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Tatlı Bir Uyku: The Cement Garden adlı Romanın Jacques Lacan ve Julia Kristeva’nın Teorik Çerçevesinden Psikoanalitik Bir Okuması

Yıl 2022, , 252 - 260, 28.07.2022


Ian McEwan çağdaş İngiliz edebiyatının en çarpıcı metinlerinin yazarıdır. Onun şok edebiyatı olarak adlandırılan bu metinlerinin en öne çıkan örneklerinden biri olan The Cement Garden, bir ailenin ensestten ölüme uzenan rahatsızlık verici deneyimlerini anlattığı çarpıcı bir metindir. Bu deneyimlerin ergen bir genç erkeğin bakış açısına odaklanmış olması da metni tartışmalı hale getiren unsurlar arasındadır. Bu odak noktası üzerinden anlatılan ve çocukların deneyimlemiş olduğu dehşet verici olaylar, oldukça sıradan deneyimlermiş gibi anlatılmaları açısından da okur üzerinde rahatsız edici bir etki yaratır. Ancak, metnin okur üzerinde yaattığı bu rahatsızlık, okuru, çocukların davranışlarının, ebeveynleriyle ve birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerinin aynı zamanda onların psikolojik süreçlerine işaret eden sembolik bir anlatı evrenine de işaret ediyor olabileceğini düşünmeye yönlendirir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, metne içkin olan bu sembolik düzlemi, Jacques Lacan'’n ‘yoksunluk’ ve Sembolik düzen ve Julia Kristeva’nın ‘semiyotik chora’ kavramları üzerinden çözümlenmesini ve yorumlanmasını amaçlamaktadır.


  • Ababneh, Ruba G. (2012). Abnormal Psychology in Selected Novels of Ian McEwan, Master’s Thesis, Yarmouk University.
  • De Coning, Alexis (2011). Perversity on Paper: Taboo, Abjection and Literature – Ian Banks’ The Wasp Factory, Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden and Irvine Welsh’s Marabou Stork Nightmares, Master’s Thesis, Rhodes University.
  • Dodou, Katherina (2012). “Examining the Idea of Childhood: The Child in the Contemporary British Novel”, The Child in British Literature, Ed. Adrienne E. Gavin, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 238-250.
  • Head, Dominic (2007). Ian McEwan. Manchester and New York, Manchester UP.
  • Koziol, Slawomir (2010). “Aspects of Social Space in Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, International English Studies Journal, 7, pp. 30-42.
  • Kristeva, Julia (1974). “Phonetics, Phonology and Impulsional Bases”, Diacritics, 4.3, pp. 33-37.
  • Lacan, Jacques (1994). The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. London, Penguin.
  • Lacan, Jacques (1988). The Seminar, Book II: The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis, 1954-55. New York, Norton.
  • Lacan, Jacques (2007). “The Mirror Stage”, Ecrits. New York, Norton.
  • Malcolm, David (2002). Understanding Ian McEwan. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press.
  • McEwan, Ian (1980). The Cement Garden. London, Picador.
  • Mitra, Debashis and Manish Shrivastava (2014). “Deterritorialization of the Family Unit and Discovering New Gender Identities: A Study of Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, 2.9, pp. 165-168.
  • Nünning, Ansgar (1997). “But Why Will You Say That I am Mad? On the Theory, History and Signals of Unreliable Narration in British Fiction”, AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 22.1, pp. 83-105.
  • Oliver, Kelly (1991). “Kristeva’s Imaginary Father and the Crisis in the Paternal Function”, Diacritics, 21.2/3, pp. 43-63.
  • Patel, Pravin K. (2018). “Normal Abnormalities: Disseminating the Social and Cultural Structures in Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, Glocal Colloquies: An International Journal of World Literatures and Cultures, 4, pp. 56-71.
  • Rickert, Thomas (2007). “Kristeva, Derrida and Ulmer on Emplaced Invention”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 40.3, pp. 251-273.
  • Sistani, Roohollah Reesi (2014). “Psychoanalytical Tensions and Conflicts of Characters’ Interactions in Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 118, pp. 450-456.
  • Sukdolova, Alice (2019). “Private Prison Cells: The Dynamics and Variety of Ian McEwan’s Space Concepts of the Postmodern Gothic”, Eger Journal of English Studies, XIX, pp. 135-148.
  • Vajda, Reka (2020). “Postmodern Children and The Cement Garden of Ian McEwan”, Eger Journal of English Studies, XX, pp. 65-76.

A Lovely Sleep: A Psychoanalytic Reading of The Cement Garden Through the Theoretical Lens of Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva

Yıl 2022, , 252 - 260, 28.07.2022


Ian McEwan is the writer of the most controversial texts of the contemporary British fiction. One of the outstanding examples of his literature of shock, McEwan’s The Cement Garden, is a challenging narrative in the sense that it depicts the disturbing experiences of a family, ranging from incest to death. The fact that these experiences are narrated through an adolescent boy’s point of view makes these even more controversial in the sense that the depiction of events through this narrator’s view is focalized. Through this focalization, the horrifying events experienced by children are narrated as if they were just ordinary experiences which creates a somehow disturbing effect on the reader. However this disturbance also leads the reader to think that the actions of these children and their relationship to their parents and each other also refer to an underlying symbolism pertaining to their psychic conditions. This article aims to reveal and interpret the novel focusing on this underlying symbolism through the lens of Lacan’s concepts of ‘lack’ and the Symbolic order and Kristeva’s concept of ‘semiotic chora’.


  • Ababneh, Ruba G. (2012). Abnormal Psychology in Selected Novels of Ian McEwan, Master’s Thesis, Yarmouk University.
  • De Coning, Alexis (2011). Perversity on Paper: Taboo, Abjection and Literature – Ian Banks’ The Wasp Factory, Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden and Irvine Welsh’s Marabou Stork Nightmares, Master’s Thesis, Rhodes University.
  • Dodou, Katherina (2012). “Examining the Idea of Childhood: The Child in the Contemporary British Novel”, The Child in British Literature, Ed. Adrienne E. Gavin, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 238-250.
  • Head, Dominic (2007). Ian McEwan. Manchester and New York, Manchester UP.
  • Koziol, Slawomir (2010). “Aspects of Social Space in Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, International English Studies Journal, 7, pp. 30-42.
  • Kristeva, Julia (1974). “Phonetics, Phonology and Impulsional Bases”, Diacritics, 4.3, pp. 33-37.
  • Lacan, Jacques (1994). The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. London, Penguin.
  • Lacan, Jacques (1988). The Seminar, Book II: The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis, 1954-55. New York, Norton.
  • Lacan, Jacques (2007). “The Mirror Stage”, Ecrits. New York, Norton.
  • Malcolm, David (2002). Understanding Ian McEwan. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press.
  • McEwan, Ian (1980). The Cement Garden. London, Picador.
  • Mitra, Debashis and Manish Shrivastava (2014). “Deterritorialization of the Family Unit and Discovering New Gender Identities: A Study of Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, 2.9, pp. 165-168.
  • Nünning, Ansgar (1997). “But Why Will You Say That I am Mad? On the Theory, History and Signals of Unreliable Narration in British Fiction”, AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 22.1, pp. 83-105.
  • Oliver, Kelly (1991). “Kristeva’s Imaginary Father and the Crisis in the Paternal Function”, Diacritics, 21.2/3, pp. 43-63.
  • Patel, Pravin K. (2018). “Normal Abnormalities: Disseminating the Social and Cultural Structures in Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, Glocal Colloquies: An International Journal of World Literatures and Cultures, 4, pp. 56-71.
  • Rickert, Thomas (2007). “Kristeva, Derrida and Ulmer on Emplaced Invention”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 40.3, pp. 251-273.
  • Sistani, Roohollah Reesi (2014). “Psychoanalytical Tensions and Conflicts of Characters’ Interactions in Ian McEwan’s The Cement Garden”, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 118, pp. 450-456.
  • Sukdolova, Alice (2019). “Private Prison Cells: The Dynamics and Variety of Ian McEwan’s Space Concepts of the Postmodern Gothic”, Eger Journal of English Studies, XIX, pp. 135-148.
  • Vajda, Reka (2020). “Postmodern Children and The Cement Garden of Ian McEwan”, Eger Journal of English Studies, XX, pp. 65-76.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Mahinur Akşehir 0000-0002-5284-0365

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Akşehir, M. (2022). A Lovely Sleep: A Psychoanalytic Reading of The Cement Garden Through the Theoretical Lens of Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(Özel Sayı), 252-260.