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Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 55 - 75, 28.12.2023


Migration has always been a part of human life. People trend to move to other regions for a variety of reasons, with the search for better living conditions at the core. The discovery of gold and diamond mines in South Africa and its exploitation, brought large waves of migration from the region to this country. Initially, South Africans alone were insufficient to meet the demand for labor in the mining sector, and the migration of people benefited both the mining companies and the migrant population also needs work as it is a source of livelihood. The end of apartheid system in South Africa by 1994, changed the scenario in the and migrants started to be a viewed in a negative way. High expectations regarding improved living conditions emerged and the unrealization of these expectations has led to the emergence of a new security problem affecting the region: xenophobic violence, affecting mostly citizens of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. This study aims to understand the policies pursued by states and international organizations in response to xenophobia. During the research process, the study utilized qualitative approach methods and techniques. It was observed that the policies adopted by the examined states and international organizations in the search for a solution to xenophobia problem were insufficient to solve it. At the same time, cooperation forums were held at the regional and international level to expand efforts in preventing the problem, but xenophobia still threatens the security of the peoples of the region.


  • ACQF (y.y). Overview. https://acqf.africa/about/overview
  • African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (1981) African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Organization of African Union, Nairobi).
  • African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (2019). Press Statement of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa. https://achpr.au.int/en/news/press-releases/2019-04-04/press-statement-african-commission-human-and-peoples-rights
  • All Africa (2015). Africa: Xenophobia - Pan-African Parliament Considers Relocating Headquarters from South Africa. https://allafrica.com/stories/201505041581.html
  • African Union (2018). Statement of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Occasion of the commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. https://au.int/en/pressreleases/20181210/statement-chairperson-commission-occasion-commemoration-70th-anniversary
  • African Union (2020). Launching the African Approach on the Regional Consultation on the Global Forum on Migration and Development. https://au.int/en/pressreleases/20200514/launching-african-approach-regional-consultation-global-forum-migration-and
  • BBC News (2015). South Africa Xenophobia Africa Reacts. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32354993 Business Standard (2015). Zimbabwe Denounces Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa. https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/zimbabwe-denounces-xenophobic-attacks-in-south-africa-115041800795_1.html
  • Chronicle (2015). Zim Evacuates 1,000. https://www.chronicle.co.zw/zim-evacuates-1000/
  • Claassen C (2017). Explaining South African Xenophobia. https://ssrn.com/abstract=2974065
  • Congolo v.d. (2018) Os Contornos da Violência Xenófoba na África do Sul e Suas Implicações para os Países Vizinhos (Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais, Maputo).
  • Crush J, Williams V, Peberdy S (2005) Migration in Southern Africa. Global Commission on International Migration 1-40. Daily Trust (2015). Xenophobia: Pan-African, ECOWAS Parliaments Want Urgent Action. https://dailytrust.com/xenophobia-pan-african-ecowas-parliaments-want-urgent-action/
  • DW (2015). ONU Diz-se Preocupada com Xenofobia na Africa do Sul. https://www.dw.com/pt-br/onu-diz-se-extremamente-preocupada-com-xenofobia-na-%C3%A1frica-do-sul/a-18390417
  • Enriconi L, Morais P (2018) Xenofobia: O que é? https://www.politize.com.br/xenofobia-o-que-e/ Globo (2015). Presidente da África do Sul se Encontra com Mugabe do Zimbábue.
  • https://g1.globo.com/Noticias/Mundo/0,,MUL636974-5602,00-PRESIDENTE+DA+AFRICA+DO+SUL+SE+ENCONTRA+COM+MUGABE+DO+ZIMBABUE.html
  • Harington JS, McGlashan ND, Chelkowska EZ (2004) A century of Migrant labour in the gold mines of South Africa. The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 104(2): 65-71.
  • Harris B (2002) Xenophobia: A new pathology for a new South Africa? Cape Town: University of cape Town Press 169-184.
  • Human Rights Watch (1998). “Prohibited Persons”: Abuse of Undocumented Migrants, Asylumseekers, and Refugees in South Africa https://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports98/sareport/#_1_4
  • Inter-Agency (2001). International Migration, Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia. https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/international_migration_racism.pdf
  • International Migration Organization (2008). IOM Launches Counter Xenophobia Programme in South Africa. https://www.iom.int/news/iom-launches-counter-xenophobia-programme-south-africa
  • International Migration Organization (2009). “One” Movement Launched to Combat Xenophobia and Racism in South Africa as New Study is Released. https://www.iom.int/news/one-movement-launched-combat-xenophobia-and-racism-south-africa-new-study-released
  • International Migration Organization (2012). “I am a Migrant too” 2012 International Migrants Day Campaign Launched. https://www.iom.int/news/i-am-migrant-too-2012-international-migrants-day-campaign-launched
  • International Migration Organization (2015). IOM Calls for Action to Combat Violence Against Migrants in South Africa. https://www.iom.int/news/iom-calls-action-combat-violence-against-migrants-south-africa
  • Kaziboni A v.d. (2022). 5 Xenophobic Myths About Immigrants in South Africa Debunked by Researchers. https://theconversation.com/5-xenophobic-myths-about-immigrants-in-south-africa-debunked-by-researchers-191194
  • Malawi Government (2019) Press Release on Xenophobic Attacks Happening in The Republic Of South Africa. https://www.facebook.com/malawigovernment/photos/a.247499418769893/1245431712309987/?type=3
  • Malawi Human Rights Comission (2015). Press Release on Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa. https://www.facebook.com/HumanRightsCommissionofMalawi/posts/press-release-on-xenophobic-attacks-in-south-africathe-malawi-human-rights-commi/1009054189126307/
  • Masina L (2019). Malawi Repatriates Citizens Targeted in South Africa. https://www.voanews.com/a/africa_malawi-repatriates-citizens-targeted-south-africa/6176298.html
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (2019). Xenophobia: Government to evacuate 171. http://www.zimfa.gov.zw/index.php/component/k2/item/46-xenophobia-government-to-evacuate-171
  • Naicker C (2016) The languages of xenophobia in post-apartheid South Africa: Reviewing migrancy, foreignness, and solidarity. Agenda 30(2): 46-60.
  • Nebe C (2022). South Africa: New Campaign Reignites Xenophobic Rethoric. https://www.dw.com/en/south-africa-new-campaign-reignites-xenophobic-rhetoric/a-61486487
  • News24 (2015). South Africans Chased out of Mozambique. https://www.news24.com/news24/south-africans-chased-out-of-mozambique-20150417
  • Novo Jornal (2019). Africa do Sul: Violencia Contra Estrangeiros - Xenofobia Mostra os Dentre 1994. https://www.novojornal.co.ao/internacional/interior/africa-do-sul-violencia-contra-estrangeiros---xenofobia-mostra-os-dentes-desde-1994-69341.html
  • Portal do Governo de Moçambique (2019a). Comunicação de Sua Excelência Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, Presidente da República de Moçambique, na Sequência de Actos de Violência Contra Cidadãos Estrangeiros na República da África do Sul. https://www.portaldogoverno.gov.mz/por/Imprensa/PR-recebe-primeira-ministra-da-Italia-Giorgia-Meloni/Comunicacao-de-Sua-Excelencia-Filipe-Jacinto-Nyusi-Presidente-da-Republica-de-Mocambique-na-sequencia-de-Actos-de-Violencia-contra-Cidadaos-Estrangeiros-na-Republica-da-Africa-do-Sul
  • Reliefweb (2019). Amid Rising Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa, UNHCR Ramps up Aid for Refugees, Calls for Urgent Actions. https://reliefweb.int/report/south-africa/amid-rising-xenophobic-attacks-south-africa-unhcr-ramps-aid-refugees-calls
  • Resolution on the Situation of Migrants in South Africa (2008) Resolution on the Situation of Migrants in South Africa (African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, Swaziland). Revista PUC-Rio (y.y.). O Caso do Apartheid na Africa do Sul. https://www.dbd.puc-rio.br/pergamum/tesesabertas/0812654_10_cap_03.pdf
  • RTP Notícias (2008). Mais de 15.000 Moçambicanos Regressaram a Moçambique Fugindo de Xenofobia. https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/mundo/mais-de-15000-mocambicanos-regressaram-a-mocambique-fugindo-de-xenofobia_n147998
  • South African History Online (y.y.). The History of Migrant Labor in South Africa. https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/history-migrant-labour-south-africa
  • South African History Online (y.y.). Xenophobic Violence in Democratic South Africa Timeline. https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/xenophobic-violence-democratic-south-africa-timeline
  • Southern African Litigation Center (2015). Open Letter: SALC Urges SADC to Take Action Against Xenophobia. https://www.southernafricalitigationcentre.org/2015/04/22/open-letter-salc-urges-sadc-to-take-action-against-xenophobia/
  • The Economist. (2015). Blood at the End of the Rainbow. http://www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21649429-south-africas-poor-are-turning-those-even-more-downtrodden-blood-end-rainbow
  • The Guardian (2019). AU Commission Seeks Justice for Xenophobia Victims in South Africa. https://guardian.ng/news/au-commission-seeks-justice-for-xenophobia-victims-in-south-africa/
  • The Herald (2015a). Latest: ZANU PF Condemns Xenophobia. https://www.herald.co.zw/latest-zanu-pf-condemns-xenophobia/ The Herald (2022). SADC Tackles Xenophobia in SA. https://www.herald.co.zw/sadc-tackles-xenophobia-in-sa/
  • United Nations General Assembly (2018). Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N18/244/47/PDF/N1824447.pdf?OpenElement
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2019). Refugees Affected by Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa in Need of Urgent Support. https://www.unhcr.org/africa/news/stories/refugees-affected-xenophobic-attacks-south-africa-need-urgent-support
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2020) Guidance on Racism and Xenophobia: How UNHCR can Address and Respond to Situations of Racism and Xenophobia Affecting Persons Under its Mandate (UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Switzerland).
  • United Nations Human Rights Council (2016) Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (UN Human Rights Council, Geneva).
  • United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (2022). South Africa: UN Experts Condemn Xenophobic Violence and Racial Discrimination Against Foreign Nationals. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/07/south-africa-un-experts-condemn-xenophobic-violence-and-racial
  • United Nations News (2022). South Africa on the ‘Precipice of Explosive Xenophobic Violence’ UN Experts Warn. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/07/1122612
  • Voa Português (2015b). Oldemiro Balói Responsabiliza Governo da África do Sul pela Violência. https://www.voaportugues.com/a/oldemiro-baloi-responsabiliza-governo-da-africa-do-sul-pela-violencia/2731327.html


Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 55 - 75, 28.12.2023


Göç, toplumsal yaşamın başlangıcından bu yana insan hayatının bir parçası olmuştur. İnsanlar her zaman daha iyi yaşam koşullarına sahip olmak gibi çeşitli nedenlerle farklı ülkelere gitme eğiliminde olmuştur. Güney Afrika'da altın ve elmas madenlerinin keşfedilmesi ve ardından bu kaynakların işletilmeye başlanmasıyla birlikte bölgeden bu ülkeye büyük göç dalgaları yaşanmıştır. Başlangıçta, Güney Afrika nüfusu madencilik sektöründeki işgücü talebini tek başına karşılayamamıştır. Bu nedenle diğer bölgedeki insanların ülkeye göç etmesi, madencilik şirketlerinin bu işgücüne ihtiyaç duyması ve göçmen nüfusun da geçim kaynağı olarak işe ihtiyaç duyması açısından bir kazan-kazan durumu olarak görülebilmektedir. 1994'te Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’nde apartheid sisteminin kalkmasıyla birlikte ülkedeki tablo değişmiş ve göçmenler Güney Afrika halkı tarafından farklı bir şekilde değerlendirilmeye başlanmıştır. Apartheid sisteminin sona ermesiyle yaşam koşullarının iyileştirilmesi yönünde büyük beklentiler olmuştur. Bu beklentilerin gerçekleşmemesi, bölgesel güvenliği etkileyen bir sorunun ortaya çıkmasına sebebiyet vermiştir: özellikle Mozambik, Malavi ve Zimbabve vatandaşlarını etkileyen yabancı düşmanı şiddet. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancı düşmanlığı sorunu karşısında devletler ve çeşitli uluslararası kuruluşlar tarafından izlenen politikaları ortaya koyarak değerlendirmektir. Araştırmada, nitel yaklaşım yöntem ve teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, belge ve söylem incelenmesi ile tarihsel ve karşılaştırmalı yöntemlerle desteklenmiştir. Araştırma neticesinde, incelenen devletlerin ve uluslararası kuruluşların yabancı düşmanlığı sorununa çözüm arayışında benimsedikleri politikaların bu sorunu çözmede yetersiz kaldığı görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda, sorunla mücadele çabaları artırmak amacıyla bölgesel ve uluslararası düzeyde işbirliği forumların öne çıkmaktadır, ancak yabancı düşmanlığı bölge halklarının güvenliğini hâlâ tehdit etmektedir.


  • ACQF (y.y). Overview. https://acqf.africa/about/overview
  • African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (1981) African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Organization of African Union, Nairobi).
  • African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (2019). Press Statement of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa. https://achpr.au.int/en/news/press-releases/2019-04-04/press-statement-african-commission-human-and-peoples-rights
  • All Africa (2015). Africa: Xenophobia - Pan-African Parliament Considers Relocating Headquarters from South Africa. https://allafrica.com/stories/201505041581.html
  • African Union (2018). Statement of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Occasion of the commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. https://au.int/en/pressreleases/20181210/statement-chairperson-commission-occasion-commemoration-70th-anniversary
  • African Union (2020). Launching the African Approach on the Regional Consultation on the Global Forum on Migration and Development. https://au.int/en/pressreleases/20200514/launching-african-approach-regional-consultation-global-forum-migration-and
  • BBC News (2015). South Africa Xenophobia Africa Reacts. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32354993 Business Standard (2015). Zimbabwe Denounces Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa. https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/zimbabwe-denounces-xenophobic-attacks-in-south-africa-115041800795_1.html
  • Chronicle (2015). Zim Evacuates 1,000. https://www.chronicle.co.zw/zim-evacuates-1000/
  • Claassen C (2017). Explaining South African Xenophobia. https://ssrn.com/abstract=2974065
  • Congolo v.d. (2018) Os Contornos da Violência Xenófoba na África do Sul e Suas Implicações para os Países Vizinhos (Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais, Maputo).
  • Crush J, Williams V, Peberdy S (2005) Migration in Southern Africa. Global Commission on International Migration 1-40. Daily Trust (2015). Xenophobia: Pan-African, ECOWAS Parliaments Want Urgent Action. https://dailytrust.com/xenophobia-pan-african-ecowas-parliaments-want-urgent-action/
  • DW (2015). ONU Diz-se Preocupada com Xenofobia na Africa do Sul. https://www.dw.com/pt-br/onu-diz-se-extremamente-preocupada-com-xenofobia-na-%C3%A1frica-do-sul/a-18390417
  • Enriconi L, Morais P (2018) Xenofobia: O que é? https://www.politize.com.br/xenofobia-o-que-e/ Globo (2015). Presidente da África do Sul se Encontra com Mugabe do Zimbábue.
  • https://g1.globo.com/Noticias/Mundo/0,,MUL636974-5602,00-PRESIDENTE+DA+AFRICA+DO+SUL+SE+ENCONTRA+COM+MUGABE+DO+ZIMBABUE.html
  • Harington JS, McGlashan ND, Chelkowska EZ (2004) A century of Migrant labour in the gold mines of South Africa. The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 104(2): 65-71.
  • Harris B (2002) Xenophobia: A new pathology for a new South Africa? Cape Town: University of cape Town Press 169-184.
  • Human Rights Watch (1998). “Prohibited Persons”: Abuse of Undocumented Migrants, Asylumseekers, and Refugees in South Africa https://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports98/sareport/#_1_4
  • Inter-Agency (2001). International Migration, Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia. https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/international_migration_racism.pdf
  • International Migration Organization (2008). IOM Launches Counter Xenophobia Programme in South Africa. https://www.iom.int/news/iom-launches-counter-xenophobia-programme-south-africa
  • International Migration Organization (2009). “One” Movement Launched to Combat Xenophobia and Racism in South Africa as New Study is Released. https://www.iom.int/news/one-movement-launched-combat-xenophobia-and-racism-south-africa-new-study-released
  • International Migration Organization (2012). “I am a Migrant too” 2012 International Migrants Day Campaign Launched. https://www.iom.int/news/i-am-migrant-too-2012-international-migrants-day-campaign-launched
  • International Migration Organization (2015). IOM Calls for Action to Combat Violence Against Migrants in South Africa. https://www.iom.int/news/iom-calls-action-combat-violence-against-migrants-south-africa
  • Kaziboni A v.d. (2022). 5 Xenophobic Myths About Immigrants in South Africa Debunked by Researchers. https://theconversation.com/5-xenophobic-myths-about-immigrants-in-south-africa-debunked-by-researchers-191194
  • Malawi Government (2019) Press Release on Xenophobic Attacks Happening in The Republic Of South Africa. https://www.facebook.com/malawigovernment/photos/a.247499418769893/1245431712309987/?type=3
  • Malawi Human Rights Comission (2015). Press Release on Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa. https://www.facebook.com/HumanRightsCommissionofMalawi/posts/press-release-on-xenophobic-attacks-in-south-africathe-malawi-human-rights-commi/1009054189126307/
  • Masina L (2019). Malawi Repatriates Citizens Targeted in South Africa. https://www.voanews.com/a/africa_malawi-repatriates-citizens-targeted-south-africa/6176298.html
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (2019). Xenophobia: Government to evacuate 171. http://www.zimfa.gov.zw/index.php/component/k2/item/46-xenophobia-government-to-evacuate-171
  • Naicker C (2016) The languages of xenophobia in post-apartheid South Africa: Reviewing migrancy, foreignness, and solidarity. Agenda 30(2): 46-60.
  • Nebe C (2022). South Africa: New Campaign Reignites Xenophobic Rethoric. https://www.dw.com/en/south-africa-new-campaign-reignites-xenophobic-rhetoric/a-61486487
  • News24 (2015). South Africans Chased out of Mozambique. https://www.news24.com/news24/south-africans-chased-out-of-mozambique-20150417
  • Novo Jornal (2019). Africa do Sul: Violencia Contra Estrangeiros - Xenofobia Mostra os Dentre 1994. https://www.novojornal.co.ao/internacional/interior/africa-do-sul-violencia-contra-estrangeiros---xenofobia-mostra-os-dentes-desde-1994-69341.html
  • Portal do Governo de Moçambique (2019a). Comunicação de Sua Excelência Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, Presidente da República de Moçambique, na Sequência de Actos de Violência Contra Cidadãos Estrangeiros na República da África do Sul. https://www.portaldogoverno.gov.mz/por/Imprensa/PR-recebe-primeira-ministra-da-Italia-Giorgia-Meloni/Comunicacao-de-Sua-Excelencia-Filipe-Jacinto-Nyusi-Presidente-da-Republica-de-Mocambique-na-sequencia-de-Actos-de-Violencia-contra-Cidadaos-Estrangeiros-na-Republica-da-Africa-do-Sul
  • Reliefweb (2019). Amid Rising Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa, UNHCR Ramps up Aid for Refugees, Calls for Urgent Actions. https://reliefweb.int/report/south-africa/amid-rising-xenophobic-attacks-south-africa-unhcr-ramps-aid-refugees-calls
  • Resolution on the Situation of Migrants in South Africa (2008) Resolution on the Situation of Migrants in South Africa (African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, Swaziland). Revista PUC-Rio (y.y.). O Caso do Apartheid na Africa do Sul. https://www.dbd.puc-rio.br/pergamum/tesesabertas/0812654_10_cap_03.pdf
  • RTP Notícias (2008). Mais de 15.000 Moçambicanos Regressaram a Moçambique Fugindo de Xenofobia. https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/mundo/mais-de-15000-mocambicanos-regressaram-a-mocambique-fugindo-de-xenofobia_n147998
  • South African History Online (y.y.). The History of Migrant Labor in South Africa. https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/history-migrant-labour-south-africa
  • South African History Online (y.y.). Xenophobic Violence in Democratic South Africa Timeline. https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/xenophobic-violence-democratic-south-africa-timeline
  • Southern African Litigation Center (2015). Open Letter: SALC Urges SADC to Take Action Against Xenophobia. https://www.southernafricalitigationcentre.org/2015/04/22/open-letter-salc-urges-sadc-to-take-action-against-xenophobia/
  • The Economist. (2015). Blood at the End of the Rainbow. http://www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21649429-south-africas-poor-are-turning-those-even-more-downtrodden-blood-end-rainbow
  • The Guardian (2019). AU Commission Seeks Justice for Xenophobia Victims in South Africa. https://guardian.ng/news/au-commission-seeks-justice-for-xenophobia-victims-in-south-africa/
  • The Herald (2015a). Latest: ZANU PF Condemns Xenophobia. https://www.herald.co.zw/latest-zanu-pf-condemns-xenophobia/ The Herald (2022). SADC Tackles Xenophobia in SA. https://www.herald.co.zw/sadc-tackles-xenophobia-in-sa/
  • United Nations General Assembly (2018). Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N18/244/47/PDF/N1824447.pdf?OpenElement
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2019). Refugees Affected by Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa in Need of Urgent Support. https://www.unhcr.org/africa/news/stories/refugees-affected-xenophobic-attacks-south-africa-need-urgent-support
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2020) Guidance on Racism and Xenophobia: How UNHCR can Address and Respond to Situations of Racism and Xenophobia Affecting Persons Under its Mandate (UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Switzerland).
  • United Nations Human Rights Council (2016) Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (UN Human Rights Council, Geneva).
  • United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (2022). South Africa: UN Experts Condemn Xenophobic Violence and Racial Discrimination Against Foreign Nationals. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/07/south-africa-un-experts-condemn-xenophobic-violence-and-racial
  • United Nations News (2022). South Africa on the ‘Precipice of Explosive Xenophobic Violence’ UN Experts Warn. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/07/1122612
  • Voa Português (2015b). Oldemiro Balói Responsabiliza Governo da África do Sul pela Violência. https://www.voaportugues.com/a/oldemiro-baloi-responsabiliza-governo-da-africa-do-sul-pela-violencia/2731327.html
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Policy and Administration (Other)
Journal Section Uluslararası İlişkiler

Evanilde Rofina Alfiado

Ceren Gürseler

Publication Date December 28, 2023
Submission Date December 5, 2023
Acceptance Date December 27, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Alfiado, E. R., & Gürseler, C. (2023). GÜNEY AFRİKA CUMHURİYETİ’NDE YABANCI DÜŞMANLIĞI VE BÖLGESEL ETKİLERİ. Kapadokya Akademik Bakış, 7(1), 55-75.