Writing Rules


IMPORTANT NOTE: The article file you will send should be written in accordance with the rules stated below. DO NOT WRITE additional information such as AUTHOR NAMES, CONTACT INFORMATION, other than the ones stated below, into the MAIN ARTICLE file! Also, make sure that your identification information is not included in your responses to referee corrections! Author names, contact information, and the information you will send as an additional file should be stated on the TITLE PAGE and on the COPYRIGHTS FORM, regardless of the main text of the article.

A. Research Articles:

These are researches that have not been published in a journal or similar environment before, and that the original data collected are evaluated and prepared in accordance with the journal writing order. The main text (excluding the title page, references, table/figure/picture) should not exceed 18 pages. If the data set in the research has been used in another research before, this information should be included in the resources section.

- Abstract (Average 200-250 words; Turkish and English, consisting of purpose, materials and methods, findings and conclusions)
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods (Subtitles in the sample template should be added here!)
- Findings
- Discussion
- Conclusion (Optionally, it can be Discussion and Conclusion!)
- Acknowledgments (optional)
- References

B. Review Articles:

These are articles that contain up-to-date information and resources in the field of physical education and sports sciences, both domestic and foreign sources are scanned, and the author/authors process the information at the highest level (analysis and synthesis). Prepared directly or by invited authors. It is especially preferred if the author has published publications on that subject. Includes title page, abstracts (Turkish and English), main text, table/figure/picture and references. The main text can be divided into subheadings related to the subject.
- Abstract (Average 200-250 words, without sections, in Turkish and English)
- Topics related to the subject
- References


The language of the journal is Turkish and English. Turkish manuscripts must comply with the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Institution. English equivalents of special terms in Turkish should be given in parentheses. When using English, the rules of English spelling should be adhered to. If frequently used terms or scale names are included in your article, the first letters of the term used in the first notation should be written in capital letters, write the abbreviation in parentheses at the end of the term and use only the abbreviation in other notations. For example: When the term is first used, it should be given with its abbreviation in parentheses at the end, as in the examples of Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSS), Telephone Addiction Scale (TAS). In all subsequent uses, only capitalized abbreviations should be used. (Please note that the suffixes after the abbreviations are added according to the pronunciation of the last letter of the abbreviation!).

Title and Author Name: The title should not exceed 10-12 words, should be written in 14 points, centered, with the first letters capitalized, excluding the connectors. In articles written in Turkish, the English title should be placed under the Turkish title, and in the articles written in English, the Turkish title should be placed under the English title. The name of the author of the study should be written in 11 font size, surname in capital letters and centered. If there is more than one author, the names should be written side by side according to their contributions to the study. Along with the title of the author(s), the institution and e-mail address should be added. If the research is derived from a proceeding, thesis or a project, it should be indicated in the footnote with a special sign (*) in accordance with the explanation in the sample template.
Abstract and Keywords: The Turkish abstract should be written under the title of "Abstract" and the English summary should be written under the title of "Abstract". The abstract should be written in 9 font size, 200-250 words, Times New Roman character, single line spacing and single column. Both Turkish and English abstracts should include information about the purpose, study group/sample, data collection tools, data analysis, findings and conclusion. “Anahtar Kelimeler” should be given just below the Turkish abstract, and “Keywords” right below the English abstract. It is sufficient to have 3 to 5 keywords. When choosing keywords, it is important to choose words that are not in the title.

A. Main Text:

Manuscripts should be written in standard A4 size MS Word program, 12 points, Times New Roman character, with 2.5 cm spacing from all sides of the page and with 1.15 line spacing. All pages should be numbered starting from the title page. In a research article, there should be Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion-Conclusion and Suggestions sections, respectively. This content may be ignored in review articles. Tables, graphics, figures and pictures to be included in the main text should be shown and numbered at appropriate places in the text. Graphics, figures and pictures should be named and numbered and texts with necessary explanations should be added under them. Table number and title should be written on the tables. Tables and graphics should be prepared according to APA 7 style.

B. Acknowledgments:

Including this section in the article depends on the preference of the author(s). Here, they can write a few sentences of thanks to people whose contribution to the research is not at the level of authorship. Contributions of those who are thanked should be clearly stated here.

C. References:

The last page of the article should consist of the REFERENCES heading. References should be written in 9 font size and single line spacing. A blank line should be left between references. Important, new and/or directly relevant resources should be included In the article. But it is recommended that the number of resources should not exceed 60. Oral interviews and notifications of unpublished works (except for Master and PhD theses) should not be used as a source. Footnotes should not be used. All references should be written in alphabetical order.