Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176, 1 - 2
Cemal Kaya
Ahmet Tuğrul Başokur
Proje Numarası
TUBİTAK, Project No. YDABÇAG-230/G.
- Akca, İ. and Başokur, A. T. 2010. Extraction of structure-based geoelectric models by hybrid genetic algorithms. Geophysics 75, F15-F22.
- Başokur, A. T. 1994. Definitions of apparent resistivity for the presentation of magnetotelluric sounding data. Geophysical Prospecting 42, 141-149.
- Başokur, A. T. 1999. Properties of the magnetotelluric frequency-normalized impedance function over a layered medium. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society 2, 63-74.
- Başokur, A. T. and Akca, İ. 2011, Object-based model verification by a genetic algorithm approach: application to archaeological targets, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 74, 167–174.
- Başokur, A. T. 2022. Open-source Python software for the visualization of magnetotelluric data and three-dimensional resistivity models. 25th EM Induction Workshop, 11–18 September 2022, Çeşme, Türkiye.
- Başokur, A. T. 2023. Hilbert transform of unequally sampled data: Application to dispersion relations in magnetotellurics. Geophysics 88(2), E29-E38.
- Başokur, A. T., Akca, İ., Siyam, N. W. A. 2007. Hybrid genetic algorithms in view of the evolution theories with application for the electrical sounding method. Geophysical Prospecting 55, 393–406.
- Başokur, A. T., Koçyiğit, A., Hacıoğlu, Ö, Arslan, H. İ., Meqbel, N. 2022. Magnetotelluric imaging of the shallow-seated magma reservoir beneath the Karadağ stratovolcano, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 427, 107567.
- Bayrak, M., Gürer, A., Gürer, Ö. F. 2004. Electromagnetic imaging of the Thrace Basin and Intra-Pontide subduction zone, Northwestern Turkey. International Geology Review 46, 64-74.
- Bayrak, M., Gürer, A., Gürer, Ö. F., İlkisik, M., Başokur, A. T. 2006, Mohr-circle-based rotational invariants of a magnetotelluric data set from the Thrace region of Turkey: Geological implications. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 15, 95-110.
- Beblo M., Bjornsson A., Arnason K., Stein B., Wolfgram P. 1983. Electrical-conductivity beneath Iceland – constraints imposed by magnetotelluric results on temperature, partial melt, crust-structure and mantle structure. Journal of Geophysics 53, 16-23.
- Coşkun, B. 1997. Oil and gas fields-transfer zone relationships, Thrace Basin, NW Turkey. Marine and Petroluem Geology 14, 401-416.
- Doust, H., Arıkan, Y. 1974. The geology of the Thrace Basin. Proceedings of Second Petroleum Congress of Turkey, 119-136.
- Egbert, G. D., Kelbert, A. 2012. Computational recipes for electromagnetic inverse problems. Geophysical Journal International 189, 167–251.
- Gokarn, S.G., Gupta, G., Walia, D., Sanabam, S. S., Hazarika, N. 2008. Deep geoelectric structure over the Lower Brahmaputra valley and Shillong Plateau, NE India using magnetotellurics. Geophysical Journal International 173, 92–104.
- Görür, N., Okay, A. I. 1996. A fore-arc origin for the Thrace Basin, NW Turkey. Geologische Rundschau 85, 662-668.
- Hacıoğlu, Ö, Başokur, A. T., Meqbel, N., Arslan, H. İ., Efeçınar, E. 2023. Magnetotellurics unveils a hidden caldera complex beneath the Cappadocia Volcanic Province, Central Anatolia, Turkiye. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 442, 107877.
- Hacıoğlu, Ö, Başokur, A. T., Diner, Ç., Meqbel, N., Arslan, H. İ., Oğuz, K. 2020. The effect of active extensional tectonics on the structural controls and heat transport mechanism in the Menderes Massif geothermal province: Inferred from three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure of the Kurşunlu geothermal field (Gediz Graben, western Anatolia). Geothermics 85, 101708.
- Hersir, G. P., Björnssonn, A. 1991. Geophysical exploration for geothermal resources principles and application. National Energy Authority, Geothermal Division, Iceland.
- Jupp, D. L. B., Vozoff, K. 1977. Resolving anisotropy in layered media by joint inversion. Geophysical Prospecting 25, 460-470.
- Kaya, C. 2010. Deep crustal structure of northwestern part of Turkey. Tectonophysics 489, 227–239.
- Kelbert, A., Meqbel, N., Egbert, G. D. Tandon, K. 2014. ModEM: A modular system for inversion of electromagnetic geophysical data, Computers & Geosciences 66, 40–53.
- Lezaeta, P., Munoz, M., Brasse, H. 2000. Magnetotelluric image of the crust and upper mantle in the backarc of the Northwestern Argentinean Andes. Geophysical Journal International 142, 841-854.
- MTA. 1999. Bouger Anomaly Map of Turkey, 1/ 2.000.000 scale. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) Publications.
- Okay, A. I., Özcan, E., Siyako, M., Bürkan, K. A., Kylander-Clark, A. R. C., Bidgood, M. D., Shaw, D., Simmons, M. D. 2023. Thrace basin—An Oligocene clastic basin formed during the exhumation of the Rhodope Complex. Tectonics 42, e2023TC007766.
- Perinçek, D. 1991. Possible strand of the North Anatolian Fault in the Thrace Basin, Turkey—an interpretation. AAPG Bulletin 75 (2), 241–257.
- Perinçek, D., Nurdan Ataş, N., Şeyma Karatut, Ş., Esra Erensoy, E. 2015a. Geological factors controlling potential of lignite beds within the Danişmen Formation in the Thrace Basin. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 150, 77-108.
- Perinçek, D., Nurdan Ataş, N., Şeyma Karatut, Ş., Esra Erensoy, E. 2015b. Danişmen Formasyonu Stratigrafsi ve Birim İçindeki Linyit Düzeylerinin Havzadaki Dağılımı, Trakya Havzası, Türkiye. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 58(1), 19-62.
- Petiau, G. and Dupis, A. 1980. Noise, temperature coefficient, and long time stability of electrodes for telluric observations. Geophysical Prospecting 28, 792-804.
- Sakinç, M., Yaltirak, C., Oktay, F.Y. 1999. Paleogeographical evolution of the Thrace Neogene Basin and the Tethys-Paratethyan relations at northwestern Turkey (Thrace). Paleogeographyi Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 153, 17-40.
- Siyako, M. 2006. Tertiary rock units of the Thrace Basin (in Turkish). In Lithostratigraphic units of the Thrace region (pp. 55–83). Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü.
- Siyako, M., Huvaz, O. 2007. Eocene stratigraphic evolution of the Thrace Basin, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 198(1–2), 75–91.
- Swift, C.M.A. 1967. Magnetotelluric investigation of an electrical conductivity anomaly in the southwestern United States. Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
- Şengör, A.M.C., Yilmaz, Y. 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics 75, 181-241.
- Turgut, S., Siyako, M., Dilki, A. 1983. The geology and petroleum prospects of the Thrace Basin. Bulletin of the Geological Congress of Turkey 4, 35-46.
- Turgut, S., Türkaslan, M., Perinçek, D. 1991. Evolution of the Thrace sedimentary basin and its hydrocarbon prospectivity. in A.M. Spencer (Ed.), Generation, accumulation and production of Europe's hydrocarbons. Spec. Publ. Eur. Assoc. Pet. Geosci. 1, 415-437.
- Tüysüz, O., Barka, A. Yiğitbaş, E. 1998. Geology of the Saros Graben and its implications for the evolution of the North Anatolian fault in the Ganos-Saros region, Northwestern Turkey. Tectonophysics 293, 105-126.
- Vozoff, K. 1972. The magnetotelluric method in the exploration of sedimentary basins: Geophysics 37, 98-141.
- Wannamaker, P.E. 1983. Resistivity structure of the Northern Basin and Range, in the role of heat in development of energy and mineral resources in the Northern Basin and Range Province: G. P. Eaton (Ed.), Geoth. Res.Coun. Spec. 13, 345-362.
- Wight, D. E., Bostick, F. X. 1980. Cascade decimation: A technique for real time estimation of power spectra. Proceedings IEEE International Conference Accoustic, Speech Signal Processing, Denver, Colorado, April, 9-11, 626-629.
- Yilmaz, Y., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Genç, Ş.C., Şengör, A.M.C. 1997. Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides in A. G. Robinson (Ed.) Regional and petroleum geology of the Black Sea and surrounding region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, 68, 183-226.
Sediment thickness in the Thrace Basin estimated from the three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176, 1 - 2
Cemal Kaya
Ahmet Tuğrul Başokur
The time-variation of the magnetotelluric (MT) fields was recorded at 37 measurement stations in the Thrace Basin (North-western Türkiye) by a remote-reference MT system that records the MT data in two frequency bands allowing a data acquisition between 320–7.5 Hz and 6–0.00055 Hz, respectively. The measurement stations were located from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea seashores along a 207 km profile in the southeast-northwest direction. Three-dimensional inversion of MT data outlined the main geological elements of the region, the interface between sedimentary cover and basement rocks. The total thickness of the sedimentary layers in the basin is interpreted using the inflection and deflection points of the three-dimensional resistivity model in the vertical direction.
Etik Beyan
This paper is part of the National Geology and Geophysics Programme (Naci Görür, coordinator) supported by TUBİTAK, Project No. YDABÇAG-230/G. The MT data was acquired in the framework of the Turkey Earth Crust Project (TECP) performed by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey (MTA) in 1995. I thank Muzaffer Siyako and Doğan Perinçek for critically reading the manuscript and for their suggestions and corrections. M. Siyako also helped with the interpretation shown in Figure 7c.
Destekleyen Kurum
This paper is part of the National Geology and Geophysics Programme (Naci Görür, coordinator) supported by TUBİTAK, Project No. YDABÇAG-230/G.
Proje Numarası
TUBİTAK, Project No. YDABÇAG-230/G.
I thank Muzaffer Siyako and Doğan Perinçek for critically reading the manuscript and for their suggestions and corrections. M. Siyako also helped with the interpretation shown in Figure 7c.
- Akca, İ. and Başokur, A. T. 2010. Extraction of structure-based geoelectric models by hybrid genetic algorithms. Geophysics 75, F15-F22.
- Başokur, A. T. 1994. Definitions of apparent resistivity for the presentation of magnetotelluric sounding data. Geophysical Prospecting 42, 141-149.
- Başokur, A. T. 1999. Properties of the magnetotelluric frequency-normalized impedance function over a layered medium. Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society 2, 63-74.
- Başokur, A. T. and Akca, İ. 2011, Object-based model verification by a genetic algorithm approach: application to archaeological targets, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 74, 167–174.
- Başokur, A. T. 2022. Open-source Python software for the visualization of magnetotelluric data and three-dimensional resistivity models. 25th EM Induction Workshop, 11–18 September 2022, Çeşme, Türkiye.
- Başokur, A. T. 2023. Hilbert transform of unequally sampled data: Application to dispersion relations in magnetotellurics. Geophysics 88(2), E29-E38.
- Başokur, A. T., Akca, İ., Siyam, N. W. A. 2007. Hybrid genetic algorithms in view of the evolution theories with application for the electrical sounding method. Geophysical Prospecting 55, 393–406.
- Başokur, A. T., Koçyiğit, A., Hacıoğlu, Ö, Arslan, H. İ., Meqbel, N. 2022. Magnetotelluric imaging of the shallow-seated magma reservoir beneath the Karadağ stratovolcano, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 427, 107567.
- Bayrak, M., Gürer, A., Gürer, Ö. F. 2004. Electromagnetic imaging of the Thrace Basin and Intra-Pontide subduction zone, Northwestern Turkey. International Geology Review 46, 64-74.
- Bayrak, M., Gürer, A., Gürer, Ö. F., İlkisik, M., Başokur, A. T. 2006, Mohr-circle-based rotational invariants of a magnetotelluric data set from the Thrace region of Turkey: Geological implications. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 15, 95-110.
- Beblo M., Bjornsson A., Arnason K., Stein B., Wolfgram P. 1983. Electrical-conductivity beneath Iceland – constraints imposed by magnetotelluric results on temperature, partial melt, crust-structure and mantle structure. Journal of Geophysics 53, 16-23.
- Coşkun, B. 1997. Oil and gas fields-transfer zone relationships, Thrace Basin, NW Turkey. Marine and Petroluem Geology 14, 401-416.
- Doust, H., Arıkan, Y. 1974. The geology of the Thrace Basin. Proceedings of Second Petroleum Congress of Turkey, 119-136.
- Egbert, G. D., Kelbert, A. 2012. Computational recipes for electromagnetic inverse problems. Geophysical Journal International 189, 167–251.
- Gokarn, S.G., Gupta, G., Walia, D., Sanabam, S. S., Hazarika, N. 2008. Deep geoelectric structure over the Lower Brahmaputra valley and Shillong Plateau, NE India using magnetotellurics. Geophysical Journal International 173, 92–104.
- Görür, N., Okay, A. I. 1996. A fore-arc origin for the Thrace Basin, NW Turkey. Geologische Rundschau 85, 662-668.
- Hacıoğlu, Ö, Başokur, A. T., Meqbel, N., Arslan, H. İ., Efeçınar, E. 2023. Magnetotellurics unveils a hidden caldera complex beneath the Cappadocia Volcanic Province, Central Anatolia, Turkiye. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 442, 107877.
- Hacıoğlu, Ö, Başokur, A. T., Diner, Ç., Meqbel, N., Arslan, H. İ., Oğuz, K. 2020. The effect of active extensional tectonics on the structural controls and heat transport mechanism in the Menderes Massif geothermal province: Inferred from three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure of the Kurşunlu geothermal field (Gediz Graben, western Anatolia). Geothermics 85, 101708.
- Hersir, G. P., Björnssonn, A. 1991. Geophysical exploration for geothermal resources principles and application. National Energy Authority, Geothermal Division, Iceland.
- Jupp, D. L. B., Vozoff, K. 1977. Resolving anisotropy in layered media by joint inversion. Geophysical Prospecting 25, 460-470.
- Kaya, C. 2010. Deep crustal structure of northwestern part of Turkey. Tectonophysics 489, 227–239.
- Kelbert, A., Meqbel, N., Egbert, G. D. Tandon, K. 2014. ModEM: A modular system for inversion of electromagnetic geophysical data, Computers & Geosciences 66, 40–53.
- Lezaeta, P., Munoz, M., Brasse, H. 2000. Magnetotelluric image of the crust and upper mantle in the backarc of the Northwestern Argentinean Andes. Geophysical Journal International 142, 841-854.
- MTA. 1999. Bouger Anomaly Map of Turkey, 1/ 2.000.000 scale. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) Publications.
- Okay, A. I., Özcan, E., Siyako, M., Bürkan, K. A., Kylander-Clark, A. R. C., Bidgood, M. D., Shaw, D., Simmons, M. D. 2023. Thrace basin—An Oligocene clastic basin formed during the exhumation of the Rhodope Complex. Tectonics 42, e2023TC007766.
- Perinçek, D. 1991. Possible strand of the North Anatolian Fault in the Thrace Basin, Turkey—an interpretation. AAPG Bulletin 75 (2), 241–257.
- Perinçek, D., Nurdan Ataş, N., Şeyma Karatut, Ş., Esra Erensoy, E. 2015a. Geological factors controlling potential of lignite beds within the Danişmen Formation in the Thrace Basin. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 150, 77-108.
- Perinçek, D., Nurdan Ataş, N., Şeyma Karatut, Ş., Esra Erensoy, E. 2015b. Danişmen Formasyonu Stratigrafsi ve Birim İçindeki Linyit Düzeylerinin Havzadaki Dağılımı, Trakya Havzası, Türkiye. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 58(1), 19-62.
- Petiau, G. and Dupis, A. 1980. Noise, temperature coefficient, and long time stability of electrodes for telluric observations. Geophysical Prospecting 28, 792-804.
- Sakinç, M., Yaltirak, C., Oktay, F.Y. 1999. Paleogeographical evolution of the Thrace Neogene Basin and the Tethys-Paratethyan relations at northwestern Turkey (Thrace). Paleogeographyi Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 153, 17-40.
- Siyako, M. 2006. Tertiary rock units of the Thrace Basin (in Turkish). In Lithostratigraphic units of the Thrace region (pp. 55–83). Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü.
- Siyako, M., Huvaz, O. 2007. Eocene stratigraphic evolution of the Thrace Basin, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology 198(1–2), 75–91.
- Swift, C.M.A. 1967. Magnetotelluric investigation of an electrical conductivity anomaly in the southwestern United States. Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
- Şengör, A.M.C., Yilmaz, Y. 1981. Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics 75, 181-241.
- Turgut, S., Siyako, M., Dilki, A. 1983. The geology and petroleum prospects of the Thrace Basin. Bulletin of the Geological Congress of Turkey 4, 35-46.
- Turgut, S., Türkaslan, M., Perinçek, D. 1991. Evolution of the Thrace sedimentary basin and its hydrocarbon prospectivity. in A.M. Spencer (Ed.), Generation, accumulation and production of Europe's hydrocarbons. Spec. Publ. Eur. Assoc. Pet. Geosci. 1, 415-437.
- Tüysüz, O., Barka, A. Yiğitbaş, E. 1998. Geology of the Saros Graben and its implications for the evolution of the North Anatolian fault in the Ganos-Saros region, Northwestern Turkey. Tectonophysics 293, 105-126.
- Vozoff, K. 1972. The magnetotelluric method in the exploration of sedimentary basins: Geophysics 37, 98-141.
- Wannamaker, P.E. 1983. Resistivity structure of the Northern Basin and Range, in the role of heat in development of energy and mineral resources in the Northern Basin and Range Province: G. P. Eaton (Ed.), Geoth. Res.Coun. Spec. 13, 345-362.
- Wight, D. E., Bostick, F. X. 1980. Cascade decimation: A technique for real time estimation of power spectra. Proceedings IEEE International Conference Accoustic, Speech Signal Processing, Denver, Colorado, April, 9-11, 626-629.
- Yilmaz, Y., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Genç, Ş.C., Şengör, A.M.C. 1997. Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides in A. G. Robinson (Ed.) Regional and petroleum geology of the Black Sea and surrounding region: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, 68, 183-226.