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Review of Publishing Through Convergence and Integration in the Context of Advertising

Yıl 2022, , 1 - 16, 28.06.2022


Breakthroughs in new communication technologies were influenced parties of convergence differently over time. In this study, new ideas created by these relevant technological developments were described through the user and publisher's side of view. The literature review was used to explore the main technical outputs for both traditional and new media environments. The study is important to understand the main effects of horizontal and vertical integration processes on the structures that use publishing activities involved in new online environments. Therefore, this study was aimed to review the possible connections that emerged through the effects of convergence and structures of integrations. The findings obtained from the literature review have shown that horizontal integration in the context of convergence has critical importance for online publishing media organizations. Another important finding is that notions such as banner blindness problem, freemium product or frequency capping, were emerged through convergence that enabled different interactions between user and publishing mechanism.


  • Althaus, S., and Tewksbury, D. (2000). Patterns of Internet and Traditional News Media Use in a Networked Community. Political Communicaiton, Taylor & Francis, 17, pp. 21-45.
  • An, M. (2016). Why People Block Ads (And What It Means for Marketers and Advertisers). Hubspot Research Report, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Avilés, J. A. G., and Carvajal, M. (2008). Integrated and Cross-Media Newsroom Convergence. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 14(2), pp. 221–239.
  • Barford, P., Canadi, I., Krushevskaja, D., Ma, Q., and Muthukrishnan, S. (2014). Adscape: harvesting and analyzing online display ads. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World Wide Web, pp. 597-608.
  • Barnes, S. B., and Hair, N. F. (2009). From Banners to Youtube: Using the rearview mirror to look at the future of internet advertising. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 5(3), pp. 223-239.
  • Becker-Olsen, K. (2003). And now, a word from out sponsor: A Look at the Effects of Sponsored Content and Banner Advertising. Journal of Advertising. American Academy of Advertising, 32(2), pp. 17-32.
  • Benway, J. P. (1998). Banner Blindness: The Irony of Attention Grabbing on the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: 42nd Annual Meeting, 42(5), pp. 463-467.
  • Betoni, M. (2011, Ekim 12). The 5 most memorable banner ads. iMedia, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2020.
  • Bounds, G. (2006, Aralık 26). Entrepreneur Seeks Riches in Pixels -- Again. The Wall Street Journal, , Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2020.
  • Bruns, A., and Weller, K. (2016). Twitter as a First Draft of the Present and the Challenges of Preserving It for the Future. WebSci, pp. 183-189.
  • Buchbinder, N., Feldman, M., and Ghosh, A. (2014). Frequency capping in online advertising. Journal of Scheduling, 17(4), pp. 385-398.
  • Burke, M., Hornof, A., Nilsen, E., and Gorman, N. (2005). High-cost banner blindness. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 12(4), pp. 423-445.
  • Canclini, N. G. (2009). How Digital Convergence is Changing Cultural Theory. Popular Communication, 7(3), pp. 140-146.
  • Carson, A. (2015). Behind the newspaper paywall - lessons in charging for online content: A Comparative analysis of why Australian newspapers are stuch in the purgatorial space between digital and print. Media, Culture & Society, 37(7), pp. 1022-1041.
  • Casero-Ripollés, A., and Izquierdo-Castillo, J. (2013). Between Decline and a New Online Business Model: The Case of the Spanish Newspaper Industry. Journal of Media Business Studies, 10(1), pp. 63-78.
  • Cauberghe, V., and De Pelsmacker, P. (2008). The Impact of Banners on Digital Television: The Role of Program Interactivity and Pdouct Involvement. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 11(1), pp. 91-94.
  • Cho, C. H. (2003). Factors Influencing Clicking of Banner Ads on the WWW. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 6(2), pp. 201-215.
  • Chon, B. S., Choi, J. H., Barnett, G. A., Danowski, J. A., and Joo, S.-H. (2003). A Structural Analysis of Media Convergence: Cross-Industry Mergers and Acquisitions in the Information Industries. Journal of Media Economics, 16(3), pp. 141–157.
  • Cook, J. E., and Attari, S. Z. (2012). Paying for What Was Free: Lessons from the New York Times Paywall. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 15(12), pp. 682-687.
  • Dimmick, J., Chen, Y., and Li, Z. (2004). Competition Between the Internet and Traditional News Media: The Gratificaiton-Opportunities Niche Dimension. The Journal of Media Economics, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 17(1), pp. 19-33.
  • Ertekin, B. A. (2012). Uluslararası Sistemde Görsel-İşitsel Medyanın Kamu Diplomasisi ve Kamuoyu Yaratmadaki Önemi: TRT'nin Türkçe DIşındaki Yayın Yapan Kanalları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(42), ss. 323-354.
  • Flood, A. (2015, Ocak 13). Sales of printed books fall by more than £150m in five years. The Guardian: Culture, , Erişim Tarihi: 27.05.2020.
  • Francalanci, C., Willcocks, L., and Kern, T. (2001). Internet and the Horizontal Integration of IT Business. European Management Journal, 19(2), pp. 145-156.
  • Gade, P., and Raviola, E. (2009). Integration of News and News of Integration: A Structural Perspective on News Media Changes. Journal of Media Business Studies, 6(1), pp. 87–111.
  • Garone, E. (2016, Eylül 16). Alex Tew's get-rich-quick scheme led him on a meditative journey worth millions. BBC, , Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2020.
  • Google Ads (t.y.). Frequency capping: Definition. Google Ads Help: Help Center, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Ha, L., Xu, Y., Yang, C., Wang, F., Abuljadail, M., and Hu, X. (2016). Decline in news content engagement or news medium engagement? A longitudinal analysis of news engagement since the rise of social and mobile media 2009–2012. Journalism, 19(5), pp. 718-739.
  • Hervet, G., Guérard, K., Tremblay, S., and Chtourou, M. S. (2011). Is Banner Blindness Genuine? Eye Tracking Internet Text Advertising. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25(4), pp. 708-716.
  • Hurwitz, C. (t.y.). HP Pong Banner, Fall '96. Whitesands, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2020.
  • Ikram, M., and Kaafar, M. A. (2017). A First Look at Mobile Ad-Blocking Apps. IEEE 16th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge.
  • Ingram M. (2015, Eylül 24). No, e-book sales are not falling, despite what publishers say. Fortune, , Erişim Tarihi: 07.09.2020.
  • Ivanjko, T., and Bezjak, T. (2017). The Influence of Ad Blockers on the Online Advertising Industry. Atanassova, I., Zaghouani, W., Kragic, B., Aas, K., Stancic, H., and Seljan, S. (Ed.), The Future of Information Sciences: Integrating ICT in Society, Zagreb, pp. 291-299.
  • Jiang, Y., and Katsamakas, E. (2010). Impact of e-book technology: Ownership and market asymmetries in digital transformation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9, pp. 386-399.
  • Jin, D. Y. (2012). Transforming the global industries: Horizontal integration and vertical concentration amid neoliberal globalization. The International Communication Gazette, 74(5), pp. 405-422.
  • Karen Han, J., Drumwright, M., and Goo, W. (2018). Native Advertising: Is Deception an Asset or a Liability?. Journal of Media Ethics, pp. 102-119.
  • Kumoi, Y., and Matsubayashi, N. (2014). Vertical integration with endogenous contract leadership: Stability and fair profit allocation. European Journal of Operational Research, 238, pp. 221-232.
  • Lacy, S., Duffy, M., Riffe, D., Thorson, E., and Fleming, K. (2010) . Citizen Journalism Web Sites Completement Newspapers. Nespaper Research Journal, 31(2), pp. 34-46.
  • Mahoney, J. T. (1992). The choice of organizational form: Vertical financial ownership versus other methods of vertial integration. Strategic Management Journal, 13(8), pp. 559-584.
  • McPhillips, S., and Merlo, O. (2008). Media convergence and the evolving media business model: an overview and strategic opportunities. The Marketing Review, 8(3), pp. 237-254.
  • Mueller, M. (1999). Digital Convergence and its Consequences. The Public, 6(3), pp. 11-28.
  • Myllylahti, M. (2016). What Content is Worth Locking Behing a Paywall?. Digital Journalism, 5(4), pp. 460-471.
  • Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (t.y.). Freemium. Oxford University Press, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2022.
  • Parmar, A., Toms, M., Dedegikas, C., ve Dickert, C. (2015). Adblock Plus Efficacy Study. Simon Fraser University Report, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Patterson, B. (2021, Aralık 9). Amazon is shutting down, but don’t worry about Alexa. TechHive, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2022.
  • Peiser, W. (2000). Cohort replacement and the downward trend in newspaper readership. Newspaper Research Journal, 21(2), pp. 11-22.
  • Pujol, N. (2010, Aralık 1). Freemium: attributes of an emerging business model. SSRN, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2022
  • PWC (2020). Perspectives from the Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2020–2024 Pulling the future forward: The entertainment and media industry reconfigures amid recovery. , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Round, D. K., and Bentick, T. G. (1997). Magazine Subscription Discounts in Australia. Review of Industrial Organization, 12(4), pp. 555-577.
  • Santos, B. D., and Wildenbeest, M. R. (2017). E-book pricing and vertical restraints. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 15, pp. 85-122.
  • Schechner, S. and Ovide, S. (2009, Ağustos 20). CBS Ad Puts Video Inside a Magazine. The Wall Street Journal, , Erişim Tarihi: 07.09.2020.
  • Sjøvaag, H. (2015). Introducing the Paywall: A case study of content changes in three online newspapers. Journalism Practice, 10(3), pp. 304-322.
  • Statista (2020a, Temmuz). Digital advertising spending worldwide from 2018 to 2024. Advertising & Media, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Statista (2020b, Temmuz). ePublishing: Worldwide. Digital Market Outlook, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Storey, G., Reisman, D., Mayer, J., and Narayanan, A. (2017). The Future of Ad Blocking: An Analytical Framework and New Techniques, Cornell University, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Turvill, W. (2020, Haziran 2). Covid-19 crisis drives more than a million new digital subs for leading news providers. PressGazette, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Ulusu, Y. (2016). İlgilenim. Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 12(45), ss. 569-586.
  • Van Bergen, E., Zuijen, T., Bishop, D., and Jong, P. (2016). Why Are Home Literacy Environment and Children’s Reading Skills Associated? What Parental Skills Reveal. Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2), pp. 147-160.
  • Van Selm, M., and Peeters, A. (2007). Additional communication channels in Dutch television genres. New Media & Society, 9(4), pp. 651-669.
  • Vassio, L., Garetto, M., Chiasserini, C., and Leonardi, E. (2020). User Interaction with Online Advertisements: Temporal Modeling and Optimization of Ads Placement. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 8.
  • Wagner, T. M., Benlian, A., and Hess, T. (2014). Converting freemium custormers from free to premium: The role of the perceived premium fit in the case of music as a service. Electronic Markets, 24(4), pp. 259-268.
  • Walton, E. W. (2007). E-Book Use Versus Users' Perspective. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 14(4), pp. 19-35.
  • Wilson, F. (2006, Mart 23). The Freemium Business Model. AVC, , Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2020.
  • Wu, J., Guo, S., Li, J., and Zeng, D. (2016). Big Data Meet Green Challenges: Greening Big Data. IEEE Systems Journal, 10(3), pp. 873 – 887.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2010). Gazeteciliğin Dönüşümü: Yöndeşen Ortam ve Yöndeşen Gazetecilik. Selçuk İletişim, 6(2), pp. 230-253.

Yayıncılığın Yöndeşme ve Entegrasyon Üzerinden Reklam Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Yıl 2022, , 1 - 16, 28.06.2022


Yeni İletişim teknolojilerindeki önemli gelişmeler, yöndeşme taraflarını zamanla farklı biçimde etkilemiştir. Çalışmada, bu ilgili teknolojik gelişmelerin oluşturduğu yeni fikirler, hem kullanıcı hem de yayıncı bakış açılarından tarif edilmiştir. Ana teknik çıktıları araştırmak için, geleneksel ve yeni medya ortamlarına dair alanyazın taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma, yeni çevrimiçi ortamlarda yer alıyor olan yayıncılık faaliyetinde bulunan yapılar üzerindeki yatay ve dikey entegrasyon süreçlerinin ana noktalarının anlaşılması bakımından önem arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışma, yöndeşme ve entegrasyon yapıları etkisiyle ortaya çıkan olası bağlantıları incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Alanyazın taramasından elde edilen bilgiler, yöndeşme bağlamındaki yatay entegrasyonun, internet yayıncılığı yapan medya organizasyonlarında kritik bir öneme sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Bir diğer önemli sonuç da, reklam bandı körlüğü sorunu, temel hizmetleri ücretsiz uygulama ya da sıklık sınırı gibi kavramların, kullanıcı ve yayın mekanizması arasında farklı bir etkileşimi sağlayan yöndeşme dolayısıyla ortaya çıkmış olmasıdır.


  • Althaus, S., and Tewksbury, D. (2000). Patterns of Internet and Traditional News Media Use in a Networked Community. Political Communicaiton, Taylor & Francis, 17, pp. 21-45.
  • An, M. (2016). Why People Block Ads (And What It Means for Marketers and Advertisers). Hubspot Research Report, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Avilés, J. A. G., and Carvajal, M. (2008). Integrated and Cross-Media Newsroom Convergence. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 14(2), pp. 221–239.
  • Barford, P., Canadi, I., Krushevskaja, D., Ma, Q., and Muthukrishnan, S. (2014). Adscape: harvesting and analyzing online display ads. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World Wide Web, pp. 597-608.
  • Barnes, S. B., and Hair, N. F. (2009). From Banners to Youtube: Using the rearview mirror to look at the future of internet advertising. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 5(3), pp. 223-239.
  • Becker-Olsen, K. (2003). And now, a word from out sponsor: A Look at the Effects of Sponsored Content and Banner Advertising. Journal of Advertising. American Academy of Advertising, 32(2), pp. 17-32.
  • Benway, J. P. (1998). Banner Blindness: The Irony of Attention Grabbing on the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: 42nd Annual Meeting, 42(5), pp. 463-467.
  • Betoni, M. (2011, Ekim 12). The 5 most memorable banner ads. iMedia, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2020.
  • Bounds, G. (2006, Aralık 26). Entrepreneur Seeks Riches in Pixels -- Again. The Wall Street Journal, , Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2020.
  • Bruns, A., and Weller, K. (2016). Twitter as a First Draft of the Present and the Challenges of Preserving It for the Future. WebSci, pp. 183-189.
  • Buchbinder, N., Feldman, M., and Ghosh, A. (2014). Frequency capping in online advertising. Journal of Scheduling, 17(4), pp. 385-398.
  • Burke, M., Hornof, A., Nilsen, E., and Gorman, N. (2005). High-cost banner blindness. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 12(4), pp. 423-445.
  • Canclini, N. G. (2009). How Digital Convergence is Changing Cultural Theory. Popular Communication, 7(3), pp. 140-146.
  • Carson, A. (2015). Behind the newspaper paywall - lessons in charging for online content: A Comparative analysis of why Australian newspapers are stuch in the purgatorial space between digital and print. Media, Culture & Society, 37(7), pp. 1022-1041.
  • Casero-Ripollés, A., and Izquierdo-Castillo, J. (2013). Between Decline and a New Online Business Model: The Case of the Spanish Newspaper Industry. Journal of Media Business Studies, 10(1), pp. 63-78.
  • Cauberghe, V., and De Pelsmacker, P. (2008). The Impact of Banners on Digital Television: The Role of Program Interactivity and Pdouct Involvement. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 11(1), pp. 91-94.
  • Cho, C. H. (2003). Factors Influencing Clicking of Banner Ads on the WWW. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 6(2), pp. 201-215.
  • Chon, B. S., Choi, J. H., Barnett, G. A., Danowski, J. A., and Joo, S.-H. (2003). A Structural Analysis of Media Convergence: Cross-Industry Mergers and Acquisitions in the Information Industries. Journal of Media Economics, 16(3), pp. 141–157.
  • Cook, J. E., and Attari, S. Z. (2012). Paying for What Was Free: Lessons from the New York Times Paywall. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 15(12), pp. 682-687.
  • Dimmick, J., Chen, Y., and Li, Z. (2004). Competition Between the Internet and Traditional News Media: The Gratificaiton-Opportunities Niche Dimension. The Journal of Media Economics, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 17(1), pp. 19-33.
  • Ertekin, B. A. (2012). Uluslararası Sistemde Görsel-İşitsel Medyanın Kamu Diplomasisi ve Kamuoyu Yaratmadaki Önemi: TRT'nin Türkçe DIşındaki Yayın Yapan Kanalları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(42), ss. 323-354.
  • Flood, A. (2015, Ocak 13). Sales of printed books fall by more than £150m in five years. The Guardian: Culture, , Erişim Tarihi: 27.05.2020.
  • Francalanci, C., Willcocks, L., and Kern, T. (2001). Internet and the Horizontal Integration of IT Business. European Management Journal, 19(2), pp. 145-156.
  • Gade, P., and Raviola, E. (2009). Integration of News and News of Integration: A Structural Perspective on News Media Changes. Journal of Media Business Studies, 6(1), pp. 87–111.
  • Garone, E. (2016, Eylül 16). Alex Tew's get-rich-quick scheme led him on a meditative journey worth millions. BBC, , Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2020.
  • Google Ads (t.y.). Frequency capping: Definition. Google Ads Help: Help Center, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Ha, L., Xu, Y., Yang, C., Wang, F., Abuljadail, M., and Hu, X. (2016). Decline in news content engagement or news medium engagement? A longitudinal analysis of news engagement since the rise of social and mobile media 2009–2012. Journalism, 19(5), pp. 718-739.
  • Hervet, G., Guérard, K., Tremblay, S., and Chtourou, M. S. (2011). Is Banner Blindness Genuine? Eye Tracking Internet Text Advertising. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25(4), pp. 708-716.
  • Hurwitz, C. (t.y.). HP Pong Banner, Fall '96. Whitesands, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2020.
  • Ikram, M., and Kaafar, M. A. (2017). A First Look at Mobile Ad-Blocking Apps. IEEE 16th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge.
  • Ingram M. (2015, Eylül 24). No, e-book sales are not falling, despite what publishers say. Fortune, , Erişim Tarihi: 07.09.2020.
  • Ivanjko, T., and Bezjak, T. (2017). The Influence of Ad Blockers on the Online Advertising Industry. Atanassova, I., Zaghouani, W., Kragic, B., Aas, K., Stancic, H., and Seljan, S. (Ed.), The Future of Information Sciences: Integrating ICT in Society, Zagreb, pp. 291-299.
  • Jiang, Y., and Katsamakas, E. (2010). Impact of e-book technology: Ownership and market asymmetries in digital transformation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9, pp. 386-399.
  • Jin, D. Y. (2012). Transforming the global industries: Horizontal integration and vertical concentration amid neoliberal globalization. The International Communication Gazette, 74(5), pp. 405-422.
  • Karen Han, J., Drumwright, M., and Goo, W. (2018). Native Advertising: Is Deception an Asset or a Liability?. Journal of Media Ethics, pp. 102-119.
  • Kumoi, Y., and Matsubayashi, N. (2014). Vertical integration with endogenous contract leadership: Stability and fair profit allocation. European Journal of Operational Research, 238, pp. 221-232.
  • Lacy, S., Duffy, M., Riffe, D., Thorson, E., and Fleming, K. (2010) . Citizen Journalism Web Sites Completement Newspapers. Nespaper Research Journal, 31(2), pp. 34-46.
  • Mahoney, J. T. (1992). The choice of organizational form: Vertical financial ownership versus other methods of vertial integration. Strategic Management Journal, 13(8), pp. 559-584.
  • McPhillips, S., and Merlo, O. (2008). Media convergence and the evolving media business model: an overview and strategic opportunities. The Marketing Review, 8(3), pp. 237-254.
  • Mueller, M. (1999). Digital Convergence and its Consequences. The Public, 6(3), pp. 11-28.
  • Myllylahti, M. (2016). What Content is Worth Locking Behing a Paywall?. Digital Journalism, 5(4), pp. 460-471.
  • Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (t.y.). Freemium. Oxford University Press, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2022.
  • Parmar, A., Toms, M., Dedegikas, C., ve Dickert, C. (2015). Adblock Plus Efficacy Study. Simon Fraser University Report, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Patterson, B. (2021, Aralık 9). Amazon is shutting down, but don’t worry about Alexa. TechHive, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2022.
  • Peiser, W. (2000). Cohort replacement and the downward trend in newspaper readership. Newspaper Research Journal, 21(2), pp. 11-22.
  • Pujol, N. (2010, Aralık 1). Freemium: attributes of an emerging business model. SSRN, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.01.2022
  • PWC (2020). Perspectives from the Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2020–2024 Pulling the future forward: The entertainment and media industry reconfigures amid recovery. , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Round, D. K., and Bentick, T. G. (1997). Magazine Subscription Discounts in Australia. Review of Industrial Organization, 12(4), pp. 555-577.
  • Santos, B. D., and Wildenbeest, M. R. (2017). E-book pricing and vertical restraints. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 15, pp. 85-122.
  • Schechner, S. and Ovide, S. (2009, Ağustos 20). CBS Ad Puts Video Inside a Magazine. The Wall Street Journal, , Erişim Tarihi: 07.09.2020.
  • Sjøvaag, H. (2015). Introducing the Paywall: A case study of content changes in three online newspapers. Journalism Practice, 10(3), pp. 304-322.
  • Statista (2020a, Temmuz). Digital advertising spending worldwide from 2018 to 2024. Advertising & Media, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Statista (2020b, Temmuz). ePublishing: Worldwide. Digital Market Outlook, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Storey, G., Reisman, D., Mayer, J., and Narayanan, A. (2017). The Future of Ad Blocking: An Analytical Framework and New Techniques, Cornell University, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Turvill, W. (2020, Haziran 2). Covid-19 crisis drives more than a million new digital subs for leading news providers. PressGazette, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2020.
  • Ulusu, Y. (2016). İlgilenim. Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 12(45), ss. 569-586.
  • Van Bergen, E., Zuijen, T., Bishop, D., and Jong, P. (2016). Why Are Home Literacy Environment and Children’s Reading Skills Associated? What Parental Skills Reveal. Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2), pp. 147-160.
  • Van Selm, M., and Peeters, A. (2007). Additional communication channels in Dutch television genres. New Media & Society, 9(4), pp. 651-669.
  • Vassio, L., Garetto, M., Chiasserini, C., and Leonardi, E. (2020). User Interaction with Online Advertisements: Temporal Modeling and Optimization of Ads Placement. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 8.
  • Wagner, T. M., Benlian, A., and Hess, T. (2014). Converting freemium custormers from free to premium: The role of the perceived premium fit in the case of music as a service. Electronic Markets, 24(4), pp. 259-268.
  • Walton, E. W. (2007). E-Book Use Versus Users' Perspective. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 14(4), pp. 19-35.
  • Wilson, F. (2006, Mart 23). The Freemium Business Model. AVC, , Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2020.
  • Wu, J., Guo, S., Li, J., and Zeng, D. (2016). Big Data Meet Green Challenges: Greening Big Data. IEEE Systems Journal, 10(3), pp. 873 – 887.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2010). Gazeteciliğin Dönüşümü: Yöndeşen Ortam ve Yöndeşen Gazetecilik. Selçuk İletişim, 6(2), pp. 230-253.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Efe İralı 0000-0001-5332-1367

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA İralı, A. E. (2022). Yayıncılığın Yöndeşme ve Entegrasyon Üzerinden Reklam Bağlamında İncelenmesi. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(2), 1-16.