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Hisse Senedi Piyasalarının Zayıf Form Piyasa Etkinliğinin Küresel Ölçekte Karşılaştırılması: G-20 Üyeleri Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 327 - 338, 24.06.2020


Bu çalışma,G-20 üyelerini hisse senedi endekslerinin 07.06.2009 ve 09.02.2020 tarihleri arasındaki haftalık verilerini kullanarak G-20 üyelerinin hisse senedi piyasalarının getiri öngörülebilirliğini, diğer bir ifadeyle zayıf formdaki piyasa etkinliğini karşılaştırma açısından analiz etmektedir. Kim (2009) tarafından geliştirilen doğal bootstrap otomatik varyans oranı testi analizleri neticesinde, Brezilya, Güney Afrika ve Almanya hisse senedi piyasalarının çalışma kapsamındaki tarih aralığında zayıf formda etkin olduğu, dolayısıyla getirilerin öngörülemez olduğu, diğer piyasaların ise zayıf form etkinliğinin (getiri öngörülebilirliğin) periyodik olarak değiştiği bulunmuştur. Brezilya, Güney Afrika ve Almanya'ya ek olarak, Rusya, Fransa, İtalya, ABD, İngiltere ve Kanada hisse senedi piyasalarında tarihsel fiyat hareketleri veya getirileri ile getirilerin tahmin edilebilme şansı oldukça düşüktür. Ayrıca Japonya, Avustralya, Çin, Suudi Arabistan ve özellikle Meksika hisse senedi piyasalarının getiri öngörülebilirlik dönemlerinin diğer piyasalardan daha yüksek olduğu ve bu piyasalarda tarihsel fiyat bilgilerini kullanarak getiri tahmininde başarı şansının oldukça yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Abrosimova, N., Dissanaike, G., & Linowski, D. (2002). Testing the weak- form efficiency of the Russian stock market. SSRN Working Paper, European Finance Association Conference. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.302287
  • Arı, A., & Yüksel, Ö. (2017). BİST 100’de haftanın günü anomalisi: Ekonometrik bir analiz. Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 54(632), 77-89.
  • Bayraktar, A. (2012). Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 37-47.
  • Chan, K. C., Gup, B. E., & Pan, M. S. (1997). International stock market efficiency and integration: A study of eighteen nations. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 24(6), 803-813. DOI: 10.1111/1468-5957.00134
  • Charles, A., Darné, O., & Kim, J. H. (2011). Small sample properties of alternative tests for martingale difference hypothesis. Economics Letters, 110, 151-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2010.11.018
  • Charles, A., Darné, O., & Kim, J. H. (2015), Adaptive Markets Hypothesis for Islamic Stock Portfolios: Evidence from Dow Jones Size and Sector-indices. SSRN Working Paper. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2611472
  • Charles, A., Darné, O., & Kim, J. H. (2015). Will precious metals shine? A market efficiency perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41, 284-291. DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2015.01.018
  • Choudhry, T. 1994. Stochastic trends and stock prices: An international inquiry. Applied Financial Economics, 4(6), 383-390. DOI: 10.1080/758518670
  • Dahel, R., & Laabas, B. (1999). The behavior of stock prices in the GCC markets. Journal of Development & Economic Policies, 1, 89-105.
  • Degutis, A., & Novickytė, L. (2014). The efficient market hypothesis: A critical review of literature and methodology. Ekonomika, 93(2), 7-23.
  • Engle, R. F. (1982). Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of United Kingdom inflations. Econometrica, 50(4), 987-1007. DOI: 10.2307/1912773
  • Ergül, N. (2009). Ulusal Hisse Senetleri Piyasası’nda etkinlik. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 101-117.
  • Fama, E. F. (1965). The behaviour of stock market prices. Journal of Business, 38, 34-105.
  • Fama, E. F. (1970). Efficient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. Journal of Finance, 25, 383-417. DOI: 10.2307/2325486
  • Gupta, R., & Basu, P. K. (2007). Weak-form efficiency in Indian stock markets. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 6(3), 57-64. DOI: 10.19030/iber.v6i3.3353
  • Gümüş, F. B., & Zeren, F. (2014). Analyzing The Efficient Market Hypothesis with the Fourier unit root tests: Evidence from G-20 countries. Ekonomski Horizonti, 16(3), 225-237. DOI: 10.5937/ekonhor1403225g
  • Hamid, K., Suleman, M. T., Shah, S. Z. A., & Akash, R. S. I. (2017). Testing the weak-form of Efficient Market Hypothesis: Empirical evidence from Asia-Pacific markets. SSRN Working Paper. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2912908
  • Investing,, [Date of Access: 10.02.2020].
  • Karadağlı, E. C., & Omay, N. C. (2012). Testing weak-form market efficiency of Emerging markets: A nonlinear approach. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 7(3), 235-245.
  • Karan, M. B. (2013). Yatırım analizi ve portföy yönetimi. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Kayral, İ. E., & Alagöz, H. M. (2019). G-20 üyesi ülke borsalarının zayıf formda piyasa etkinliğinin test edilmesi. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 21(3), 809-828. DOI: 10.31460/mbdd.531351
  • Kim, J. H. (2006). Wild bootstrapping variance ratio tests. Economics Letters, 92, 38-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2006.01.007
  • Kim, J. H. (2009). Automatic variance ratio test under conditional heteroskedasticity. Finance Research Letters, 3, 179-185. DOI: 10.1016/
  • Kiran, M. S. S., Mallikarjunaand, M., & Rao, R. P. (2019). Testing the weak-form efficiency of BRICS stock markets. Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, 1(3), 115-123.
  • Korkmaz, T., Başaran, Ü., & Çevik, E. İ. (2010). Yaz saati uygulaması anomalisinin İMKB 100 endeks getirisine etkisinin test edilmesi. Ege Akademik Bakış, 10(4), 1139-1153.
  • Lo, A. W., & MacKinlay, A. C. (1988). Stock market prices do not follow random walk: Evidence from a simple specification test. The Review of Financial Studies, 1, 41-66. DOI: 10.1093/rfs/1.1.41
  • Malcıoğlu, G., & Aydın, M. (2016). Borsa İstanbul’da piyasa etkinliğinin analizi: Harvey doğrusallık testi. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 2(1), 112-123.
  • Malkiel, B. G. (2003). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and its critics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(1), 59-82. DOI: 10.1257/089533003321164958
  • Mammen, E. (1993). Bootstrap and wild bootstrap for high dimensional linear models. The Annals of Statistics, 21, 255-285.
  • Narayan, P. K. (2008). Do shocks to G7 stock prices have a permanent effect? Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 77(4), 369-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2007.03.003
  • Narayan, P. K., & Smyth, R. (2007). Mean reversion versus random walk in G7 stock prices evidence from multiple trend break unit root tests. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 17, 152-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.intfin.2005.10.002
  • Özcan, B., & Gültekin, E. (2016). Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi G-20 ülkeleri için geçerli mi? Yeni bir yaklaşım. ICEB Konferans Bildirileri, 12-17.
  • Phillips, P. C. B. & Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75(2), 335-346. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/75.2.335
  • Qian, X. Y., Song, F. T., & Zhou, W. X. (2008). Nonlinear behaviour of the Chinese SSEC index with a unit root: evidence from threshold unit root tests. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 387, 503-510. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2007.09.029
  • Rossi, M. (2015). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and calendar anomalies: A literature review. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 7(3/4), 285-296. DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2015.074905
  • Said, A., & Harper, A. (2015). The efficiency of the Russian stock market: A revisit of the Random Walk Hypothesis. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 19(1), 42-48.
  • Samuelson, P. A. (1965). Proof that properly anticipated prices fluctuate randomly. Industrial Management Review, 6, 41-9.
  • Suresh K. G., Joseph, A., & Sisodia, G. (2013). Efficiency of emerging stock markets: Evidences from “BRICS” stock indices data using nonlinear panel unit root test. Journal of Economic and Financial Modelling, 1(1), 56-61.
  • Urrutia, J. (1995). Tests of random walk and market efficiency for Latin American Emerging Markets. Journal of Financial Research, 18(3), 299-309. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6803.1995.tb00568.x
  • Vaidyanathan, R., & Gali, K. K. (1994). Efficiency of the Indian capital market. Indian Journal of Finance and Research, 5(2), 35-38
  • Verheyden, T., Moor, L. D., & Bossche, F. V. D. (2015). Towards a new framework on efficient markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 34, 294-308. DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2015.02.007
  • Vieito, J. P., Murthy, K. V. B., & Tripathi, V. (2013). Market effıciency in G-20 countries: The paradox of financial crisis. Annals of Financial Economics, 8(1), 1-27. DOI: 10.1142/S2010495213500036
  • Worthington, A. C., & Higgs, H., (2003). Tests of random walks and market efficiency in Latin American stock markets: An empirical note. School of Economics and Finance Discussion Papers and Working Papers Series, No, 157.
  • Yinggang, Z. Y. Z. (2001). Are China's Stock Markets Weak Efficient? Journal of Financial Research, 03. Retrieved from

Weak-Form Market Efficiency Comparison of Stock Markets on Global Scale: An Empirical Study on G-20 Members

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 327 - 338, 24.06.2020


This paper analyzes stock markets of G-20 members in terms of comparing return predictability, in other words, weak-form market efficiency using stock indexes weekly data of the G-20 members between 07.06.2009 and 09.02.2020. As a result of the wild bootstrap automatic variance ratio test analysis developed by Kim (2009), it is found that the stock markets of Brazil, South Africa, and Germany were weak-form efficient in the date range within the scope of the study, so the returns are unpredictable, while the weak-form efficiency (return predictability) of other markets are time-varying. In addition to Brazil, South Africa, and Germany, there is a very low chance to estimate returns with historical price movements or returns in Russia, France, Italy, United States, United Kingdom, and Canada stock markets. It is also found that the return predictability periods of Japan, Australia, China, Saudi Arabia, and especially Mexico’s stock markets are higher than other markets and the chance of success in estimating returns by using historical price information in these markets is quite high.


  • Abrosimova, N., Dissanaike, G., & Linowski, D. (2002). Testing the weak- form efficiency of the Russian stock market. SSRN Working Paper, European Finance Association Conference. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.302287
  • Arı, A., & Yüksel, Ö. (2017). BİST 100’de haftanın günü anomalisi: Ekonometrik bir analiz. Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 54(632), 77-89.
  • Bayraktar, A. (2012). Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 37-47.
  • Chan, K. C., Gup, B. E., & Pan, M. S. (1997). International stock market efficiency and integration: A study of eighteen nations. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 24(6), 803-813. DOI: 10.1111/1468-5957.00134
  • Charles, A., Darné, O., & Kim, J. H. (2011). Small sample properties of alternative tests for martingale difference hypothesis. Economics Letters, 110, 151-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2010.11.018
  • Charles, A., Darné, O., & Kim, J. H. (2015), Adaptive Markets Hypothesis for Islamic Stock Portfolios: Evidence from Dow Jones Size and Sector-indices. SSRN Working Paper. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2611472
  • Charles, A., Darné, O., & Kim, J. H. (2015). Will precious metals shine? A market efficiency perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 41, 284-291. DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2015.01.018
  • Choudhry, T. 1994. Stochastic trends and stock prices: An international inquiry. Applied Financial Economics, 4(6), 383-390. DOI: 10.1080/758518670
  • Dahel, R., & Laabas, B. (1999). The behavior of stock prices in the GCC markets. Journal of Development & Economic Policies, 1, 89-105.
  • Degutis, A., & Novickytė, L. (2014). The efficient market hypothesis: A critical review of literature and methodology. Ekonomika, 93(2), 7-23.
  • Engle, R. F. (1982). Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of United Kingdom inflations. Econometrica, 50(4), 987-1007. DOI: 10.2307/1912773
  • Ergül, N. (2009). Ulusal Hisse Senetleri Piyasası’nda etkinlik. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 101-117.
  • Fama, E. F. (1965). The behaviour of stock market prices. Journal of Business, 38, 34-105.
  • Fama, E. F. (1970). Efficient capital markets: A review of theory and empirical work. Journal of Finance, 25, 383-417. DOI: 10.2307/2325486
  • Gupta, R., & Basu, P. K. (2007). Weak-form efficiency in Indian stock markets. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 6(3), 57-64. DOI: 10.19030/iber.v6i3.3353
  • Gümüş, F. B., & Zeren, F. (2014). Analyzing The Efficient Market Hypothesis with the Fourier unit root tests: Evidence from G-20 countries. Ekonomski Horizonti, 16(3), 225-237. DOI: 10.5937/ekonhor1403225g
  • Hamid, K., Suleman, M. T., Shah, S. Z. A., & Akash, R. S. I. (2017). Testing the weak-form of Efficient Market Hypothesis: Empirical evidence from Asia-Pacific markets. SSRN Working Paper. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2912908
  • Investing,, [Date of Access: 10.02.2020].
  • Karadağlı, E. C., & Omay, N. C. (2012). Testing weak-form market efficiency of Emerging markets: A nonlinear approach. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 7(3), 235-245.
  • Karan, M. B. (2013). Yatırım analizi ve portföy yönetimi. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Kayral, İ. E., & Alagöz, H. M. (2019). G-20 üyesi ülke borsalarının zayıf formda piyasa etkinliğinin test edilmesi. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 21(3), 809-828. DOI: 10.31460/mbdd.531351
  • Kim, J. H. (2006). Wild bootstrapping variance ratio tests. Economics Letters, 92, 38-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2006.01.007
  • Kim, J. H. (2009). Automatic variance ratio test under conditional heteroskedasticity. Finance Research Letters, 3, 179-185. DOI: 10.1016/
  • Kiran, M. S. S., Mallikarjunaand, M., & Rao, R. P. (2019). Testing the weak-form efficiency of BRICS stock markets. Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, 1(3), 115-123.
  • Korkmaz, T., Başaran, Ü., & Çevik, E. İ. (2010). Yaz saati uygulaması anomalisinin İMKB 100 endeks getirisine etkisinin test edilmesi. Ege Akademik Bakış, 10(4), 1139-1153.
  • Lo, A. W., & MacKinlay, A. C. (1988). Stock market prices do not follow random walk: Evidence from a simple specification test. The Review of Financial Studies, 1, 41-66. DOI: 10.1093/rfs/1.1.41
  • Malcıoğlu, G., & Aydın, M. (2016). Borsa İstanbul’da piyasa etkinliğinin analizi: Harvey doğrusallık testi. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 2(1), 112-123.
  • Malkiel, B. G. (2003). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and its critics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(1), 59-82. DOI: 10.1257/089533003321164958
  • Mammen, E. (1993). Bootstrap and wild bootstrap for high dimensional linear models. The Annals of Statistics, 21, 255-285.
  • Narayan, P. K. (2008). Do shocks to G7 stock prices have a permanent effect? Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 77(4), 369-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2007.03.003
  • Narayan, P. K., & Smyth, R. (2007). Mean reversion versus random walk in G7 stock prices evidence from multiple trend break unit root tests. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 17, 152-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.intfin.2005.10.002
  • Özcan, B., & Gültekin, E. (2016). Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi G-20 ülkeleri için geçerli mi? Yeni bir yaklaşım. ICEB Konferans Bildirileri, 12-17.
  • Phillips, P. C. B. & Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75(2), 335-346. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/75.2.335
  • Qian, X. Y., Song, F. T., & Zhou, W. X. (2008). Nonlinear behaviour of the Chinese SSEC index with a unit root: evidence from threshold unit root tests. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 387, 503-510. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2007.09.029
  • Rossi, M. (2015). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and calendar anomalies: A literature review. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 7(3/4), 285-296. DOI: 10.1504/IJMFA.2015.074905
  • Said, A., & Harper, A. (2015). The efficiency of the Russian stock market: A revisit of the Random Walk Hypothesis. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 19(1), 42-48.
  • Samuelson, P. A. (1965). Proof that properly anticipated prices fluctuate randomly. Industrial Management Review, 6, 41-9.
  • Suresh K. G., Joseph, A., & Sisodia, G. (2013). Efficiency of emerging stock markets: Evidences from “BRICS” stock indices data using nonlinear panel unit root test. Journal of Economic and Financial Modelling, 1(1), 56-61.
  • Urrutia, J. (1995). Tests of random walk and market efficiency for Latin American Emerging Markets. Journal of Financial Research, 18(3), 299-309. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6803.1995.tb00568.x
  • Vaidyanathan, R., & Gali, K. K. (1994). Efficiency of the Indian capital market. Indian Journal of Finance and Research, 5(2), 35-38
  • Verheyden, T., Moor, L. D., & Bossche, F. V. D. (2015). Towards a new framework on efficient markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 34, 294-308. DOI: 10.1016/j.ribaf.2015.02.007
  • Vieito, J. P., Murthy, K. V. B., & Tripathi, V. (2013). Market effıciency in G-20 countries: The paradox of financial crisis. Annals of Financial Economics, 8(1), 1-27. DOI: 10.1142/S2010495213500036
  • Worthington, A. C., & Higgs, H., (2003). Tests of random walks and market efficiency in Latin American stock markets: An empirical note. School of Economics and Finance Discussion Papers and Working Papers Series, No, 157.
  • Yinggang, Z. Y. Z. (2001). Are China's Stock Markets Weak Efficient? Journal of Financial Research, 03. Retrieved from
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm İktisadi ve idari Bilimler Sayısı

Oktay Özkan 0000-0001-9419-8115

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özkan, O. (2020). Weak-Form Market Efficiency Comparison of Stock Markets on Global Scale: An Empirical Study on G-20 Members. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), 327-338.