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Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176, 1 - 2


Soil degradation is a significant cause of topsoil loss; in most mountainous region watersheds, it leads to decreased agriculture productivity and reservoir storage. This study targeted calculating and mapping soil loss and sediment yield in the Lesser Zab watershed located between Iraq and Iran. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model was used to calculate the soil loss. A Digital Elevation Model of 30m, a Digital Soil map (1:500000), rainfall, and land cover were used to derive parameters. The soil loss rates are 58.1 and 0.1 t ha-1yr-1. The total annual soil loss is 1037289 tonnes, of these 404512, covering 75% of Kanarwe river basin land. Most of these affected lands are in the eastern and middle part, which is below the FAOs standard allowable for tolerable soil erosion. Still, the rest covers 25 % of the basin in the west with a total annual soil loss equal to 632777 tonnes, above FAOs standard. The maximum and minimum sediment yield is 29 and 0.1 tha-1yr-1, respectively. Based on the statistical correlation coefficient, the most effective RUSLE Ahmed MOHAMED parameters on sediment yield from high to low are topography 0.48, soil erodibility 0.38, and crop management 0.38.


The authors deeply thank Dr. Chiara Piccini and Dr. Karwan Mustaf (University of Charmo) for their fruitful discussions. Also, would like to Dr. katepina giam (University of California), and Dr Anwar O. Mohmmed (University of Sulaimani) for proofreading the manuscript and finally thank Mr Rebar Qaradagh for providing valuable information about the geology and soil condition of the study area.


  • Abbas, N., Wasimi, S. A., Al-Ansari, N. 2017. Impacts of climate change on water resources of Greater Zab and Lesser Zab Basins, Iraq, using soil and water assessment tool model. International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering 11, 823–829.
  • Alewell, C., Borrelli, P., Meusburger, K., Panagos, P. 2019. Using the USLE: Chances, challenges and limitations of soil erosion modelling. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7, 203–225.
  • Al-Qayim, B. A., Baziany, M. M., Ameen, B. M. 2018. Mesozoic Tethyan Radiolarite age determination, Zagros suture zone, Kurdistan, NE Iraq. The Iraqi Geological Journal 17–33.
  • Anthony, E .J., Brunier, G., Besset, M., Goichot, M., Dussouillez, P., Nguyen, V. L. 2015. Linking rapid erosion of the Mekong River delta to human activities. Scientific reports 5, 1–12.
  • Ashiagbor, G., Forkuo, E. K., Laari, P., Aabeyir, R. 2013. Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS tools. Int J Remote Sens Geosci 2, 2013.
  • Balabathina, V. N., Raju, R. P., Mulualem, W., Tadele, G. 2020. Estimation of soil loss using remote sensing and GIS-based universal soil loss equation in northern catchment of Lake Tana Sub-basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Northwest Ethiopia. Environ Syst Res 9, 35.
  • Band, S. S., Chandra Pal, S., Bateni, S. M., Jun, C., Saha, A., Chowdhuri, I., Tiefenbacher, J. P., Janizadeh, S. 2022. Using computational-intelligence algorithms and remote sensing data to optimize the locations of check dams to control sediment and runoff in Kandolus watershed, Mazandaran, Iran. Geocarto International 1–23.
  • Benavidez, R., Jackson, B., Maxwell, D., Norton, K. 2018. A review of the (Revised) Universal Soil Loss Equation ((R) USLE): with a view to increasing its global applicability and improving soil loss estimates. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci 22, 6059–6086.
  • Bhattarai, R., Dutta, D. 2007. Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Using GIS at Catchment Scale. Water Resour Manage 21, 1635–1647.
  • Buringh, P., 1960. Soils and soil conditions in Iraq. Chadli, K., 2016. Estimation of soil loss using RUSLE model for Sebou watershed (Morocco). Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2, 1–10.
  • Chen, P., Feng, Z., Mannan, A., Chen, S., Ullah, T., 2019. Assessment of Soil Loss from Land Use/Land Cover Change and Disasters in the Longmen Shan Mountains, China. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res 17, 11233–11247.
  • Chuenchum, P., Xu, M., Tang, W. 2020. Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield in the Lancang–Mekong River Using the Modified Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation and GIS Techniques. Water 12, 135.
  • David, W. P. 1988. Soil and water conservation planning: policy issues and recommendations. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
  • English, J. M., Lunn, G. A., Ferreira, L., Yacu, G. 2015. Geologic evolution of the Iraqi Zagros, and its influence on the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan region. AAPG Bulletin 99, 231–272.
  • Ezz-Aldeen, M., Hassan, R., Ali, A., Al-Ansari, N., Knutsson, S. 2018. Watershed Sediment and Its Effect on Storage Capacity: Case Study of Dokan Dam Reservoir. Water 10, 858.
  • Ezzaouini, M. A., Mahé, G., Kacimi, I., Zerouali, A. 2020. Comparison of the MUSLE Model and Two Years of Solid Transport Measurement, in the Bouregreg Basin, and Impact on the Sedimentation in the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Reservoir, Morocco. Water 12, 1882.
  • Gashaw, T., Tulu, T., Argaw, M., Worqlul, A.W. 2017. Evaluation and prediction of land use/land cover changes in the Andassa watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Environ Syst Res 6, 17.
  • Gelagay, H.S., Minale, A.S., 2016. Soil loss estimation using GIS and Remote sensing techniques: A case of Koga watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 4, 126–136.
  • Gholami, L., Khaledi Darvishan, A., Spalevic, V., Cerdà, A., Kavian, A. 2021. Effect of storm pattern on soil erosion in damaged rangeland; field rainfall simulation approach. J. Mt. Sci. 18, 706–715.
  • Hassan, R., Al-Ansari, N., Ali, S.S., Ali, A.A., Abdullah, T., Knutsson, S. 2016. Dukan dam reservoir bed sediment, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Engineering 8, 582–596.
  • Hosseinalizadeh, M., Alinejad, M., Mohammadian Behbahani, A., Khormali, F., Kariminejad, N., Pourghasemi, H. R., 2020. A Review on the Gully Erosion and Land Degradation in Iran, in: Shit, P.K., Pourghasemi, H.R., Bhunia, G.S. (Eds.), Gully Erosion Studies from India and Surrounding Regions, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 393–403.
  • Hussein, M. H., Kariem, T. H., Othman, A. K. 2007. Predicting soil erodibility in northern Iraq using natural runoff plot data. Soil and Tillage Research 94, 220–228.
  • Kayet, N., Pathak, K., Chakrabarty, A., Sahoo, S. 2018. Evaluation of soil loss estimation using the RUSLE model and SCS-CN method in hillslope mining areas. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 6, 31–42.
  • Kebede, Y. S., Endalamaw, N. T., Sinshaw, B. G., Atinkut, H. B. 2021. Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia. Environmental Challenges 2, 100009.
  • Lee, M., Yu, I., Necesito, I. V., Kim, H., Jeong, S. 2014. Estimation of sediment yield using total sediment yield formulas and RUSLE. Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 14, 279–288.
  • Ma’ala, K. A. 2007. The Geology of Sulaimaniya Quadrangle Ni-38-3 (Ghm-10) Scale 1: 250 000.
  • Mishra, S. K., Tyagi, J. V., Singh, V. P., Singh, R. 2006. SCS-CN-based modeling of sediment yield. Journal of Hydrology 324, 301–322.
  • Mohamadi, M. A., Kavian, A. 2015. Effects of rainfall patterns on runoff and soil erosion in field plots. International soil and water conservation research 3, 273–281.
  • Mohammad, F. O. 2023. Engineering geological assessment of proposed goma-qazan dam site within Kanarwe rive sub basin and its hydrological conditions Sulaymaniyah-NE Iraq. Unpublished.
  • Mohammed, F., Al-Manmi, D.A., Al-Manmi, A., Hamasur, G. 2023. The Efficiency of SCS-CN, HEC-1, HEC-HMS, TR55, RATIONAL, and SNYDER UNIT Hydrograph Models for Determining Peak Flood Discharge in the Upper Part of Lesser Zab Basin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. IRAQI BULLETIN OF GEOLOGY AND MINING 19, 163–179.
  • Mohammed, F. O., Mohammad, A. O., Ibrahim, H. S., Hasan, R. A. 2021. Future Scenario of Global Climate Map change according to the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification. Baghdad Science Journal 18, 1030–1030.
  • Montgomery, D. R. 2007. Soil erosion and agricultural sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 13268–13272.
  • Nachtergaele, F. O., van Velthuizen, H., Verelst, L., Batjes, N. H., Dijkshoorn, J. A., van Engelen, V. W. P., Fischer, G., Jones, A., Montanarella, L., Petri, M. 2008. Harmonized world soil database (version 1.0).
  • Omeed H. Al-Kakey, Arsalan A. Othman, Broder J. Merkel. 2022. Kuwait Journal of Science 50, 19.
  • Ostovari, Y., Moosavi, A. A., Mozaffari, H., Poppiel, R. R., Tayebi, M., Demattê, J. A. 2022. Soil erodibility and its influential factors in the Middle East, in: Computers in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 441–454.
  • Othman, A. A., Obaid, A. K., Al-Manmi, D. A. M. A., Al-Maamar, A. F., Hasan, S. E., Liesenberg, V., Shihab, A. T., Al-Saady, Y. I. 2021. New Insight on Soil Loss Estimation in the Northwestern Region of the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, 59.
  • Othman, A. A., Obaid, A. K., Sissakian, V. K., Maamar, A. F. A., Shihab, A. T. 2022. RUSLE Model in the Northwest Part of the Zagros Mountain Belt, in: Environmental Degradation in Asia. Springer, 287–306.
  • Pennock, D. J. 2019. Soil erosion: The greatest challenge for sustainable soil management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Pimentel, D., Burgess, M. 2013. Soil erosion threatens food production. Agriculture 3, 443–463.
  • Renard, K. G. 1997. Predicting soil erosion by water: a guide to conservation planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). United States Government Printing.
  • Renard, K. G., Freimund, J. R. 1994. Using monthly precipitation data to estimate the R-factor in the revised USLE. Journal of Hydrology 157, 287–306.
  • Sadeghi, S. H. R. 2017. Soil erosion in Iran: state of the art, tendency and solutions. Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 63, 33–37.
  • Salar, S. G. 2022. Water and sediments yields estimation: A case study in Bawashaswar Watershed/Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Kuwait Journal of Science 49.
  • Shin, G. J. 1999. The analysis of soil erosion analysis in watershed using GIS. Department of Civil Engineering, Gang-won National University, Gangwon-do, South Korea, Ph. D. dissertation.
  • Shubbar, R. M., Salman, H. H., Lee, D.-I. 2017. Characteristics of climate variation indices in Iraq using a statistical factor analysis. International Journal of Climatology 37, 918–927.
  • Simms, A. D., Woodroffe, C. D., Jones, B. G. 2003. Application of RUSLE for erosion management in a coastal catchment, southern NSW.
  • Somasiri, I., Hewawasam, T., Rambukkange, M. 2021. Adaptation of the revised universal soil loss equation to map spatial distribution of soil erosion in tropical watersheds: a GIS/RS-based study of the Upper Mahaweli River Catchment of Sri Lanka. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 1–19.
  • Tiwary, P., Patil, N., Bhattacharyya, T., Chandran, P., Ray, S., Karthikeyan, K., Sarkar, D., Pal, D., Prasad, J., Mandal, C. 2014. Pedotransfer functions: a tool for estimating hydraulic properties of two major soil types of India. Current Science 1431–1439.
  • USDA, S. 1986. Urban hydrology for small watersheds. Technical release 55, 2–6.
  • Verheijen, F. G., Jones, R. J., Rickson, R., Smith, C. 2009. Tolerable versus actual soil erosion rates in Europe. Earth-Science Reviews 94, 23–38.
  • Wischmeier, W. H., Smith, D. D. 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses: a guide to conservation planning. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration.
  • Yang, D., Kanae, S., Oki, T., Koike, T., Musiake, K. 2003. Global potential soil erosion with reference to land use and climate changes. Hydrological processes 17, 2913–2928.
  • Zakerinejad, R., Maerker, M. 2015. An integrated assessment of soil erosion dynamics with special emphasis on gully erosion in the Mazayjan basin, southwestern Iran. Natural Hazards 79, 25–50.
  • Zare, M., Mohammady, M., Pradhan, B. 2017. Modeling the effect of land use and climate change scenarios on future soil loss rate in Kasilian watershed of northern Iran. Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1–15.
Yıl 2025, Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176, 1 - 2



  • Abbas, N., Wasimi, S. A., Al-Ansari, N. 2017. Impacts of climate change on water resources of Greater Zab and Lesser Zab Basins, Iraq, using soil and water assessment tool model. International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering 11, 823–829.
  • Alewell, C., Borrelli, P., Meusburger, K., Panagos, P. 2019. Using the USLE: Chances, challenges and limitations of soil erosion modelling. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7, 203–225.
  • Al-Qayim, B. A., Baziany, M. M., Ameen, B. M. 2018. Mesozoic Tethyan Radiolarite age determination, Zagros suture zone, Kurdistan, NE Iraq. The Iraqi Geological Journal 17–33.
  • Anthony, E .J., Brunier, G., Besset, M., Goichot, M., Dussouillez, P., Nguyen, V. L. 2015. Linking rapid erosion of the Mekong River delta to human activities. Scientific reports 5, 1–12.
  • Ashiagbor, G., Forkuo, E. K., Laari, P., Aabeyir, R. 2013. Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS tools. Int J Remote Sens Geosci 2, 2013.
  • Balabathina, V. N., Raju, R. P., Mulualem, W., Tadele, G. 2020. Estimation of soil loss using remote sensing and GIS-based universal soil loss equation in northern catchment of Lake Tana Sub-basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Northwest Ethiopia. Environ Syst Res 9, 35.
  • Band, S. S., Chandra Pal, S., Bateni, S. M., Jun, C., Saha, A., Chowdhuri, I., Tiefenbacher, J. P., Janizadeh, S. 2022. Using computational-intelligence algorithms and remote sensing data to optimize the locations of check dams to control sediment and runoff in Kandolus watershed, Mazandaran, Iran. Geocarto International 1–23.
  • Benavidez, R., Jackson, B., Maxwell, D., Norton, K. 2018. A review of the (Revised) Universal Soil Loss Equation ((R) USLE): with a view to increasing its global applicability and improving soil loss estimates. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci 22, 6059–6086.
  • Bhattarai, R., Dutta, D. 2007. Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Using GIS at Catchment Scale. Water Resour Manage 21, 1635–1647.
  • Buringh, P., 1960. Soils and soil conditions in Iraq. Chadli, K., 2016. Estimation of soil loss using RUSLE model for Sebou watershed (Morocco). Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2, 1–10.
  • Chen, P., Feng, Z., Mannan, A., Chen, S., Ullah, T., 2019. Assessment of Soil Loss from Land Use/Land Cover Change and Disasters in the Longmen Shan Mountains, China. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res 17, 11233–11247.
  • Chuenchum, P., Xu, M., Tang, W. 2020. Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield in the Lancang–Mekong River Using the Modified Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation and GIS Techniques. Water 12, 135.
  • David, W. P. 1988. Soil and water conservation planning: policy issues and recommendations. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
  • English, J. M., Lunn, G. A., Ferreira, L., Yacu, G. 2015. Geologic evolution of the Iraqi Zagros, and its influence on the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan region. AAPG Bulletin 99, 231–272.
  • Ezz-Aldeen, M., Hassan, R., Ali, A., Al-Ansari, N., Knutsson, S. 2018. Watershed Sediment and Its Effect on Storage Capacity: Case Study of Dokan Dam Reservoir. Water 10, 858.
  • Ezzaouini, M. A., Mahé, G., Kacimi, I., Zerouali, A. 2020. Comparison of the MUSLE Model and Two Years of Solid Transport Measurement, in the Bouregreg Basin, and Impact on the Sedimentation in the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Reservoir, Morocco. Water 12, 1882.
  • Gashaw, T., Tulu, T., Argaw, M., Worqlul, A.W. 2017. Evaluation and prediction of land use/land cover changes in the Andassa watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Environ Syst Res 6, 17.
  • Gelagay, H.S., Minale, A.S., 2016. Soil loss estimation using GIS and Remote sensing techniques: A case of Koga watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 4, 126–136.
  • Gholami, L., Khaledi Darvishan, A., Spalevic, V., Cerdà, A., Kavian, A. 2021. Effect of storm pattern on soil erosion in damaged rangeland; field rainfall simulation approach. J. Mt. Sci. 18, 706–715.
  • Hassan, R., Al-Ansari, N., Ali, S.S., Ali, A.A., Abdullah, T., Knutsson, S. 2016. Dukan dam reservoir bed sediment, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Engineering 8, 582–596.
  • Hosseinalizadeh, M., Alinejad, M., Mohammadian Behbahani, A., Khormali, F., Kariminejad, N., Pourghasemi, H. R., 2020. A Review on the Gully Erosion and Land Degradation in Iran, in: Shit, P.K., Pourghasemi, H.R., Bhunia, G.S. (Eds.), Gully Erosion Studies from India and Surrounding Regions, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 393–403.
  • Hussein, M. H., Kariem, T. H., Othman, A. K. 2007. Predicting soil erodibility in northern Iraq using natural runoff plot data. Soil and Tillage Research 94, 220–228.
  • Kayet, N., Pathak, K., Chakrabarty, A., Sahoo, S. 2018. Evaluation of soil loss estimation using the RUSLE model and SCS-CN method in hillslope mining areas. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 6, 31–42.
  • Kebede, Y. S., Endalamaw, N. T., Sinshaw, B. G., Atinkut, H. B. 2021. Modeling soil erosion using RUSLE and GIS at watershed level in the upper beles, Ethiopia. Environmental Challenges 2, 100009.
  • Lee, M., Yu, I., Necesito, I. V., Kim, H., Jeong, S. 2014. Estimation of sediment yield using total sediment yield formulas and RUSLE. Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 14, 279–288.
  • Ma’ala, K. A. 2007. The Geology of Sulaimaniya Quadrangle Ni-38-3 (Ghm-10) Scale 1: 250 000.
  • Mishra, S. K., Tyagi, J. V., Singh, V. P., Singh, R. 2006. SCS-CN-based modeling of sediment yield. Journal of Hydrology 324, 301–322.
  • Mohamadi, M. A., Kavian, A. 2015. Effects of rainfall patterns on runoff and soil erosion in field plots. International soil and water conservation research 3, 273–281.
  • Mohammad, F. O. 2023. Engineering geological assessment of proposed goma-qazan dam site within Kanarwe rive sub basin and its hydrological conditions Sulaymaniyah-NE Iraq. Unpublished.
  • Mohammed, F., Al-Manmi, D.A., Al-Manmi, A., Hamasur, G. 2023. The Efficiency of SCS-CN, HEC-1, HEC-HMS, TR55, RATIONAL, and SNYDER UNIT Hydrograph Models for Determining Peak Flood Discharge in the Upper Part of Lesser Zab Basin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. IRAQI BULLETIN OF GEOLOGY AND MINING 19, 163–179.
  • Mohammed, F. O., Mohammad, A. O., Ibrahim, H. S., Hasan, R. A. 2021. Future Scenario of Global Climate Map change according to the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification. Baghdad Science Journal 18, 1030–1030.
  • Montgomery, D. R. 2007. Soil erosion and agricultural sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 13268–13272.
  • Nachtergaele, F. O., van Velthuizen, H., Verelst, L., Batjes, N. H., Dijkshoorn, J. A., van Engelen, V. W. P., Fischer, G., Jones, A., Montanarella, L., Petri, M. 2008. Harmonized world soil database (version 1.0).
  • Omeed H. Al-Kakey, Arsalan A. Othman, Broder J. Merkel. 2022. Kuwait Journal of Science 50, 19.
  • Ostovari, Y., Moosavi, A. A., Mozaffari, H., Poppiel, R. R., Tayebi, M., Demattê, J. A. 2022. Soil erodibility and its influential factors in the Middle East, in: Computers in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier, pp. 441–454.
  • Othman, A. A., Obaid, A. K., Al-Manmi, D. A. M. A., Al-Maamar, A. F., Hasan, S. E., Liesenberg, V., Shihab, A. T., Al-Saady, Y. I. 2021. New Insight on Soil Loss Estimation in the Northwestern Region of the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, 59.
  • Othman, A. A., Obaid, A. K., Sissakian, V. K., Maamar, A. F. A., Shihab, A. T. 2022. RUSLE Model in the Northwest Part of the Zagros Mountain Belt, in: Environmental Degradation in Asia. Springer, 287–306.
  • Pennock, D. J. 2019. Soil erosion: The greatest challenge for sustainable soil management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Pimentel, D., Burgess, M. 2013. Soil erosion threatens food production. Agriculture 3, 443–463.
  • Renard, K. G. 1997. Predicting soil erosion by water: a guide to conservation planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). United States Government Printing.
  • Renard, K. G., Freimund, J. R. 1994. Using monthly precipitation data to estimate the R-factor in the revised USLE. Journal of Hydrology 157, 287–306.
  • Sadeghi, S. H. R. 2017. Soil erosion in Iran: state of the art, tendency and solutions. Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo 63, 33–37.
  • Salar, S. G. 2022. Water and sediments yields estimation: A case study in Bawashaswar Watershed/Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Kuwait Journal of Science 49.
  • Shin, G. J. 1999. The analysis of soil erosion analysis in watershed using GIS. Department of Civil Engineering, Gang-won National University, Gangwon-do, South Korea, Ph. D. dissertation.
  • Shubbar, R. M., Salman, H. H., Lee, D.-I. 2017. Characteristics of climate variation indices in Iraq using a statistical factor analysis. International Journal of Climatology 37, 918–927.
  • Simms, A. D., Woodroffe, C. D., Jones, B. G. 2003. Application of RUSLE for erosion management in a coastal catchment, southern NSW.
  • Somasiri, I., Hewawasam, T., Rambukkange, M. 2021. Adaptation of the revised universal soil loss equation to map spatial distribution of soil erosion in tropical watersheds: a GIS/RS-based study of the Upper Mahaweli River Catchment of Sri Lanka. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 1–19.
  • Tiwary, P., Patil, N., Bhattacharyya, T., Chandran, P., Ray, S., Karthikeyan, K., Sarkar, D., Pal, D., Prasad, J., Mandal, C. 2014. Pedotransfer functions: a tool for estimating hydraulic properties of two major soil types of India. Current Science 1431–1439.
  • USDA, S. 1986. Urban hydrology for small watersheds. Technical release 55, 2–6.
  • Verheijen, F. G., Jones, R. J., Rickson, R., Smith, C. 2009. Tolerable versus actual soil erosion rates in Europe. Earth-Science Reviews 94, 23–38.
  • Wischmeier, W. H., Smith, D. D. 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses: a guide to conservation planning. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration.
  • Yang, D., Kanae, S., Oki, T., Koike, T., Musiake, K. 2003. Global potential soil erosion with reference to land use and climate changes. Hydrological processes 17, 2913–2928.
  • Zakerinejad, R., Maerker, M. 2015. An integrated assessment of soil erosion dynamics with special emphasis on gully erosion in the Mazayjan basin, southwestern Iran. Natural Hazards 79, 25–50.
  • Zare, M., Mohammady, M., Pradhan, B. 2017. Modeling the effect of land use and climate change scenarios on future soil loss rate in Kasilian watershed of northern Iran. Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1–15.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Genel Jeoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Fahmy O. Mohammed Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3755-0949

Ahmed Ibraheem Mohamed 0000-0001-9226-0982

Ibrahim H. Gart Bu kişi benim 0009-0009-8257-1328

Diary A Amin Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6630-1226

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 2 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176

Kaynak Göster

APA Mohammed, F. O., Mohamed, A. I., Gart, I. H., Amin, D. A. (2025). Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 176(176), 1-2.
AMA Mohammed FO, Mohamed AI, Gart IH, Amin DA. Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. Şubat 2025;176(176):1-2. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1641192
Chicago Mohammed, Fahmy O., Ahmed Ibraheem Mohamed, Ibrahim H. Gart, ve Diary A Amin. “Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A Case Study in the Kanarwe River Basin, Iraq-Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 176, sy. 176 (Şubat 2025): 1-2.
EndNote Mohammed FO, Mohamed AI, Gart IH, Amin DA (01 Şubat 2025) Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 176 176 1–2.
IEEE F. O. Mohammed, A. I. Mohamed, I. H. Gart, ve D. A. Amin, “Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., c. 176, sy. 176, ss. 1–2, 2025, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.1641192.
ISNAD Mohammed, Fahmy O. vd. “Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A Case Study in the Kanarwe River Basin, Iraq-Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 176/176 (Şubat 2025), 1-2.
JAMA Mohammed FO, Mohamed AI, Gart IH, Amin DA. Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2025;176:1–2.
MLA Mohammed, Fahmy O. vd. “Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A Case Study in the Kanarwe River Basin, Iraq-Iran”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, c. 176, sy. 176, 2025, ss. 1-2, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.1641192.
Vancouver Mohammed FO, Mohamed AI, Gart IH, Amin DA. Establishing of Soil Loss Tolerance Limit and Sediment Yield in Zagros Fold Thrust Belt: A case study in the Kanarwe river basin, Iraq-Iran. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2025;176(176):1-2.

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