The studied area is located in the eastern end of Kil9ilk: Menderes
Graben. The basement consis1;sor Menderes Massif metamorphIc rOCks. These are
CUI by young volcanies cropped out an the NE. E and SE of Kiraz..around Ba,ov8.
Kaf8bu~ and YeniteOOvillages in order. The volcanic rocks outcrop on a line in
NE.sW trend as small exposures. The pink and grey colored volcanic
rock&around aa.ova and ~ Vlll~ are snde6itic in cO",,06ition vnth
hypocryWlUine-porphyritic to hyalopJitic texture, The phenocrysts are andesine.
hornblende. pyroxene. biotite. quartz and opaque minelllls and the groundmass
is glassy and ni(:rolil)c. Around Yenisehlr area, the IIOIeanlc rockS are
dar')( ",ey and greeniSh grey In color and InelU6e plagloetase and
pyrol(ene phenocrysts..While the main fetsic nineraI of the
hypocrystat1in&-porphyriticvolcanic rocks is ~Iese. the main mafic is
pyroxene involving in e microlitic g'oundm:a&S.However the rricrolites do
not &how a el88r alignment, but some of them surround the
phenocrysts. The volcanic rocks are ~y enriched in LIL elements and modcfately enriched in HFSE elements, One of the SiIImplefrom Sa;ova are. has yielded ArU)IAi~ age of 14,710,1 Ma, Another sample abOtlt 12 km to the SW, nearYenisehlr has dated as 14.3,tO.1 Ma, This suW:k.8·line and cere- alkaline volcanism is represented by lavas, dikes and pyroctaWcs In the region, These volvanic rocks in neany eeme ag86 and exposing in dose locefrties to 88Ch othet. have been OOIIsideredto be the prod1.Ict&of the same 9t8OUS actMty because their geochemical affinitie&.
West Anatolia Küçük Menderes Graben Volcanism Sub-alkaline Calcalkaline Middle-Miocene
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Mühendislik |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Aralık 2005 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2005 Cilt: 131 Sayı: 131 |
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