Research Article
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The Effect of Route Difficulty on Mental Toughness and Anxiety in Sports Climbing

Year 2022, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 327 - 343, 31.12.2022


This study intends to examine the impacts of route difficulty on the state anxiety and mental toughness level in sport climbing. Our study is designed as an experimental study with a control application. In this context, the working group consisted of 34 athletes with intermediate level sports climbing skills. The athletes were asked to climb two routes, which was easy and difficult to their specified climbing ability. State anxiety inventory and mental toughness scale were applied before and after the climbs. Mental Toughness Scale in Sport (MTS), developed by Sheard, Golby, and Wersch (2009) and adapted into Turkish by Altıntaş (2015) to determine the mental toughness level of athletes after each climb; State Anxiety Inventory (STAI), developed by Spielberger, Gorsuch, and Lushene (1968) and validated by Öner and Le Compte (1985), was used to determine state anxiety. Paired sample t-Test was used in the analysis of the data, the independent sample t-Test was used in the analysis of the independent variables, and the One-Way Anova test was used in the groups with more than two groups. Correlation analysis was used to analyse the relationships. A significant change was detected in the pre- and post-climb state anxiety levels in both routes. In addition, a significant difference was found between the anxiety level before climbing the difficult route and the level of anxiety before climbing the easy route. It was also observed that there was a significant difference between the mental toughness scores after climbing the easy and difficult route. As a result, it can be said that route difficulty affects the level of state anxiety in athletes with moderate climbing ability, but it is concluded that it is not a factor that will make a difference on mental toughness.


  • Altıntaş, A. (2015). Sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının belirlenmesinde optimal performans duygu durumu, güdülenme düzeyi ve hedef yöneliminin rolü. Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Arruda, A. F. S., Aoki, M. S., Freitas, C. G., Drago, G., & Moreira, A. (2014). Influence of competition playing venue on the hormonal responses, state anxiety and perception of effort in elite basketball athletes. Physiology & Behavior, 130, 1–5.
  • Asakawa, D., & Sakamoto, M. (2019). Characteristics of counter-movements in sport climbing: A comparison between experienced climbers and beginners. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 31(4), 349-353.
  • Barrington, N., Hancock, R., & Clough, P. (2019). Impact of a resilience programme on pupil anxiety, depression and mental toughness. Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(1), 60-81.
  • Beck, N.M. (2012). Mental Toughness: An analysis of sex, race, and mood. University of North Texas.
  • Bertuzzi, R.C.DM., Franchini, E., Kokubun, E., & Kiss, M.A.P.D.M. (2007). Energy system contributions in indoor rock climbing. European journal of applied physiology, 101(3), 293-300.
  • Buhrow, C., Digmann, J., & Waldron, J.J. (2017). The Relationship between sports specialization and mental toughness. International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(1), 44-52.
  • Bull, S.J., Shambrook, C.J., James, W., & Brooks, J.K. (2005). Towards an understanding of mental toughness in elite english cricketers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17(3), 209-227. 10.1080/10413200591010085
  • Bull, S. (2007). The Game Plan: Your Guide to Mental Toughness at Work. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Burke, S.M., & Orlick, T. (2003). Mental strategies of elite high altitude climbers: Overcoming adversity on mount everest, Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments, 7(2), 15-22. 10.7771/2327-2937.1029
  • Clough, P., Earle, K., & Sewell, D. (2002). Mental Toughness: The Concept and Its Measurement. Solutions in sport psychology, 32-43.
  • Connaughton, D., Wadey, R., Hanton, S., & Jones, G. (2008). The development and maintenance of mental toughness: Perceptions of elite performers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(1), 83–95.
  • Crust, L. (2007). Mental toughness in sport: A review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 5(3), 270-290.
  • Crust, L., & Keegan, R. (2010). Mental toughness and attitudes to risk-taking. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(3), 164-168.
  • Drăgoi, C. (2019). Study regarding the effectiveness of sport climbing to increase certain strength parameters in junior soccer players. Gymnasium, 20(1), 98-109.
  • Draper, N., Dickson, T., Fryer, S., & Blackwell, G. (2011). Performance differences for intermediate rock climbers who successfully and unsuccessfully attempted an indoor sport climbing route. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 11(3), 450-463.
  • Draper, N., Canalejo, J.C., Fryer, S., Dickson, T., Winter, D., Ellis, G., & North, C. (2011). Reporting climbing grades and grouping categories for rock climbing. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 19(4), 273-280.
  • Gucciardi, D.F., Hanton, S., Gordon, S., Mallett, C.J., & Temby, P. (2015). The concept and measurement of mental toughness: Test of dimensionality, nomological network and traitness. Journal of Personality, 83(1), 26-44.
  • Gürer, B., Savaş, H.A., Gergerlioğlu, H.S., Hazar, Ç.K., Uzun, M., ve Savaş, E. (2007). Süphan dağı tırmanışında irtifanın kaygı düzeyi üzerine etkisi. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 17(3), 161-166.
  • Gürer, B., Alıncak, F., ve Öcalan, M. (2016). Türkiye'deki dağcılık ve doğa sporları kulüpleri ile faaliyet alanlarının incelenmesi. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 15(3), 987-1000. 10.21547/jss.256706
  • Gürer, B., ve Kılınç, Z. (2019). Doğa sporları yapanların temel psikolojik ihtiyaçlarının zihinsel dayanıklılığa etkisi. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 222-233.
  • Gürer, B., Alıncak, F., ve Özen, G. (2019). Bir doğa turizmi olarak macera yarışlarına katılan sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının incelenmesi. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(4), 215-226.
  • Gürer, B., Atalay-Çelebi, M., ve Fındık, T. (2022). Dağcılık, doğa ve macera sporlarında liderlik (Dağ - Doğa - Macera Liderliği). Ed: Burak Gürer. Ankara: Türkiye Dağcılık Federasyonu Yayınları.
  • Hrušová, D., & Chaloupská, P. (2019). Experiencing in climbing and psychological effects of sport climbing. In S. Ivanova, & I. Elkina (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - ICCSBS 2018. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. 56, 118-126. Future Academy.
  • Jones, G. (2002). What is this thing called mental toughness: An investigation of elite sport performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 14(3), 205-218.
  • Juan, M., & Lopez, A. (2015). Mental toughness of scholar athletes. Researchers World, 6(3), 22-31.
  • Kağan, S., Koruç, Z., ve Demirhan, G. (2001). Tırmanışlarda farklı yüksekliklere bağlı olarak kaygı düzeyinin değişimi. II. Uluslararası Spor Psikolojisi Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, İzmir (pp.19).
  • Kayhan, R.F., Hacıcaferoğlu, S., Aydoğan, H., ve Erdemir, İ. (2018). Takım ve bireysel sporlar ile ilgilenen sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılık durumlarının incelenmesi. Sportif Bakış: Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 55-64.
  • Koptagel, G. (1984). Tıpsal psikoloji. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın Dağıtım
  • Kristjánsdóttir, H., Erlingsdóttir, A.V., Sveinsson, G., & Saavedra, J.M. (2018). Psychological skills, mental toughness and anxiety in elite handball players. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 125-130.
  • Levy, A., Polman, R., Clough, P., Marchant, D., & Earle, K. (2006). Mental toughness as a determinant of sport injury beliefs, pain and rehabilitation adherence. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation, 15(3), 246-254.
  • Lutter, C., El-Sheikh, Y., Schöffl, I., & Schöffl, V. (2017). Sport climbing: medical considerations for this new Olympic discipline. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(1), 2-3.
  • Manzenreiter, W. (2020). Climbing: New sport on the block. In Japan through the lens of the Tokyo Olympics open access. (pp. 25). London: Routledge.
  • Nicholls, A.R., Polman, R., Levy, A., & Backhouse, S.H. (2009). Mental toughness in sport: Achievement level, gender, age, experience and sport type differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 47(1), 73–75.
  • Öner, N., ve Le Compte, A. (1985). Durumluk-sürekli kaygı envanteri el kitabı. 20. Basım. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Sanchez, X., Torregrossa, M., Woodman, T., Jones, G., & Llewellyn, D. J. (2019). Identification of parameters that predict sport climbing performance. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1294.
  • Schweizer, A., & Furrer, M. (2007). Correlation of forearm strength and sport climbing performance. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 15(3), 211-216.
  • Schöffl, V., & Kuepper, T. (2006). Injuries at the 2005 World Championships in rock climbing. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 17(3), 187-190.
  • Schöffl, V. R., Hoffmann, G., & Küpper, T. (2013). Acute injury risk and severity in indoor climbing—a prospective analysis of 515,337 indoor climbing wall visits in 5 years. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 24(3), 187-194.
  • Schöffl, V., Popp, D., Küpper, T., & Schöffl, I. (2015). Injury trends in rock climbers: evaluation of a case series of 911 injuries between 2009 and 2012. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 26(1), 62-67.
  • Sheard, M., Golby, J., & Wersch, A. (2009). Progress towards construct validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25(3), 186-193.
  • Sheard, M. (2013). Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement. Second Edition. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
  • Spielberger CD, Gorsuch RL, Lushene RE. (1968). State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI): Test manual for form X. Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Spielberger, C. D. (2021). Stress and anxiety in sports. In Anxiety in sports (pp. 3-17). London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Steimer, J., & Weissert, R. (2017). Effects of sport climbing on multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 1021.
  • Smith, J. C., Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J. (2005). State anxiety and affective physiology: Effects of sustained exposure to affective pictures. Biological psychology, 69(3), 247-260.
  • Sümbül, S., Asma, M., ve Yıldız, K. (2019). Doğa sporcularının merak ve keşfetme eğilimlerinin yaşam doyum düzeylerini yordayıcı etkisi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 229-242.
  • Şahinler, Y., ve Ersoy, A. (2015). Sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının farklı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 5(2), 168-177.
  • Watts, P.B. (2004). Physiology of difficult rock climbing. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91(4), 361-372.
  • Woollings, K. Y., McKay, C. D., & Emery, C. A. (2015). Risk factors for injury in sport climbing and bouldering: a systematic review of the literature. British journal of sports medicine, 49(17), 1094-1099.
  • Yang, H., Wen, X., & Xu, F. (2020). The influence of positive emotion and sports hope on pre-competition state Anxiety in martial arts players. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1460.
  • Yıldız, K., Güzel, P., Çetinöz, F., & Beşikçi, T. (2017). Outdoor camp effects on athletes: Orienteering example. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 1(104), 55-64.
  • Yildiz, K. (2022). Experiential learning from the perspective of outdoor education leaders. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 30, 100343, 1-13.

Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 327 - 343, 31.12.2022


Bu çalışmada spor tırmanışta rota zorluğunun zihinsel dayanıklılık ve durumluk kaygı üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kontrol uygulaması içeren deneysel çalışma şeklinde tasarlanmıştır. Orta seviye tırmanış becerisine sahip 34 sporcu, çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Sporcuların beyan ettikleri tırmanış seviyeleri baz alındığında kolay ve zor olacak şekilde iki farklı rotaya tırmanmaları istenmiştir. Her bir tırmanış sonrasında sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılık seviyesini belirlemek için Sheard, Golby ve Wersch (2009) tarafından geliştirilen ve Türkçe’ye uyarlaması Altıntaş (2015) tarafından yapılan sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Ölçeği (ZDÖ); durumluk kaygılarını belirlemek için ise Spielberger, Gorsuch ve Lushene (1968) tarafından geliştirilen ve geçerliliği Öner ve Le Compte (1985) tarafından yapılan Durumluk Kaygı Ölçeği (DKÖ) kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde bağımlı değişkenlerde eşleştirilmiş örnek t Test, bağımsız değişkenlerin analizinde ise iki grup olanlarda Bağımsız örneklem t Test ve ikiden fazla olan gruplarda tek yönlü Anova testi kullanılmıştır. İlişkilerin incelenmesinde ise korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır. Her iki rotada tırmanış öncesi ve sonrası durumluk kaygı seviyelerinde anlamlı bir değişim tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, zor rota tırmanışı öncesi kaygı seviyesi ile kolay rota tırmanışı öncesi kaygı seviyesi arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Kolay ve zor rotada tırmanış sonrası zihinsel dayanıklılık puanları arasında da anlamlı fark olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, rota zorluğunun orta seviye tırmanış yeteneğine sahip sporcularda durumluk kaygı düzeyine etki ettiği söylenebilir ancak zihinsel dayanıklılık üzerinde fark yaratacak bir etken olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. 


  • Altıntaş, A. (2015). Sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının belirlenmesinde optimal performans duygu durumu, güdülenme düzeyi ve hedef yöneliminin rolü. Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Arruda, A. F. S., Aoki, M. S., Freitas, C. G., Drago, G., & Moreira, A. (2014). Influence of competition playing venue on the hormonal responses, state anxiety and perception of effort in elite basketball athletes. Physiology & Behavior, 130, 1–5.
  • Asakawa, D., & Sakamoto, M. (2019). Characteristics of counter-movements in sport climbing: A comparison between experienced climbers and beginners. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 31(4), 349-353.
  • Barrington, N., Hancock, R., & Clough, P. (2019). Impact of a resilience programme on pupil anxiety, depression and mental toughness. Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(1), 60-81.
  • Beck, N.M. (2012). Mental Toughness: An analysis of sex, race, and mood. University of North Texas.
  • Bertuzzi, R.C.DM., Franchini, E., Kokubun, E., & Kiss, M.A.P.D.M. (2007). Energy system contributions in indoor rock climbing. European journal of applied physiology, 101(3), 293-300.
  • Buhrow, C., Digmann, J., & Waldron, J.J. (2017). The Relationship between sports specialization and mental toughness. International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(1), 44-52.
  • Bull, S.J., Shambrook, C.J., James, W., & Brooks, J.K. (2005). Towards an understanding of mental toughness in elite english cricketers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17(3), 209-227. 10.1080/10413200591010085
  • Bull, S. (2007). The Game Plan: Your Guide to Mental Toughness at Work. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Burke, S.M., & Orlick, T. (2003). Mental strategies of elite high altitude climbers: Overcoming adversity on mount everest, Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments, 7(2), 15-22. 10.7771/2327-2937.1029
  • Clough, P., Earle, K., & Sewell, D. (2002). Mental Toughness: The Concept and Its Measurement. Solutions in sport psychology, 32-43.
  • Connaughton, D., Wadey, R., Hanton, S., & Jones, G. (2008). The development and maintenance of mental toughness: Perceptions of elite performers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(1), 83–95.
  • Crust, L. (2007). Mental toughness in sport: A review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 5(3), 270-290.
  • Crust, L., & Keegan, R. (2010). Mental toughness and attitudes to risk-taking. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(3), 164-168.
  • Drăgoi, C. (2019). Study regarding the effectiveness of sport climbing to increase certain strength parameters in junior soccer players. Gymnasium, 20(1), 98-109.
  • Draper, N., Dickson, T., Fryer, S., & Blackwell, G. (2011). Performance differences for intermediate rock climbers who successfully and unsuccessfully attempted an indoor sport climbing route. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 11(3), 450-463.
  • Draper, N., Canalejo, J.C., Fryer, S., Dickson, T., Winter, D., Ellis, G., & North, C. (2011). Reporting climbing grades and grouping categories for rock climbing. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 19(4), 273-280.
  • Gucciardi, D.F., Hanton, S., Gordon, S., Mallett, C.J., & Temby, P. (2015). The concept and measurement of mental toughness: Test of dimensionality, nomological network and traitness. Journal of Personality, 83(1), 26-44.
  • Gürer, B., Savaş, H.A., Gergerlioğlu, H.S., Hazar, Ç.K., Uzun, M., ve Savaş, E. (2007). Süphan dağı tırmanışında irtifanın kaygı düzeyi üzerine etkisi. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 17(3), 161-166.
  • Gürer, B., Alıncak, F., ve Öcalan, M. (2016). Türkiye'deki dağcılık ve doğa sporları kulüpleri ile faaliyet alanlarının incelenmesi. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 15(3), 987-1000. 10.21547/jss.256706
  • Gürer, B., ve Kılınç, Z. (2019). Doğa sporları yapanların temel psikolojik ihtiyaçlarının zihinsel dayanıklılığa etkisi. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 222-233.
  • Gürer, B., Alıncak, F., ve Özen, G. (2019). Bir doğa turizmi olarak macera yarışlarına katılan sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının incelenmesi. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(4), 215-226.
  • Gürer, B., Atalay-Çelebi, M., ve Fındık, T. (2022). Dağcılık, doğa ve macera sporlarında liderlik (Dağ - Doğa - Macera Liderliği). Ed: Burak Gürer. Ankara: Türkiye Dağcılık Federasyonu Yayınları.
  • Hrušová, D., & Chaloupská, P. (2019). Experiencing in climbing and psychological effects of sport climbing. In S. Ivanova, & I. Elkina (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - ICCSBS 2018. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. 56, 118-126. Future Academy.
  • Jones, G. (2002). What is this thing called mental toughness: An investigation of elite sport performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 14(3), 205-218.
  • Juan, M., & Lopez, A. (2015). Mental toughness of scholar athletes. Researchers World, 6(3), 22-31.
  • Kağan, S., Koruç, Z., ve Demirhan, G. (2001). Tırmanışlarda farklı yüksekliklere bağlı olarak kaygı düzeyinin değişimi. II. Uluslararası Spor Psikolojisi Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, İzmir (pp.19).
  • Kayhan, R.F., Hacıcaferoğlu, S., Aydoğan, H., ve Erdemir, İ. (2018). Takım ve bireysel sporlar ile ilgilenen sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılık durumlarının incelenmesi. Sportif Bakış: Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 55-64.
  • Koptagel, G. (1984). Tıpsal psikoloji. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın Dağıtım
  • Kristjánsdóttir, H., Erlingsdóttir, A.V., Sveinsson, G., & Saavedra, J.M. (2018). Psychological skills, mental toughness and anxiety in elite handball players. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 125-130.
  • Levy, A., Polman, R., Clough, P., Marchant, D., & Earle, K. (2006). Mental toughness as a determinant of sport injury beliefs, pain and rehabilitation adherence. Journal of Sports Rehabilitation, 15(3), 246-254.
  • Lutter, C., El-Sheikh, Y., Schöffl, I., & Schöffl, V. (2017). Sport climbing: medical considerations for this new Olympic discipline. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(1), 2-3.
  • Manzenreiter, W. (2020). Climbing: New sport on the block. In Japan through the lens of the Tokyo Olympics open access. (pp. 25). London: Routledge.
  • Nicholls, A.R., Polman, R., Levy, A., & Backhouse, S.H. (2009). Mental toughness in sport: Achievement level, gender, age, experience and sport type differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 47(1), 73–75.
  • Öner, N., ve Le Compte, A. (1985). Durumluk-sürekli kaygı envanteri el kitabı. 20. Basım. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Sanchez, X., Torregrossa, M., Woodman, T., Jones, G., & Llewellyn, D. J. (2019). Identification of parameters that predict sport climbing performance. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1294.
  • Schweizer, A., & Furrer, M. (2007). Correlation of forearm strength and sport climbing performance. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 15(3), 211-216.
  • Schöffl, V., & Kuepper, T. (2006). Injuries at the 2005 World Championships in rock climbing. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 17(3), 187-190.
  • Schöffl, V. R., Hoffmann, G., & Küpper, T. (2013). Acute injury risk and severity in indoor climbing—a prospective analysis of 515,337 indoor climbing wall visits in 5 years. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 24(3), 187-194.
  • Schöffl, V., Popp, D., Küpper, T., & Schöffl, I. (2015). Injury trends in rock climbers: evaluation of a case series of 911 injuries between 2009 and 2012. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 26(1), 62-67.
  • Sheard, M., Golby, J., & Wersch, A. (2009). Progress towards construct validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25(3), 186-193.
  • Sheard, M. (2013). Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement. Second Edition. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
  • Spielberger CD, Gorsuch RL, Lushene RE. (1968). State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI): Test manual for form X. Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Spielberger, C. D. (2021). Stress and anxiety in sports. In Anxiety in sports (pp. 3-17). London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Steimer, J., & Weissert, R. (2017). Effects of sport climbing on multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 1021.
  • Smith, J. C., Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J. (2005). State anxiety and affective physiology: Effects of sustained exposure to affective pictures. Biological psychology, 69(3), 247-260.
  • Sümbül, S., Asma, M., ve Yıldız, K. (2019). Doğa sporcularının merak ve keşfetme eğilimlerinin yaşam doyum düzeylerini yordayıcı etkisi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 229-242.
  • Şahinler, Y., ve Ersoy, A. (2015). Sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının farklı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 5(2), 168-177.
  • Watts, P.B. (2004). Physiology of difficult rock climbing. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91(4), 361-372.
  • Woollings, K. Y., McKay, C. D., & Emery, C. A. (2015). Risk factors for injury in sport climbing and bouldering: a systematic review of the literature. British journal of sports medicine, 49(17), 1094-1099.
  • Yang, H., Wen, X., & Xu, F. (2020). The influence of positive emotion and sports hope on pre-competition state Anxiety in martial arts players. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1460.
  • Yıldız, K., Güzel, P., Çetinöz, F., & Beşikçi, T. (2017). Outdoor camp effects on athletes: Orienteering example. Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 1(104), 55-64.
  • Yildiz, K. (2022). Experiential learning from the perspective of outdoor education leaders. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 30, 100343, 1-13.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Burak Gürer 0000-0002-0605-3272

Halil İbrahim Kılıç 0000-0003-2084-7818

Early Pub Date December 11, 2022
Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date July 6, 2022
Acceptance Date November 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Gürer, B., & Kılıç, H. İ. (2022). Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 327-343.
AMA Gürer B, Kılıç Hİ. Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi. CBÜ BESBD. December 2022;17(2):327-343. doi:10.33459/cbubesbd.1141622
Chicago Gürer, Burak, and Halil İbrahim Kılıç. “Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi”. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 17, no. 2 (December 2022): 327-43.
EndNote Gürer B, Kılıç Hİ (December 1, 2022) Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 17 2 327–343.
IEEE B. Gürer and H. İ. Kılıç, “Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi”, CBÜ BESBD, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 327–343, 2022, doi: 10.33459/cbubesbd.1141622.
ISNAD Gürer, Burak - Kılıç, Halil İbrahim. “Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi”. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 17/2 (December 2022), 327-343.
JAMA Gürer B, Kılıç Hİ. Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi. CBÜ BESBD. 2022;17:327–343.
MLA Gürer, Burak and Halil İbrahim Kılıç. “Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi”. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, 2022, pp. 327-43, doi:10.33459/cbubesbd.1141622.
Vancouver Gürer B, Kılıç Hİ. Spor Tırmanışta Rota Zorluğunun Zihinsel Dayanıklılık ve Kaygı Düzeyi Üzerine Etkisi. CBÜ BESBD. 2022;17(2):327-43.