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Savaş Alanında Dil: Rajiv Joseph’un Bağdat Hayvanat Bahçesindeki Bengal Kaplanı adlı Oyununda Çevirinin Gücü

Year 2018, Volume: 12 Issue: 1-2, 99 - 111, 28.12.2018


Eylül saldırısının ardından Afganistan’ın ve Irak’ın işgali, İngiliz ve
Amerikan oyun yazarlarına savaşın ve çatışmaların anlamsızlığını protesto eden
politik oyunlar yazmaya konusunda ilham vermiştir. Rajiv Joseph tarafından
yazılmış olan Bağdat Hayvanat
Bahçesindeki Bengal Kaplanı
(2009) adlı eser, işgal altındaki bir ülkenin
ve vatandaşlarının durumunu anlatan oyunlardan biridir. Oyun, Iraklı tercüman
Musa karakterinin etrafında döner. Savaş bağlamında çevirmen çok önemli bir
role sahiptir çünkü dilsel beceriler somut bir güç kazanır. İşgalcilerin elinde
bulunan çevirmenlerin güçsüz durumları ve onların istismarı üzerine yapılan
birçok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ise Musa karakterinin çevirmen ve
birey olarak güçlenmesinin hermenötik bir analizi yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışma,
iki bakımdan önem taşımaktadır; ilki, çevirinin gerektirdiği potansiyel güce
ilişkin tartışmalara öncülük etmesi; diğeri ise bu gücü kendileri, ülkeleri ve
büyük ölçekte genel olarak daha iyi bir dünya yaratmak için kullanmaları
amacıyla ihtiyaç duydukları eğitime dikkat çekmesidir.


  • Al Basuony, and Gihan Samy Ibrahim. “Representation of Iraqi War between Fantasy and Reality in Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at Baghdad Zoo: A New Historicist Reading.” European Scientific Journal, vol.12, no.29, 2016, pp. 323-36. Aaltonen, Sirkku. “Translator, Transtraitor, Bare Life-Conflicting Ethics in War Situations in George Packer’s Betrayed.” Käännösteoria, ammattikielet ja monikielisyys, VAKKI julkaisut, no. 38. 2011, pp.12-23. Alvarez, Román and M. Carmen-África Vidal, editors, Translation, Power, Subversion. Multilingual Matters Limited, 1996. Andersen, Roger. The Power and the Word. Paladin, 1988. Apter, Emily. “Translation-9/11: Terrorism, Immigration, and the World of Global Language Politics”. The Global South, vol. 1, no. 2, Globalization and the Future of Comparative Literature, pp. 69-80. Baigorri-Jalon, Jesus. Wars, Languages and the Role(s) of Interpreters. Les liaisons dangereuses: langues, traduction, interprétation, December 2010, 2011, pp. 173-204. Baker, Mona. “Interpreters and Translators in the War Zone: Narrated and Narrators.” The Translator, vol. 16, no.2, 2010, pp. 197-222. Basile, Elena. “Scars of Language in Translation: The ‘Itchy’ Poetics of Jam Ismail.” Literature for Our Times Postcolonial Studies in the Twenty-First Century edited by Bill Ashcroft et al. Rodopi, 2012, pp. 151-164. Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994. “The Tower of Babel.” The Bible, New International Version, Biblica Inc., 2011, Bourdieu, Pierre. Language and Symbolic Power. Polity Press, 1991. Chaudhuri, Una. “Embattled Animals in a Theatre of Species.” Performing Animality: Animals in Performance Practices, edited by Lourdes Orozco and Jennifer Parker-Starbuck. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 135-149. Clarke, Virginia Nicholas. American Slang and Sayings: Especially for Businessmen and Tourists. Red Lead Press, 2011. Craith, Máiréad Nic. “Languages and Power: Accommodation and Resistance.” Language, Power and Identity Politics, edited by Máiréad Nic Craith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 1-20. Cruikshank, Dan. “The Lost Palaces of Iraq.” BBC Recent History –Iraq: Conflict in Context, 18 September 2014, Fanon, Frantz. “The Negro and Language.” Black Skin, White Masks, Pluto Press, 1952, pp. 8-27. Gerard, Raymond. “Lost and Found in Translation: an Interview with Rajiv Joseph”. Theatre Interviews, 3 April 2011, article/lost-and-found-in-translation-an-interview-with-playwright-rajiv-joseph. Ghena, Hana Khlaif. “Translating the Maladies Iraq through the Eyes of its Translators in George Packer’s Betrayed.” International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) vol. 4, no. 4, 2016, pp. 50-59. Hirst, Wolf Z. “George Gordon Byron.” The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, edited by Rebecca Lemon et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 438-450. Hobson, Louis B. “Review: Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo Savagely Funny.” Calgary Herald, 17 June 2016, review-bengal-tiger-at-the-baghdad-zoo-savagely-funny. Hodge, Bodie. Tower of Babel: The Cultural History of Our Ancestors. Master Books, 2013. Howey, Christine. “War Puzzles in ‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo’ From Ensemble Theatre.” Clever Scene, 5 May 2015, scene-and-heard/archives/2015/05/05/review-war-puzzles-in-bengal-tiger-at-the-baghdad-zoo-from-ensemble-theatre. Isherwood, Charles. “Ghostly Beast Burning Bright in Iraq Bengal Tiger at The Baghdad Zoo.” NY Times, 31 March 2011, theater/reviews/bengal-tiger-with-robin-williams-review.html. Jones, Chris. “At Looking Glass, a Tiger Tale Set in Iraq”. Theater Review: “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo”. Chicago Tribune, 12 February 2013, Joseph, Rajiv. Three Plays: Gruesome Playground Injuries, Animals Out Of Paper and Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, Soft Skull Press, 2010. Lahr, John. “Tooth and Claw.” Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo and How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying. New Yorker, 11 April 2011, pp. 76-77, -web.pdf. Liaqat, Qurratulaen. “An Expose of Absurd Contemporary Conflicts: Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” B/Orders Unbound: Marginality, Ethnicity and Identity in Literatures, edited by Sule Okuoglu and Mustafa Kirca, Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 219-234. Lowry, Mark. “Between Iraq and a Hard Place”. Theatre Jones, 24 January 2013, Marks, Peter. “Review: ‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo,’ Burning Bright at Round House.” The Washington Post, 16 September 2012, lifestyle/style/review-bengal-tiger-at-the-baghdad-zoo-burning-bright-at-round-house. Maruzi, Justin. “Lost Cities #1: Babylon –How War Almost Erased ‘Mankind’s Greatest Heritage Site.’” The Guardian, 8 August 2016, /cities/2016/aug/08/lost-cities-1-babylon-iraq-war-history-mankind-greatest-heritage-site. Mccall, Tulis. “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” New York Theatre Guide, 1 April 2010, Morrison, Keith, and Icy Lui. “Ideology, Linguistic Capital and the Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2000, pp. 471–86. Muneroni, Stefano. “Translational Eschatology, Death, and the Absence of God in Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, vol.1, no. 2, 2013, pp. 1-10. Neutz, Ben. “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo Theatre Review (Old Fitz, Sydney).” Daily Review, 17 April 2017, Osborne, Bert. “Theater Review: ‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo’ Roams 7 Stages.” Atlanta Journals Constitution, 19 September 2017, entertainment/arts--theater/theater-review-bengal-tiger-the-baghdad-zoo-roams-stages/o3WcqXGaeQZy4A53h2HlWJ/. Packer, George. “Betrayed-The Iraqis who trusted America the most”. The New Yorker, 26 March 2007, yed-2 Poster, Mark. “Foucault and History.” Social Research, vol. 49, no. 1, 1982, pp. 116-142. Proudfit, Scott. “Reunion, Complication, Refraction, and Translation: How Postcolonialism and Post-Structuralism Mark Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” Theatre and Performance Studies, vol. 60, no. 4, 2017, pp. 480-494. Rehman, Javaid. “9/11 and the War on Terrorism: The Clash of ‘Words,’ ‘Cultures’ and ‘Civilisations’: Myth or Reality”. Language, Power and Identity Politics, edited by Máiréad Nic Craith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 198-215. Rooney, David. “‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo’: Theater Review.” Hollywood Reporter, 31 March 2011, Rosenda, Lucia Ruiz, and Clementina Persaud. “Interpreters and Interpreting in Conflict Zones and Scenarios: A Historical Perspective.” Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in Translation Studies, vol. 15, 2016, pp.1-35. Spencer, Jenny, editor, Political and Protest Theatre after 9/11: Patriotic Dissent. Routledge, 2012. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “The Politics of Translation.” The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti, Routledge, 2000, pp. 397-416. Suellau, Rebekah. “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo Discussion Guide”. Syllabus THEBENGALTIGER Perspectives on the American-Iraqi Conflict edited by Suello in Fruend, Jake and Marti Lyons. Looking Glass. 25th Anniversary Season, 1-13. Talley, Michael. The Tower of Babel: Confirmed. BWM, 2016. Wahab, Ahmed Gamal Abdel. “Counter-Orientalism: Retranslating the ‘Invisible Arab’ Leila Aboulela’s The Translator and Lyrics Alley.” Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 3, 2014, pp. 220-241. Westbrook, Deeanne. “William Wordsworth”. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, edited by Rebecca Lemon et al., Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 397-412.

Language in the War-Zone: The Power of Translation in Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo

Year 2018, Volume: 12 Issue: 1-2, 99 - 111, 28.12.2018


In the backdrop of 9/11, the two subsequent invasions
in Afghanistan and Iraq sparked the imagination of British and American
playwrights for creating political plays which protest the futility of wars and
conflicts. Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad
(2009) by Rajiv Joseph is one of those plays which depict the plight of
an invaded country and its inhabitants. The play revolves around the character
of an Iraqi translator, Musa. The role of an interpreter in conflict zones is
very significant because linguistic capability bequeaths palpable forms of
leverages. Additionally, the very act of translation becomes more considerable
and culturally evocative in the backdrop of war. There are many studies
conducted on the powerlessness of translators and the exploitation of
interpreters at the hands of invaders; however, this paper will conduct a
hermeneutic descriptive analysis of the growing empowerment of Musa’s character—both
as a translator and as an individual. This study is significant as it initiates
the debate into the potential power which the act of translation entails and
the need to train interpreters to utilize this power to create a better world
for themselves, their country and the world at large.


  • Al Basuony, and Gihan Samy Ibrahim. “Representation of Iraqi War between Fantasy and Reality in Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at Baghdad Zoo: A New Historicist Reading.” European Scientific Journal, vol.12, no.29, 2016, pp. 323-36. Aaltonen, Sirkku. “Translator, Transtraitor, Bare Life-Conflicting Ethics in War Situations in George Packer’s Betrayed.” Käännösteoria, ammattikielet ja monikielisyys, VAKKI julkaisut, no. 38. 2011, pp.12-23. Alvarez, Román and M. Carmen-África Vidal, editors, Translation, Power, Subversion. Multilingual Matters Limited, 1996. Andersen, Roger. The Power and the Word. Paladin, 1988. Apter, Emily. “Translation-9/11: Terrorism, Immigration, and the World of Global Language Politics”. The Global South, vol. 1, no. 2, Globalization and the Future of Comparative Literature, pp. 69-80. Baigorri-Jalon, Jesus. Wars, Languages and the Role(s) of Interpreters. Les liaisons dangereuses: langues, traduction, interprétation, December 2010, 2011, pp. 173-204. Baker, Mona. “Interpreters and Translators in the War Zone: Narrated and Narrators.” The Translator, vol. 16, no.2, 2010, pp. 197-222. Basile, Elena. “Scars of Language in Translation: The ‘Itchy’ Poetics of Jam Ismail.” Literature for Our Times Postcolonial Studies in the Twenty-First Century edited by Bill Ashcroft et al. Rodopi, 2012, pp. 151-164. Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994. “The Tower of Babel.” The Bible, New International Version, Biblica Inc., 2011, Bourdieu, Pierre. Language and Symbolic Power. Polity Press, 1991. Chaudhuri, Una. “Embattled Animals in a Theatre of Species.” Performing Animality: Animals in Performance Practices, edited by Lourdes Orozco and Jennifer Parker-Starbuck. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 135-149. Clarke, Virginia Nicholas. American Slang and Sayings: Especially for Businessmen and Tourists. Red Lead Press, 2011. Craith, Máiréad Nic. “Languages and Power: Accommodation and Resistance.” Language, Power and Identity Politics, edited by Máiréad Nic Craith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 1-20. Cruikshank, Dan. “The Lost Palaces of Iraq.” BBC Recent History –Iraq: Conflict in Context, 18 September 2014, Fanon, Frantz. “The Negro and Language.” Black Skin, White Masks, Pluto Press, 1952, pp. 8-27. Gerard, Raymond. “Lost and Found in Translation: an Interview with Rajiv Joseph”. Theatre Interviews, 3 April 2011, article/lost-and-found-in-translation-an-interview-with-playwright-rajiv-joseph. Ghena, Hana Khlaif. “Translating the Maladies Iraq through the Eyes of its Translators in George Packer’s Betrayed.” International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) vol. 4, no. 4, 2016, pp. 50-59. Hirst, Wolf Z. “George Gordon Byron.” The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, edited by Rebecca Lemon et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 438-450. Hobson, Louis B. “Review: Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo Savagely Funny.” Calgary Herald, 17 June 2016, review-bengal-tiger-at-the-baghdad-zoo-savagely-funny. Hodge, Bodie. Tower of Babel: The Cultural History of Our Ancestors. Master Books, 2013. Howey, Christine. “War Puzzles in ‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo’ From Ensemble Theatre.” Clever Scene, 5 May 2015, scene-and-heard/archives/2015/05/05/review-war-puzzles-in-bengal-tiger-at-the-baghdad-zoo-from-ensemble-theatre. Isherwood, Charles. “Ghostly Beast Burning Bright in Iraq Bengal Tiger at The Baghdad Zoo.” NY Times, 31 March 2011, theater/reviews/bengal-tiger-with-robin-williams-review.html. Jones, Chris. “At Looking Glass, a Tiger Tale Set in Iraq”. Theater Review: “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo”. Chicago Tribune, 12 February 2013, Joseph, Rajiv. Three Plays: Gruesome Playground Injuries, Animals Out Of Paper and Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, Soft Skull Press, 2010. Lahr, John. “Tooth and Claw.” Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo and How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying. New Yorker, 11 April 2011, pp. 76-77, -web.pdf. Liaqat, Qurratulaen. “An Expose of Absurd Contemporary Conflicts: Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” B/Orders Unbound: Marginality, Ethnicity and Identity in Literatures, edited by Sule Okuoglu and Mustafa Kirca, Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 219-234. Lowry, Mark. “Between Iraq and a Hard Place”. Theatre Jones, 24 January 2013, Marks, Peter. “Review: ‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo,’ Burning Bright at Round House.” The Washington Post, 16 September 2012, lifestyle/style/review-bengal-tiger-at-the-baghdad-zoo-burning-bright-at-round-house. Maruzi, Justin. “Lost Cities #1: Babylon –How War Almost Erased ‘Mankind’s Greatest Heritage Site.’” The Guardian, 8 August 2016, /cities/2016/aug/08/lost-cities-1-babylon-iraq-war-history-mankind-greatest-heritage-site. Mccall, Tulis. “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” New York Theatre Guide, 1 April 2010, Morrison, Keith, and Icy Lui. “Ideology, Linguistic Capital and the Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2000, pp. 471–86. Muneroni, Stefano. “Translational Eschatology, Death, and the Absence of God in Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, vol.1, no. 2, 2013, pp. 1-10. Neutz, Ben. “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo Theatre Review (Old Fitz, Sydney).” Daily Review, 17 April 2017, Osborne, Bert. “Theater Review: ‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo’ Roams 7 Stages.” Atlanta Journals Constitution, 19 September 2017, entertainment/arts--theater/theater-review-bengal-tiger-the-baghdad-zoo-roams-stages/o3WcqXGaeQZy4A53h2HlWJ/. Packer, George. “Betrayed-The Iraqis who trusted America the most”. The New Yorker, 26 March 2007, yed-2 Poster, Mark. “Foucault and History.” Social Research, vol. 49, no. 1, 1982, pp. 116-142. Proudfit, Scott. “Reunion, Complication, Refraction, and Translation: How Postcolonialism and Post-Structuralism Mark Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.” Theatre and Performance Studies, vol. 60, no. 4, 2017, pp. 480-494. Rehman, Javaid. “9/11 and the War on Terrorism: The Clash of ‘Words,’ ‘Cultures’ and ‘Civilisations’: Myth or Reality”. Language, Power and Identity Politics, edited by Máiréad Nic Craith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 198-215. Rooney, David. “‘Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo’: Theater Review.” Hollywood Reporter, 31 March 2011, Rosenda, Lucia Ruiz, and Clementina Persaud. “Interpreters and Interpreting in Conflict Zones and Scenarios: A Historical Perspective.” Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in Translation Studies, vol. 15, 2016, pp.1-35. Spencer, Jenny, editor, Political and Protest Theatre after 9/11: Patriotic Dissent. Routledge, 2012. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “The Politics of Translation.” The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti, Routledge, 2000, pp. 397-416. Suellau, Rebekah. “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo Discussion Guide”. Syllabus THEBENGALTIGER Perspectives on the American-Iraqi Conflict edited by Suello in Fruend, Jake and Marti Lyons. Looking Glass. 25th Anniversary Season, 1-13. Talley, Michael. The Tower of Babel: Confirmed. BWM, 2016. Wahab, Ahmed Gamal Abdel. “Counter-Orientalism: Retranslating the ‘Invisible Arab’ Leila Aboulela’s The Translator and Lyrics Alley.” Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 3, 2014, pp. 220-241. Westbrook, Deeanne. “William Wordsworth”. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, edited by Rebecca Lemon et al., Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 397-412.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Qurratulaen Liaqat This is me 0000-0001-6356-8814

Asia Mukhtar This is me 0000-0003-4953-2393

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 12 Issue: 1-2


APA Liaqat, Q., & Mukhtar, A. (2018). Language in the War-Zone: The Power of Translation in Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(1-2), 99-111.

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