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Yanıkların Yıkıcı Bir Nedeni: Sentetik Kannabinoid Suistimali

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 511 - 515, 30.09.2021


Sentetik kannabinoidler, kannabinoid reseptörlerinin agonistleri olan insan yapımı kimyasallardır. Küresel olarak, 2000'lerden beri psikoaktif etkileri nedeniyle yasa dışı olarak pazarlanmaktadır. Türkiye'de ilk sentetik kannabinoid trafiği 2010'ların başında tespit edilmiştir. O zamandan beri, psikiyatrik ve bedensel komplikasyonları büyüyen bir endişe haline gelmiştir. Ülkemizde yaygın bir sentetik kannabinoid türü olan Bonzai, depresyondan öforiye kadar çeşitli zihin değiştirici etkilere sahiptir. Bu değişen zihin durumu, kullanıcıları travmaya yatkın hale getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Bonzai ile ilişkili yanık vakaları ile ilgili deneyimlerimizi sunduk. Ocak 2018 - Aralık 2020 tarihleri ​​arasında Plastik Cerrahi ile Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniklerine toplam 12 hasta Bonzai ilişkili yanık nedeniyle sevk edildi. Hastaların yaşları 18 ile 57 arasında değişmekte idi (ortalama yaş: 33,5 yıl). Toplam yanık yüzey alanı %2 ile %40 arasında idi. Beş hasta yanık nedeniyle ameliyat edildi; bu hastaların hepsinde komplikasyon gelişti ve hastalar ikincil ameliyatlar geçirdi. İki hasta hastaneye kabul edildikten sonra vefat etti, üç hasta ise taburculuk sonrası takibe gelmedi. Hastaneden taburcu olduktan sonra sadece bir hastanın uyuşturucudan arınmış olduğu doğrulandı. Bu çalışmada, her yaştan ve her kesimden insanı etkileyebilen bu sentetik ilacın endişe verici tehlikesine dikkat çekmeyi amaçlıyoruz.


  • Haum, A, Perbix, W, Hack, H.J, Stark, G.B, Spilker, G, et al., Alcohol and drug abuse in burn injuries, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 1995, 21, 194-199.
  • Mahendraraj, K, Durgan, D.M, Chamberlain R.S, Acute mental disorders and short and long term morbidity in patients with third degree flame burn: A population-based outcome study of 96,451 patients from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database (2001-2011), Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2016, 42, 1766-1773.
  • McKibben, J.B, Ekselius, L, Girasek, D.C, Gould, N.F, Holzer, C, et al., Epidemiology of burn injuries II: psychiatric and behavioural perspectives, International review of psychiatry, 2009, 21, 512-521.
  • Danks, R.R, Wibbenmeyer, L.A, Faucher, L.D, Sihler, K.C, Kealey, G.P, et al., Methamphetamine-associated burn injuries: a retrospective analysis, The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, 2004, 25, 425-429.
  • Hodgman, E.I, Subramanian, M, Wolf, S.E, Arnoldo, B.D, Phelan, H.A, et al., The effect of illicit drug use on outcomes following burn injury, Journal of burn care & research: official publication of the American Burn Association, 2017, 38, e89-e94.
  • Grobmyer, S.R, Maniscalco, S.P, Purdue, G.F, Hunt, J.L, Alcohol, drug intoxication, or both at the time of burn injury as a predictor of complications and mortality in hospitalized patients with burns, The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, 1996, 17, 532-539.
  • Thombs, B.D, Singh, V.A, Halonen, J, Diallo, A, Milner, S.M, The effects of preexisting medical comorbidities on mortality and length of hospital stay in acute burn injury: evidence from a national sample of 31, 338 adult patients, Annals of surgery, 2007, 245, 629-634.
  • Palmu, R, Suominen, K, Vuola, J, Isometsa, E, Mental disorders among acute burn patients, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2010, 36, 1072-1079.
  • Swenson, J.R, Dimsdale, J.E, Rockwell, E, Carroll, W, Hansbrough, J, Drug and alcohol abuse in patients with acute burn injuries, Psychosomatics, 1991, 32, 287-293.
  • Mills, B, Yepes, A, Nugent, K, Synthetic Cannabinoids, The American journal of the medical sciences, 2015, 350, 59-62.
  • Gurdal, F, Asirdizer, M, Aker, R.G, Korkut S, Gocer Y, et al., Review of detection frequency and type of synthetic cannabinoids in herbal compounds analyzed by Istanbul Narcotic Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine, Turkey, Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 2013, 20, 667-672.
  • Grigg, J, Manning, V, Arunogiri, S, Lubman, D.I, Synthetic cannabinoid use disorder: an update for general psychiatrists, Australasian psychiatry: bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 2019, 27, 279-283.
  • Aladag-Ciftdemir, N, Yucel, I, Duran, R, Vatansever-Ozbek, U, Acunas, B, A new emerging problem in pediatric emergency units: Synthetic cannabinoids, The Turkish journal of pediatrics, 2016, 58, 492-497.
  • Basat, S.O, Ceran, F, Kurt, M, Bozkurt, M, Is Alice in Wonderland? A new cause for burns due to "Bonzai abuse", Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2016, 42, 230-231.
  • Meijer, K.A, Russo, R.R, Adhvaryu, D.V, Smoking synthetic marijuana leads to self-mutilation requiring bilateral amputations, Orthopedics, 2014, 37, e391-394.
  • Leung, L.T.F, Papp, A, Accelerant-related burns and drug abuse: Challenging combination, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2018, 44, 646-650.
  • Yılmaz, G, Kaylı, D.Ş, Atitudes and behaviors of the society towards individuals using addictivesubstance: Case of Manisa /Toplumun bağımlılık yapıcı madde kullanan bireylere yönelik tutum ve davranışları: Manisa ili örneği, Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 2020, 18, 326-338.
  • Kaylı, D.Ş, Özyurt, B.C, Haum, A, Perbix, W, Hack H.J, Stark, G.B, Spilker, G, et al., Alcohol and drug abuse in burn injuries, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 1995, 21, 194-199.

A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 511 - 515, 30.09.2021


Synthetic cannabinoids are human-made chemicals that are agonists of cannabinoid receptors. Globally, they have been marketed illegally for their psychoactive effects since the 2000s. The first synthetic cannabinoid traffic in Turkey was detected in the early 2010s. Since then, their psychiatric and psychological complications have become a growing concern. Bonzai, a common form of synthetic cannabinoid in our country, has varying mind-altering effects, from depression to euphoria. This altered state of mind makes users prone to trauma. Herein, we present our experiences of Bonzai-related burn cases. A total of 12 patients were referred to the Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics, and Traumatology Clinics between January 2018 and December 2020; their ages ranged from 18 to 57 years (average age: 33.5 years). The total burn surface area ranged from 2% to 40%. Five patients had been operated on due to burn injuries; all of these patients had complications and secondary surgeries. Two patients were lost after admission to the hospital, and three patients were lost during follow-up. Only one patient was verified to be clean from drugs after discharge from the hospital. We aim to point out the alarming danger of this synthetic drug, which can affect all ages and walks of life.


  • Haum, A, Perbix, W, Hack, H.J, Stark, G.B, Spilker, G, et al., Alcohol and drug abuse in burn injuries, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 1995, 21, 194-199.
  • Mahendraraj, K, Durgan, D.M, Chamberlain R.S, Acute mental disorders and short and long term morbidity in patients with third degree flame burn: A population-based outcome study of 96,451 patients from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database (2001-2011), Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2016, 42, 1766-1773.
  • McKibben, J.B, Ekselius, L, Girasek, D.C, Gould, N.F, Holzer, C, et al., Epidemiology of burn injuries II: psychiatric and behavioural perspectives, International review of psychiatry, 2009, 21, 512-521.
  • Danks, R.R, Wibbenmeyer, L.A, Faucher, L.D, Sihler, K.C, Kealey, G.P, et al., Methamphetamine-associated burn injuries: a retrospective analysis, The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, 2004, 25, 425-429.
  • Hodgman, E.I, Subramanian, M, Wolf, S.E, Arnoldo, B.D, Phelan, H.A, et al., The effect of illicit drug use on outcomes following burn injury, Journal of burn care & research: official publication of the American Burn Association, 2017, 38, e89-e94.
  • Grobmyer, S.R, Maniscalco, S.P, Purdue, G.F, Hunt, J.L, Alcohol, drug intoxication, or both at the time of burn injury as a predictor of complications and mortality in hospitalized patients with burns, The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, 1996, 17, 532-539.
  • Thombs, B.D, Singh, V.A, Halonen, J, Diallo, A, Milner, S.M, The effects of preexisting medical comorbidities on mortality and length of hospital stay in acute burn injury: evidence from a national sample of 31, 338 adult patients, Annals of surgery, 2007, 245, 629-634.
  • Palmu, R, Suominen, K, Vuola, J, Isometsa, E, Mental disorders among acute burn patients, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2010, 36, 1072-1079.
  • Swenson, J.R, Dimsdale, J.E, Rockwell, E, Carroll, W, Hansbrough, J, Drug and alcohol abuse in patients with acute burn injuries, Psychosomatics, 1991, 32, 287-293.
  • Mills, B, Yepes, A, Nugent, K, Synthetic Cannabinoids, The American journal of the medical sciences, 2015, 350, 59-62.
  • Gurdal, F, Asirdizer, M, Aker, R.G, Korkut S, Gocer Y, et al., Review of detection frequency and type of synthetic cannabinoids in herbal compounds analyzed by Istanbul Narcotic Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine, Turkey, Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 2013, 20, 667-672.
  • Grigg, J, Manning, V, Arunogiri, S, Lubman, D.I, Synthetic cannabinoid use disorder: an update for general psychiatrists, Australasian psychiatry: bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 2019, 27, 279-283.
  • Aladag-Ciftdemir, N, Yucel, I, Duran, R, Vatansever-Ozbek, U, Acunas, B, A new emerging problem in pediatric emergency units: Synthetic cannabinoids, The Turkish journal of pediatrics, 2016, 58, 492-497.
  • Basat, S.O, Ceran, F, Kurt, M, Bozkurt, M, Is Alice in Wonderland? A new cause for burns due to "Bonzai abuse", Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2016, 42, 230-231.
  • Meijer, K.A, Russo, R.R, Adhvaryu, D.V, Smoking synthetic marijuana leads to self-mutilation requiring bilateral amputations, Orthopedics, 2014, 37, e391-394.
  • Leung, L.T.F, Papp, A, Accelerant-related burns and drug abuse: Challenging combination, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2018, 44, 646-650.
  • Yılmaz, G, Kaylı, D.Ş, Atitudes and behaviors of the society towards individuals using addictivesubstance: Case of Manisa /Toplumun bağımlılık yapıcı madde kullanan bireylere yönelik tutum ve davranışları: Manisa ili örneği, Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 2020, 18, 326-338.
  • Kaylı, D.Ş, Özyurt, B.C, Haum, A, Perbix, W, Hack H.J, Stark, G.B, Spilker, G, et al., Alcohol and drug abuse in burn injuries, Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 1995, 21, 194-199.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Surgery
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Berrak Karatan 0000-0003-3921-5087

Kamil Yamak This is me 0000-0003-3784-4760

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Karatan, B., & Yamak, K. (2021). A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(3), 511-515.
AMA Karatan B, Yamak K. A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse. CBU-SBED: Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal. September 2021;8(3):511-515. doi:10.34087/cbusbed.946900
Chicago Karatan, Berrak, and Kamil Yamak. “A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8, no. 3 (September 2021): 511-15.
EndNote Karatan B, Yamak K (September 1, 2021) A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 3 511–515.
IEEE B. Karatan and K. Yamak, “A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse”, CBU-SBED: Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 511–515, 2021, doi: 10.34087/cbusbed.946900.
ISNAD Karatan, Berrak - Yamak, Kamil. “A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8/3 (September 2021), 511-515.
JAMA Karatan B, Yamak K. A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse. CBU-SBED: Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal. 2021;8:511–515.
MLA Karatan, Berrak and Kamil Yamak. “A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 3, 2021, pp. 511-5, doi:10.34087/cbusbed.946900.
Vancouver Karatan B, Yamak K. A Devastating Cause of Burns: Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse. CBU-SBED: Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal. 2021;8(3):511-5.