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A Re-examinatıon of the Rights Bestowed on the Plouton-Kore Temple in the Ancient City of Nysa ad Maeandrum

Year 2017, Volume: 5, 185 - 198, 01.06.2017


In this article a group of inscriptions indica­ting the rights τὰ ἱερὰ γράμματα περὶ τῶν θεῶν καὶ τῆς ἀσυλίας αὐτῶν καὶ τῆ[ς] ἱκεσίας καὶ τῆς περὶ τὸ ἱερὸν ἀτ[ε]λήας granted by the Hellenistic kings to the Pluto-Kore Temple in Acharaca, the sacred place of the Nysa, have been reviewed, interpreted and new propo­sals in respect to these are introduced. In the year 1 B.C., these documents were reinscribed through the strategos Apollonios Papas, son of Demetrios, with the permission of proconsul Cn. Lentulus Augur. In this context, four inscriptions were examined. These docu­ments were put into chronological order starting with Seleucid kings who first granted privileges to the temp­le, and each inscribed document has a short introduc­tion explaining the grants bestowed. These documents are basically letters from the rulers which confirm that the said rulers have given these particular privileges to the temple. The first of these is a letter that was sent by King Seleukos I and his son Antiochos to the Athym­bri­anoi. The second letter was written by Antiochos III for the archontes, boule and demos of Nysa. The aut­hor of the third letter might have been the dictator C. Iulius Caesar and not from either Antiochus III or Mithrada­tes VI as has been suggested to date. The fo­urth and final document is the letter concerning temple rights written by the proconsul of Asia to the archontes of Nysa through Demetrias Papas who reported on the­se ancient documents to the governor.


  • Alföldy 1991a G. Alföldy, “Epigraphische Notizen aus Kleinasien I. Ein beneficium des Augustus in Ephesos”. ZPE 87 (1991) 157-162.
  • Alföldy 1991b G. Alföldy, “Augustus und die Inschriften: Tradition und Innovation. Die Geburt der imperialen Epigraphik”. Gymnasium 98 (1991) 289-324.
  • Atkinson 1962 K. M. T. Atkinson, “The ‘Constitutio’ of Vedius Pollio at Ephesus and its Analogies”. RIDA IX (1962) 261-89.
  • Blümel 2007 W. Blümel, “Neue Inschriften aus Karien III”. EA 40 (2007) 41-48.
  • Blümel et al. 2009 W. Blümel, C. Habicht –T. C. Brennan, “Ehren für Cn. Domitius Calvinus in Nysa”. ZPE 169 (2009) 157-161.
  • BMC Lydia B. V. Head, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in British Museum.Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lydia. London (1902).
  • Bremen 2007 R. von Bremen, “Leon, son of Chrysaor and the religious identity of Stratonikeia in Caria”. Ed. S. Colvin, The Greco Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society. Cambridge (2007) 207-244.
  • Chaniotis 1996 A. Chaniotis, “Conflicting Authorities Asylia between Secular and Divine Law in the Classical and Hellenistic Poleis”. Kernos 9 (1996) 65-86.
  • Debord 1982 P. Debord, Aspects sociaux et économiques de la vie religieuse dans l’Anatolie Gréco-Romaine, Leiden 1982.
  • Diest 1913 W. von Diest, Nysa ad Maeandrum. Nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Berlin 1913.
  • Dignas 2002 B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford 2002.
  • Dürüşken 2009 Augustus, Monumentum Acyranum - Ankara Anıtı. Çev. Ç. Dürüşken. İstanbul (2009).
  • Eilers 2002 C. Eilers, Roman Patrons of Greek Cities. Oxford 2002.
  • Fougères 1887 G. Fougères, “Fouilles de Délos (avril-août 1886): Dédicaces Grecques et Latines”. BCH 111 (1887) 244-275.
  • Gaertringen 1913 H. von Gaertringen, “Eine Urkundenwand von Nysa”. Ed. W. Von Diest, Nysa ad Maeandrum nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Berlin (1913) 62-69.
  • Gauthier 1989 P. Gauthier, “Institutions”. Bulletin Epigraphique (1989) 390-408.
  • Gökalp-Özdil 2015 N. Gökalp-Özdil, “A New Honorary Decree from Nysa ad Maeandrum”. Philia I (2015) 146-152.
  • Gökalp-Özdil 2016 N. Gökalp-Özdil, “The Heavy Athlete M. Aurelius Eutychion from Nysa ad Maeandrum”. Philia II (2016) 163-176.
  • Herrmann 1989 P. Herrmann, “Rom und die Asylie griechischer Heiligtümer: Eine Urkunde des Diktators Caesar aus Sardeis”. Chiron XIX (1989) 127-164.
  • I. Adramytteion II J. Stauber, Die Bucht von Adramytteion II (IK 51). Bonn 1996.
  • I. Didyma Didyma II: Die Inschriften. Ed. A. Rehm. Berlin 1958.
  • I. Ephesos IA H. Wankel, Die Inscriften von Ephesos IA (IK11/1). Bonn 1979.
  • I. Ephesos II C. Börker –R. Merkelbach, Die Inscriften von Ephesos II (IK 12). Bonn 1980.
  • I. Ephesos III H. Engelmann, D. Knibbe – R. Merkelbach, Die Inscriften von Ephesos III (IK 13). Bonn 1980.
  • I. Ephesos V Ch. Börker – R. Merkelbach, Die Inscriften von Ephesos V (IK 15). Bonn 1980.
  • I. Ephesos VII/1 R. Meriç, R. Merkelbach, J. Nollé – S. Şahin, Die Inscriften von Ephesos VII/1 (IK 17/1). Bonn 1981.
  • I. Iasos W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos I, (IK 28/1). Bonn 1985.
  • I. Ilion P. Frisch, Die Inschriften von Ilion (IK 3). Bonn 1975.
  • I. Kyme H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme (IK 5). Bonn 1976.
  • I. Magnesia O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Meander. Berlin 1900.
  • I. Smyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna (IK 24/ 1). Bonn 1987.
  • I. Stratonikeia M. Ç. Şahin, Die Inscriften von Stratonikeia, Teil II/1: Lagina, Stratonikeia und Umgebung(IK 22/1). Bonn 1982.
  • I. Tralleis F. B. Poljakov. Inschriften von Tralleis (IK 36/1). Bonn 1989.
  • İdil 1999 V. İdil, Nysa ve Akharaka. İstanbul 1999.
  • İdil – Kadıoğlu 2005 V. İdil – M. Kadıoğlu, “2003 Yılı Nysa Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları”. KST XXVI/1 (2005) 378-400.
  • İdil – Kadıoğlu 2006 V. idil – M. Kadıoğlu, “2004 Yılı Nysa Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları”. KST XXVII/2 (2006) 131-146.
  • İdil – Kadıoğlu 2007 V. İdil – M. Kadıoğlu, “2005 Yılı Nysa Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları”. KST XXVIII/1 (2007) 647-670.
  • IG XI/4 Inscriptiones Graecae XI, Fasc. 4. Inscriptiones Deli Liberae. Decreta, Foedera, Catalogi, Dedicationes, Varia. Ed. P. Roussel. Berlin 1914.
  • Kadıoğlu 2006 M. Kadıoğlu, Die Scaenae frons des Theaters von Nysa am Mäander. Forschungen in Nysa am Mäander I. Mainz 2006.
  • OGIS W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae I-II. Leipzig 1903-5.
  • Radet 1890 G. Radet, “Inscriptions de la région du Méandre” BCH XIV (1890) 224–39.
  • Robert J. – L. 1948 L. Robert – J. Robert, Inscriptions Grecques de Lydie. Hellenica VI. Paris 1948.
  • Robert L. – J. 1954 L. Robert – J. Robert, La Carie, Histoire et Géographie Historique. Tome II: Le Plateau de Tabai et Ses Environs. Paris 1954.
  • Robert 1955 L. Robert, Dédicaces et reliefs votifs, villes, cultes, monnaies et inscriptions de Lycie et de Carie. Hellenica X. Paris 1955.
  • Kearsley 2001 R. Kearsley, Greeks and Romans in Imperial Asia. Mixed Language Inscriptions and Linguistic Evidence for Cultural Interaction until the End of AD III (IK 59). Bonn 2001.
  • Kreiler 2008 B. M. Kreiler, “Anmerkungen zu den Statthaltern der Provinz Asia am Ende der Republik (52-42 v. Chr.)”. Gephyra V (2008) 33-52.
  • Kunnert 2012 U. Kunnert, Bürger unter sich. Phylen in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Ostens. Basel 2012.
  • Leschhorn – Franke 2002 W. Leschhorn – P. R. Franke, Lexikon der Aufschriften aus griechischen Münzen I. Wien 2002.
  • Liebenam 1967 W. Liebenam, Städteverwaltung im römischen Kaiserreiche. Amsterdam 1967.
  • LSAM F. Sokolowski, Lois Sacrées de Lasie Mineure. Paris 1955.
  • Meyer 1925 E. Meyer, Die Grenzen der Hellenistischen Staaten. Zürich 1925.
  • Mitchell – French 2012 S. Mitchell –D. French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra). Vol. 1. From Augustus to the End of the Third century AD. Vestigia 62. München 2012.
  • Moretti 1953 L. Moretti, Iscrizioni Agonistiche Greche. Rome 1953.
  • Orth 1977 W. Orth, Königlicher Machtanspruch und städtische Freiheit. Munich 1977.
  • Öztaner et al. 2014 S. H. Öztaner, E. N. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil, “Nysa ad Maeandrum’daki Yeni Bulgular Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.” Ed. Ç. Aşkit et al., In Memoriam Filiz Öktem. Ankara (2014) 225-245.
  • Petzl 1985 G. Petzl, “Reste eines ephesischen Exemplars des Senatusconsultum de agro Pergameno”. EA VI (1985) 70-71.
  • Raßelnberg 2007 A. L. Raßelnberg, “Ehrung für einen Q. Mucius Scaevola in Nysa”. EA XL (2007) 52-54.
  • Raubitschek 1954 A. E. Raubitschek, “Epigraphical Notes on Julius Caesar”. JRS LXIV (1954) 65-75.
  • Regling 1913 K. Regling, “Überblick über die Münzen von Nysa”. Ed. W. von Diest, Nysa ad Maeandrum nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Berlin (1913) 70-103.
  • Reynolds 1982 J. Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome. London 1982.
  • Rigsby 1996 K. Rigsby, Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World. Berkeley - Los Angeles 1996.
  • Rigsby 1988 K. Rigsby, “Provincia Asia VI. A Letter to Carian Nysa”. TAPhA 118 (1988) 149-53.
  • Santangelo 2007 F. Santangelo, Sulla, the Elites and the Empire: A study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East. Impact of Empire 8. Leiden - Boston 2007.
  • Sarıkaya 2012 S. Sarıkaya, “Asylia. Zaman İçindeki Tarihsel Gelişimi”. Ed. N. E. Akyürek Şahin, B. Takmer – F. Onur, Akron: Eskiçağ Yazıları 2. İstanbul (2012) 67- 91.
  • Segre 1993 M. Segre, Inscrizioni di Cos. Monografie della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e dele Missioni Italiane in Oriente 6. Rome 1993.
  • Sherk 1969 R. K. Sherk, Roman Documents from the Greek East. Senatus Consulta and Epistulae to the Age of Augustus. Baltymore - Maryland 1969.
  • Syll.3 Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum. Ed. W. Dittenberger. 3rd edn., eds. F. H. von Gaertringen, J. Kirchner, H. R. Pomtow, E. Ziebarth. 4 vols. Leipzig 1915-1924.
  • Thonemann 2011 P. Thonemann, The Meander Valley. New York - Cambridge 2011.
  • Wallner 1997 C. Wallner, Soldatenkaiser und Sport. Frankfurt am Mainz 1997.
  • Welles 1934 C. B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: A Study in Greek Epigraphy. New Heaven - Roma 1934.

Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 5, 185 - 198, 01.06.2017


Makalede Nysa Kenti’nin kutsal alanı Akharaka’da yer alan Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na, Hellenistik krallar­dan beri bahşedilen haklara işaret eden bir grup yazıt τὰ ἱερὰ γράμματα περὶ τῶν θεῶν καὶ τῆς ἀσυλίας αὐτῶν καὶ τῆ[ς] ἱκεσίας καὶ τῆς περὶ τὸ ἱερὸν ἀτ[ε]λήας yeniden ele alınarak yorumlanmış ve yeni öneriler getirilmiştir. Söz konusu belgeler MÖ 1 yılında Asia proconsul’ü Gnaeus Lentulus Augur’un izniyle kentin strategos takımından Demetrios oğlu Apollonios Papas vasıtasıyla yeniden yaz­dırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda dört adet yazıt incelenmiş­tir. Bu dört yazıt tapınağa en erken imtiyaz veren krallar­dan itibaren sıralanmıştır ve belgelerin tümü konuyu açık­lamaya yönelik kısa giriş metinlerine sahiptir. Belge­ler esas olarak tapınağa imtiyazda bulunan yöneticilerin bu ayrıcalıkları verdiğini kanıtlayan mektuplarıdır. Bun­lardan ilki Seleukos I ile oğlu Antiokhos’un Atymbrialı­lar’a yolladığı mektuptur. İkinci mektup Antiokhos III tarafından Nysa arkhon’ları, boule ve demos’una yazıl­mıştır. Genel olarak şimdiye kadar Antiokhos III ya da Mithradates VI tarafından yazıldığı düşünülen 3. mek­tubun yazarının C. Iulius Caesar olabileceği makalede önerilmiştir. Dördüncü ve son mektup ise Demetrios Papas’ın konuya ilişkin belgeleri Asia proconsul’üne ra­por ettikten sonra valinin tapınak haklarına yönelik al­dığı karara ilişkin Nysalılar’ın arkhon’larına yazdığı mek­tuptur.


  • Alföldy 1991a G. Alföldy, “Epigraphische Notizen aus Kleinasien I. Ein beneficium des Augustus in Ephesos”. ZPE 87 (1991) 157-162.
  • Alföldy 1991b G. Alföldy, “Augustus und die Inschriften: Tradition und Innovation. Die Geburt der imperialen Epigraphik”. Gymnasium 98 (1991) 289-324.
  • Atkinson 1962 K. M. T. Atkinson, “The ‘Constitutio’ of Vedius Pollio at Ephesus and its Analogies”. RIDA IX (1962) 261-89.
  • Blümel 2007 W. Blümel, “Neue Inschriften aus Karien III”. EA 40 (2007) 41-48.
  • Blümel et al. 2009 W. Blümel, C. Habicht –T. C. Brennan, “Ehren für Cn. Domitius Calvinus in Nysa”. ZPE 169 (2009) 157-161.
  • BMC Lydia B. V. Head, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in British Museum.Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lydia. London (1902).
  • Bremen 2007 R. von Bremen, “Leon, son of Chrysaor and the religious identity of Stratonikeia in Caria”. Ed. S. Colvin, The Greco Roman East: Politics, Culture, Society. Cambridge (2007) 207-244.
  • Chaniotis 1996 A. Chaniotis, “Conflicting Authorities Asylia between Secular and Divine Law in the Classical and Hellenistic Poleis”. Kernos 9 (1996) 65-86.
  • Debord 1982 P. Debord, Aspects sociaux et économiques de la vie religieuse dans l’Anatolie Gréco-Romaine, Leiden 1982.
  • Diest 1913 W. von Diest, Nysa ad Maeandrum. Nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Berlin 1913.
  • Dignas 2002 B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford 2002.
  • Dürüşken 2009 Augustus, Monumentum Acyranum - Ankara Anıtı. Çev. Ç. Dürüşken. İstanbul (2009).
  • Eilers 2002 C. Eilers, Roman Patrons of Greek Cities. Oxford 2002.
  • Fougères 1887 G. Fougères, “Fouilles de Délos (avril-août 1886): Dédicaces Grecques et Latines”. BCH 111 (1887) 244-275.
  • Gaertringen 1913 H. von Gaertringen, “Eine Urkundenwand von Nysa”. Ed. W. Von Diest, Nysa ad Maeandrum nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Berlin (1913) 62-69.
  • Gauthier 1989 P. Gauthier, “Institutions”. Bulletin Epigraphique (1989) 390-408.
  • Gökalp-Özdil 2015 N. Gökalp-Özdil, “A New Honorary Decree from Nysa ad Maeandrum”. Philia I (2015) 146-152.
  • Gökalp-Özdil 2016 N. Gökalp-Özdil, “The Heavy Athlete M. Aurelius Eutychion from Nysa ad Maeandrum”. Philia II (2016) 163-176.
  • Herrmann 1989 P. Herrmann, “Rom und die Asylie griechischer Heiligtümer: Eine Urkunde des Diktators Caesar aus Sardeis”. Chiron XIX (1989) 127-164.
  • I. Adramytteion II J. Stauber, Die Bucht von Adramytteion II (IK 51). Bonn 1996.
  • I. Didyma Didyma II: Die Inschriften. Ed. A. Rehm. Berlin 1958.
  • I. Ephesos IA H. Wankel, Die Inscriften von Ephesos IA (IK11/1). Bonn 1979.
  • I. Ephesos II C. Börker –R. Merkelbach, Die Inscriften von Ephesos II (IK 12). Bonn 1980.
  • I. Ephesos III H. Engelmann, D. Knibbe – R. Merkelbach, Die Inscriften von Ephesos III (IK 13). Bonn 1980.
  • I. Ephesos V Ch. Börker – R. Merkelbach, Die Inscriften von Ephesos V (IK 15). Bonn 1980.
  • I. Ephesos VII/1 R. Meriç, R. Merkelbach, J. Nollé – S. Şahin, Die Inscriften von Ephesos VII/1 (IK 17/1). Bonn 1981.
  • I. Iasos W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos I, (IK 28/1). Bonn 1985.
  • I. Ilion P. Frisch, Die Inschriften von Ilion (IK 3). Bonn 1975.
  • I. Kyme H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme (IK 5). Bonn 1976.
  • I. Magnesia O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Meander. Berlin 1900.
  • I. Smyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna (IK 24/ 1). Bonn 1987.
  • I. Stratonikeia M. Ç. Şahin, Die Inscriften von Stratonikeia, Teil II/1: Lagina, Stratonikeia und Umgebung(IK 22/1). Bonn 1982.
  • I. Tralleis F. B. Poljakov. Inschriften von Tralleis (IK 36/1). Bonn 1989.
  • İdil 1999 V. İdil, Nysa ve Akharaka. İstanbul 1999.
  • İdil – Kadıoğlu 2005 V. İdil – M. Kadıoğlu, “2003 Yılı Nysa Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları”. KST XXVI/1 (2005) 378-400.
  • İdil – Kadıoğlu 2006 V. idil – M. Kadıoğlu, “2004 Yılı Nysa Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları”. KST XXVII/2 (2006) 131-146.
  • İdil – Kadıoğlu 2007 V. İdil – M. Kadıoğlu, “2005 Yılı Nysa Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları”. KST XXVIII/1 (2007) 647-670.
  • IG XI/4 Inscriptiones Graecae XI, Fasc. 4. Inscriptiones Deli Liberae. Decreta, Foedera, Catalogi, Dedicationes, Varia. Ed. P. Roussel. Berlin 1914.
  • Kadıoğlu 2006 M. Kadıoğlu, Die Scaenae frons des Theaters von Nysa am Mäander. Forschungen in Nysa am Mäander I. Mainz 2006.
  • OGIS W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae I-II. Leipzig 1903-5.
  • Radet 1890 G. Radet, “Inscriptions de la région du Méandre” BCH XIV (1890) 224–39.
  • Robert J. – L. 1948 L. Robert – J. Robert, Inscriptions Grecques de Lydie. Hellenica VI. Paris 1948.
  • Robert L. – J. 1954 L. Robert – J. Robert, La Carie, Histoire et Géographie Historique. Tome II: Le Plateau de Tabai et Ses Environs. Paris 1954.
  • Robert 1955 L. Robert, Dédicaces et reliefs votifs, villes, cultes, monnaies et inscriptions de Lycie et de Carie. Hellenica X. Paris 1955.
  • Kearsley 2001 R. Kearsley, Greeks and Romans in Imperial Asia. Mixed Language Inscriptions and Linguistic Evidence for Cultural Interaction until the End of AD III (IK 59). Bonn 2001.
  • Kreiler 2008 B. M. Kreiler, “Anmerkungen zu den Statthaltern der Provinz Asia am Ende der Republik (52-42 v. Chr.)”. Gephyra V (2008) 33-52.
  • Kunnert 2012 U. Kunnert, Bürger unter sich. Phylen in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Ostens. Basel 2012.
  • Leschhorn – Franke 2002 W. Leschhorn – P. R. Franke, Lexikon der Aufschriften aus griechischen Münzen I. Wien 2002.
  • Liebenam 1967 W. Liebenam, Städteverwaltung im römischen Kaiserreiche. Amsterdam 1967.
  • LSAM F. Sokolowski, Lois Sacrées de Lasie Mineure. Paris 1955.
  • Meyer 1925 E. Meyer, Die Grenzen der Hellenistischen Staaten. Zürich 1925.
  • Mitchell – French 2012 S. Mitchell –D. French, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra). Vol. 1. From Augustus to the End of the Third century AD. Vestigia 62. München 2012.
  • Moretti 1953 L. Moretti, Iscrizioni Agonistiche Greche. Rome 1953.
  • Orth 1977 W. Orth, Königlicher Machtanspruch und städtische Freiheit. Munich 1977.
  • Öztaner et al. 2014 S. H. Öztaner, E. N. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil, “Nysa ad Maeandrum’daki Yeni Bulgular Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.” Ed. Ç. Aşkit et al., In Memoriam Filiz Öktem. Ankara (2014) 225-245.
  • Petzl 1985 G. Petzl, “Reste eines ephesischen Exemplars des Senatusconsultum de agro Pergameno”. EA VI (1985) 70-71.
  • Raßelnberg 2007 A. L. Raßelnberg, “Ehrung für einen Q. Mucius Scaevola in Nysa”. EA XL (2007) 52-54.
  • Raubitschek 1954 A. E. Raubitschek, “Epigraphical Notes on Julius Caesar”. JRS LXIV (1954) 65-75.
  • Regling 1913 K. Regling, “Überblick über die Münzen von Nysa”. Ed. W. von Diest, Nysa ad Maeandrum nach Forschungen und Aufnahmen in den Jahren 1907 und 1909. Berlin (1913) 70-103.
  • Reynolds 1982 J. Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome. London 1982.
  • Rigsby 1996 K. Rigsby, Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World. Berkeley - Los Angeles 1996.
  • Rigsby 1988 K. Rigsby, “Provincia Asia VI. A Letter to Carian Nysa”. TAPhA 118 (1988) 149-53.
  • Santangelo 2007 F. Santangelo, Sulla, the Elites and the Empire: A study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East. Impact of Empire 8. Leiden - Boston 2007.
  • Sarıkaya 2012 S. Sarıkaya, “Asylia. Zaman İçindeki Tarihsel Gelişimi”. Ed. N. E. Akyürek Şahin, B. Takmer – F. Onur, Akron: Eskiçağ Yazıları 2. İstanbul (2012) 67- 91.
  • Segre 1993 M. Segre, Inscrizioni di Cos. Monografie della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e dele Missioni Italiane in Oriente 6. Rome 1993.
  • Sherk 1969 R. K. Sherk, Roman Documents from the Greek East. Senatus Consulta and Epistulae to the Age of Augustus. Baltymore - Maryland 1969.
  • Syll.3 Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum. Ed. W. Dittenberger. 3rd edn., eds. F. H. von Gaertringen, J. Kirchner, H. R. Pomtow, E. Ziebarth. 4 vols. Leipzig 1915-1924.
  • Thonemann 2011 P. Thonemann, The Meander Valley. New York - Cambridge 2011.
  • Wallner 1997 C. Wallner, Soldatenkaiser und Sport. Frankfurt am Mainz 1997.
  • Welles 1934 C. B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: A Study in Greek Epigraphy. New Heaven - Roma 1934.
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ebru N. Akdoğu Arca This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5


APA Arca, E. N. A. (2017). Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Cedrus, 5, 185-198.
AMA Arca ENA. Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Cedrus. June 2017;5:185-198.
Chicago Arca, Ebru N. Akdoğu. “Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi”. Cedrus 5, June (June 2017): 185-98.
EndNote Arca ENA (June 1, 2017) Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Cedrus 5 185–198.
IEEE E. N. A. Arca, “Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi”, Cedrus, vol. 5, pp. 185–198, 2017.
ISNAD Arca, Ebru N. Akdoğu. “Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi”. Cedrus 5 (June 2017), 185-198.
JAMA Arca ENA. Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Cedrus. 2017;5:185–198.
MLA Arca, Ebru N. Akdoğu. “Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi”. Cedrus, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 185-98.
Vancouver Arca ENA. Nysa Ad Maeandrum Kenti Plouton-Kore Tapınağı’na İlişkin Hakların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi. Cedrus. 2017;5:185-98.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 25 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.