Objective: Breast milk is the best nutrient to meet an infant’s all needs alone for the first six months within the postpartum period. This study, we aimed at investigating the effects of breastfeeding counseling on exclusive breastfeeding duration, postpartum depression and quality of life.
Materials and Methods: The quasi-experimental study was performed in non-randomized groups where repeated measurements with final-test control were conducted. The universe of the sudy consisted of primiparous women with 36- to 40-week pregnancy admitted to the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of Medical Faculty Hospital in the hospital. The samples were composed of 64 primiparas, 32 in the experimental and 32 in the control groups. Primiparas were placed into groups by drawing by tol and stratifying methods. To collect data, the Mother Information Form, the Infant Information Form, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Maternal Postpartum Quality of Life Scale were used.
Results: It was statistically difference duration of breastfeeding the average duration of breasfeeding of the infants in experimental group is higher compared to control group (3.02±2.24) (p<.001). It was also found that the risk of depression of mothers in experimental group in postpartum sixth month is decreased compared to sixth week it was statistically significant level. It shows that the risk of depression of mothers in control group in postpartum sixth month is increased in the sixth week, however, this difference statically is not significant. The average quality of life of the mothers in experimental group in the sixth postpartum week and month is determined to be higher than the ones in control group and this finding is not significantly difference.
Conclusion: The fact that breastfeeding counseling lasts from prenatal weeks 36-40 to postpartum sixth month was determined to extend only exclusive breastfeeding duration, decrease the risk of postpartum depression and increase maternal quality of life
UNICEF, From the first hour of life (Making the case for improved infant and young child feeding everywhere.), New York, NY: Unicef, 2016.
Turkey Demographıc and Health Survey (TDHS), Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, T.C. Ministry of Development and TUBITAK. 2013. Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish)
Choudhary, A, Bankwar, V, Choudhary, A, Knowledge regarding breastfeeding and factors associated with its practice among postnatal mothers in central India, International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2015, 4(7), 973-976.
Emiroğlu, H.H, Anne sütünün özellikleri ve anne sütü ile beslenme, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrical Sciences, 2017, 13(1), 15-21.
Irmak, N, The importance of breastmilk and the factors that effect exclusive breastfeeding, The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2016, 7(2), 27-31.
Borra, C, Iacovou, M, Sevilla, A, New evidence on breastfeeding and postpartum depression: the importance of understanding women's intentions, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2015, 19(4), 897-907.
Dias, C.C, Figueiredo, B, Breastfeeding and depression: a systematic review of the literature, Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015, 171, 142-154.
Gregory, E.F, Butz, A.M, Ghazarian, S.R, et al, Are unmet breastfeeding expectations associated with maternal depressive symptoms? Academic Pediatrics, 2015, 15(3), 319-25.
Gözükara, F, Key factor in the success of breastfeeding: provision of father support and nurse's roles, Harran University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 2014, 11(3), 289-96.
Figueiredo, B, Canário, C, Field, T, Breastfeeding is negatively affected by prenatal depression and reduces postpartum depression, Psychological Medicine, 2014, 44(5), 927-936.
Kartal, B, Kaplan, B, Buldu, A, et al., Breastfeeding characteristics and breast problems of postpartum women, Izmir University Medical Journal, 2015, (1), 1-10.
Mortazavi, F, Mousavi, S.A, Chaman, R, Does maternal quality of life influence breastfeeding difficulties? Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 2014, 24(4), 452-460.
Nishioka, E, Haruna, M, Ota, E, et al., A prospective study of the relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum depressive symptoms appearing at 1-5 months after delivery, J Affect Disord, 2011, 133(3), 553-9.
Cox, J.L, Holden, J.M, Sagovsky, R, Detection of postnatal depression, Development of the 10-item edinburgh postnatal depression scale, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1987, 150(6), 782-786.
Engindeniz, A, Küley, L, Kültür, S, Edinburgh postpartum depression Scale Turkish version validity and reliability study. Spring Symposiums Book, Turkish Psychiatric Association Publications, Ankara, 1997, 51-52.
Hill, P, Aldag, J, Heke,, B, et al, Development of a questionnaire to measure maternal postpartum quality of life, Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2007, 14, 205-220.
Altuntuğ K, Ege, E, Validity and Reliability of the Turkish version of the postpartum quality of ife scale, Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 2012, 5(3), 214-222.
WHO, World Health Statistics 2015. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/170250/1/9789240694439_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1. (accessed 14.08.2017)
Mohamad Yusuff, A.S, Tang, L, Binns, C.W, et al, Breastfeeding and postnatal depression: a prospective cohort study in Sabah, Malaysia, Journal of Human Lactation, 2016, 32(2), 277-281.
Woolhouse, H, James J, Gartland, D, et al, Maternal depressive symptoms at three months postpartum and breastfeeding rates at six months postpartum: Implications for primary care in a prospective cohort study of primiparous women in Australia, Women Birth, 2016, 29(4), 381-387.
Wouk, K, Stuebe, A.M, Meltzer Brody, S, Postpartum mental health and breastfeeding practices: an analysis using the 2010-2011 pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2017, 21(3), 636-647.
Ahn, S, Corwin, E.J, The association between breastfeeding, the stress response, inflammation, and postpartum depression during the postpartum period: Prospective cohort study, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2015, 52(10), 1582-1590.
Annagür, A, Annagür, B.B, Şahin, A. et al, Is maternal depressive symptomatology effective on success of exclusive breastfeeding during postpartum 6 weeks? Breastfeeding Medicine, 2013, 8(1), 53-57.
Özkan, H, Üst, Z.D, Gündoğdu, G, et al, The relationship between breast feeding and depression in the early postpartum period, The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, 2014, 48(2), 25-32.
Şahin, H, Yılmaz, M, Aykut, M, et al, Breastfeeding problems and risk factors in mothers who applied to two community health centers in Kayseri, Turkish Pediatrics Archive, 2013, 48(2), 145-151.
Sadat, Z, Abedzadeh Kalahroudi, M, Kafaei Atrian, M, et al, The Impact of postpartum depression on quality of life in women after child's birth, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2014, 16(2), e14995.
Bahadoran, P, Alijanpoor, M, Usefy A, Relationship between infants’ feeding pattern and mothers’ physical and psychological health among the mothers covered by the health centers of Isfahan in 2013, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 2015, 20(2), 216.
Mortazavi, F, Mousavi, S.A, Chaman, R, et al, Maternal quality of life during the transition to motherhood, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2014, 16(5), e8443.
Jain, A, Tyagi, P, Kaur, P, et al, Association of birth of girls with postnatal depression and exclusive breastfeeding: an observational study, BMJ Open, 2014, 4 (6), 1-6.
Liu, S, Yan, Y, Gao, X, et al, Risk factors for postpartum depression among Chinese women: path model analysis, BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2017, 17(1), 133-140.
Primipar Annelere Verilen Emzirme Danışmanlığının Emzirme Süresine, Doğum Sonu Depresyona ve Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi
Giriş ve Amaç: Anne sütü, doğumdan sonra ilk altı ay süresince bebeğin tüm ihtiyaçlarını tek başına karşılayan en ideal besindir. Bu çalışma ile emzirme danışmanlığının sadece anne sütü ile beslenme süresine, postpartum depresyona ve yaşam kalitesine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma, randomize olmayan gruplarda son test kontrol gruplu tekrarlı ölçümlerin olduğu yarı deneysel tasarım olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma evrenini 36-40 gebelik hastasında tıp fakültesinin Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği’ne başvuran gebeler oluşturmuştur. Araştırma örneklemini deney ve kontrol grubuna 32’şer primipar gebe olmak üzere toplam 64 gebe oluşturmuştur. Gebelerin deney ve kontrol gruplarına atanmasında kura ve tabakalama yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında “Anne Bilgi Formu”, “Bebek Bilgi Formu”, “Emzirme Özellikleri Formu I”, “Emzirme Özellikleri Formu II”, “Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği ve “Doğum Sonu Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Deney grubundaki bebeklerin anne sütü alma süresi ortalamasının kontrol grubuna göre çok ileri düzeyde anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir (3.02±2.24) (p<.001). Deney grubundaki annelerde doğum sonrası altıncı ayda depresyon riskinin altıncı haftaya göre anlamlı düzeyde azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Kontrol grubundaki annelerde doğum sonrası altıncı ayda depresyon riskinin altıncı haftaya göre arttığı, ancak bu farkın anlamlı düzeyde olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Deney grubundaki annelerin doğum sonu altıncı haftada ve ayda doğum sonu yaşam kalitesi puan ortalamasının kontrol grubundakilere göre anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu ve aradaki farkın anlamlı olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Annelere gebeliğin 36-40. gebelik haftasından doğum sonu altıncı ayın sonuna kadar verilen emzirme danışmanlığının, sadece anne sütü ile beslenme süresini uzattığı, doğum sonu doğum sonu depresyon riskini düşürdüğü ve yaşam kalitesini arttırdığı saptanmıştır.
UNICEF, From the first hour of life (Making the case for improved infant and young child feeding everywhere.), New York, NY: Unicef, 2016.
Turkey Demographıc and Health Survey (TDHS), Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, T.C. Ministry of Development and TUBITAK. 2013. Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish)
Choudhary, A, Bankwar, V, Choudhary, A, Knowledge regarding breastfeeding and factors associated with its practice among postnatal mothers in central India, International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2015, 4(7), 973-976.
Emiroğlu, H.H, Anne sütünün özellikleri ve anne sütü ile beslenme, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrical Sciences, 2017, 13(1), 15-21.
Irmak, N, The importance of breastmilk and the factors that effect exclusive breastfeeding, The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2016, 7(2), 27-31.
Borra, C, Iacovou, M, Sevilla, A, New evidence on breastfeeding and postpartum depression: the importance of understanding women's intentions, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2015, 19(4), 897-907.
Dias, C.C, Figueiredo, B, Breastfeeding and depression: a systematic review of the literature, Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015, 171, 142-154.
Gregory, E.F, Butz, A.M, Ghazarian, S.R, et al, Are unmet breastfeeding expectations associated with maternal depressive symptoms? Academic Pediatrics, 2015, 15(3), 319-25.
Gözükara, F, Key factor in the success of breastfeeding: provision of father support and nurse's roles, Harran University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 2014, 11(3), 289-96.
Figueiredo, B, Canário, C, Field, T, Breastfeeding is negatively affected by prenatal depression and reduces postpartum depression, Psychological Medicine, 2014, 44(5), 927-936.
Kartal, B, Kaplan, B, Buldu, A, et al., Breastfeeding characteristics and breast problems of postpartum women, Izmir University Medical Journal, 2015, (1), 1-10.
Mortazavi, F, Mousavi, S.A, Chaman, R, Does maternal quality of life influence breastfeeding difficulties? Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 2014, 24(4), 452-460.
Nishioka, E, Haruna, M, Ota, E, et al., A prospective study of the relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum depressive symptoms appearing at 1-5 months after delivery, J Affect Disord, 2011, 133(3), 553-9.
Cox, J.L, Holden, J.M, Sagovsky, R, Detection of postnatal depression, Development of the 10-item edinburgh postnatal depression scale, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1987, 150(6), 782-786.
Engindeniz, A, Küley, L, Kültür, S, Edinburgh postpartum depression Scale Turkish version validity and reliability study. Spring Symposiums Book, Turkish Psychiatric Association Publications, Ankara, 1997, 51-52.
Hill, P, Aldag, J, Heke,, B, et al, Development of a questionnaire to measure maternal postpartum quality of life, Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2007, 14, 205-220.
Altuntuğ K, Ege, E, Validity and Reliability of the Turkish version of the postpartum quality of ife scale, Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 2012, 5(3), 214-222.
WHO, World Health Statistics 2015. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/170250/1/9789240694439_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1. (accessed 14.08.2017)
Mohamad Yusuff, A.S, Tang, L, Binns, C.W, et al, Breastfeeding and postnatal depression: a prospective cohort study in Sabah, Malaysia, Journal of Human Lactation, 2016, 32(2), 277-281.
Woolhouse, H, James J, Gartland, D, et al, Maternal depressive symptoms at three months postpartum and breastfeeding rates at six months postpartum: Implications for primary care in a prospective cohort study of primiparous women in Australia, Women Birth, 2016, 29(4), 381-387.
Wouk, K, Stuebe, A.M, Meltzer Brody, S, Postpartum mental health and breastfeeding practices: an analysis using the 2010-2011 pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2017, 21(3), 636-647.
Ahn, S, Corwin, E.J, The association between breastfeeding, the stress response, inflammation, and postpartum depression during the postpartum period: Prospective cohort study, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2015, 52(10), 1582-1590.
Annagür, A, Annagür, B.B, Şahin, A. et al, Is maternal depressive symptomatology effective on success of exclusive breastfeeding during postpartum 6 weeks? Breastfeeding Medicine, 2013, 8(1), 53-57.
Özkan, H, Üst, Z.D, Gündoğdu, G, et al, The relationship between breast feeding and depression in the early postpartum period, The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, 2014, 48(2), 25-32.
Şahin, H, Yılmaz, M, Aykut, M, et al, Breastfeeding problems and risk factors in mothers who applied to two community health centers in Kayseri, Turkish Pediatrics Archive, 2013, 48(2), 145-151.
Sadat, Z, Abedzadeh Kalahroudi, M, Kafaei Atrian, M, et al, The Impact of postpartum depression on quality of life in women after child's birth, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2014, 16(2), e14995.
Bahadoran, P, Alijanpoor, M, Usefy A, Relationship between infants’ feeding pattern and mothers’ physical and psychological health among the mothers covered by the health centers of Isfahan in 2013, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 2015, 20(2), 216.
Mortazavi, F, Mousavi, S.A, Chaman, R, et al, Maternal quality of life during the transition to motherhood, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2014, 16(5), e8443.
Jain, A, Tyagi, P, Kaur, P, et al, Association of birth of girls with postnatal depression and exclusive breastfeeding: an observational study, BMJ Open, 2014, 4 (6), 1-6.
Liu, S, Yan, Y, Gao, X, et al, Risk factors for postpartum depression among Chinese women: path model analysis, BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2017, 17(1), 133-140.
Aygör, H., & Ege, E. (2021). The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(3), 405-409. https://doi.org/10.34087/cbusbed.829714
Aygör H, Ege E. The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life. CBU-SBED. Eylül 2021;8(3):405-409. doi:10.34087/cbusbed.829714
Aygör, Hamide, ve Emel Ege. “The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8, sy. 3 (Eylül 2021): 405-9. https://doi.org/10.34087/cbusbed.829714.
Aygör H, Ege E (01 Eylül 2021) The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 3 405–409.
H. Aygör ve E. Ege, “The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life”, CBU-SBED, c. 8, sy. 3, ss. 405–409, 2021, doi: 10.34087/cbusbed.829714.
Aygör, Hamide - Ege, Emel. “The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8/3 (Eylül 2021), 405-409. https://doi.org/10.34087/cbusbed.829714.
Aygör H, Ege E. The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life. CBU-SBED. 2021;8:405–409.
Aygör, Hamide ve Emel Ege. “The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 405-9, doi:10.34087/cbusbed.829714.
Aygör H, Ege E. The Effect of Breastfeeding Counseling to Primiparaous Mother on Duration of Breastfeeding, Postpartum Depression and Quality of Life. CBU-SBED. 2021;8(3):405-9.