process framework for describing the morphologic and stratigraphic evaluation of deltaic depositional systems, In: Deltas, Model for Exploration (ed. by M.L. Broussard). Houston Geol. Soc., 87-98, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Görür, N., Çağatay, M.N., Sakınç, M., Sümengen, M., Şentürk, K., Yaltırak, C. and Tchepalyga, A., 1997a, Origin of the Sea of Marmara as deduced from the Neogene to Quaternery paleogeographic evolution of its frame. Intern. Geology Review, 39, 342-352.
  • and ; 1997b, Marmara Denizi'nin oluşumu ve Neojen-Kuvaterner'deki evrimi. Güney Marmara bölgesinin Neojen ve Kuvaterner evrimi. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG 426/G Raporu (Koord: N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara 1-22.
  • Gülbabazade, T., 1997, Anzeli Gölü (KD İran) civarındaki Kuvaterner istifinin incelenmesi (Doktora Tezi), A.I). Fen bilimleri Enst., Ankara 121 pp. (Unpubl).,
  • Hoekstra, P., 1989, The development of two major Indonesian river deltas: morphology and sedimentary aspects of the Solo and Porong deltas, East Java. In: Coastal Lowlands:" Geology and Geotechnology (ed. by W.J.M. Van der Linden, S.A.P.L. Cloeting, , J.P.K. Kaasschieter, J. Vanderberghe, W.J.E. Van der Graaf and J.A.M. Van der Gun). Kluwer Acad. Pub., 143-160, Dordrecht.
  • Kazancı, N., Bayhan, E., Süleyman, N. Şahbaz, A., İleri, Ö., Özdoğan, M., Temel, A. and Ekmekçi, E., 1997a, Manyas Gölü ve güncel tortulları: TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG-426/G no.lu proje raporu (Koord. N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara, 192-243.
  • , N., Emre, 6., Erkal, T., Görür, N., Ergin, M. and ileri, Ö., 1997b. Kocasu ve Gönen deltalarının Morfolojisi ve Tortul yapısı: TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG-' 426/G no.lu proje raporu (Koord. N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara, 140-169.
  • Meteoroloji Bülteni, 1974, Ortalama, Ekstrem Sıcaklık ve Yağıs Değerleri Bülteni. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdüğrlüğü, Başbakanlık Basimevi, Ankara. , 1984, Ortalama, Ekstrem Sıcaklık ve Yağış Değerleri Bülteni Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Başbakanlık Basimevi, Ankara Orton, G.J., 1988, A spectrum of Middle Ordovician fan deltas and braid plain delta, North Wales: a consequence of varying flourise clastic input, In: Fan Deltas; Sedimentology and Tectonic Settings (ed. by W. Nemec and R.J. Stell). Blackie Pub., Glasgow 23-49.
  • , and Reading, H.G., 1993, Variability of deltaic processes in terms of sediment supply with particular emphasis on grain size. Sedimentology. 40. 475-512.
  • Oti, M.N. and Postma, G. (Eds.), 1995, Geology of Deltas. Balkema Pub. Comp., Rotterdam 480.
  • Özsoy, E., Oguz T., Latif, M.A. and Ünlüata, Ü.. 1986. Oceanography of the Turkish Straits. First Annual Report, Inst. Marine Sciences, METU, 1, İçel 269.
  • Postma, G., 1990, Depositional architecture and facies of river and fan deltas: a synthesis. ln:CoarseGrained Deltas (ed. by A. Colella and D.B.Prior). I AS. spec. Pub. 10; 13-28.
  • Reading, H.G. and Collinson, J.D., 1996, Clastic Coast. (Ed. H.G. Reading), Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy Blackweil. London; 154-231.
  • Reineck, H.E and Singh, I.E., 1980, Depositional Sedimentary Environments (2nd Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 439.
  • Sayılı, İ.S., Ergin, M., Şahbaz, A., Özdoğan, M., Varol, B. İleri, 6., Bayhan, E., Görmüş, S., Turan. S.D. and Soydemir, Ö., 1997, Kocasu deltası plajı kıyı tortullarının sedimantolojik ve mineralojik özellikleri. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG-426/G -no.lu proje raporu (Koord. N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara. 170-191.
  • Scruton, P.C., 1960, Delta building and the deltaic sequence. In: Recent Sediments. Northwest Gulf of Mexico (ed. by F.P. Shepard, F.B. Phleger and Tj.H. van Andel). AAPG Pub., Tulsa, 82-102.
  • Stanley, D.J. and Blanpied, C., 1980. Late Quaternary water exchange between the eastern Mediterranean and the Black sea. Nature, 285, 537-541.
  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. and Boray, A., 1987. Türkiye'nin Aktif Fayları ve Depremsellikleri, MTA Rep. no: 8174 (Unpublished). Ankara
  • ; and Kuşçu, İ., 1992. Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası, MTA publ., Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N. and Şaroğlu, F., 1985, Strikeslip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study. In: Strike-slip deformation, basin formation, and sedimentation (ed. by K.T. Biddle and N. ChristieBlick). Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Spec. Publ..37, 227-264.
  • Whateley, M.G.K. and Pickering, K.T. (Eds.), 1989, Deltas; Sites and Traps for Fossil Fuels. Geol. Soc. Pub. No: 41, Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Wright, L.D., 1985, River Deltas, In: Coastal Sedimentary Environments 2nd (ed. by R.A. Davies). Springer Verlag, New York 1-76.
  • Zubakov, V.A., 1993, The Caspian Sea level oscillations in the geological past and its forecast. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology Bull.. 8, 65-70


Yıl 1999, Cilt: 121 Sayı: 121, 1 - 18, 01.02.1999


In the southern coastal zone of the Sea of Marmara (northwestern Turkey), two important rivers. Kocasu and Gönen, debouch into the sea, with a distance of less than 80 km from each other. The discharge and transport of appreciable amounts of sediment load are due to the prevailing semi-arid climate with wet-winter seasons. The sedimentary input of Kocasu and Gönen rivers have produced two quite morphologically different delta systems. The Gönen river delta is lobate and fluvialdominated with sediment accumulation having a progradation of 5.5 km and subaerial plain of 28 km2 totally. The meandering distributary channels and a number of small lagoonal lakes are the main elements of the delta plain. The input of sediment is abundantly bedload and has resulted in the development of a triangular delta plain, with a slight shifting towards the east. A steplike scarp at 6 m altitude divides the plain into two parts. Two drillings of DSl at apex of the delta show that overall deltaic sequence is 65 m thick, however delta plain sediments are generally 6 m thick. The Kocasu delta is characterized as a highly mud-dominated delta, a specimen of a destructive, curvi-linear delta type. It is a wave-dominated river delta with a 3.5 km of progradation and a subaerial plain of 48 km2 . The present Kocasu delta has only one straight, major channel. The extensive lateral growth of the delta is provided by wave actions, mostly created by northeasterly winter winds. Fluvial sediments on the delta plain are limited extent. Consequently, actual fluvial sedimentation on the delta plain is low and, two lagoonal lakes, swamps, cheniers, dunes and a long sandy beach are the basic morphological elements of delta plain. A step-like morphology at 4 m altitude, similar to that of Gönen river delta, separates the delta plain to a relatively older and a younger formations. Total thickness of the deltaic sediment body is estimated to be 55-60 m by graphic correlations. Both deltas abound in active right lateral strikeslip faults and their depositional areas were limited by bedrocks on the seashore. Limitation is very typical and sharp in the Kocasu delta due to the presence of fault scarps on the Palaeozoic metamorphics. Geomorphology of drainage areas shows that the modern Kocasu and Gönen river deltas are synchronique deposits and they must have began to develop in early Holocene. The step-like morphology on delta plains may indicate a global sea-level fall to the present level, most probably since the last climatic optimum. Later, local sea-level changes in Kocasu area took place, creating long cheniers in swamp sediments by the activity of the faults on the sea shore. The present-day sea-level has been seen at still-stand period for the last millenia.


  • Akbulut, A.O. and Algan. I.M., 1985, Kocasu Çayı ağız kesiminde denizalti depolarmin bazı sedimantolojik özellikleri. İst. Üniv. Deniz Bil. ve Cogr. Enst. Bült., 2, 145-154.
  • Ardel, A., 1957, Marmara Denizi'nin tesekkülü ve tekamülü. Türk Cografya Dergisi, 17, 1-14
  • , 1968, Turkiye Kıyılarının teşekkül ve tekamülüne toplu bir bakış, Türk Cografya Dergisi, 24/25, 1-6
  • Barka, A.A. and Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988, Strike-slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on earthquake activity. Tectonics, 7, 663-684.
  • Beşiktepe, T.T., 1991, Some aspects of the circulation and dynamics of the Sea of Marmara, Ph.D. Thesis, Inst. Marine Sciences. METU, 195 pp., İçel.
  • Coleman, J.M. and Roberts, H.H., 1988, Deltaic coastal wetlands. In: Coastal Lowlands Geology and Geotechnology (ed. by W.J.M. Van der Linden, S.A.P.L. Cloeting, J.P.K. Kaasschieter, J. Vanderberghe, W.J.E. Van der Graaf and J.A.M Van der Gun) Kluwer Acad. Pub., 1-24, Dordrecht.
  • El Sohby, M.A., Mazen, S.O., Abou-Shook, M. and Bahr, M.A., 1989, Coastal development of Nile Delta. In: Coastal Lowlands Geology and Geotechnology (ed. by W.J.M. Van der Linden, S.A.P.L. Cloeting, J.P.K, Kaasschieter, J.P.K, J. Vanderberghe, W.J.E. Van der Graaf and J.A.M. Van der Gun). Kluwer Acad. Pub., 175-180, Dordrecht Elektrik İşleri Etüd İdaresi (EİE), 1993 Türkiye akarsularında sediment gözlemleri ve Sediment taşınım miktarları. EİE Genel Müdürlüğü, Yayl. no. 93-59.Ankara
  • ,1996, 1992 Su Yılı Akım Değerleri, EİE Genel Müdürlüğü Yayl No: 95-25, Ankara
  • Elliot, T., 1978, Deltas. In: Sedimentary Environments and Facies (ed. by H.G. Reading) Elsevier, 97-142, New york
  • Emre, 6., Kazancı, N., Erkal, T., Karabıyıkoğlu M. and Kuşçu, L, 1997a, Ulubat ve Manyas Gollerinin Oluşumu ve Yerleşim Tarihçesi. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG 426/G Raporu (Koord: N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara, 116-134
  • , , , Görmüş, S., Görür, N., Kuşçu, L, Karabıyıkoğlu, M. and Keçer, M., 1997b, Ulubat ve Manyas göllerinin oluşumu ve Güney Marmara'nın Kuvaterner evrimi. Marmara Deniz Araştırmaları Workshop-Ill (2-3 Haz. 1997). TÜBİTAK-MTA-ÜNİVERSİTE Ulusal Deniz Araştırmaları Programı (Koor. N. Görür), Genişletilmiş Bildiri Özetleri, 23-27, Ankara.
  • , Erkal, T., Tchepalyga, A., Kazancı, N., Keçer. M. and Ünay, E., 1998, Doğu Marmara'nın Neojen-Kuvaterner'deki Evrimi. MTA Bull., 120, 233-258.
  • Ergin, M., Saydam, C., Baştürk, S., Erdem, E. and Yörük. R., 1991, Heavy metal concentration in surface sediments from the two coastal inlets (Golden Horn Estuary and İzmit Bay) of the northeastern Sea of Marmara. Chem. Geology, 91, 269-285.
  • , Bodur, M.N., Yıldız M., Ediger, D., Ediger, V., Yemencioğlu, S. and Eryılmaz-Yücesoy, F., 1994, Sedimantation rates in the Sea of Marmara; a comparison of results based on organic carbonprimary productivity and 210 Pb dating. Continental Shelf Research, 14, 1371-1387.
  • , Kazancı N., Varol B., İleri Ö. and Karadenizli L..1996, Late Quaternary depositional enviroments on the southern Marmara shelf. Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, 2, 83-92.
  • Erinç, S., 1957, Karacabey Boğazı, İst. Üniv. Coğr. Enst. Derg., 8, 95-99.
  • Erkal, T. and Emre, Ö., 1997, Nilüfer Çayı (Bursa) Drenajının Kuruluşu ve Evrimi: Tektonizma-Drenaj İlişkileri Marmara Denizi'nin oluşumu ve Neojen- Kuvaterner'deki evrimi. Güney marmara bölgesinin Neojen ve Kuvaterner evrimi. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG 426/G Raporu (Koord: N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara 1-22.
  • Erol, O., 1969, Çanakkale Boğazı çevresinin jeomorfolojisi hakkında on not. Coğr. Araşt. Derg., 2, 53-71.
  • , 1991, Türkiye kıyılarında terkedilmiş tarihi limanlar ve bir gevre sorunu olarak kıyı çizgisi değişimlerinin önemi. İ.Ü. Deniz Bil. ve Coğr. Enst. Bült., 8, 1-44.
  • Galloway, W.E., 1975, Process framework for describing the morphologic and stratigraphic evaluation of deltaic depositional systems, In: Deltas, Model for Exploration (ed. by M.L. Broussard). Houston Geol. Soc., 87-98, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Görür, N., Çağatay, M.N., Sakınç, M., Sümengen, M., Şentürk, K., Yaltırak, C. and Tchepalyga, A., 1997a, Origin of the Sea of Marmara as deduced from the Neogene to Quaternery paleogeographic evolution of its frame. Intern. Geology Review, 39, 342-352.
  • and ; 1997b, Marmara Denizi'nin oluşumu ve Neojen-Kuvaterner'deki evrimi. Güney Marmara bölgesinin Neojen ve Kuvaterner evrimi. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG 426/G Raporu (Koord: N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara 1-22.
  • Gülbabazade, T., 1997, Anzeli Gölü (KD İran) civarındaki Kuvaterner istifinin incelenmesi (Doktora Tezi), A.I). Fen bilimleri Enst., Ankara 121 pp. (Unpubl).,
  • Hoekstra, P., 1989, The development of two major Indonesian river deltas: morphology and sedimentary aspects of the Solo and Porong deltas, East Java. In: Coastal Lowlands:" Geology and Geotechnology (ed. by W.J.M. Van der Linden, S.A.P.L. Cloeting, , J.P.K. Kaasschieter, J. Vanderberghe, W.J.E. Van der Graaf and J.A.M. Van der Gun). Kluwer Acad. Pub., 143-160, Dordrecht.
  • Kazancı, N., Bayhan, E., Süleyman, N. Şahbaz, A., İleri, Ö., Özdoğan, M., Temel, A. and Ekmekçi, E., 1997a, Manyas Gölü ve güncel tortulları: TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG-426/G no.lu proje raporu (Koord. N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara, 192-243.
  • , N., Emre, 6., Erkal, T., Görür, N., Ergin, M. and ileri, Ö., 1997b. Kocasu ve Gönen deltalarının Morfolojisi ve Tortul yapısı: TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG-' 426/G no.lu proje raporu (Koord. N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara, 140-169.
  • Meteoroloji Bülteni, 1974, Ortalama, Ekstrem Sıcaklık ve Yağıs Değerleri Bülteni. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdüğrlüğü, Başbakanlık Basimevi, Ankara. , 1984, Ortalama, Ekstrem Sıcaklık ve Yağış Değerleri Bülteni Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Başbakanlık Basimevi, Ankara Orton, G.J., 1988, A spectrum of Middle Ordovician fan deltas and braid plain delta, North Wales: a consequence of varying flourise clastic input, In: Fan Deltas; Sedimentology and Tectonic Settings (ed. by W. Nemec and R.J. Stell). Blackie Pub., Glasgow 23-49.
  • , and Reading, H.G., 1993, Variability of deltaic processes in terms of sediment supply with particular emphasis on grain size. Sedimentology. 40. 475-512.
  • Oti, M.N. and Postma, G. (Eds.), 1995, Geology of Deltas. Balkema Pub. Comp., Rotterdam 480.
  • Özsoy, E., Oguz T., Latif, M.A. and Ünlüata, Ü.. 1986. Oceanography of the Turkish Straits. First Annual Report, Inst. Marine Sciences, METU, 1, İçel 269.
  • Postma, G., 1990, Depositional architecture and facies of river and fan deltas: a synthesis. ln:CoarseGrained Deltas (ed. by A. Colella and D.B.Prior). I AS. spec. Pub. 10; 13-28.
  • Reading, H.G. and Collinson, J.D., 1996, Clastic Coast. (Ed. H.G. Reading), Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy Blackweil. London; 154-231.
  • Reineck, H.E and Singh, I.E., 1980, Depositional Sedimentary Environments (2nd Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 439.
  • Sayılı, İ.S., Ergin, M., Şahbaz, A., Özdoğan, M., Varol, B. İleri, 6., Bayhan, E., Görmüş, S., Turan. S.D. and Soydemir, Ö., 1997, Kocasu deltası plajı kıyı tortullarının sedimantolojik ve mineralojik özellikleri. TÜBİTAK YDABÇAG-426/G -no.lu proje raporu (Koord. N. Kazancı ve N. Görür) Ankara. 170-191.
  • Scruton, P.C., 1960, Delta building and the deltaic sequence. In: Recent Sediments. Northwest Gulf of Mexico (ed. by F.P. Shepard, F.B. Phleger and Tj.H. van Andel). AAPG Pub., Tulsa, 82-102.
  • Stanley, D.J. and Blanpied, C., 1980. Late Quaternary water exchange between the eastern Mediterranean and the Black sea. Nature, 285, 537-541.
  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. and Boray, A., 1987. Türkiye'nin Aktif Fayları ve Depremsellikleri, MTA Rep. no: 8174 (Unpublished). Ankara
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Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Nizamettin Kazancı

Ömer Emre Bu kişi benim

Tevfik Erkal

Özden İleri Bu kişi benim

Mustafa Ergin

Naci Görür Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 121 Sayı: 121

Kaynak Göster

APA Kazancı, N., Emre, Ö., Erkal, T., İleri, Ö., vd. (1999). MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF ACTUAL KOCASU AND GÖNEN RİVER DELTAS, MARMARA SEA, NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 121(121), 1-18.
Chicago Kazancı, Nizamettin, Ömer Emre, Tevfik Erkal, Özden İleri, Mustafa Ergin, ve Naci Görür. “MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF ACTUAL KOCASU AND GÖNEN RİVER DELTAS, MARMARA SEA, NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 121, sy. 121 (Şubat 1999): 1-18.
EndNote Kazancı N, Emre Ö, Erkal T, İleri Ö, Ergin M, Görür N (01 Şubat 1999) MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF ACTUAL KOCASU AND GÖNEN RİVER DELTAS, MARMARA SEA, NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 121 121 1–18.
IEEE N. Kazancı, Ö. Emre, T. Erkal, Ö. İleri, M. Ergin, ve N. Görür, “MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF ACTUAL KOCASU AND GÖNEN RİVER DELTAS, MARMARA SEA, NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 121, sy. 121, ss. 1–18, 1999.
ISNAD Kazancı, Nizamettin vd. “MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF ACTUAL KOCASU AND GÖNEN RİVER DELTAS, MARMARA SEA, NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 121/121 (Şubat 1999), 1-18.
MLA Kazancı, Nizamettin vd. “MORPHOLOGY AND SEDIMENTARY FACIES OF ACTUAL KOCASU AND GÖNEN RİVER DELTAS, MARMARA SEA, NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 121, sy. 121, 1999, ss. 1-18.

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