Writing Rules


1. Journal of Social Sciences is published biannualy by Çağ University and is a peer-reviewed journal.

2. It is obligation that the article which will be sent mustn’t be published in anywhere before.

3. Articles can be published in the following languages: Turkish and English.

4. Articles must be written on MS word and submitted anonymously via Dergipark.

5. The manuscript should not exceed 25 pages including references and appendices.

Page layout: 2,5 cm from above, 2,5 cm from below, 2,5 cm from left, 2,5 cm in from right.
And also they have to be written on A4 pages.
Articles have to be written in Times New Roman with 11 point.
It must be set as single spaced.
6. In original articles, section must be arranged in the way shown below:

Abstract (maximum 200 words)
Abstract in Turkish (maximum 200 words)
Introduction, Conceptual Framework (Literature), Methodology, Findings, Discussion and the Conclusion, References.
7. The title of the articles should be fit with the content; they should be short and understandable, written with capital letters, 14 pt. and centered.

8. The name of the author should be written below the article; Under the name of the writers, their universities the university, faculty, department or institution name, e-mail address and ORCID should be written. If there is more than one writer, the names should be written down by down, faculties, sections name and an e-mail address and ORCID have to be written.

9. The Abstract title should be capitalized with the left edge of the text. The text should be 11 pt. Keywords should be between 3-5 words and GEL Codes should be added under the keywords.

10. In an article, pictures, graphics have to be shown under the name of the “Figure”. Figures and graphics have to be numbered and the name of the figures have to be written below the figure and first letter will be capital in every word.

11. In an article, name of the table should be written with the way first letter will be capital every word and every table have to be numbered.

12. Citations or references to the sources have to written in the parentheses in the article. The surname of the writer, the year of the source and the number of the page have to become left side by side (Smith, 2003: 14). If there are multiple sources, it should be separeted by semicolon (Aaker, 1991; Porter, 2008; Kotler, 2012). If there are more than two writers, it should be shortened like “et. al.” (Harris et. al., 2001: 112).

13. Source lists have to be arranged as the surname of the writers alphabetically.

The book should be arranged as: author surname, initial letter of the name, publication date of the book, the name of the book, publishing house and should be arranged as the publishing place.

Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity. The Free Press, New York.
The journal should be arranged as: author surname, initial letter of the name, publication date of the journal, name of the article (italic), name of the journal, Volume (number no): page numbers.

Öztürk, İ. (2010). A literature survey on energy–growth nexus. Energy Policy, 38(1), 340-349.
14. Those articles, not written according to the above mentioned rules, will be returned to the author(s).