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Yıl 2002, Cilt: 125 Sayı: 125, 58 - 59, 01.06.2002


The and space
relationships of sedimentary environments and depositional evolution of Sivas Miocene
Basin is studied south of Zara town. 2 formations and 4 members are defined.
Early Miocene Ağılkaya formation (1900 m) is composed of Karayün member
(alluvial fan and fluvial deposits), Hafik member (sabkhaic gypsums) and
Karacaören member (shallow marine). On the other hand Early-Middle Miocene Eğribucak
formation (550 m) is only represented by Sekitarla member (fluvial deposits) in
this part of the basin. Facies analyses reveal 13 lithofacies representing
deposition in lagoon to shallow marine, tidal flat, playa and sabkha, alluvial
fan and fluvial environments. The currently debated and controversial relative
age of the Hafik member gypsum deposits is assigned to (?) Oligocene - Early
Miocene based on the stratigraphic relations observed throughout the basin.
Petrographic data together with North-Northwestern paleocurrent directions
indicate an ophiolithic source area situated to the South-Southeast of the


  • Aktimur, H.T.; Atalay, Z.; Tekirli, M.E.; Ateş, Ş. ve Yurdakul, M.E., 1988, Munzur Dağları ile Ça- vuşdağı arasının jeolojisi: MTA Rap. 8320 (yayımlanmamış).
  • Arakel, A. V., 1980, Genesis and diagenesis of Holocene evaporitic sediments in Hurt and Leeman Lagoons, VVestern Australia. J. Sedimen. Petrol., 50 (4), 1305-1326.
  • Artan, Ü. ve Seslini, G., 1971, Sivas-Zara-Beypmarı bölgesinin jeolojisi: MTA Derg., 76, 80-97.
  • Atalay, Z., 1993, Sivas'ın batı ve güneybatısındaki çökellerin stratigrafisi ve çökel ortamları, Sivas Baseni Oturumu, Cumhuriyet Univ. Müh. Fak., 6-8.
  • Baykal, F. ve Erentöz, C. 1966, Explanotory note of 1/500 000 scale geological map, Sivas sheet. Bull. MTA, 116 s.
  • Brenchley, P. J., 1985, Storm influenced sandstone beds. Mod. Geol., 9, 369-396.
  • Brierley, G. J.; Liu, K. ve Crook, K. A. W., 1993, Sedimentology of coarse-grained alluvial fans in the Markham Valley, Papua New Guinea. Sediment. Geol., 86, 297-324.
  • Bull, W. B., 1972, Recognition of alluvial-fan deposits in the stratigraphc record. in: Recognition of Ancient Sedimentary Environments. J. K. Rigby and W. K. Hamblin (Eds.), Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral. Spec. Publ., 16, 63-83.
  • Butler, G. P.; Harris, P. M. ve Kendall, A. C. 1982, Recent evaporites from the Abu Dhabi coas- tal flats. in: Third Symposium on Salt (Ed. By
  • J. L. Rau and L. F. Dellwig), Northern Ohio Geological Society, Cleveland, 120-152.
  • Cater, J. M. L.; Hanna. S. S.; Ries, A.C. ve Turner, R., 1991, Tertiary evolution of the Sivas Basin, central Turkey: Tectonophysics, 195.
  • Curray, J. R., 1969, Estuaries, lagoons, tidal flats and deltas. in: The New Concepts of Continental Margin Sedimentation: Application to the Geological Record, D. J. Stanley (Ed.), American Geological Institute, Washington, 1-30.
  • Çiner, A.; Koşun, E. ve Çubuk, Y., 1995, Sivas hav- zasının sedimantolojisi, ekonomik potan- siyeli ve çevrimsel sedimantasyona örnekler. Tübitak Rapor no: YBAG-064, 112s.
  • ve 1996a, Hafik Güneyindeki (Sivas Havzası) Oligo-Miyosen yaşlı çökellerin stratigrafisi ve sedimantolojisi. TPJD Bült., 8, 1,16-34.
  • ve 1996b, Lütesiyen yaşlı Yeşildere yelpaze-deltasının gelişimi: Sivas Havzası. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakül- tesi Dergisi, Seri-A Yerbilimleri, c.13, n: 16, 67-92.
  • Çubuk, Y.; Kayan, T.; Kayakıran, S.; Ocakoğlu, F.; Karakullukçu, T.; Kurt, L; Koşun, E.; Cadoğ- lu, F. ve Ozansoy, C., 1994, Sivas Tersiyer havzasının doğusunun jeolojisi ve sölestin yatakları: MTA Rap. 9700 (yayımlanmamış).
  • DeCelles, P. G.; Gray, M. B.; Ridgvvay, K. D.; Cole, R. B.; Pivnik, D. A.; Pequera, N. ve Srivastava, P., 1991, Controls on synorogenic alluvial- fan architecture, Beartooth conglomerate (Palaeocene), Wyoming and Montana. Sedimentology, 38, 567-590.
  • Dott, R. H. ve Bourgeois, J., 1982, Hummocky strati- fication: significance of its variable bedding sequences. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 93, 663- 680.
  • Dronkert, H., 1985, Evaporite models and Sedimen- tology of Messinian and Recent evaporites. GUA Papers of Geology, Series 1, No: 24.
  • Duke, W. L; Arnott, R. C. ve Chell, R. J., 1991, Shelf sandstones and hummocky cross-stratifica- tion: new insights on a stormy debate. Geology, 19,625-628.
  • Folk, R. L., 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone type. in: W.E. Ham (ed), Classification of Car- bonate rocks. AAPG, Memoir 1, 62-84.
  • , 1968, Petrology of Sedimentary rocks. Hemphill's Drawer M. Univ. Station, Austin, 170pp.
  • Gloppen, T. G. ve Steel, R. J., 1981, The deposits , internal structure and geometry in six alluvial fan-fan delta bodies (Devonian-Norway)-a study in the significance of bedding sequen- ce in conglomerates. in: Recent and Ancient Nonmarine Depositional Environments: Models for Exploration. F. G. Ethridge and R. M. Flores (Eds.), Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral. Spec. Publ., 31, 49-69.
  • Gökçen, S. L., 1981, Zara-Hafik güneyindeki Paleojen istifinin sedimantolojisi ve paleo- coğrafik evrimi: Hacettepe Univ., Yerbilimleri Derg., 8,1-25.
  • ve Kelling, G., 1985, Oligocene deposits of the Zara-Hafik region {Sivas, Central Tur- key); evolution from storm-infuenced shelf to evaporitic basin: Geol. Rundschau, 74-1, 139-153.
  • Gökten, E., 1983, Şarkışla (Sivas) güney-güney- doğu'sunun stratigrafisi ve jeolojik evrimi: TJK Bült., C. 26, 2, 167-177.
  • genesis in a Holocene Continental sabkha- playa basin-Bristol Dry Lake, California. Sedimentology, 29, 239-253.
  • Hardie, L. A. ve Eugster, H. P., 1971, The deposi- tional environment of marine evaporites: a case for shallow, clastic accumulation. Sedimentology, 16, 187-220.
  • Harms, J. C., Southard, J. B., Spearing, D. R. ve Wal- ker, R. G., 1975, Depositional environments as interpreted from primary Sedimentary Structures and stratification seguences. Short Course Lecture Notes No: 2, Society of Economic Paleontologist and Mineralogist. Tulsa, 86p.
  • Hussain, M. ve VVarren, J. K., 1989, Nodular and en- terolithic gypsum: the "sabkhatization" of Salt Fiat playa, West Texas. Sediment. Geol., 64, 13-24.
  • Jeffrey, D. ve Aigner, T., 1982, Storm sedimentation on the Carboniferous Limestones near Wes- ton-Super-Mare (Dinantian, SW. England) in: "Cyclic and Event Stratification". Einsele, G. And Seilacher, W. (Eds.), Springer Ver- lag, 240-247.
  • Kangal, Ö., ve Varol, B., 2000, Sivas Havzası Alt Miyosen istifinde havza kenarı fasiyesleri. TPJD Bült. 11, 1,31-53.
  • Kazancı, N., 1979, Haramiköy konglomeralarının özellikleri (Nallıhan KD/Ankara). TJK Bült., 22, 68-76.
  • Kendall, A. C., 1984, Evaporites, in: Facies Models.
  • R. G. Walker (Ed.), Geosci. Reprint Series, 1, 259-296.
  • ve VVarren, J. K., 1988, Peritidal evaporites and their Sedimentary assemblages. in: Evaporites and Hydrocarbons. C. Schreiber (Ed.), Columbia University Press, New York, 66-138.
  • Kreisa, R. D. ve Moiola, R. J., 1986, Sigmoidal tidal bundles and other tide-generated Sedimen- tary Structures of the Curtis Formation, Utah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 97, 381-387.
  • Kurtman, F., 1961, Stratigraphie der gidsablager ungen im Bereiche von Sivas (Zentral Anatolian). MTA Dergisi, 55,13-16.
  • Kurtman, F., 1973, Sivas-Hafik-Zara ve imranlı böl- gesinin jeolojik ve tektonik yapısı MTA Derg., 80,1-32.
  • Larsen, V. ve Steel, R. J., 1978, The Sedimentary his- tory of a debris-flow dominated Devonian al- luvial fan-a study of textural inversion. Sedimentology, 25, 37-59.
  • Lowe, D.R., 1982, Sediment gravity flows: II. Depositional models with special referenee to the deposits of high-density turbidity cur- rents: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 52, 279-297.
  • Maizels, J.K., 1989, Sedimentology, paleoflow dynamics and flood history of jokulhlaup deposits : paleohydrology of Holocene Sedi- ment sequences in southem lceland sandur deposits . J. Sedimen. Petrol., 59, 204-223.
  • Miall, A. D., 1977, A review of the braided-river depo- sitional environment. Earth-Sci. Rev., v. 13, p. 1-62.
  • Nemec, W. ve Steel, R. J., 1984, Alluvial and coastal conglomerates: their significant features and some comments on gravelfy mass-flow deposits, in: E. H. Koster and R. J. Steel (editors), Sedimentology of Gravels and conglomerates. Can. Soc. Pet. Geol. Mem., 11,1-31.
  • Poisson, A. M.; Guezou, J. C.; Öztürk, A.; inan, S.; Temiz, H.; Gürsoy, H.; Kavak, Özden, S., 1996: Tectonic setting and evolution of the Sivas Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Int. Geol. Rev. 38, 838-853.
  • Ramos, A.; Sopena, A. ve Perez-Artucea, M., 1986, Evolution of Buntsandstein fluvial sedimen- tation in the northwest Iberian ranges (Cent- ral Spain). J. Sedimen. Petrol., 56, 862-875.
  • Reineck, H. E. ve Singh, l. B., 1980, Depositional Sedimentary Environments. Springer-Ver- lag, New York.
  • Ries, A. C., 1985, Geological appraisal of the Sivas Basin, Turkey. Earth Sciences and Research Inst. Rep. No: ET/85/2 U. of Carolina, 191 p.
  • Rust, B. R., 1972, Structure and process in
  • Rust, B. R.,1978, Depositional models for braided al- luvium. !n: Fluvial Sedimentology. Miall, A. D. (Ed.), Mem. Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol., 5, 605-625.
  • ve Koster, E. H., 1984, Coarse alluvial deposits, in: Facies Models. Walker, R.G. (Ed.). Geo Sci.Can. Reprint Ser. 1, 53-70.
  • Schreiber, B. C. ve Decima, A., 1976, Sedimentary facies produced under evaporitic environ- ments: a review. Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital., 16, 11-126.
  • , Friedman, G. M., Decima, A. ve Schreiber, E., 1976, Depositional environments of Up- per Miocene (Messinian) evaporite deposits of the Sicilian Basin. Sedimentology, 23, 729-760.
  • Shultz, A. W., 1984, Subaerial debris-flow deposition in the Upper Paleozoic Güller Formation, VVestern Colarado. Jour. Sed. Petrology, 54, 759-772.
  • Smith, G. A. , 1986, Coarse-grained nonmarine vol- caniclastic Sediment: terminology and depo- sitional process. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 97, 1- 10.
  • Sümengen, M.; Ünay, E.; Saraç, G.; Brujin, H.; Ter- lemez, l. ve Gürbüz. M., 1990, New Neogene rodent assemblages from Anatolia (Turkey): European Neogene Mammal Chronology, Plenum Press, 61-72.
  • Şengör, A.M.C.; Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75:181 -241.
  • Temindi, J. H. J., 1981, Origin and seguences of Sedimentary Structures in inshore mesotidal deposits of the North Sea. in: Holocene Marine Sedimentation in the North Sea Basin S. D. Nio, R. T. E. Shuttenhelm and Tj. C. E. van Weering, (Eds.), Spec. Publ. Int. Ass. Sediment., 5, 85-98.
  • Todd, S. P,, 1989, Stream-driven, high-density grav- elly traction carpets: Possible deposits in the Trabeg Conglomerate Formation, SW Ireland and some theoretical considerations of their Origin. Sedimentology, 36, 513-530.
  • Varol, B. ve Kazancı, N., 1983, Üst Kretase yaşlı bir gelgit topluluğunun fasiyes özellikleri. MTA Derg., 101/102, 14-19.
  • Visser, M. J., 1980, Neap-springs cycles reflected in Holocene subtidal large-scale bedform deposits : a preliminary note. Geology, 8, 543-546.
  • VVaresback, D. B. ve Turbeville, B. N., 1990, Evolution of a Plio-Pleistocene vol- canogenic-alluvial fan: the Puye Formation, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 102, 298-314.
  • VVarren, J. K., 1982, The hydrological setting, occur- rence and significance of gypsum in Late Quaternary salt lakes in South Australia. Sedimentology, 29, 211-244.
Yıl 2002, Cilt: 125 Sayı: 125, 58 - 59, 01.06.2002



  • Aktimur, H.T.; Atalay, Z.; Tekirli, M.E.; Ateş, Ş. ve Yurdakul, M.E., 1988, Munzur Dağları ile Ça- vuşdağı arasının jeolojisi: MTA Rap. 8320 (yayımlanmamış).
  • Arakel, A. V., 1980, Genesis and diagenesis of Holocene evaporitic sediments in Hurt and Leeman Lagoons, VVestern Australia. J. Sedimen. Petrol., 50 (4), 1305-1326.
  • Artan, Ü. ve Seslini, G., 1971, Sivas-Zara-Beypmarı bölgesinin jeolojisi: MTA Derg., 76, 80-97.
  • Atalay, Z., 1993, Sivas'ın batı ve güneybatısındaki çökellerin stratigrafisi ve çökel ortamları, Sivas Baseni Oturumu, Cumhuriyet Univ. Müh. Fak., 6-8.
  • Baykal, F. ve Erentöz, C. 1966, Explanotory note of 1/500 000 scale geological map, Sivas sheet. Bull. MTA, 116 s.
  • Brenchley, P. J., 1985, Storm influenced sandstone beds. Mod. Geol., 9, 369-396.
  • Brierley, G. J.; Liu, K. ve Crook, K. A. W., 1993, Sedimentology of coarse-grained alluvial fans in the Markham Valley, Papua New Guinea. Sediment. Geol., 86, 297-324.
  • Bull, W. B., 1972, Recognition of alluvial-fan deposits in the stratigraphc record. in: Recognition of Ancient Sedimentary Environments. J. K. Rigby and W. K. Hamblin (Eds.), Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral. Spec. Publ., 16, 63-83.
  • Butler, G. P.; Harris, P. M. ve Kendall, A. C. 1982, Recent evaporites from the Abu Dhabi coas- tal flats. in: Third Symposium on Salt (Ed. By
  • J. L. Rau and L. F. Dellwig), Northern Ohio Geological Society, Cleveland, 120-152.
  • Cater, J. M. L.; Hanna. S. S.; Ries, A.C. ve Turner, R., 1991, Tertiary evolution of the Sivas Basin, central Turkey: Tectonophysics, 195.
  • Curray, J. R., 1969, Estuaries, lagoons, tidal flats and deltas. in: The New Concepts of Continental Margin Sedimentation: Application to the Geological Record, D. J. Stanley (Ed.), American Geological Institute, Washington, 1-30.
  • Çiner, A.; Koşun, E. ve Çubuk, Y., 1995, Sivas hav- zasının sedimantolojisi, ekonomik potan- siyeli ve çevrimsel sedimantasyona örnekler. Tübitak Rapor no: YBAG-064, 112s.
  • ve 1996a, Hafik Güneyindeki (Sivas Havzası) Oligo-Miyosen yaşlı çökellerin stratigrafisi ve sedimantolojisi. TPJD Bült., 8, 1,16-34.
  • ve 1996b, Lütesiyen yaşlı Yeşildere yelpaze-deltasının gelişimi: Sivas Havzası. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakül- tesi Dergisi, Seri-A Yerbilimleri, c.13, n: 16, 67-92.
  • Çubuk, Y.; Kayan, T.; Kayakıran, S.; Ocakoğlu, F.; Karakullukçu, T.; Kurt, L; Koşun, E.; Cadoğ- lu, F. ve Ozansoy, C., 1994, Sivas Tersiyer havzasının doğusunun jeolojisi ve sölestin yatakları: MTA Rap. 9700 (yayımlanmamış).
  • DeCelles, P. G.; Gray, M. B.; Ridgvvay, K. D.; Cole, R. B.; Pivnik, D. A.; Pequera, N. ve Srivastava, P., 1991, Controls on synorogenic alluvial- fan architecture, Beartooth conglomerate (Palaeocene), Wyoming and Montana. Sedimentology, 38, 567-590.
  • Dott, R. H. ve Bourgeois, J., 1982, Hummocky strati- fication: significance of its variable bedding sequences. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 93, 663- 680.
  • Dronkert, H., 1985, Evaporite models and Sedimen- tology of Messinian and Recent evaporites. GUA Papers of Geology, Series 1, No: 24.
  • Duke, W. L; Arnott, R. C. ve Chell, R. J., 1991, Shelf sandstones and hummocky cross-stratifica- tion: new insights on a stormy debate. Geology, 19,625-628.
  • Folk, R. L., 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone type. in: W.E. Ham (ed), Classification of Car- bonate rocks. AAPG, Memoir 1, 62-84.
  • , 1968, Petrology of Sedimentary rocks. Hemphill's Drawer M. Univ. Station, Austin, 170pp.
  • Gloppen, T. G. ve Steel, R. J., 1981, The deposits , internal structure and geometry in six alluvial fan-fan delta bodies (Devonian-Norway)-a study in the significance of bedding sequen- ce in conglomerates. in: Recent and Ancient Nonmarine Depositional Environments: Models for Exploration. F. G. Ethridge and R. M. Flores (Eds.), Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral. Spec. Publ., 31, 49-69.
  • Gökçen, S. L., 1981, Zara-Hafik güneyindeki Paleojen istifinin sedimantolojisi ve paleo- coğrafik evrimi: Hacettepe Univ., Yerbilimleri Derg., 8,1-25.
  • ve Kelling, G., 1985, Oligocene deposits of the Zara-Hafik region {Sivas, Central Tur- key); evolution from storm-infuenced shelf to evaporitic basin: Geol. Rundschau, 74-1, 139-153.
  • Gökten, E., 1983, Şarkışla (Sivas) güney-güney- doğu'sunun stratigrafisi ve jeolojik evrimi: TJK Bült., C. 26, 2, 167-177.
  • genesis in a Holocene Continental sabkha- playa basin-Bristol Dry Lake, California. Sedimentology, 29, 239-253.
  • Hardie, L. A. ve Eugster, H. P., 1971, The deposi- tional environment of marine evaporites: a case for shallow, clastic accumulation. Sedimentology, 16, 187-220.
  • Harms, J. C., Southard, J. B., Spearing, D. R. ve Wal- ker, R. G., 1975, Depositional environments as interpreted from primary Sedimentary Structures and stratification seguences. Short Course Lecture Notes No: 2, Society of Economic Paleontologist and Mineralogist. Tulsa, 86p.
  • Hussain, M. ve VVarren, J. K., 1989, Nodular and en- terolithic gypsum: the "sabkhatization" of Salt Fiat playa, West Texas. Sediment. Geol., 64, 13-24.
  • Jeffrey, D. ve Aigner, T., 1982, Storm sedimentation on the Carboniferous Limestones near Wes- ton-Super-Mare (Dinantian, SW. England) in: "Cyclic and Event Stratification". Einsele, G. And Seilacher, W. (Eds.), Springer Ver- lag, 240-247.
  • Kangal, Ö., ve Varol, B., 2000, Sivas Havzası Alt Miyosen istifinde havza kenarı fasiyesleri. TPJD Bült. 11, 1,31-53.
  • Kazancı, N., 1979, Haramiköy konglomeralarının özellikleri (Nallıhan KD/Ankara). TJK Bült., 22, 68-76.
  • Kendall, A. C., 1984, Evaporites, in: Facies Models.
  • R. G. Walker (Ed.), Geosci. Reprint Series, 1, 259-296.
  • ve VVarren, J. K., 1988, Peritidal evaporites and their Sedimentary assemblages. in: Evaporites and Hydrocarbons. C. Schreiber (Ed.), Columbia University Press, New York, 66-138.
  • Kreisa, R. D. ve Moiola, R. J., 1986, Sigmoidal tidal bundles and other tide-generated Sedimen- tary Structures of the Curtis Formation, Utah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 97, 381-387.
  • Kurtman, F., 1961, Stratigraphie der gidsablager ungen im Bereiche von Sivas (Zentral Anatolian). MTA Dergisi, 55,13-16.
  • Kurtman, F., 1973, Sivas-Hafik-Zara ve imranlı böl- gesinin jeolojik ve tektonik yapısı MTA Derg., 80,1-32.
  • Larsen, V. ve Steel, R. J., 1978, The Sedimentary his- tory of a debris-flow dominated Devonian al- luvial fan-a study of textural inversion. Sedimentology, 25, 37-59.
  • Lowe, D.R., 1982, Sediment gravity flows: II. Depositional models with special referenee to the deposits of high-density turbidity cur- rents: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 52, 279-297.
  • Maizels, J.K., 1989, Sedimentology, paleoflow dynamics and flood history of jokulhlaup deposits : paleohydrology of Holocene Sedi- ment sequences in southem lceland sandur deposits . J. Sedimen. Petrol., 59, 204-223.
  • Miall, A. D., 1977, A review of the braided-river depo- sitional environment. Earth-Sci. Rev., v. 13, p. 1-62.
  • Nemec, W. ve Steel, R. J., 1984, Alluvial and coastal conglomerates: their significant features and some comments on gravelfy mass-flow deposits, in: E. H. Koster and R. J. Steel (editors), Sedimentology of Gravels and conglomerates. Can. Soc. Pet. Geol. Mem., 11,1-31.
  • Poisson, A. M.; Guezou, J. C.; Öztürk, A.; inan, S.; Temiz, H.; Gürsoy, H.; Kavak, Özden, S., 1996: Tectonic setting and evolution of the Sivas Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Int. Geol. Rev. 38, 838-853.
  • Ramos, A.; Sopena, A. ve Perez-Artucea, M., 1986, Evolution of Buntsandstein fluvial sedimen- tation in the northwest Iberian ranges (Cent- ral Spain). J. Sedimen. Petrol., 56, 862-875.
  • Reineck, H. E. ve Singh, l. B., 1980, Depositional Sedimentary Environments. Springer-Ver- lag, New York.
  • Ries, A. C., 1985, Geological appraisal of the Sivas Basin, Turkey. Earth Sciences and Research Inst. Rep. No: ET/85/2 U. of Carolina, 191 p.
  • Rust, B. R., 1972, Structure and process in
  • Rust, B. R.,1978, Depositional models for braided al- luvium. !n: Fluvial Sedimentology. Miall, A. D. (Ed.), Mem. Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol., 5, 605-625.
  • ve Koster, E. H., 1984, Coarse alluvial deposits, in: Facies Models. Walker, R.G. (Ed.). Geo Sci.Can. Reprint Ser. 1, 53-70.
  • Schreiber, B. C. ve Decima, A., 1976, Sedimentary facies produced under evaporitic environ- ments: a review. Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital., 16, 11-126.
  • , Friedman, G. M., Decima, A. ve Schreiber, E., 1976, Depositional environments of Up- per Miocene (Messinian) evaporite deposits of the Sicilian Basin. Sedimentology, 23, 729-760.
  • Shultz, A. W., 1984, Subaerial debris-flow deposition in the Upper Paleozoic Güller Formation, VVestern Colarado. Jour. Sed. Petrology, 54, 759-772.
  • Smith, G. A. , 1986, Coarse-grained nonmarine vol- caniclastic Sediment: terminology and depo- sitional process. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 97, 1- 10.
  • Sümengen, M.; Ünay, E.; Saraç, G.; Brujin, H.; Ter- lemez, l. ve Gürbüz. M., 1990, New Neogene rodent assemblages from Anatolia (Turkey): European Neogene Mammal Chronology, Plenum Press, 61-72.
  • Şengör, A.M.C.; Yılmaz, Y., 1981, Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75:181 -241.
  • Temindi, J. H. J., 1981, Origin and seguences of Sedimentary Structures in inshore mesotidal deposits of the North Sea. in: Holocene Marine Sedimentation in the North Sea Basin S. D. Nio, R. T. E. Shuttenhelm and Tj. C. E. van Weering, (Eds.), Spec. Publ. Int. Ass. Sediment., 5, 85-98.
  • Todd, S. P,, 1989, Stream-driven, high-density grav- elly traction carpets: Possible deposits in the Trabeg Conglomerate Formation, SW Ireland and some theoretical considerations of their Origin. Sedimentology, 36, 513-530.
  • Varol, B. ve Kazancı, N., 1983, Üst Kretase yaşlı bir gelgit topluluğunun fasiyes özellikleri. MTA Derg., 101/102, 14-19.
  • Visser, M. J., 1980, Neap-springs cycles reflected in Holocene subtidal large-scale bedform deposits : a preliminary note. Geology, 8, 543-546.
  • VVaresback, D. B. ve Turbeville, B. N., 1990, Evolution of a Plio-Pleistocene vol- canogenic-alluvial fan: the Puye Formation, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 102, 298-314.
  • VVarren, J. K., 1982, The hydrological setting, occur- rence and significance of gypsum in Late Quaternary salt lakes in South Australia. Sedimentology, 29, 211-244.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Erdal Koşun

Attila Çiner Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 125 Sayı: 125

Kaynak Göster

APA Koşun, E., & Çiner, A. (2002). LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTINENTAL - SHALLOW - MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS (ZARA - SİVAS). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 125(125), 58-59.
Chicago Koşun, Erdal, ve Attila Çiner. “LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTINENTAL - SHALLOW - MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS (ZARA - SİVAS)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 125, sy. 125 (Haziran 2002): 58-59.
EndNote Koşun E, Çiner A (01 Haziran 2002) LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTINENTAL - SHALLOW - MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS (ZARA - SİVAS). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 125 125 58–59.
ISNAD Koşun, Erdal - Çiner, Attila. “LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTINENTAL - SHALLOW - MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS (ZARA - SİVAS)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 125/125 (Haziran 2002), 58-59.
MLA Koşun, Erdal ve Attila Çiner. “LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTINENTAL - SHALLOW - MARINE MIOCENE DEPOSITS (ZARA - SİVAS)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 125, sy. 125, 2002, ss. 58-59.

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