Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 19, 27.07.2019



  • Altbach, P. G. (2004). Globalization and the university: Myths and realities in an unequal world. In National Education Association (Ed.). The NEA 2005 almanac of higher education (pp. 63-74). Washington, DC: National Education Association.
  • Aydın, S. (2012). I am not the same after my Erasmus: A qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 17 (55), 1-23.
  • Banks, M. & Bhandari, R. (2012). Global student mobility. In Deardorff. D.K., de Wit, H., Heyl, J.D. and Adams, T. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education. Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 379-397.
  • Bracht, O., Engel, C., Janson, K., Over, A., Schomburg, H., & Teichler, U. (2006). The professional value of ERASMUS mobility. International centre for higher education research, University of Kassel, Kassel.
  • Brandenburg, U. et. al. (2014). The Erasmus impact study - Effects of mobility on the skills and the internationalization of higher education institutions. European Commission. Retrieved from
  • British Council (2015). Teaching for success: Continuing professional development (CPD) framework for teachers. British Council, 2015/E632. Retrieved from
  • Council of Europe (CoE). (2002). Code of good practice in the provision of transnational education. Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport. Retrieved 14, March 2019, from
  • Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Christensen, L.B., Johnson, R.B. & Turner, L.A. (2015). Research methods design and analysis (12th edition/Global edition). Boston: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Cubillos, J. H., & Ilvento, T. (2012). The impact of study abroad on students’ self-efficacy perceptions. Foreign Language Annals, 45(4), 494-511.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute. Retrieved from
  • Day, C (1999). Developing teachers: The challenges of lifelong learning. London: Falmer Press
  • Douglas, C., & Jones-Rikkers, C. G. (2001). Study abroad programs and American student world mindedness: An empirical analysis. Journal of Teaching in International Business,13, 55–66.
  • EHEA (1999). Bologna declaration of ministerial conference of Bologna. Retrieved from,
  • Ersoy, A. (2013), Turkish teacher candidates’ challenge regarding cross-cultural experience: The case of Erasmus exchange program. Education and Science, 38 (168), 154-166.
  • Ersoy, A., & Günel, E. (2011). Cross-cultural experiences through Erasmus: Pre-service teachers’ individual and professional development. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 42, 63-78.
  • Fitzsimmonsa, S. R., David J. F., Xiaodan W. (2013). Business students' choice of short-term or long-term study abroad opportunities. Journal of Teaching in International Business 24(2):125-137.
  • Flick, U. (2002). An introduction to qualitative research. London: Sage.
  • Gacel, J. (2002). International versus transnational education: Implications for the global community. CONAHEC conference proceedings, Calgary, Canada, October 16 – 19, 2002. Retrieved from
  • Genç-İlter, B. (2013). How do mobility programs change EFL students’ point of view? Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 44, 181-188.
  • Glatthorn, A. (1995). Teacher development. In Anderson, L. (Ed.) International encyclopedia of teaching and teacher education (second edition). London: Pergamon Press.
  • Golay, P. A. (2006). The effects of study abroad on the development of global-mindedness among students enrolled in international programs at Florida State University. Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations. Florida State University.
  • Hamilton, R. J. & Bowers, B. J. (2006). Internet recruitment and e-mail interviews in qualitative studies. Qualitative Health Research, 16(6), pp. 821-835.
  • House of Lords Select Committee. (2012). Modernization of higher education in Europe –European Union Committee. Retrieved from,
  • Jacobone, V. & Moro, G. (2014). Evaluating the impact of the Erasmus programme: Skills and European identify. Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(8).
  • Juma, S., Lehtomäki, E., & Naukkarinen, A. (2017). Developing inclusive pre-service and in-service teacher education: Insights from Zanzibar primary school teachers. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 13(3), 67- 87.
  • Kayaoğlu, M. N. (2016). Reality of Erasmus through the eyes of students. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (Special Issue for INTE 2016), pp. 315-320.
  • King, R., Findlay, A. & Ahrens, J. (2010). International student mobility literature review. Bristol: HEFCE
  • Knight, J. (2008). Higher education in turmoil. The changing world of internationalization. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Kuper A, Lingard, L., & Levinson W. (2008). Critically appraising qualitative research. BMJ.
  • Kuzmanic, M. (2009). Validity in qualitative research: Interview and the appearance of truth through dialogue. Horizons of Phychology, 18 (2), 39- 50.
  • Leutwyler, B. & Meierhan, C. (2016). Effects of international student exchange on pre-service teachers: A quasi-experimental study. Intercultural Education, 27(2),117-136.
  • Mayring P. (2014). Qualitative content analysis: theoretical foundation, basic procedures and software solution. Klagenfurt, Austria. Retrieved from
  • Messer, D., & Wolter, S. C. (2007). Are exchange programs worth it? Higher Education, 54(5), 647–663.
  • Murphy-Lejeune, E. (2002). Student mobility and narrative in Europe: The new strangers. London: Routledge.
  • Mutlu, S. (2011). Development of European consciousness in Erasmus students. The Journal of Education Culture and Society, 2, 87-102.
  • OECD. (2009). Creating effective teaching and learning environments: First results from TALIS. OECD Publishing, Paris. Retrieved from
  • Önen, S. (2017). An investigation into the experiences of Erasmus students. Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 14(1), (27), p.339-367
  • Rivza, B. & Teichler, U. (2007). The changing role of student mobility. Higher Education Policy, 20(4): 457-475.
  • Schleicher, A. (Ed.) (2012). Preparing teachers and developing school leaders for the 21stcentury: Lessons from around the world. OECD Publishing. Retrieved from
  • Stier, J. (2004). Taking a critical stance toward internationalization ideologies in higher education: Idealism, instrumentalism and educationalism. Globalization, Societies and Education, 2(1), pp. 83–97.
  • Sweeney, S. (2012). Going mobile: Internationalization, mobility and the EHEA. London: British Council Higher Education Academy.
  • Teichler U., Ferencz I., & Wächter, B. (2011). Mapping mobility in European higher education I-II. DAAD, Bonn.
  • Teichler, U. & Maiworm, F. (1997). The Erasmus experience: Major findings of the Erasmus evaluation research project. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  • Teichler, U. & Steube, W (1991). The logics of study abroad programmes and their impacts. Higher Education 21(3), pp. 325-349.
  • Teichler, U. (2009). Student mobility and staff mobility in the European higher education area beyond 2010. In B. M. Kehm, J. Huisman, & B. Stensaker (Eds.), The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a moving target (pp. 183-201). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
  • Teichler, U. (2015). The impact of temporary study abroad. In Mitchell, R., Tracy-Ventura, N. and Mcmanus, K. (eds.) Social Interaction, Identity and Language Learning During Residence Abroad. Eurosla, 15-32.
  • Teichler, U. (2017). Internationalization trends in higher education and the changing role of international student mobility. Journal of international Mobility, 5(1), 177-216. Turhan, I. E. & Arıkan. A. (2009). English language teacher development with and without a teacher trainer: ELT instructors’ perceptions. E-journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4(2), 410-421.
  • UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (2011). Global education digest 2011: Comparing education statistics across the world. Montreal. Retrieved from
  • Villegas-Reimers, E. (2003). Teacher professional development: An international review of the literature. Paris: UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Vogt, K. (2016). Teaching practice abroad for developing intercultural competence in foreign language teachers. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19(2), 85–106.
  • Wihlborg M. & Robson, S. (2018). Internationalization of higher education: Drivers, rationales, priorities, values and impacts. European Journal of Higher Education, 8(1), 8-18.

Contributions of Transnational Education Experiences of Pre-service EFL Teachers to their Professional Development

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 19, 27.07.2019


The notion of teachers’ professional development has shifted from simply short-term in-service training to every kind of informal experiences, professional meetings or mentoring activities that promote growth and development of the teachers in the profession. Concerning this fact in mind, it is supposed that the transnational education experiences of pre-service teachers might also serve for their professional developments. Although the available literature revealed that the transnational education or short term mobility experiences somehow contributed to the professional development of pre-service teachers, it seems that in-depth studies uniquely focused on the perceptions of EFL pre-service teachers on the contribution of transnational education experiences to their professional development is scarce in number. Thus, the present study intended to examine the perceptions of pre-service EFL teachers qualitatively regarding the contribution of short term mobility experiences to their professional development. The data of the present study is gathered through two-round e-mail interviews with available participants, who are 19 pre-service EFL teachers enrolling in a foreign language teacher education program of a state university in Turkey. The gathered data is analyzed through semantic level thematic analysis of recurrent patterns in their e-mails and the findings were presented in frequencies and percentages adapting a hermeneutic approach. As for the trustworthiness of the findings, the themes emerged from the content analysis of the data were verified by another expert in the field. The findings of the present study revealed that transnational education experiences of participants contributed to their professional development in terms of some aspects including active learning and understanding educational policies and practice in other contexts, using inclusive practices and practicing in a collaborative environment and getting coaching/expert support to a great amount.


  • Altbach, P. G. (2004). Globalization and the university: Myths and realities in an unequal world. In National Education Association (Ed.). The NEA 2005 almanac of higher education (pp. 63-74). Washington, DC: National Education Association.
  • Aydın, S. (2012). I am not the same after my Erasmus: A qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 17 (55), 1-23.
  • Banks, M. & Bhandari, R. (2012). Global student mobility. In Deardorff. D.K., de Wit, H., Heyl, J.D. and Adams, T. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education. Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 379-397.
  • Bracht, O., Engel, C., Janson, K., Over, A., Schomburg, H., & Teichler, U. (2006). The professional value of ERASMUS mobility. International centre for higher education research, University of Kassel, Kassel.
  • Brandenburg, U. et. al. (2014). The Erasmus impact study - Effects of mobility on the skills and the internationalization of higher education institutions. European Commission. Retrieved from
  • British Council (2015). Teaching for success: Continuing professional development (CPD) framework for teachers. British Council, 2015/E632. Retrieved from
  • Council of Europe (CoE). (2002). Code of good practice in the provision of transnational education. Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport. Retrieved 14, March 2019, from
  • Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Christensen, L.B., Johnson, R.B. & Turner, L.A. (2015). Research methods design and analysis (12th edition/Global edition). Boston: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Cubillos, J. H., & Ilvento, T. (2012). The impact of study abroad on students’ self-efficacy perceptions. Foreign Language Annals, 45(4), 494-511.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute. Retrieved from
  • Day, C (1999). Developing teachers: The challenges of lifelong learning. London: Falmer Press
  • Douglas, C., & Jones-Rikkers, C. G. (2001). Study abroad programs and American student world mindedness: An empirical analysis. Journal of Teaching in International Business,13, 55–66.
  • EHEA (1999). Bologna declaration of ministerial conference of Bologna. Retrieved from,
  • Ersoy, A. (2013), Turkish teacher candidates’ challenge regarding cross-cultural experience: The case of Erasmus exchange program. Education and Science, 38 (168), 154-166.
  • Ersoy, A., & Günel, E. (2011). Cross-cultural experiences through Erasmus: Pre-service teachers’ individual and professional development. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 42, 63-78.
  • Fitzsimmonsa, S. R., David J. F., Xiaodan W. (2013). Business students' choice of short-term or long-term study abroad opportunities. Journal of Teaching in International Business 24(2):125-137.
  • Flick, U. (2002). An introduction to qualitative research. London: Sage.
  • Gacel, J. (2002). International versus transnational education: Implications for the global community. CONAHEC conference proceedings, Calgary, Canada, October 16 – 19, 2002. Retrieved from
  • Genç-İlter, B. (2013). How do mobility programs change EFL students’ point of view? Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 44, 181-188.
  • Glatthorn, A. (1995). Teacher development. In Anderson, L. (Ed.) International encyclopedia of teaching and teacher education (second edition). London: Pergamon Press.
  • Golay, P. A. (2006). The effects of study abroad on the development of global-mindedness among students enrolled in international programs at Florida State University. Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations. Florida State University.
  • Hamilton, R. J. & Bowers, B. J. (2006). Internet recruitment and e-mail interviews in qualitative studies. Qualitative Health Research, 16(6), pp. 821-835.
  • House of Lords Select Committee. (2012). Modernization of higher education in Europe –European Union Committee. Retrieved from,
  • Jacobone, V. & Moro, G. (2014). Evaluating the impact of the Erasmus programme: Skills and European identify. Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39(8).
  • Juma, S., Lehtomäki, E., & Naukkarinen, A. (2017). Developing inclusive pre-service and in-service teacher education: Insights from Zanzibar primary school teachers. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 13(3), 67- 87.
  • Kayaoğlu, M. N. (2016). Reality of Erasmus through the eyes of students. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (Special Issue for INTE 2016), pp. 315-320.
  • King, R., Findlay, A. & Ahrens, J. (2010). International student mobility literature review. Bristol: HEFCE
  • Knight, J. (2008). Higher education in turmoil. The changing world of internationalization. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Kuper A, Lingard, L., & Levinson W. (2008). Critically appraising qualitative research. BMJ.
  • Kuzmanic, M. (2009). Validity in qualitative research: Interview and the appearance of truth through dialogue. Horizons of Phychology, 18 (2), 39- 50.
  • Leutwyler, B. & Meierhan, C. (2016). Effects of international student exchange on pre-service teachers: A quasi-experimental study. Intercultural Education, 27(2),117-136.
  • Mayring P. (2014). Qualitative content analysis: theoretical foundation, basic procedures and software solution. Klagenfurt, Austria. Retrieved from
  • Messer, D., & Wolter, S. C. (2007). Are exchange programs worth it? Higher Education, 54(5), 647–663.
  • Murphy-Lejeune, E. (2002). Student mobility and narrative in Europe: The new strangers. London: Routledge.
  • Mutlu, S. (2011). Development of European consciousness in Erasmus students. The Journal of Education Culture and Society, 2, 87-102.
  • OECD. (2009). Creating effective teaching and learning environments: First results from TALIS. OECD Publishing, Paris. Retrieved from
  • Önen, S. (2017). An investigation into the experiences of Erasmus students. Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 14(1), (27), p.339-367
  • Rivza, B. & Teichler, U. (2007). The changing role of student mobility. Higher Education Policy, 20(4): 457-475.
  • Schleicher, A. (Ed.) (2012). Preparing teachers and developing school leaders for the 21stcentury: Lessons from around the world. OECD Publishing. Retrieved from
  • Stier, J. (2004). Taking a critical stance toward internationalization ideologies in higher education: Idealism, instrumentalism and educationalism. Globalization, Societies and Education, 2(1), pp. 83–97.
  • Sweeney, S. (2012). Going mobile: Internationalization, mobility and the EHEA. London: British Council Higher Education Academy.
  • Teichler U., Ferencz I., & Wächter, B. (2011). Mapping mobility in European higher education I-II. DAAD, Bonn.
  • Teichler, U. & Maiworm, F. (1997). The Erasmus experience: Major findings of the Erasmus evaluation research project. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  • Teichler, U. & Steube, W (1991). The logics of study abroad programmes and their impacts. Higher Education 21(3), pp. 325-349.
  • Teichler, U. (2009). Student mobility and staff mobility in the European higher education area beyond 2010. In B. M. Kehm, J. Huisman, & B. Stensaker (Eds.), The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a moving target (pp. 183-201). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
  • Teichler, U. (2015). The impact of temporary study abroad. In Mitchell, R., Tracy-Ventura, N. and Mcmanus, K. (eds.) Social Interaction, Identity and Language Learning During Residence Abroad. Eurosla, 15-32.
  • Teichler, U. (2017). Internationalization trends in higher education and the changing role of international student mobility. Journal of international Mobility, 5(1), 177-216. Turhan, I. E. & Arıkan. A. (2009). English language teacher development with and without a teacher trainer: ELT instructors’ perceptions. E-journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4(2), 410-421.
  • UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (2011). Global education digest 2011: Comparing education statistics across the world. Montreal. Retrieved from
  • Villegas-Reimers, E. (2003). Teacher professional development: An international review of the literature. Paris: UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Vogt, K. (2016). Teaching practice abroad for developing intercultural competence in foreign language teachers. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19(2), 85–106.
  • Wihlborg M. & Robson, S. (2018). Internationalization of higher education: Drivers, rationales, priorities, values and impacts. European Journal of Higher Education, 8(1), 8-18.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Halime Nuran Caner This is me

Publication Date July 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Caner, H. N. (2019). Contributions of Transnational Education Experiences of Pre-service EFL Teachers to their Professional Development. International Journal of Current Approaches in Language, Education and Social Sciences, 1(1), 1-19.