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Year 2014, Volume: 2, 1 - 26, 01.06.2014


In this study the ‘’Eye Idols’’ widely found around the Near East Hinterland are re-examined. The idols which played a significant part in mankind’s cultural history were discovered in large numbers for the first time in North Syria’s Tell Brak within a temple, which caused the building to be named the “Eye Temple”. Within this context, the examples which were found in the excavation conducted in 1985 at Pirot Höyük Tell , located to the east of Malatya, are evaluated together with similar finds: with the similari­ties and differences determined amongst other Anatolian finds and those from Northern Syria, North­ern Iraq, Khuzistan of Iran, Southern Mesopotamia, Israel examples while being separately evaluated. Within the typological evaluation, it was determined that these idols are produced in two distinct forms which are referred to, as “Eye Idols” and “Spectacle Idols”. In this way when the find spots of idols dated from the Chalcolithic Era are considered, it is inter­preted that there may be regional belief differences within this vast geography. When comparison is made with similar examples, the Pirot Höyük examples belonged to the “Spectacle Idols” group. The area in which the eye symbol is found extends from Anatolia in the North to Basra Bay, and the Eastern Mediterranean in the South.


  • Akdeniz – Karaca 2003 E. Akdeniz – Ö. Karaca, “Elazığ-Malatya Yöresi Duvar Resmi Geleneği ve Pirot Höyük Duvar Resmi”. TÜBA-AR 6 (2003) 117-123.
  • Al Quntar et al. 2011 S. Al Quntar, L. Khalidi – J. Ur, “Proto Urbanism in the Late 5th Millenium BC: Survey and Excavations at Khirbet al Fakhar (Hamoukar), Northeast Syria”. Paléorient 37. 2 (2011) 151-175.
  • Algaze 1989 G. Algaze, “Tepe Chenchi: An Important Site Near Khorsabad”. Eds. A. Leonard – B. Williams, Studies in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kantor. SAOC 47. Chicago (1989) 1-25.
  • Al-Soof 1969 B. Al-Soof, “Excavations at Tell Qalinj Agha (Erbil) Summer 1968”. Sumer 25 (1969) 3-34.
  • Andrea 1933 W. Andrae, Die Ionische Säule: Bauform Oder Symbol?. Berlin 1933.
  • Black – Green 1992 J. Black – A. Green, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary. Austin 1992.
  • Boese 1995 J. Boese, Ausgrabungen in Tell Sheik Hassan I: Vorläufige Berichte über die Ausgrabungs kampagnen 1984-1990 und 1992-1994.Germany 1995.
  • Braidwood – Braidwood 1960 R. J. Braidwood – L. J. Braidwood, Excavations in the Plain of Antioch. Vol. I. The Earlier Assemblages, Phases A-J. Oriental Institute Publication LXI, Chicago 1960.
  • Breniquet 1996 C. Breniquet, “Du fil à retorde: réflexions sur les ‘idoles aux yeux’ et les fileuses de l’epoque d’Uruk”. Eds. H. Gasche,– B. Hrouda, Collectanea Orientalia Serie I, Archéologie et Environnement. (1996), 31-53.
  • Caubet 2006 A. Caubet, “Des Yeux Et Des Lunettes”. Syria T 83 (2006) 177-181.
  • Delougaz – Kantor 1996 P. Delougaz – H. J. Kantor, The First Five Seasons of Excavations 1961– 71. Chogha Mish 1. Chicago 1996.
  • Dhavalikar 1965 M. K. Dhavalikar, “Eye Goddesses” in India and Their West Asian Parallels”. Anthropos 60 (1965) 533-540.
  • Frangipaneet al. 2011 M. Frangipane, G. M. Di Nocera – G. Siracusano, “Zeytinlibahçe (Urfa) Höyük’teki Araştırmalar: 2002 Kazı Sezonu”. Der. N. Tuna – O. Doonan, Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2002 Yılı Çalışmaları. I. Cilt Ankara (2011) 1-34.
  • Frangipane 1992 M. Frangipane, “The 1990 Excavations at Arslantepe Malatya”. KST XIII/1 (1991) 177-195.
  • Frankfort 1949 H. Frankfort, “Ishtar at Troy”. JNES VIII/3 (1949) 194-200.
  • Goff 1963 B. L. Goff, Symbols of Prehistoric Mesopotamia. New Haven 1963.
  • Heinrich 1936 E. Heinrich, Kleinfunde aus den Archaischen Schichten in Uruk. Leipzig 1936.
  • Hole 1993/1994 F. Hole, “The Habur Basin Project”. AfO 40/41 (1993/1994) 289-298.
  • Hole – Johnson 1989/1990 F. Hole – G. A. Johnson, “Umm Qseir on the Khabur: Preliminary Report on the 1986 Excavation”. Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes 36-37 (1986-7) 172-220.
  • Kepinski 2011 C. Kepinski, “New Evidence From Grai Resh, Northern Iraq – the 2001 and 2002 Seasons. A Pre-Uruk Expansion Site From the Late Chalcolithic Period”. ZOrA 4 (2011) 47-85.
  • Langdon 1923 S. Langdon, “The Eyes of Ningal”. Revue d’Assyriologie et d’archéologie Orientale 20 (1923) 9-11.
  • Lee 1973 J. Lee, Chalcolithic Ghassul: new aspects and master typology. Doctoral Dissertation, Jerusalem 1973.
  • Mallon 1934 A. Mallon, R. Koeppel – R. Neuville, Teleilat Ghassul I. Rome 1934.
  • Mallowan 1947 M. E. L. Mallowan, “Excavations at Tell Brak and Chagar Bazar”. Iraq 9 (1947) 32-8, 150-9, 198-210.
  • Moorey 2005 P. R. S. Moorey, Ancient Near Eastern Terracottas with a Catalogue of the Collection in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Oxford 2005.
  • Omura 1992 S. Omura, Kaman-Kalehöyük Vol I. Japan 1992.
  • Özdoğan 1977 M. Özdoğan, Aşağı Fırat Havzası 1977 Yüzey Araştırmaları. İstanbul 1977.
  • Öztan 2007 A. Öztan, “Yeni Bir Tanrı Kabartması Işığında Köşk Höyük Kabartmalı Vazolarında Sembolizm”. Eds. G. Umurtak – Ş. Dönmez – A. Yurtsever, Refik Duru’ya Armağan / Studies in Honour of Refik Duru. İstanbul (2007) 69-73.
  • Pittman 1996 H. Pittman, “Preliminary Report on the Glyptic Art: Hacinebi, 1993”.
  • Eds. Gil Stein et al., Uruk Colonies and Mesopotamian Communities: An Interim Report on the 1992-3 Excavations at Hacinebi, Turkey. AJA 100 (2) (1996) 230-233.
  • Reichel 2009 C. Reichel, “Hamoukar”. Oriental Institute 2008-2009 Annual Report, İllionis (2009) 77-87.
  • Rothman 2002 M. Rothman, Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq. Philadelphia 2002.
  • Sağlamtimur 2012 H. Sağlamtimur, “Siirt Türbehöyük”. Ege Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Kazıları, İzmir (2012) 137-156.
  • Serdaroğlu 1977 Ü. Serdaroğlu, Aşağı Fırat Havzasında Araştırmalar 1975. Ankara 1977.
  • Silistreli 1989 U. Silistreli, “Köşkhöyük'te Bulunan Kabartma İnsan ve Hayvan Figürleriyle Bezeli Vazolar.” Belleten 153 (1989) 361-374.
  • Speiser 1935 Z. A. Speiser, Excavations at Tepe Gawra, Vol. I. Philadelphia 1935.
  • Stein 1998 G. J. Stein, “1996 Excavations at Hacınebi Tepe”. KST 19-I, (1998) 179- 207.
  • Stein 2012 G. J. Stein, “The Development of Indigenous Social Complexity in Late Chalcolithic Upper Mesopotamia in the 5th-4th Millenia BC. An Initial Assesment”. Origini XXXIV (2012) 125-151.
  • Stein et al. 1996 G.J.Stein, R. Bernbeck, C. Coursey, A. McMahon, N.E. Miller, A. Mısır, J. Nicola, H. Pitman, S. Pallock – H. Wright, “Uruk Colonies and Anatolian Communities; An Interim Report on the 1992-1993 Excavations at Hacınebi, Turkey”. AJA 100/2 (1996) 205-260.
  • Stein et al. 1997 G. J. Stein, K. Boden – C. Edens et al., “Excavations at Hacınebi, Turkey – 1996: Preliminary Report”. Anatolica 23 (1997) 111–171.
  • Tobler 1950 A. Tobler, Excavations at Tepe Gawra. Volume II. Levels IX-XX. Philadelphia 1950.
  • van Buren – Douglas 1955 N. van Buren – E. Douglas, “New Evidence Concerning an EyeDivinity”. Iraq 17 (1955) 164-175.
  • van Buren 1950 E. D. van Buren, “Amulets, Symbols, or Idols ?”. Iraq 12, No: 2 (1950) 139-146.
  • Wilkinson et al. 1996 T. J. Wilkinson, B. H. Monahan – D. J. Tucker, “Khanijdal East: A Small Ubeyd Site in Northern Iraq”. Iraq 58 (1996) 17-50.
  • Ziegler 1950 C. Ziegler, “Die Tempelterrasse von Tell Brak”. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 82 (1950) 1-54.


Year 2014, Volume: 2, 1 - 26, 01.06.2014


Bu çalışmada, insanlık kültür tarihinde önemli bir yeri olan ve ilk defa, 1930’lu yıllarda, Kuzey Suriye’de Tell Brak’taki bir tapınakta çok sayıda ele geçmesi nedeniyle anılan yapının “Göz Tapınağı” olarak adlandı­rılmasına neden olan ve Önasya coğraf­yasında sıkça rastlanan Göz İdolleri incelenmek­tedir. Bu kapsamda, Malatya’nın doğusundaki Pirot Hö­yük’te, 1985 yılında gerçekleştiri­len kazıda bulunan örnek, benzeri diğer buluntularla birlikte değerlendiril­miştir. Yapılan değerlendirmede diğer Anadolu bulun­tuları ile Kuzey Suriye, Kuzey Irak, İran Khuzis­tan, Güney Mezopo­tamya ve İsrail buluntuları ayrı ayrı ele alınarak aralarındaki benzerlik ve farklılık­lar saptan­mıştır. Yapı­lan tipolojik değerlen­dir­mede, idol­le­rin göz idolleri ve gözlüklü idoller olarak anılan iki farklı formda üretil­dikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu belirleme ışığın­da, anılan geniş coğrafyada, Kalkolitik Dönem’e verilen idollerin, buluntu yerleri dikkate alındığında bölgesel inanış farklılıkları­nın olabileceği yorumlan­mıştır. Ben­zer örneklerle yapılan karşılaş­tırmalar, Pirot Höyük örneğinin Gözlüklü İdoller grubundan olduğu­nu gös­ter­miştir. Sembolü göz olan idollerin, kuzeyde Anado­lu’dan, güneyde Basra Kör­fezi’nden Doğu Akde­niz’e kadar devam eden yayılım alanı belirlenmiştir.


  • Akdeniz – Karaca 2003 E. Akdeniz – Ö. Karaca, “Elazığ-Malatya Yöresi Duvar Resmi Geleneği ve Pirot Höyük Duvar Resmi”. TÜBA-AR 6 (2003) 117-123.
  • Al Quntar et al. 2011 S. Al Quntar, L. Khalidi – J. Ur, “Proto Urbanism in the Late 5th Millenium BC: Survey and Excavations at Khirbet al Fakhar (Hamoukar), Northeast Syria”. Paléorient 37. 2 (2011) 151-175.
  • Algaze 1989 G. Algaze, “Tepe Chenchi: An Important Site Near Khorsabad”. Eds. A. Leonard – B. Williams, Studies in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kantor. SAOC 47. Chicago (1989) 1-25.
  • Al-Soof 1969 B. Al-Soof, “Excavations at Tell Qalinj Agha (Erbil) Summer 1968”. Sumer 25 (1969) 3-34.
  • Andrea 1933 W. Andrae, Die Ionische Säule: Bauform Oder Symbol?. Berlin 1933.
  • Black – Green 1992 J. Black – A. Green, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary. Austin 1992.
  • Boese 1995 J. Boese, Ausgrabungen in Tell Sheik Hassan I: Vorläufige Berichte über die Ausgrabungs kampagnen 1984-1990 und 1992-1994.Germany 1995.
  • Braidwood – Braidwood 1960 R. J. Braidwood – L. J. Braidwood, Excavations in the Plain of Antioch. Vol. I. The Earlier Assemblages, Phases A-J. Oriental Institute Publication LXI, Chicago 1960.
  • Breniquet 1996 C. Breniquet, “Du fil à retorde: réflexions sur les ‘idoles aux yeux’ et les fileuses de l’epoque d’Uruk”. Eds. H. Gasche,– B. Hrouda, Collectanea Orientalia Serie I, Archéologie et Environnement. (1996), 31-53.
  • Caubet 2006 A. Caubet, “Des Yeux Et Des Lunettes”. Syria T 83 (2006) 177-181.
  • Delougaz – Kantor 1996 P. Delougaz – H. J. Kantor, The First Five Seasons of Excavations 1961– 71. Chogha Mish 1. Chicago 1996.
  • Dhavalikar 1965 M. K. Dhavalikar, “Eye Goddesses” in India and Their West Asian Parallels”. Anthropos 60 (1965) 533-540.
  • Frangipaneet al. 2011 M. Frangipane, G. M. Di Nocera – G. Siracusano, “Zeytinlibahçe (Urfa) Höyük’teki Araştırmalar: 2002 Kazı Sezonu”. Der. N. Tuna – O. Doonan, Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2002 Yılı Çalışmaları. I. Cilt Ankara (2011) 1-34.
  • Frangipane 1992 M. Frangipane, “The 1990 Excavations at Arslantepe Malatya”. KST XIII/1 (1991) 177-195.
  • Frankfort 1949 H. Frankfort, “Ishtar at Troy”. JNES VIII/3 (1949) 194-200.
  • Goff 1963 B. L. Goff, Symbols of Prehistoric Mesopotamia. New Haven 1963.
  • Heinrich 1936 E. Heinrich, Kleinfunde aus den Archaischen Schichten in Uruk. Leipzig 1936.
  • Hole 1993/1994 F. Hole, “The Habur Basin Project”. AfO 40/41 (1993/1994) 289-298.
  • Hole – Johnson 1989/1990 F. Hole – G. A. Johnson, “Umm Qseir on the Khabur: Preliminary Report on the 1986 Excavation”. Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes 36-37 (1986-7) 172-220.
  • Kepinski 2011 C. Kepinski, “New Evidence From Grai Resh, Northern Iraq – the 2001 and 2002 Seasons. A Pre-Uruk Expansion Site From the Late Chalcolithic Period”. ZOrA 4 (2011) 47-85.
  • Langdon 1923 S. Langdon, “The Eyes of Ningal”. Revue d’Assyriologie et d’archéologie Orientale 20 (1923) 9-11.
  • Lee 1973 J. Lee, Chalcolithic Ghassul: new aspects and master typology. Doctoral Dissertation, Jerusalem 1973.
  • Mallon 1934 A. Mallon, R. Koeppel – R. Neuville, Teleilat Ghassul I. Rome 1934.
  • Mallowan 1947 M. E. L. Mallowan, “Excavations at Tell Brak and Chagar Bazar”. Iraq 9 (1947) 32-8, 150-9, 198-210.
  • Moorey 2005 P. R. S. Moorey, Ancient Near Eastern Terracottas with a Catalogue of the Collection in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Oxford 2005.
  • Omura 1992 S. Omura, Kaman-Kalehöyük Vol I. Japan 1992.
  • Özdoğan 1977 M. Özdoğan, Aşağı Fırat Havzası 1977 Yüzey Araştırmaları. İstanbul 1977.
  • Öztan 2007 A. Öztan, “Yeni Bir Tanrı Kabartması Işığında Köşk Höyük Kabartmalı Vazolarında Sembolizm”. Eds. G. Umurtak – Ş. Dönmez – A. Yurtsever, Refik Duru’ya Armağan / Studies in Honour of Refik Duru. İstanbul (2007) 69-73.
  • Pittman 1996 H. Pittman, “Preliminary Report on the Glyptic Art: Hacinebi, 1993”.
  • Eds. Gil Stein et al., Uruk Colonies and Mesopotamian Communities: An Interim Report on the 1992-3 Excavations at Hacinebi, Turkey. AJA 100 (2) (1996) 230-233.
  • Reichel 2009 C. Reichel, “Hamoukar”. Oriental Institute 2008-2009 Annual Report, İllionis (2009) 77-87.
  • Rothman 2002 M. Rothman, Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq. Philadelphia 2002.
  • Sağlamtimur 2012 H. Sağlamtimur, “Siirt Türbehöyük”. Ege Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Kazıları, İzmir (2012) 137-156.
  • Serdaroğlu 1977 Ü. Serdaroğlu, Aşağı Fırat Havzasında Araştırmalar 1975. Ankara 1977.
  • Silistreli 1989 U. Silistreli, “Köşkhöyük'te Bulunan Kabartma İnsan ve Hayvan Figürleriyle Bezeli Vazolar.” Belleten 153 (1989) 361-374.
  • Speiser 1935 Z. A. Speiser, Excavations at Tepe Gawra, Vol. I. Philadelphia 1935.
  • Stein 1998 G. J. Stein, “1996 Excavations at Hacınebi Tepe”. KST 19-I, (1998) 179- 207.
  • Stein 2012 G. J. Stein, “The Development of Indigenous Social Complexity in Late Chalcolithic Upper Mesopotamia in the 5th-4th Millenia BC. An Initial Assesment”. Origini XXXIV (2012) 125-151.
  • Stein et al. 1996 G.J.Stein, R. Bernbeck, C. Coursey, A. McMahon, N.E. Miller, A. Mısır, J. Nicola, H. Pitman, S. Pallock – H. Wright, “Uruk Colonies and Anatolian Communities; An Interim Report on the 1992-1993 Excavations at Hacınebi, Turkey”. AJA 100/2 (1996) 205-260.
  • Stein et al. 1997 G. J. Stein, K. Boden – C. Edens et al., “Excavations at Hacınebi, Turkey – 1996: Preliminary Report”. Anatolica 23 (1997) 111–171.
  • Tobler 1950 A. Tobler, Excavations at Tepe Gawra. Volume II. Levels IX-XX. Philadelphia 1950.
  • van Buren – Douglas 1955 N. van Buren – E. Douglas, “New Evidence Concerning an EyeDivinity”. Iraq 17 (1955) 164-175.
  • van Buren 1950 E. D. van Buren, “Amulets, Symbols, or Idols ?”. Iraq 12, No: 2 (1950) 139-146.
  • Wilkinson et al. 1996 T. J. Wilkinson, B. H. Monahan – D. J. Tucker, “Khanijdal East: A Small Ubeyd Site in Northern Iraq”. Iraq 58 (1996) 17-50.
  • Ziegler 1950 C. Ziegler, “Die Tempelterrasse von Tell Brak”. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 82 (1950) 1-54.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Serap Yaylalı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 2


APA Yaylalı, S. (2014). GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ. Cedrus, 2, 1-26.
AMA Yaylalı S. GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ. Cedrus. June 2014;2:1-26. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201416451
Chicago Yaylalı, Serap. “GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ”. Cedrus 2, June (June 2014): 1-26.
EndNote Yaylalı S (June 1, 2014) GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ. Cedrus 2 1–26.
IEEE S. Yaylalı, “GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ”, Cedrus, vol. 2, pp. 1–26, 2014, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201416451.
ISNAD Yaylalı, Serap. “GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ”. Cedrus 2 (June 2014), 1-26.
JAMA Yaylalı S. GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ. Cedrus. 2014;2:1–26.
MLA Yaylalı, Serap. “GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ”. Cedrus, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 1-26, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201416451.
Vancouver Yaylalı S. GÖZ İDOLLERİ VE PİROT HÖYÜK ÖRNEĞİ. Cedrus. 2014;2:1-26.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.