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Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 130 Sayı: 130, 1 - 15, 01.11.2005


The Eskişehir fault zone which forms the north-northeastern boundary of the Western Anatolian
extensional region is situated between the İnegöl fault in the west and the Tuz Gölü fault in the east. Many
earthquakes with magnitudes ≥4 have occurred on the Eskişehir fault zone. Of these, the 20 February 1956
Eskişehir (Çukurhisar) earthquake (M=6.4) is the largest event recorded on this fault zone. On the other hand,
no remarkable earthquake activity has been recorded in historical and instrumental period on the İnönü –
Dodurga segment which is known to be active according to its morphological features and GPS measurements.
The İnönü – Dodurga segment is an oblique fault with right-lateral strike-slip component and extends in WNWESE
and E-W directions along a sharp morphologic lineation. The İnönü – Dodurga fault causes the termination
of the NW-SE striking right-lateral strike-slip faults situated to the south of the fault at the boundary of the İnönü
basin. Resistivity data show the presence of faults bounding the basin in the north and in the south as well as
buried faults. Hanging valleys are situated along the southern margin of the İnönü – Dodurga segment. The
earthquake records on the Eskişehir fault zone, geophysical data and the presence of the hanging valleys
indicate that the İnönü – Dodurga segment is active and plays an important role in the evolution of the recent


  • Aksu, A.E., Yaltırak, C. and Hiscott, R.N. 2002. Quaternary paleoclimatic-paleocenograp- hic and tectonic evolution of the Marmara Sea and environs. Marine Geology, 190, 9- 18.
  • Altunel, E. and Hancock, P.L. 1993. Active fissuring faulting in Quaternary travertines at Pamukkale, western Turkey. Stewart, I.S., Vita-Finzi, C. and Owen, L.A. (ed.). Neotectonics and Active Faulting da. Zeitschrift Geomorphologie Supplemen- tary, 94, 285-302.
  • ________ and Barka, A. 1998. Eskişehir fay zonunun İnönü-Sultandere arasında neotektonik aktivitesi. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 41, 2, 41-52.
  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R., Şaroğlu, F. and Şengör, A.M.C. 1995. The Isparta angle: its importance in the neotectonics of the eastern Mediterranean region. Pişkin, Ö., Ergün, M., Savaşcın, M.Y. ve Tarcan, G. (ed.). IESCA-1995 Proceedings, 3-17.
  • Baş, H., Akıncı, H., Dinçel, A., Okumuş, A., Kıral, K. and Şen, M.A. 1983. Domaniç-Tavşanlı- Gediz-Kütahya yörelerinin Tersiyer jeolojisi ve volkanitlerinin petrolojisi, Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 7293, 83p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Bozkurt, E. 2001. Neotectonics of Turkey - a synthesis. Geodinamica Acta, 14, 3-30.
  • Çoğulu, E. and Krummenacher, D. 1967. Problemes geochronometriques dans la partie N de l’Anatolie Centrale (Turquie). Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 47, 825-833.
  • Gözler, M.Z., Cevher, F. and Küçükayman, A. 1984. Eskişehir civarının jeolojisi ve sıcak su kaynakları. Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration, 103, 40-54.
  • ________, ________, Ergül, E. and Asutay, H.J. 1997. Orta Sakarya ve güneyinin jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 9973, 86p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Kahle, H,G., Straub, C., Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., King, R., Hurst, K., Veis, G., Kastens, K. and Cross, P. 1998. The strain field in the eastern Mediterranean estimatet by re- peated GPS measurements. Tectonophy- sics, 294, 237-252.
  • Kaymakçı, N. 1991. Neotectonic evolution of the İnegöl (Bursa) basin. M.Sci Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 73p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Koçyiğit, A. 2000. Güneybatı Türkiye’nin depremselli- ği. BADSEM 2000-Batı Anadolu’nun Depremselliği Sempozyumu, 24-27 May 2000, İzmir, 30-39.
  • ________, 2003. Orta Anadolu’nun genel neotektonik özellikleri ve depremselliği. TAPG Bulletin Special Volume 5, 1-24.
  • ________, and Kaymakçı, N. 1995. İnönü-İnegöl superimposed basins and initiation age of extensional neotectonic regime in west Turkey. International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region 1995, 9- 14 October, İzmir-Güllük, Turkey, 33.
  • Küçükayman, A., Genç, Ş., Gök, L., Kar, H. and Ateş, M. 1987. Bozüyük-Tavşanlı-Kütahya arası- nın jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 8356, 98p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gürkan, O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K., Kekelidze, G., King, R., Kotzev, V., Lenk, O., Mahmoud, S., Mishin, A., Nadaria, M., Ouzounis, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tealep, A., Toksöz, N. and Veis, G. 2000. Global Positioning System Constraints on the Plate Kinematics and Dynamics in the eastern Mediterrenean and the Caucasus. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 5695-5719.
  • McKenzie, D. 1972. Active tectonics of the Mediterranean region. Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc., 30, 109-185.
  • ________. 1978. Active tectonics of the Alpine- Himalayan Belt. The Aegean Sea and Surrounding regions. Geophys. J. Roy. Astro. Soc., 55, 217-254.
  • Mumcu, N. 1975. Eskişehir ve İnönü Ovaları jeofizik rezistivite etüd raporu. Devlet Su İşleri III. Bölge Müdürlüğü, 49p. Eskişehir (unpublished).
  • Okay, A.I. 1984. Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da yer alan metamorfik kuşaklar. Ketin Sempozyumu, 20-21 Şubat 1984, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 83-92.
  • Öcal, N. 1959. 20 Şubat 1956 Eskişehir zelzelesi’nin makro- ve mikrosismik etüdü. İstanbul Technical University Sysmology Enstitution Publications, 49p.
  • Reilinger, R.E., McClusky, S., Oral, M.B., King, R.W., Toksöz, M.N., Barka, A.A., Kinik, I.,Lenk, O. and Sanlı, I. 1997. Global positioning system measurements of present day crustal movement in the Arabia-Africa- Eurasia plate collision zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 9983-9999
  • Sakınç, M., Yaltırak, C. and Oktay, F.Y. 1999. Palaeogeographical evolution of the Thrace Neogene Basin and the Tethys- Paratethys relations at northwestern Turkey (Thrace). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 153, 17- 40.
  • Servais, M. 1982. Collision et suture tethysienne en Anatolie Centrale Etude structurale et metamorphique (HP-BT) de la zone Nord Kütahya: Ph D. Thesis, University of Paris, 349p. France (unpublished).
  • Soysal, H., Sipahioğlu, S., Kolçak, D. and Altınok, Y. 1981. Türkiye ve çevresinin tarihsel deprem kataloğu (M.Ö. 2100-M.S. 1900). TÜBİTAK project no. TBAG-341, 87p.
  • Straub, C. 1996. Recent crustal deformation and strain accumulation in the Marmara sea region, NW Anatolia inferred from GPS measurements. Ph.D. Thesis, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, 122p. (unpublished).
  • ________, Kahle, H.G. and Schindler, C. 1997. GPS and geological estimates of the tectonic activity in the Marmara Sea region, NW Anatolia. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 27587- 27601.
  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. and Boray, A. 1987. Türkiye’nin aktif fayları ve depremsellikleri. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 8174, 394p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • ________, ________ ve Kuşçu, İ., 1992. 1:1 000 000 Türkiye diri fay haritası. Mineral Researh and Exploration General Directorate, Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N. and Şaroğlu, F. 1985. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study. Biddle, K.T. & Christie-Blick, N. (ed). Strike-Slip Deformation, Basin Formation and Sedimentation da. Soc. of Eco. Paleo. and Min. Spec. Publ., 37, 227-264.
  • Tokay, F. 2001. Eskişehir fay zonunun İnönü- Dodurga segmentinin neotektonik özellikleri. M.Sci Thesis, University of Osmangazi, 67p. Eskişehir (unpublished).
  • _______ and Altunel, E. 2001. Eskişehir fay zonunun İnönü-Dodurga çevresinde neotektonik özellikleri. Aktif Tektonik Araştırma Grubu Beşinci Toplantısı (ATAG-5) Bildiri Özetleri, 15-16 November 2001, Ankara, 14.
  • Yaltırak, C., Alpar, B. and Yüce, H. 1998. Tectonic elements controlling the evolution of the Gulf of Saros (northeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey). Tectonophysics, 300, 227-248.
Yıl 2005, Cilt: 130 Sayı: 130, 1 - 15, 01.11.2005



  • Aksu, A.E., Yaltırak, C. and Hiscott, R.N. 2002. Quaternary paleoclimatic-paleocenograp- hic and tectonic evolution of the Marmara Sea and environs. Marine Geology, 190, 9- 18.
  • Altunel, E. and Hancock, P.L. 1993. Active fissuring faulting in Quaternary travertines at Pamukkale, western Turkey. Stewart, I.S., Vita-Finzi, C. and Owen, L.A. (ed.). Neotectonics and Active Faulting da. Zeitschrift Geomorphologie Supplemen- tary, 94, 285-302.
  • ________ and Barka, A. 1998. Eskişehir fay zonunun İnönü-Sultandere arasında neotektonik aktivitesi. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 41, 2, 41-52.
  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R., Şaroğlu, F. and Şengör, A.M.C. 1995. The Isparta angle: its importance in the neotectonics of the eastern Mediterranean region. Pişkin, Ö., Ergün, M., Savaşcın, M.Y. ve Tarcan, G. (ed.). IESCA-1995 Proceedings, 3-17.
  • Baş, H., Akıncı, H., Dinçel, A., Okumuş, A., Kıral, K. and Şen, M.A. 1983. Domaniç-Tavşanlı- Gediz-Kütahya yörelerinin Tersiyer jeolojisi ve volkanitlerinin petrolojisi, Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 7293, 83p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Bozkurt, E. 2001. Neotectonics of Turkey - a synthesis. Geodinamica Acta, 14, 3-30.
  • Çoğulu, E. and Krummenacher, D. 1967. Problemes geochronometriques dans la partie N de l’Anatolie Centrale (Turquie). Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 47, 825-833.
  • Gözler, M.Z., Cevher, F. and Küçükayman, A. 1984. Eskişehir civarının jeolojisi ve sıcak su kaynakları. Bulletin of Mineral Research and Exploration, 103, 40-54.
  • ________, ________, Ergül, E. and Asutay, H.J. 1997. Orta Sakarya ve güneyinin jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 9973, 86p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Kahle, H,G., Straub, C., Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., King, R., Hurst, K., Veis, G., Kastens, K. and Cross, P. 1998. The strain field in the eastern Mediterranean estimatet by re- peated GPS measurements. Tectonophy- sics, 294, 237-252.
  • Kaymakçı, N. 1991. Neotectonic evolution of the İnegöl (Bursa) basin. M.Sci Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 73p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • Koçyiğit, A. 2000. Güneybatı Türkiye’nin depremselli- ği. BADSEM 2000-Batı Anadolu’nun Depremselliği Sempozyumu, 24-27 May 2000, İzmir, 30-39.
  • ________, 2003. Orta Anadolu’nun genel neotektonik özellikleri ve depremselliği. TAPG Bulletin Special Volume 5, 1-24.
  • ________, and Kaymakçı, N. 1995. İnönü-İnegöl superimposed basins and initiation age of extensional neotectonic regime in west Turkey. International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region 1995, 9- 14 October, İzmir-Güllük, Turkey, 33.
  • Küçükayman, A., Genç, Ş., Gök, L., Kar, H. and Ateş, M. 1987. Bozüyük-Tavşanlı-Kütahya arası- nın jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 8356, 98p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gürkan, O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K., Kekelidze, G., King, R., Kotzev, V., Lenk, O., Mahmoud, S., Mishin, A., Nadaria, M., Ouzounis, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tealep, A., Toksöz, N. and Veis, G. 2000. Global Positioning System Constraints on the Plate Kinematics and Dynamics in the eastern Mediterrenean and the Caucasus. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 5695-5719.
  • McKenzie, D. 1972. Active tectonics of the Mediterranean region. Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc., 30, 109-185.
  • ________. 1978. Active tectonics of the Alpine- Himalayan Belt. The Aegean Sea and Surrounding regions. Geophys. J. Roy. Astro. Soc., 55, 217-254.
  • Mumcu, N. 1975. Eskişehir ve İnönü Ovaları jeofizik rezistivite etüd raporu. Devlet Su İşleri III. Bölge Müdürlüğü, 49p. Eskişehir (unpublished).
  • Okay, A.I. 1984. Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da yer alan metamorfik kuşaklar. Ketin Sempozyumu, 20-21 Şubat 1984, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 83-92.
  • Öcal, N. 1959. 20 Şubat 1956 Eskişehir zelzelesi’nin makro- ve mikrosismik etüdü. İstanbul Technical University Sysmology Enstitution Publications, 49p.
  • Reilinger, R.E., McClusky, S., Oral, M.B., King, R.W., Toksöz, M.N., Barka, A.A., Kinik, I.,Lenk, O. and Sanlı, I. 1997. Global positioning system measurements of present day crustal movement in the Arabia-Africa- Eurasia plate collision zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 9983-9999
  • Sakınç, M., Yaltırak, C. and Oktay, F.Y. 1999. Palaeogeographical evolution of the Thrace Neogene Basin and the Tethys- Paratethys relations at northwestern Turkey (Thrace). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 153, 17- 40.
  • Servais, M. 1982. Collision et suture tethysienne en Anatolie Centrale Etude structurale et metamorphique (HP-BT) de la zone Nord Kütahya: Ph D. Thesis, University of Paris, 349p. France (unpublished).
  • Soysal, H., Sipahioğlu, S., Kolçak, D. and Altınok, Y. 1981. Türkiye ve çevresinin tarihsel deprem kataloğu (M.Ö. 2100-M.S. 1900). TÜBİTAK project no. TBAG-341, 87p.
  • Straub, C. 1996. Recent crustal deformation and strain accumulation in the Marmara sea region, NW Anatolia inferred from GPS measurements. Ph.D. Thesis, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, 122p. (unpublished).
  • ________, Kahle, H.G. and Schindler, C. 1997. GPS and geological estimates of the tectonic activity in the Marmara Sea region, NW Anatolia. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 27587- 27601.
  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. and Boray, A. 1987. Türkiye’nin aktif fayları ve depremsellikleri. Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 8174, 394p. Ankara (unpublished).
  • ________, ________ ve Kuşçu, İ., 1992. 1:1 000 000 Türkiye diri fay haritası. Mineral Researh and Exploration General Directorate, Ankara.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N. and Şaroğlu, F. 1985. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study. Biddle, K.T. & Christie-Blick, N. (ed). Strike-Slip Deformation, Basin Formation and Sedimentation da. Soc. of Eco. Paleo. and Min. Spec. Publ., 37, 227-264.
  • Tokay, F. 2001. Eskişehir fay zonunun İnönü- Dodurga segmentinin neotektonik özellikleri. M.Sci Thesis, University of Osmangazi, 67p. Eskişehir (unpublished).
  • _______ and Altunel, E. 2001. Eskişehir fay zonunun İnönü-Dodurga çevresinde neotektonik özellikleri. Aktif Tektonik Araştırma Grubu Beşinci Toplantısı (ATAG-5) Bildiri Özetleri, 15-16 November 2001, Ankara, 14.
  • Yaltırak, C., Alpar, B. and Yüce, H. 1998. Tectonic elements controlling the evolution of the Gulf of Saros (northeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey). Tectonophysics, 300, 227-248.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatma Tokay Bu kişi benim

Erhan Altunel

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 130 Sayı: 130

Kaynak Göster

APA Tokay, F., & Altunel, E. (2005). Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 130(130), 1-15.
AMA Tokay F, Altunel E. Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Kasım 2005;130(130):1-15.
Chicago Tokay, Fatma, ve Erhan Altunel. “Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 130, sy. 130 (Kasım 2005): 1-15.
EndNote Tokay F, Altunel E (01 Kasım 2005) Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 130 130 1–15.
IEEE F. Tokay ve E. Altunel, “Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 130, sy. 130, ss. 1–15, 2005.
ISNAD Tokay, Fatma - Altunel, Erhan. “Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 130/130 (Kasım 2005), 1-15.
JAMA Tokay F, Altunel E. Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2005;130:1–15.
MLA Tokay, Fatma ve Erhan Altunel. “Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 130, sy. 130, 2005, ss. 1-15.
Vancouver Tokay F, Altunel E. Neotectonic Activity Of Eskişehir Fault Zone In Vicinity of İnönü-Dodurga Area. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2005;130(130):1-15.

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