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Two Pontic Rivers

Year 2015, , 231 - 242, 01.06.2015


The accounts of the landscape around the Iris Yeşilirmak and the Thermodon Terme given by ancient authors are diverse and often contradictory. The Periegesis of the World by Dionysius of Alexandria, a didactic poem written in the early IInd c. A.D., established an image of the two rivers that does not correspond to their actual characteristics. A closer study reveals that Dionysius, or possibly his source, has confused the two: the river which he describes as the Thermodon is in fact the Iris, and vice versa. This mistake was not realized by later translators Avienus, late IVth c. A.D.; Priscianus, VIth c. A.D. or com­mentators Eustathius of Thessaloniki, XIIth c. A.D. who had no first-hand knowledge of the Pontic landscape and geography.


  • Apoll. Rhod. argon. (= Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautica) Apollonius von Rhodos, Das Argonautenepos Apollonius von Rhodos, Das Argonautenepos. Ed. - Trans.: R. Glei – S. Natzel-Glei. Darmstadt 1996.
  • Arr. Periplus (= Arrian, Periplus Ponti Euxini) Flavii Arriani Quae Exstant Omnia. Ed. A. G. Roos, vols. I-II. Leipzig 1968 (Bibliotheca Teubneriana).
  • Av. Or. Ter. (= Avienus, Descriptio Orbis Terrae) La Descriptio Orbis Terrae d' Avienus: Edition Critique. Trans.: P. van de Woestijne. Bruges 2005.
  • Dion. Perieg. (= Dionysios, Oikoumenes Periegesis) Dionysius Periegetes, Description of the Known World. Trans. - Com.: J. L. Lightfoot. Oxford 2014.
  • Eust. (= Eustathius, Commentary) Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit, Volume II. Ed. C. Müllerus. Hildesheim (1965) 201-407.
  • Hdt. (= Herodotos, Historiai) Herodotos, Herodoti Historiae I, libros I-IV Continens. Ed. H. B. Rosén. Leipzig 1987 (Bibliotheca Teubneriana).
  • Mela (= Pomponius Mela, De Chorographia) Pomponius Mela, Kreuzfahrt Durch die Alte Welt. Trans.: K. Brodersen. Darmstadt 1994.
  • Plin. nat. (= G. Plinius Secundus, Naturalis Historia) C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae XXXVII. Ed.: C. Mayhoff. Berlin 1897-1906.
  • Prisc. Perieg. (= Priscianus, Periegesis) Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit, Volume II. Ed. C. Müllerus. Hildesheim (1965) 190-199.
  • Ps.-Plut. De fluviis (= Pseudo-Plutarkhos, De Fluviis) Fiumi e Monti. Testo critico, Traduzione e Commento a Cura. Trans. - Com.: E. Calderón Dorda, A. De Lazzer – E. Pellizer. Naples 2003. Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit, Volume II. Ed. C. Müllerus. Hildesheim (1965) 637-665.
  • Q. Smyrn. Posthom. (= Quintius Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica) Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomerica. Ed.: G. Pompella. Hildesheim 2002.
  • Strab. (= Strabon, Geographika) Strabons Geographika. Trans. - Com.: S. Radt. Göttingen 2004 -2011. The Geography of Strabo. Trans.: H. L. Jones, vols. I-VIII. London - New York 1917-1932 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Ksen. Anab. (= Xenophon, Anabasis) Xenophon, Anabasis der Zug der Zehntausend. Ed. - Trans.: W. Müri – B. Zimmermann. Düsseldorf 2002.
  • Akbulut et al. 2009 N. Akbulut, B. Serdar, A. Akbulut – Y. Șahin, “Rivers of Turkey”. Eds. K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger – C. T. Robinson, Rivers of Europe. Amsterdam (2009) 643-672.
  • Amato 2005 E. Amato, Dionisio di Alessandria: Descrizione Della Terra Abitata. Milan 2005.
  • Bekker-Nielsen 2016 T. Bekker-Nielsen, “Navigable Rivers of Northern Anatolia”. Ed. A. Dan, The Black Sea (4th-7th century AD) : The End of the Ancient World, Beginning of a New Order?. Stuttgart 2016 (forthcoming).
  • Dalaison 2008 J. Dalaison, L’atelier d’Amaseia du Pont: Recherches Historiques et Numismatiques. Bordeaux 2008.
  • Delage 1930 E. Delage, La Géographie dans les Argonautiques d’Apollonios de Rhodes. Paris 1930.
  • Erciyas 2006 D. B. Erciyas, Wealth, Aristocracy and Royal Propaganda under the Hellenistic Kingdom of the Mithradatids. Leiden 2006.
  • Güler 2013 M. Güler, “Stream Network Creation and Watershed Definition by Using Digital Elevation Model for Samsun, Turkey”. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11 (2013) 1315-1320.
  • Hamilton 1842 W. Hamilton, Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia: With Some Account of their Antiquities and GeologyI-II. London 1842.
  • Hay 1994 B. J. Hay, “Sediment and Water Discharge of Turkish Black Sea Rivers Before and After Hydropower Dam Construction”. Environmental Geology 23 (1994) 276-283.
  • Herrmann 1938 A. Herrmann, ”Phanaroia”. RE XIX (1938) 1759.
  • Ilyushechkina 2010 E. Ilyushechkina, Studien zu Dionysios von Alexandria, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Groningen. Groningen 2010.
  • Imhoof-Blumer 1923 F. Imhoof-Blumer, “Fluß- und Meeresgötter auf Griechischen und Römischen Münzen”. Revue suisse de Numismatique 23 (1923) 173-421.
  • Kazhdan 1984 A. Kazhdan, Studies on Byzantine Literature of the Eleventh and Twelth Centuries. Cambridge 1984.
  • Kökpınar et al. 2007 M. A. Kökpınar, Y. Darama – I. Güler, “Physical and Numerical Modeling of Shoreline Evaluation of the Kızılırmak River Mouth, Turkey”. Journal of Coastal Research 23 (2007) 445-456.
  • Lebreton 2014 S. Lebreton, “Quelques Remarques à Propos de la Navigation sur les Fleuves Anatoliens (III)”. Dialogues d’histoire Ancienne 40/2 (2014) 257- 268.
  • Müllerus 1965 C. Müllerus, Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit II. Hildesheim 1965.
  • Olshausen – Biller 1984 E. Olshausen – J. Biller, Historisch-Geographische Aspekte der Geschichte des Pontischen und Armenischen Reiches, 1. Untersuchungen zur Historischen Geographie von Pontos unter den Mithradatiden. Wiesbaden1984.
  • Roelens-Flouneau 2015 H. Roelens-Flouneau, “Remarques sur la Navigabilité des Fleuves d’Asie Mineure dans l’Antiquité”. Eds. A. Dan – S. Lebreton, Études des Fleuves d’Asie Mineure: Une Première Approche. Arras 2015 (in press).
  • Soylu – Gönülol 2003 E. N. Soylu – A. Gönülol, “Phytoplankton and Seasonal Variations of the River Yeşilırmak, Amasya, Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3 (2003) 17-24.

İki Pontos Irmağı

Year 2015, , 231 - 242, 01.06.2015


Iris Yeşilırmak ve Thermodon Terme nehirle­rinin civarına ilişkin peyzaj hesapları antik yazarlarda çelişkili ve birbirinden farklıdır. İskenderiyeli Diony­sios’un Dünyanın Tasviri adlı eserinde M.S. II. yüzyıl­ın başlarında yazılmış olan didaktik bir şiirde her iki nehir için oluşturulan tablo onların gerçek karakteris­tiklerini yansıtmamaktadır. Daha yakın bir çalışma ise, Dionysios’un ya da muhtemelen onun kaynağının iki nehri karıştırdığını ortaya çıkarmıştır: onun Thermo­don olarak tanımladığı nehir aslında Iris, diğeri de tam tersidir. Bu hata diğer çevirmenler tarafından Avien­us [M.S. IV. yüzyılın sonları]; Priscianus [M.S. VI. yüz­yıl] ya da eleştirmenler Tessalonikeli Eustathius [M.S. XII. yüzyıl] tarafından fark­edilmemiştir ve Pontos coğrafyasına ilişkin ilk elden kaynak değildir.


  • Apoll. Rhod. argon. (= Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautica) Apollonius von Rhodos, Das Argonautenepos Apollonius von Rhodos, Das Argonautenepos. Ed. - Trans.: R. Glei – S. Natzel-Glei. Darmstadt 1996.
  • Arr. Periplus (= Arrian, Periplus Ponti Euxini) Flavii Arriani Quae Exstant Omnia. Ed. A. G. Roos, vols. I-II. Leipzig 1968 (Bibliotheca Teubneriana).
  • Av. Or. Ter. (= Avienus, Descriptio Orbis Terrae) La Descriptio Orbis Terrae d' Avienus: Edition Critique. Trans.: P. van de Woestijne. Bruges 2005.
  • Dion. Perieg. (= Dionysios, Oikoumenes Periegesis) Dionysius Periegetes, Description of the Known World. Trans. - Com.: J. L. Lightfoot. Oxford 2014.
  • Eust. (= Eustathius, Commentary) Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit, Volume II. Ed. C. Müllerus. Hildesheim (1965) 201-407.
  • Hdt. (= Herodotos, Historiai) Herodotos, Herodoti Historiae I, libros I-IV Continens. Ed. H. B. Rosén. Leipzig 1987 (Bibliotheca Teubneriana).
  • Mela (= Pomponius Mela, De Chorographia) Pomponius Mela, Kreuzfahrt Durch die Alte Welt. Trans.: K. Brodersen. Darmstadt 1994.
  • Plin. nat. (= G. Plinius Secundus, Naturalis Historia) C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae XXXVII. Ed.: C. Mayhoff. Berlin 1897-1906.
  • Prisc. Perieg. (= Priscianus, Periegesis) Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit, Volume II. Ed. C. Müllerus. Hildesheim (1965) 190-199.
  • Ps.-Plut. De fluviis (= Pseudo-Plutarkhos, De Fluviis) Fiumi e Monti. Testo critico, Traduzione e Commento a Cura. Trans. - Com.: E. Calderón Dorda, A. De Lazzer – E. Pellizer. Naples 2003. Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit, Volume II. Ed. C. Müllerus. Hildesheim (1965) 637-665.
  • Q. Smyrn. Posthom. (= Quintius Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica) Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomerica. Ed.: G. Pompella. Hildesheim 2002.
  • Strab. (= Strabon, Geographika) Strabons Geographika. Trans. - Com.: S. Radt. Göttingen 2004 -2011. The Geography of Strabo. Trans.: H. L. Jones, vols. I-VIII. London - New York 1917-1932 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Ksen. Anab. (= Xenophon, Anabasis) Xenophon, Anabasis der Zug der Zehntausend. Ed. - Trans.: W. Müri – B. Zimmermann. Düsseldorf 2002.
  • Akbulut et al. 2009 N. Akbulut, B. Serdar, A. Akbulut – Y. Șahin, “Rivers of Turkey”. Eds. K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger – C. T. Robinson, Rivers of Europe. Amsterdam (2009) 643-672.
  • Amato 2005 E. Amato, Dionisio di Alessandria: Descrizione Della Terra Abitata. Milan 2005.
  • Bekker-Nielsen 2016 T. Bekker-Nielsen, “Navigable Rivers of Northern Anatolia”. Ed. A. Dan, The Black Sea (4th-7th century AD) : The End of the Ancient World, Beginning of a New Order?. Stuttgart 2016 (forthcoming).
  • Dalaison 2008 J. Dalaison, L’atelier d’Amaseia du Pont: Recherches Historiques et Numismatiques. Bordeaux 2008.
  • Delage 1930 E. Delage, La Géographie dans les Argonautiques d’Apollonios de Rhodes. Paris 1930.
  • Erciyas 2006 D. B. Erciyas, Wealth, Aristocracy and Royal Propaganda under the Hellenistic Kingdom of the Mithradatids. Leiden 2006.
  • Güler 2013 M. Güler, “Stream Network Creation and Watershed Definition by Using Digital Elevation Model for Samsun, Turkey”. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11 (2013) 1315-1320.
  • Hamilton 1842 W. Hamilton, Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia: With Some Account of their Antiquities and GeologyI-II. London 1842.
  • Hay 1994 B. J. Hay, “Sediment and Water Discharge of Turkish Black Sea Rivers Before and After Hydropower Dam Construction”. Environmental Geology 23 (1994) 276-283.
  • Herrmann 1938 A. Herrmann, ”Phanaroia”. RE XIX (1938) 1759.
  • Ilyushechkina 2010 E. Ilyushechkina, Studien zu Dionysios von Alexandria, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Groningen. Groningen 2010.
  • Imhoof-Blumer 1923 F. Imhoof-Blumer, “Fluß- und Meeresgötter auf Griechischen und Römischen Münzen”. Revue suisse de Numismatique 23 (1923) 173-421.
  • Kazhdan 1984 A. Kazhdan, Studies on Byzantine Literature of the Eleventh and Twelth Centuries. Cambridge 1984.
  • Kökpınar et al. 2007 M. A. Kökpınar, Y. Darama – I. Güler, “Physical and Numerical Modeling of Shoreline Evaluation of the Kızılırmak River Mouth, Turkey”. Journal of Coastal Research 23 (2007) 445-456.
  • Lebreton 2014 S. Lebreton, “Quelques Remarques à Propos de la Navigation sur les Fleuves Anatoliens (III)”. Dialogues d’histoire Ancienne 40/2 (2014) 257- 268.
  • Müllerus 1965 C. Müllerus, Geographi Graeci Minores. E Codicibus Recognovit, Prolegomenis Annotatione Indicibus Instruxit, Tabulis Aeri Incises Illustravit II. Hildesheim 1965.
  • Olshausen – Biller 1984 E. Olshausen – J. Biller, Historisch-Geographische Aspekte der Geschichte des Pontischen und Armenischen Reiches, 1. Untersuchungen zur Historischen Geographie von Pontos unter den Mithradatiden. Wiesbaden1984.
  • Roelens-Flouneau 2015 H. Roelens-Flouneau, “Remarques sur la Navigabilité des Fleuves d’Asie Mineure dans l’Antiquité”. Eds. A. Dan – S. Lebreton, Études des Fleuves d’Asie Mineure: Une Première Approche. Arras 2015 (in press).
  • Soylu – Gönülol 2003 E. N. Soylu – A. Gönülol, “Phytoplankton and Seasonal Variations of the River Yeşilırmak, Amasya, Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3 (2003) 17-24.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Tønnes Bekker-nielsen This is me

Marit Jensen This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Bekker-nielsen, T., & Jensen, M. (2015). Two Pontic Rivers. Cedrus, 3, 231-242.
AMA Bekker-nielsen T, Jensen M. Two Pontic Rivers. Cedrus. June 2015;3:231-242. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011411
Chicago Bekker-nielsen, Tønnes, and Marit Jensen. “Two Pontic Rivers”. Cedrus 3, June (June 2015): 231-42.
EndNote Bekker-nielsen T, Jensen M (June 1, 2015) Two Pontic Rivers. Cedrus 3 231–242.
IEEE T. Bekker-nielsen and M. Jensen, “Two Pontic Rivers”, Cedrus, vol. 3, pp. 231–242, 2015, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011411.
ISNAD Bekker-nielsen, Tønnes - Jensen, Marit. “Two Pontic Rivers”. Cedrus 3 (June 2015), 231-242.
JAMA Bekker-nielsen T, Jensen M. Two Pontic Rivers. Cedrus. 2015;3:231–242.
MLA Bekker-nielsen, Tønnes and Marit Jensen. “Two Pontic Rivers”. Cedrus, vol. 3, 2015, pp. 231-42, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011411.
Vancouver Bekker-nielsen T, Jensen M. Two Pontic Rivers. Cedrus. 2015;3:231-42.

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