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Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime

Year 2020, Volume: 163 Issue: 163, 47 - 76, 15.12.2020


The lacustrine units have been deposited in the Ermenek, Bucakkışla, Korucuk and Çamlıyayla basins in the Central Taurides since early Oligocene. In this study, structural features and stratigraphical properties of Oligocene basins have been described in detail and the lacustrine units have been dated. Regional geological interpretations have been made by using tectono-stratigraphic and age data of the basins. Lacustrine Oligocene sedimentation in these basins, which were opened on the tectonic units of Taurides due to normal faults, constitute the first records of the sedimentation occurring under the extensional tectonic regime after the orogeny of the Central Taurides. All the pre-Oligocene units that had been emplaced in the region due to a north-south compressional movement in the Central Taurides, continued to be compressed until the end of Eocene, and completed their orogenic development as napped structures. The bedrock units, reaching the maximum elevation, have been subjected to “orogenic collapse” due to the strain or gravity forces as a result of an interruption or termination of the compression which lasted until the end of Eocene. Thus, “orogenic collapse” basins have started to be formed in the Central Taurides since Oligocene. The orogeny and the compressional tectonic regime forming the Taurides lasted until late Miocene in the Eastern Taurides. On the other hand, extensional basin formation since early Oligocene on the Taurus units, which had been emplaced in the region due to nappe tectonics, indicates that a new tectonic period has started in the Central Taurides.


This study was carried out in the scope of “Geology and Paleogeographic Development of the Neogene Rocks in Adana-Mut Basin” project conducted between 2009-2012 by the Department of Geological Research of the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA). Palynological investigations were conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Sezgül Kayseri Özer. The first draft of the manuscript was reviewed by Prof. Dr. Cihat Alçiçek, Dr. Volkan Özaksoy, Dr. Oktay Parlak and Ali Ergen. Prof. Dr. Yaşar Eren, Prof. Dr. Ulvi Can Ünlügenç and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan Üner made valuable contributions. We would like to thank to the Referees for carefully reading our article and for giving such constructive comments which substantially helped improving the quality of the paper.


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Year 2020, Volume: 163 Issue: 163, 47 - 76, 15.12.2020



  • Ainsworth, R.B., Crowley, S.F. 1994. Wave-dominated nearshore sedimentation and ‘forced’ regression: post-abandonment facies, Great limestone cyclothem, Stainmore, UK. Journal of the Geological Society of London 151, 681–695.
  • Akgün, F., Akyol, E. 1987. Akhisar (Çıtak) çevresi kömürlerinin palinolojik incelenmesi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 30/1, 30–50.
  • Akgün, F., Akyol, E. 1992. Yukarıkaşıkara ve Yarıkaya (Isparta) kömürlerinin karşılaştırmalı palinostratigrafisi ve paleoekolojisi. Türkiye Petrol Jeologları Derneği Bülteni 4/1, 10–20.
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  • Akgün, F., Akay, E., Erdoğan, B. 2002. Terrestrial to shallow marine deposition in Central Anatolia: A palynological approach. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 11, 1–27.
  • Aktaş, G., Robertson, A.H.F. 1990. Tectonic evolution of the Tethys suture zone in SE Turkey: evidence from the petrology and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous and Middle Eocene extrusives. Malpas, J., Moores, E.M., Panayiotou, A., Xenophontos, C. (Ed.). Ophiolites – Oceanic Crustal Analogues. Proceedings of the International Symposium Troodos 1987, Cyprus Geological Survey, Nicosia, 311−328.
  • Akyol, E., Akgün. F. 1990. Palynology Of The Borate Bearing Neogene Sediments In Bigadiç, Kestelek, Emet And Kirka Regions. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 111, 165–173.
  • Allmendinger, R.W., Cardozo, N.C., Fisher, D. 2013. Structural Geology Algorithms: Vectors & Tensors: Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 289 pp.
  • Andrew, T., Robertson, A.H.F. 2002. The Beyşehir-Hoyran- Hadım nappes: genesis and emplacement of Mesozoic marginal and oceanic units of the northern Neotethys in southern Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society of London 159, 529−543.
  • Barrell, J. 1912. Criteria for the recognition of ancient delta deposits. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 23, 377−446.
  • Bilgin, A. Z., Uğuz, M. F., Elibol, E., Güner, E., Gedik, İ. 1994. Mut-Silifke-Gülnar yöresinin (İçel ili) jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor No: 9715, 120, 4 Ek, Ankara (unpublished).
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ayhan Ilgar This is me 0000-0002-5185-9697

Tolga Esirtgen This is me 0000-0001-5199-0225

Banu Türkmen Bozkurt This is me 0000-0003-3347-0335

Serap Demirkaya This is me 0000-0001-5711-6854

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 163 Issue: 163


APA Ilgar, A., Esirtgen, T., Türkmen Bozkurt, B., Demirkaya, S. (2020). Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 163(163), 47-76.
AMA Ilgar A, Esirtgen T, Türkmen Bozkurt B, Demirkaya S. Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. December 2020;163(163):47-76. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.681218
Chicago Ilgar, Ayhan, Tolga Esirtgen, Banu Türkmen Bozkurt, and Serap Demirkaya. “Oligocene Molasse Sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the Onset of Extensional Tectonic Regime”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163, no. 163 (December 2020): 47-76.
EndNote Ilgar A, Esirtgen T, Türkmen Bozkurt B, Demirkaya S (December 1, 2020) Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163 163 47–76.
IEEE A. Ilgar, T. Esirtgen, B. Türkmen Bozkurt, and S. Demirkaya, “Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., vol. 163, no. 163, pp. 47–76, 2020, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.681218.
ISNAD Ilgar, Ayhan et al. “Oligocene Molasse Sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the Onset of Extensional Tectonic Regime”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163/163 (December 2020), 47-76.
JAMA Ilgar A, Esirtgen T, Türkmen Bozkurt B, Demirkaya S. Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;163:47–76.
MLA Ilgar, Ayhan et al. “Oligocene Molasse Sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the Onset of Extensional Tectonic Regime”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol. 163, no. 163, 2020, pp. 47-76, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.681218.
Vancouver Ilgar A, Esirtgen T, Türkmen Bozkurt B, Demirkaya S. Oligocene molasse sedimentation in the Central Taurides: Records of the onset of extensional tectonic regime. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;163(163):47-76.

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